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Chapter 361 The Tsar is in action

Palmerston? Isn't it Russell?

When Palmerston's name appeared in Albert's mouth, Canning immediately realized that Minister Russell was out.

Although Canning did not know that Palmerston did not know how to make Albert lean towards him, Canning understood that the attitude of the royal family would play a decisive role in the battle for prime minister.

If Minister Russell cannot convince Albert, then his position as Prime Minister is destined to be a distant dream, and his position as Parliamentary Secretary will also come to nothing.

Just as Canning's thoughts were changing, Albert's gentle and elegant voice once again reached Canning's ears: "I don't know exactly what conditions Minister Russell promised you, but I can promise you that after you complete what you have asked for,

After shouldering the mission, the royal family will continue to reward you generously!"

Canning immediately understood what Albert meant. The information he was talking about was probably the title.

In the United Kingdom, knighthood expresses a person's contribution to the country.

Although the title granted by the royal family is only a low-level title such as baron and viscount, and there is no substantial land canonization, he undoubtedly represents the royal family's attitude towards meritorious people.

In addition, the title itself in the 19th century still had a certain gold content, which caused the royal family to be cautious every time it issued a title.

There will never be a situation like the 20th century where titles were randomly awarded and then devalued.

Therefore, the position of Parliamentary Secretary seems a bit insignificant compared with the title.

"Yes! Your Highness! I will definitely do my best to serve the United Kingdom!" Canning replied to Albert excitedly.

"Mr. Canning, I believe in your loyalty to the United Kingdom!" Prince Albert still had a smile on his face. "It's getting late now. It's time for me to help Victoria organize the information!"

After hearing Albert's hint, Canning quickly stood up and said goodbye to Prince Albert.

During the cabinet meeting on December 21, 1852, British Foreign Secretary Russell and British Home Secretary Palmerston jointly launched an "attack" against Prime Minister Aberdeen.

Russell claimed that the Ottoman Empire's ruling would inevitably cause an overreaction from the Russian Empire, and the Russian Emperor Nicholas I would inevitably transfer his troops to the Danube Principality.

In order to prevent the Ottoman Empire from collapsing after being attacked by the Russian Empire, the Royal Navy must send its fleet to the Bosporus to prevent the Russian Empire from using warships to attack Constantinople.

Minister Russell's action was also supported by Home Secretary Palmerston.

Palmerston, a pioneer in the anti-Russian movement, even called for dispatching a fleet into the Black Sea to warn the Russian Imperial Fleet, and he had the urge to overthrow the table if he disagreed.

Faced with the "attack" from the second-ranked (Foreign Secretary) and third-ranked (Home Secretary) in the cabinet, Aberdeen, who has little experience in governing, showed poor political fighting skills, so much so that the cabinet meeting broke up unhappy on the hour.


All the cabinet members present understood that this battle had just begun, and the more intense battle would gradually become more intense after the Russian Empire marched towards the Danube Principality.

December 23, 1852.

As one of the victims of the Holy Judgment of the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire experienced an information lag of eleven days. The central nervous system of the empire finally received news from the Ottoman Empire on this day.

After receiving the news, Emperor Nicholas I looked sullen at the news that had been delayed for nearly eleven days. He was not angry because of the Ottoman Empire's ruling, but angry because of the delay in the news.

Nicholas I didn't understand how a good empire could become like this, after eleven days! This was eleven days, and he didn't receive any news.

This was the first time in his life that he felt the decay of the Russian court, the ministers he trusted (Foreign Minister Karl Nesserrodie), the generals (War Minister Prince Dolgorukov), and even the intelligence organization he established (

Count Orlov, head of the "Third Section" of the political police, seemed to be deliberately deceiving him.

The entire palace seemed to have become an airtight wall surrounding Nicholas I, and no outside news could be transmitted without their consent.

If his military attache hadn't overheard the conversation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in St. Petersburg and told him the news, Nicholas I would still be kept in the dark.

"What on earth do they want to do! How dare they do this!" Nicholas I roared through gritted teeth, veins popped up on his forehead, and his palms clenched into fists out of anger.

In the eyes of Nicholas I, no one in the entire court could be trusted, and the ministers he appointed were deliberately deceiving him.

Nicholas I had to find a way, and only in this way could he convey his will to the army.

As long as his will can reach the army, all the conspiracies of Karl Neserrodie and others will be in vain.

Nicholas I was confident that his army and people would be loyal to him.

Those soldiers who knew nothing and knew nothing had only two things to do in the military camp: obey their commanders and be loyal to the emperor.

It is precisely because they understand nothing and know nothing that their thoughts always lie at his feet.

In order to convey his will to the army, especially to the army of Bessarabia, Nicholas I set his sights on the military attache crawling under his throne.

Nicholas I put away his anger, and instead showed a majestic yet loving expression and said to the military attache who had been kneeling on the ground: "Get up! My loyal guard!"

After hearing the "natural sound" of Nicholas I, the military attaché lowered his head and stood up quickly.

"Raise your head! Let me take a look at you!" Nicholas I's voice came from the throne again.

After hearing Nicholas I's order, the military attaché slowly raised his head and looked at Nicholas I on the throne and couldn't help but praise: "My respected Majesty! My kind little father! Please forgive me for my disrespect to you.


"You are a smart boy!" Nicholas I still put on a majestic face and said kind words.

Nicholas I, who had controlled the Russian Empire for more than twenty years, understood that only by acting like a strict father to these Slavic beasts would they be able to obey you.

The harsher you are to them, the more they will love you! On the contrary, if you show weakness to them, they will think you are a cowardly monarch and will kill you.

Nicholas I despised his father and respected his mother!

Only someone like his mother could control the entire Russian Empire.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to kneel at your feet..." the military attache responded to Nicholas I respectfully.

"My child, I recognize your loyalty!" Nicholas I stood up and walked down from the throne, stood in front of the attendants and said: "Now, I have a difficult task to give you! I don't know, you

Can your loyalty allow you to complete him despite the difficulties!"

The attaché looked at Nicholas I with a fanatical look and said: "Your Majesty, I will do my best to serve you! Even if there is a sea of ​​fire in front of me, I will not hesitate!"

"Okay! I already know your loyalty!" Nicholas I took off the sapphire ring on his hand and said to the attendant: "Stretch out your hand!"

The military attaché subconsciously stretched out his hand, and Nicholas I placed the sapphire ring in his hand.

"Your Majesty, I..." The military attaché wanted to reject Nicholas I.

"This is a reward for your loyalty! Once the king's gift is given, there is absolutely no possibility of taking it back!" Nicholas I demanded of the military attache with a strong attitude.

Seeing this, the attendant military attache once again knelt down in front of Nicholas I and said piously: "My merciful Majesty, your mercy is more generous than the Lord..."

The attendant military attache searched his mind and added all the words that could be praised on Nicholas I's head.

"Now I have a task for you!" Nicholas I said to the attaché with a serious face: "This is related to whether the entire Russian Empire can obtain Constantinople!"

"Constantine!!" the attendant military attache groaned. Every devout Orthodox Christian has a unique plot for Constantinople, especially for a people like Slavs: "Your Majesty, I must

Will do my best!”

"Now, I order you to go to Bessarabia immediately, and order General Mikhail Drievich Gorchakov stationed there to lead the 38,000-strong Eighth and Ninth Corps to the Danube Principalities.

, we must gain control of these two principalities as soon as possible..." Nicholas I, who knew the Russian Empire's military deployment well, could even make strategic layouts without deploying maps.

In the layout of Nicholas I, in addition to Mikhail Gorchakov's 38,000 people, Paskiewicz stationed in Poland also had to mobilize 92,000 people from Poland.

Thousands of people went to the Danube Principality.

Nicholas I believed that with the 130,000-strong army of the Russian Empire, he would be able to defeat the Ottoman Empire and conquer Constantinople.

"Do you remember everything I said?" After the military deployment was completed, Nicholas I once again asked the attendant military attache.

"Your Majesty, is it..." the Attendant Attaché repeated the words of Nicholas I again.

"Yes! That's right!" A smile appeared on Nicholas I's majestic face, "You are a smart boy!"

"Your Majesty, how can I confirm their trust?" the military attache asked Nicholas I again.

Nicholas I handed a piece of white paper with the national seal on it to the military attaché, and also gave him a dagger that he had specially collected.

With these things, it can be proved that it was the order of Nicholas I.

This chapter has been completed!
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