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Chapter 368 Mediation Master Menshkov

Lord Seymour's latest report changed from his previous pro-Russian style to a harsh tone of commentary on Russia's imperial ambitions.

Lord Seymour, who turned from "pro-Russian" to "anti-Russian", vividly explained what it means to sway with the swing of the general line.

This time Lord Seymour once again recorded the content of his conversation with the Russian Empire on February 21, and made an evaluation: "If a monarch is so determined that his neighbor is about to perish, then he must know in his heart that he can

Control the time when your neighbor falls."

The second report was once again sent from the embassy in St. Petersburg, and Lord Seymour understood that it was time to draw a clear line between himself and Nicholas I.

Accepting imperial bribes when the British cabinet has made its strategic intentions clear is simply courting death.

So, Lord Seymour ordered his lady to return to the Kingdom of Britain, and the lady looked at Seymour with a look of reluctance.

For many days, everything in Catherine's court made the Lord and Lady linger.

"Let's go!" Lord Seymour waved his hand impatiently and said, "If you don't leave, I'm afraid you will send me to prison!"

"Why?" The lady asked in a low voice in Seymour's ear with a puzzled look on her face: "You were not ordered to accept bribes from Nicholas I!"

"Now, the United Kingdom has changed its strategy!" Lord Seymour responded to his wife in the same low voice.

"Ah!" The Lord and Lady exclaimed, and she subconsciously asked: "Is the war going to start?"

"No! I don't know!" Lord Seymour shook his head and replied: "I'm afraid the Dukes of London haven't considered this issue yet. They can only take it one step at a time!"

"Then will something happen to you?" the Lord's Lady said nervously, grabbing Lord Seymour's arm.

"No! No!" Lord Seymour shook his head, then put a hand on the shoulder of the Lord's wife and said seriously: "But you must leave as soon as possible!"

"Yes! I understand!" The Lord and Lady nodded to express her understanding.

On February 28, the Lord and Lady left St. Petersburg on a steamer bound for London.

At the dock of St. Petersburg port, Lord Seymour and his wife waved goodbye.

When Lord Seymour returned to the embassy again, he found a guy wearing a Guards uniform standing at his door.

"Who are you?" Lord Seymour asked the officer in front of him curiously.

"By order of His Majesty Nicholas, I invite you and your wife to go to the Catherine Palace!" the officer responded with a serious face and meticulously.

"What a coincidence! My wife needs to return to the Kingdom of Britain for some things!" Seymour responded to the officer with a hint of apology in his tone.

The officer cast a surprised look at Seymour, then turned to Seymour and said, "In that case, please ask Ambassador Seymour to go to Imperial Village!"

"Okay!" Lord Seymour nodded and responded to the officer.

Under the leadership of the officer, Seymour got into the open carriage engraved with the double-headed eagle logo.

The carriage carried Lord Seymour all the way to Catherine Palace.

Seymour met Nicholas I again. At this time, standing next to Nicholas I was a burly, tough-looking, white-haired old man, who seemed to be a confidant of Nicholas I.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Menshikov, the important person I will send to the Ottoman Empire to discuss peace!" Nicholas I introduced Menshikov to Seymour.

"Hello, Prince Menshikov!" As Seymour stretched out his hand, he suddenly thought that the guy in front of him was the guy who mediated the war between Prussia and Austria more than two years ago, and was now going to the Ottoman Empire for mediation.

Menshikov still had an arrogant expression on his face. He stretched out his hand and shook it gently with Ambassador Imo, then quickly let go.

"A guy with a more independent spirit than others!" Seymour commented on Menshikov's behavior. It was too rare for a guy like this to live in the St. Petersburg court.

Every high-ranking official close to the St. Petersburg court was a servant of the Tsar, and they worked hard under the Tsar's whip.

Only a few prestigious aristocratic forces were able to escape the tsar's lash.

"Your Majesty, if there is nothing else! I will leave first!" Menshikov responded with a slight bow to Nicholas I.

"Oh! Let's go! Let's go!" Nicholas I sighed and waved his hand to Prince Menshikov to let him leave.

Looking at Menshikov's leaving figure, Seymour felt curious.

"Alas! Prince Menshikov is an excellent general, but he is not an excellent politician!" Nicholas I said to himself to Seymour.

"Then Your Majesty, do you still want him to..." Seymour asked Nicholas I.

"Don't say this, don't say this!" Upon seeing this, Nicholas I quickly changed the subject. He didn't want Seymour to know that he no longer had anyone trustworthy under his command.

Nicholas I's wandering eyes and the way he changed the subject made Seymour certain that there must be something going on here.

It would be better for Seymour not to delve into it at the moment.

After Nicholas I and Seymour sat down respectively, Nicholas I immediately asked: "How did the British Kingdom discuss my proposal?"

Facing Nicholas I's inquiry, Seymour had no choice but to say vaguely: "Your Majesty! The United Kingdom needs to conduct a layer of review, so this process may take a little longer!"

"You are really troublesome!" Nicholas I complained: "You can't just leave everything to your queen to decide like the Russian Empire. This can also improve your work efficiency! You are always pulling back and forth like this,

What a waste of time!"

Seymour, who despised Nicholas I in his heart, still had a kind face on his face. He spread his hands and complained: "Your Majesty, there is no other way! This is the speed of the United Kingdom!"

"Alas!" Nicholas I sighed again, then adjusted his state and said to Russell: "You have to hurry up!"

Later, Nicholas I once again revealed a new partition plan to Seymour.

This time, Nicholas I was not even willing to pretend. He told Seymour that he would devote the Ottoman Empire to his protection and obtain autonomy rights similar to Poland, and at the same time grant the Danube Principality, Serbia, and Bulgaria

The status of independent countries also brings them under their protection.

The behavior of Nicholas I was simply declaring to the world that they wanted to completely occupy the Ottoman Empire.

Lord Seymour was even more disgusted with Nicholas I's greedy face. The czar in front of him seemed to have devoted all his arrogance accumulated for more than thirty years to the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire.

At the same time, Nicholas I also claimed that his decisions had received support from the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia.

In other words, what the United Kingdom will face is most likely not the Russian Empire alone, but the Russian Empire plus the German Confederation.

This is a bolt from the blue for the United Kingdom.

Nicholas I proudly said to Seymour: "When I say how the Russian Empire will act, the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia will also take actions. What is in the interest of one country will inevitably be in line with the interests of the other two countries.

Interests, on the issue of Turkey, the interests of the three countries are the same."

Seymour didn't know how Nicholas I could so openly say that the interests of the three countries were the same.

At the moment, he can only add the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire to the hostile camp with the view that it is better to believe that they have something than to believe that they do not have it.

"You should join us as soon as possible. As long as we can coordinate, nothing in this world can stop us!" Nicholas I even said wildly to Seymour.

Seymour returned to the St. Petersburg embassy with a heavy heart.

That night, Seymour once again wrote a letter stating that Russia, Russia, and Austria might face a coalition. He hoped that London could find out as soon as possible whether the bypass of Russia, Russia, and Austria was a true coalition.

If the union of the three countries is true, the British Kingdom will consider looking for another right-hand man.

The French Empire is undoubtedly the best helper.

Of course, Lord Seymour did not know that the French Empire had already reached a partial consensus with the British Kingdom.

On March 1, Lord Seymour's third letter left St. Petersburg for London.

At the same time, the sixty-five-year-old Tsarist envoy Menshikov also set off from St. Petersburg to Sevastopol to review the troops and put psychological pressure on the Sultan before completing the negotiations between the Sultan and the High Gate.


In fact, the tsar sent him more than just the responsibility of negotiation. Menshikov's special envoy was called the "Plenipotentiary Envoy of War and Peace", which meant that Menshikov not only held the responsibility for peace, but also the responsibility for war.


Menshikov set out from St. Petersburg and arrived in Sevastopol after a week.

At the Sevastopol Fortress, Menshikov boarded the "Thunder" steam battleship to review the naval fleet.

After receiving the military parade order from Nicholas I of St. Petersburg, Paskevichsi on land also held a massive military parade in the border area between the Principality of Wallachia and the Ottoman Empire.

140,000 Russian Imperial troops formed an endless queue. After seeing this scene in the Russian Empire, many Ottoman Empire soldiers thought that the Russian Empire was going to launch an attack on Bulgaria. For a while, the military morale of the Ottoman Empire began to turmoil.

The military parade between the navy and the army has once again made the situation in the entire Near East tense, and everyone is making final preparations.

Constantinople, capital of the Ottoman Empire

The French Embassy in the Ottoman Empire is about to welcome an old friend.

This chapter has been completed!
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