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Chapter 356 On the Eve of the Crimean War

"His Majesty!"

After entering the room, Alfred Darimon immediately bowed to Jerome Bonaparte and Augusta.

Although Darimon was imprisoned for opposing Jerome Bonaparte's coup in the December 2 coup, he still showed due respect to Jerome Bonaparte.

If we exclude the stain of Jérôme Bonaparte's dictatorship, Dalimon has to admit that Jérôme Bonaparte's governance methods are indeed much stronger than them (the republicans).

The streets of Paris under the dictatorship are being widened and renovated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the universal suffrage system restricted during the Second Republic has also been restored.

Dalimon believes that as more and more people realize the republican ideas, the authoritarian empire will naturally collapse.

They just need to wait patiently during this period.

"Darimon, I have something to ask you!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Dalimon straight to the point.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for refusing!" Darimon refused Jérôme Bonaparte without hesitation.

Looking at this former friend in front of him, Jérôme Bonaparte said calmly: "Dalimon, don't refuse in a hurry! I haven't told you what the matter is!"

"Your Majesty, you just want me to submit to your government and then become the government's eagle dog!" Dalimon still refused Jérôme Bonaparte in a neither humble nor arrogant manner.

"You are only half right!" Jérôme Bonaparte still said to Darimon in a calm tone: "I want you to serve the government, but not as a hawk!"

Darimon looked at Jérôme Bonaparte with a puzzled face. He didn't understand what Jérôme Bonaparte meant.

The current French government is not a lackey who has taken refuge in Jérôme Bonaparte. The opposition in the Legislative Council is just an opposition approved by Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Some time ago, you should know that I dismissed a senior official of a province and appointed one of your people as a senior official!" Jérôme Bonaparte still said to Dali with a smile on his face.


"I heard something!" Darimon nodded and replied.

After receiving the news that Jérôme Bonaparte appointed republicans as high-ranking officials, Darimon's first feeling was surprise.

Even if the deposed high-ranking official really pissed off the emperor, they (the republicans) would not be allowed to come to power.

Jérôme Bonaparte's actions indeed exceeded the expectations of most of his fellow republicans, including him.

"I hope you can help me establish a supervisory department! The main task is to supervise the bureaucrats in the subordinate provinces to see if they are eager for quick success!" Jérôme Bonaparte decided to appoint Darimon to the position of the Disciplinary Committee: "

Haven’t you been calling for going deep into the grassroots level? I can give you this opportunity! As long as you can help me straighten out grassroots affairs!”

Jérôme Bonaparte's generosity surprised Darimon. He didn't understand why Jérôme Bonaparte did this.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Darimon asked Jérôme Bonaparte in confusion.

"I said I would build a cabinet that transcends classes! You are also the goal of my unity!" Jerome Bonaparte said his plan: "I am an emperor, so I hope France can become stronger.

!I hope my policies will not be distorted by the people below!"

Later, Jerome Bonaparte showed a meaningful smile and said: "Aren't you opponents also for the future of France?"

"We..." Darimon, whose army was defeated by Jérôme Bonaparte, was silent for a moment, then nodded with difficulty and agreed to Jérôme Bonaparte's invitation.

He is an opposition and a patriot!

On December 10, Alfred Dalimon, one of the five (future) imperial opposition groups, was appointed by Jérôme Bonaparte as the leader of the imperial disciplinary inspection team. The main task of the team he led was to inspect

local policy.

After Alfred Darimon became the leader, Jules Favre, who was the future member of the Five, severely criticized Alfred Darimon through newspapers and called him a traitor to the republic.

Alfred Darimon also fought back. He claimed that he did not betray republican ideas, but only achieved republicanism in another way. He also accused Jules Favre of extreme ideas and desire for power that would destroy the republicans.

Amidst the war of words, the moderate republicans headed by Alfred Darimon and the extreme republicans headed by Jules Favre began to break.

The Republicans, who had just made a slight improvement, once again fell into endless internal fighting.

Morny and others who did not understand the truth believed that the split of the republicans was something that Jerome Bonaparte had planned long ago, and they were even more in awe of Jerome Bonaparte in their hearts.

As the initiator of all this, Jérôme Bonaparte shook his head and sighed, and also complained about Augusta in private.

In this way, the disciplinary inspection team was established amidst a war of words.

Good luck comes when you have the truth. On the third day after the establishment of the disciplinary inspection team, exciting news also came from the Near East.

On December 12, 1852, the Ottoman Empire issued a new ruling: Catholic priests were allowed to hold the door key to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, and they could freely enter and exit the Manger Prayer Hall and the Grotto of the Nativity.

As soon as the ruling of the Ottoman Empire came out, the Holy Land (Palestine), Austria, Rome, the South German princely states and even the Catholic Church in France fell into a state of revelry. Catholic missionaries were celebrating Valette's victory, and even

The Pope also made a rare appearance in the square outside St. Petersburg Cathedral to convey his voice to the world. At his call, Catholic priests in Rome also spontaneously came to St. Petersburg Cathedral to pray.

At the same time, a personal letter of thanks from Pius IX was delivered to the Tuileries Palace through the hands of the French Ambassador to the Papal States.

After receiving the letter from the Pope, Jerome Bonaparte did not open the letter immediately. Instead, he found his wife Augusta, with whom he wanted to enjoy the praise of Pope Pius IX.

It is also a pleasure to be praised by God's human spokesperson. Although the influence of this human god will gradually decline over time, the pope in the 19th century still has a strong influence.

The time when the Roman Pope would truly lose influence would have to wait until the Austrian Empire and the French Empire failed one after another.

The defeat of the two Catholic powers directly led to the decline of Catholic influence, and the Catholic attributes of the newly born Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Third Republic dropped significantly.

When Pius IX was unable to exert influence over the two Catholic Frances, Rome was destined to decline.

However, the current Holy See of Rome is still in a desperate situation and the Pope has not let go of his pride as a "God on Earth".

That's why the praise of Pius IX is so precious.

When Augusta saw the words "From the Emperor" written in Latin on the envelope and "Holy See" in the lower right corner, he instantly realized that the owner of this letter should be His Majesty Pope Pius IX.

"Is this a letter from His Majesty the Pope?" the devout Augusta asked with a slightly trembling voice.

"That's right!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded with a hint of pride in his tone.

"God bless!" Augusta prayed with his hands together and his eyes closed.

Jérôme Bonaparte, who had no religious piety, did not understand the feeling of a believer receiving a private letter from the Pope. He speculated that it was probably the feeling of fans receiving letters from idols in the later period.

"Would you like to open it and take a look?" Jérôme Bonaparte pushed the letter in front of Augusta and asked with a smile.

"Is it really possible?" Augusta said loudly with excitement.

"Yes!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded nonchalantly.

Augusta immediately tore open Pius IX's envelope with his bare hands, and white letter paper appeared inside.

Opening the folded letter, Augusta saw the letter from Pius IX.

The content of the letter is very simple. It mainly expresses praise for France's ability to maintain the status of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land (Palestine), and at the same time wishes Jerome Bonaparte and Augusta to give birth to a qualified heir.

After reading the entire letter, Augusta stuffed the letter back into the letterhead and placed it on the table.

"Do you feel sublimation?" Jérôme Bonaparte joked.

Augusta shook his head gently, with a look of disappointment on his face.

It looks like his ideals were shattered after discovering the gap between the idol in his dreams and the idol in reality.

"Dong dong dong!"

The study door rang together, and Augusta quickly stood up and opened the door.

"Your Majesty the Queen!" Seeing that the person opening the door was Queen Augusta, De Ruys quickly saluted Augusta.

"Thank you for your hard work! Minister Luiz!" Augusta nodded slightly and encouraged: "I won't disturb you anymore!"

After saying that, Augusta left the study.

After entering the study, De Ruys also saluted Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Sit down!" Jérôme Bonaparte invited De Ruys to sit down.

When De Ruys sat completely on the sofa, Jérôme Bonaparte spoke again: "What do you think of the Ottoman Empire handing over the decision-making power of the Holy Land to the Catholic Church?"

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid the Russian Empire is about to take action!" De Luys replied seriously: "They will never let the Ottoman Empire hand over the decision-making power of the Holy Land to the French Empire!"

"Yes!" Jérôme Bonaparte replied with enthusiasm: "The Russian Empire's army will inevitably take action, and our army is at a critical moment of reform! If Valette can do it later..."

This chapter has been completed!
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