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Chapter 372 Preparations before the naval battle

"finally reached!"

Prince Menshikov stood in the drizzle, holding a naval lookout and looking at the hazy city in front of him. Constantinople in the lookout seemed to be right in front of him, and he could touch it as long as he stretched out his hand.


We must conquer this place and let the flag of Rome fly over Constantinople again.

Looking at Constantinople in the distance, Menshikov secretly made up his mind to regain Rome and fulfill the dream of all tsars.

Never before has anyone been so close to this dreamy city.

However, Menshikov seems to have forgotten that the Russian Empire is not the only Rome he thinks of.

Not to mention, the Ottoman Empire also declared itself the Roman Empire.

Although the HRE founded by the Austrian Empire next door has been disintegrated, it did not prevent Metternich himself from advocating in London that the Austrian Empire inherited the universal values ​​of the Roman Empire.

The Third Rome of the Russian Empire had the lowest legitimacy among all Romes. It could forcefully call itself Rome just by marrying a princess of the Byzantine Empire who was in trouble.

However, now is the era of the imperialist powers in the 19th century, and all legal principles have to give way to naked rifles and artillery.

The same is true for the name of the Roman Empire. Rome is the one with strong soldiers and horses. This is the consensus of all patients in the late stage of the Roman Dream.

Prince Menshikov, who had looked at Constantinople for a long time through the lookout glass, turned the lookout glass back to the anchorage port not far from Constantinople, then put down the lookoutglass again and pointed at the anchorage port to accompany him.

Lieutenant General Vladimir Kornilov, Chief of Staff of the Black Sea Fleet, said: "See, that is the target you want to destroy! You must understand it well enough."

Lieutenant General Kornilov, like Prince Menshikov, picked up the lookout glass. After careful observation, he showed an unruly face and said: "Your Excellency, please forgive me! There is no way to compete with the great warships in the port.

The hands-on capabilities of the Russian Empire.”

"Of course I understand the level of the Ottoman Empire Navy. I am asking you to destroy the warships and port buildings as much as possible, and weaken the effectiveness of the Ottoman Empire Navy as much as possible! Only in this way can we complete the landing mission at the minimum cost.

!" Prince Menshikov stated with his hands behind his hands while slowly entering the cabin of the warship.

Kornilov followed Prince Menshikov into the cabin.

Under Menshikov's leadership, Kornilov came to his room in the ship's cabin.

After entering the room, an eye-catching map hangs near the porthole. The country on the map is the Ottoman Empire.

Menshikov took down the map and placed it on the table, while Kornilov approached the wooden square table.

"Look, the Ottoman Navy is here and here!" Menshikov said seriously to Kornilov, pointing to the location on the map of the port near Constantinople where warships were parked and the location of the port of Sipno.

He said: "These two places are where the Ottoman Empire warships are parked, especially the Sipuno Port, where a large number of Ottoman Empire warships are parked. Once the war breaks out, the imperial fleet must destroy the Sipuno Port as soon as possible.

In this way, we can destroy most of the Ottoman Empire’s maritime military power in preparation for our landing!”

"Understood!" Kornilov said to Menshikov meticulously: "The fleet has been equipped with the latest types of artillery shells. Even if they are naval countries like Britain and France, we are confident of defeating them!"

The new type of artillery shells Kornilov refers to are explosive bombs, which can prioritize the destructive power of the fleet.

In the past, the battles between naval fleets were nothing more than artillery shooting at each other, and then the people on board occasionally used rifles to shoot at each other.

The attack by warships on warships is far inferior to the bombing of port cities by warships.

Now with explosive bombs, the backward warships of the Russian Empire have greater destructive power against the backward warships of the Ottoman Empire, and they can also have greater destructive power against port cities.

"Your navy must end the battle as soon as possible! You cannot leave time for either British or French fleet to intervene!" Menshikov warned Cornillo again.

Although the current negotiations are still ongoing, Menshikov needs to arrange many things in advance after the negotiations break down.

Menshikov was also well aware of the gap between the Russian Imperial Fleet and the British and French fleets.

Unless absolutely necessary, Menshikov did not want to have a large-scale conflict with Britain and France.

The Russian Empire today has a conflicting diplomatic message.

He wanted to gain control of Constantinople and the Balkans, but he also didn't want to offend Britain and France too much.

Under the influence of this ambivalence, Menshikov even had the thinking style of a Showa staff general.

Menshikov believed that Britain and France would definitely make concessions to the conditions proposed by the Russian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire would definitely agree to his conditions.

As long as the Ottoman Empire agreed to his conditions, Britain and France would have nothing to do with it for a long time.

This is the behavior of Russia and Turkey.

Even if the negotiations break down, as long as Russia can destroy the Ottoman Empire's fleet and land in Constantinople as soon as possible, Britain and France will definitely recognize the Russian Empire.

In Menshikov's script, the Russian Empire will only move from one victory to another, leading to a triumphant march on Constantinople.

"I understand!" Kornilov responded solemnly.

Just when Menshikov wanted to discuss with Kornilov the unexpected problems facing the raid on the port of Sipno, a warship appeared in the port window of the steam battleship.

Upon seeing this, Menshikov quickly put the map away and headed to the deck.

Kornilov also came to the deck with Menshikov.

"I am Grand Marshal Mahmud of the Ottoman Empire! Is there Menshikov's special envoy on board?" fluent French came from the battleship located on the left side of the Russian Empire's steam ship.

"I am Menshikov, the Tsar's special envoy!" Menshikov also responded in French.

"Then please invite the envoy of the Russian Empire to our ship! I will lead the envoy to Constantinople!" Mahmud shouted to Menshikov.

"No need!" Prince Menshikov glanced at the crew beside him and said to Mahmoud on the Ottoman warship: "I believe that my crew can deliver me to the port safely!"

After a brief silence on the Ottoman warship where Mahmoud was located, he continued to shout: "Since the envoy is unwilling to come to our fleet, then let us personally escort the envoy into the port!"

"Old fox!" Menshikov cursed in a low voice. He understood that Mahmoud Pasha on the opposite side did not want them to check the situation of the Ottoman Empire port.

"Thank you very much!" Even Menshikov, who already understood Mahmoud's intention, had to agree to Mahmoud's escort request.

When Menshikov unreasonably demanded that the Russian fleet, which was about to go to war, enter the port, the secret war between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire had already begun.

Escorted by Ottoman warships, Menshikov entered the port near Constantinople.

Menshikov and his team carefully disembarked from the Russian Empire's steam fleet.

Although it is still raining lightly in Constantinople today, the port where the ship is docked is still crowded with people. They are all here to welcome Prince Menshikov, including Greeks, Bulgarians and Serbians.

Some of these people do it for their own Orthodox Christian beliefs, and some do it for the independence of their own nation...

Although the Russian Empire was disliked by the Ottoman Empire, it was welcomed by many ethnic groups in the Balkans.

These people sincerely hope that the Ottoman Empire will collapse and then be liberated.

However, welcome is welcome, but their basic demands for independence have not changed.

If the Russian Empire wanted to replace the Ottoman Empire's ecological niche and carry out occupation operations, these people who welcomed the Russian Empire would immediately become the vanguard force against the Russian Empire.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Menshikov couldn't help but smile. He waved gently, and the Balkan people cheered Menshikov even louder.

Menshikov entered the Russian Embassy in the Ottoman Empire, surrounded by Balkan ethnic groups.

The Ottoman high gate, which had already received news of Menshikov's arrival in Constantinople, couldn't help but feel anxious after seeing how popular Prince Menshikov was.

The Ottoman cabinet was convened again, and everyone including the religious leaders of the Peace Church attended the meeting.

The meeting was divided into three factions regarding the issue of whether to show resistance to the Russian Empire. One of the factions is the hardline faction, including the religious leaders of the Peace Religion, former Prime Minister Reshid and others, and the other is the opposite appeasement faction, represented by

Muhammad Ali, Rifaat Pasha, etc. The last one is the centrist, represented by the Navy Marshal Mahmoud Pasha, the Supreme Commander of Rumiliva Omar Pasha, Selask (Commander-in-Chief) Leza Pasha


The hard-liners advocate that all demands made by the Russian Empire cannot be agreed to. As long as the Ottoman Empire maintains a tough attitude, Britain and France will definitely not sit idly by.

The appeasers advocate making appropriate compromises with Russia, and they can delay it as long as possible. If the conditions of the Russian Empire are excessive, then they can also tell Britain and France the conditions, and then consider other things.

The centrists are unfazed by the hard-liners' push for war and are also in favor of appeasement.

As long as they are not held accountable.

After nearly a day of discussion, the appeasers led by Muhammad Ali suppressed the hardliners led by Rashid.

After the meeting, Foreign Minister Fouad Efendi accepted the Prime Minister's order and invited Menshikov to attend a welcome ceremony specially prepared for him two days later.

Menshikov did not meet with Fuad, and the ambassador in the embassy accepted the invitation of the Foreign Minister on Menshikov's behalf.

This chapter has been completed!
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