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Chapter 385 The Ninth Russo-Turkish War

Just when some inquisitive guys wanted to dig deeper into the background of this newly established bank and company, Workers' Credit Bank, which was supposed to keep a low profile, once again made an earth-shattering move.

The president of the bank (actually the white glove recommended by Isaac Perel and chosen by Jérôme Bonaparte) had just taken away a large amount of suburban land from George Haussmann, and he couldn't wait to announce that he would

A large number of low-cost shared houses will be built on the purchased land to alleviate the rising rents in Paris.

When the reporters asked the bank president how many apartments he would build, the bank president did not respond directly to them, but raised a finger.

"A thousand sets?" one of the reporters blurted out subconsciously.

The next second, he received a look of disgust from the president. His eyes seemed to say, are you looking down on their bank?

"Ten thousand sets?" Another reporter boldly guessed.

The president nodded and responded to all the reporters present: "Yes! To be precise, it is fifteen thousand houses. Moreover, these houses are only our first phase of houses! There will be more and more houses in the future.

More houses appear in Paris to provide living security for the people of Paris!"

Having said this, a reporter from the Observer newspaper immediately asked the president what the purpose of doing this was.

"Paris is developing! The people of Paris are getting rich. I hope that while we are getting rich together, we don't forget that there is a group of people waiting to get rich! They are still living a frugal life without enough food and clothing. They still live all day long.

Under the hole! We should put more economic resources on them, on those vulnerable groups!

The purpose of business is not only to make money, but business itself is also a kind of charity!"

The president told Jérôme Bonaparte's polished speech in advance to the reporters present. He who ignored the bottom class in his heart also had no common language with those people. Everything he did was just a mission.

That’s it!

The president's words were like a sharp knife, cutting open the reporter's soul. Only then did those reporters who originally lived at the bottom realize that they were one of the ordinary people.

At this moment, the reporter sincerely hopes that there will be more and more people like this in Paris.

That night, almost all newspapers in Paris were advertising the Credit Workers' Bank and the French Construction Company.

Left-wing newspapers praised the president as a responsible entrepreneur and wished their bank better success.

Right-wing newspapers also praised the governor for his ability to follow order and moral guidelines to help the poor.

Of course, not everyone agrees with the Workers' Credit Bank's plan to build low-cost housing.

In Paris, there is another group that hates private banks investing in low-cost housing.

This group of people are landlords living in Paris, and can also be called the new landlords in France.

Since George Haussmann announced the renovation of the Paris area, these "new landowners" living in Paris have begun to think about the French landlord relationship, raising rents, and waiting for demolition.

Just when they were filled with joy and thought that they could finally get a certain amount of compensation after the demolition, and then the rent of the house would be increased.

The Workers' Credit Bank has used actions to teach them what it means to fail to keep up with changes in plans. Fifteen thousand low-cost houses can completely crush the housing supply in their hands.

What's more, the Workers' Credit Bank did not say that it would not build the next phase after 15,000 units.

A large number of cheap rental houses hitting the market will only cause serious damage to the original rents.

Therefore, in the eyes of this rising new rentier class, ICBC's actions are against them.

This group of new rentiers obviously could not accept these changes. Their interests made them forget about the troops stationed outside Paris. They joined together and went to the Paris City Hall to demand an explanation from George Haussmann of the Paris City Hall.

But they found the wrong person. Georges Haussmann himself was also a dictatorial and tyrannical high-ranking official. At certain times, he could even compete with Jérôme Bonaparte on some core issues and win Jérôme Bonaparte's support.


What's more, for these "new landowners", George Osman showed no mercy to these new landowners who were demanding explanations. He immediately angrily accused them of destroying the tranquility of the empire and disturbing the order of the empire, and claimed that he had the right to arrest them.


When this group of "new landowners" heard that George Haussmann was serious about dealing with them, they immediately chose to give in. They no longer forced George Haussmann to refuse to approve the Workmen's Credit Bank land. Instead, they asked George Haussmann to guarantee the rights of Paris.

Rent prices cannot fall significantly.

George Haussmann, who learned the inside story of low-cost housing from Jérôme Bonaparte, would naturally not disagree with their request.

After all, the more rent there is, the more taxes the Paris city government can collect.

If it weren't for the emperor's mandatory requirement, George Osman would not be willing to care about the life and death of those guys.

With George Haussmann's guarantee, this group of "new landowners" left the Paris City Hall with satisfaction.

Looking at the departure of this group of new landowners, George Osman showed a contemptuous smile on his lips.

This time the actions of the new landowners were indeed effective in forcing George Haussmann to "concess", but they also successfully placed themselves on the opposite side of the working people of Paris.

It can be said that if you injure the enemy eight hundred, you will lose one thousand.

On May 20, a plan "On Housing Reform and Construction of Low-Cost Housing in Paris" was sent from the Tuileries Palace to the legislative group.

The plan emphasizes that Paris must build 30,000 standard housing units within five years in order to alleviate the housing shortage in Paris...

The signature on the lower right side of the plan was none other than Jérôme Bonaparte. Many non-core Bonapartist MPs realized that the mastermind behind all this was likely to come from the Tuileries Palace.

When the plan came to the Bourbon Palace, the Bourbon Palace councilors approved the plan again.

After the legislative body passed it, the plan was once again placed in the Senate.

The "seniors" in the Senate also agreed to the contents of the plan.

Then all the contents of the entire plan were made public by the Senate.

In other words, the Workers' Credit Bank, a private bank, will take on the important task of building low-cost housing.

In return, the government will provide a certain level of tax-free subsidies to Workers' Credit Bank and its affiliated businesses within five years of its construction of housing. The equipment required for the project will also be given to French construction companies at preferential prices.


On May 21, the president of the Workers' Credit Bank cooperated with the president of the Bank of France, Count Argoux.

The Bank of France injected 80 million francs into the Credit Workers' Bank. However, this money was not given to the Workers' Credit Bank, but was placed as a reserve in the Bank of France. Its purpose was to guarantee the Workers' Credit Bank.

In all of France, no one is more secure than the Banque de France.

On May 23, the French Construction Company, a subsidiary of Credit Workers' Bank, was officially listed on the Paris Stock Exchange.

While Parisian citizens were wondering why the Credit Worker Bank was not listed, they were also frantically buying shares in French construction companies.

The stock has been rising all the way. The construction company that originally had a market value of only over 60 million has exceeded 100 million in the blink of an eye, and it is still rising.

The craziness of the rentier class towards emerging industries was beyond Jérôme Bonaparte's imagination.

On May 25, low-cost housing in Paris was officially launched.

In order to allow more people to participate in this massive project, under the order of Jérôme Bonaparte, the general manager of the French Construction Company announced that he would think about collecting materials and suitable design plans.

As long as the isolation is established, it doesn't matter whether you are an engineer or an ordinary worker.

The winning drawing of this competition will receive a house from the construction company and a bonus of 10,000 francs.

The deadline is early July, which means that within this month, everyone can take action.

Under the temptation of housing and a bonus of 10,000 francs, most of the population of Paris was mobilized, and many workers went to work while thinking about the style of the drawings.

The whole of Paris was completely mobilized by Jérôme Bonaparte.

It was at this time that Walewski, who served as the ambassador to the Near East, once again received news from the Near East.

May 26, 10 am.

Just when Jérôme Bonaparte sat down to deal with documents, Foreign Minister De Luys broke into Jérôme Bonaparte's study with a telegram.

I saw De Ruys gasping and saying to Jérôme Bonaparte: "Your Majesty... telegram... telegram!"

"What's going on in the Near East? Did something happen?" Seeing this, Jérôme Bonaparte quickly stood up and came to De Ruys, taking the telegram from De Ruys' hand.

"On May 25, the Ottoman Empire convened once again! During the parliament, anti-Russian sentiment among religious leaders in the Ottoman Empire was so high that the normal parliament was interrupted several times.

In the end, the Ottoman Grand Council refused to accept Menshikov's conditions.

The Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire are now completely separated! Request instructions!"

Jérôme Bonaparte read the intelligence sent by Valewski from Constantinople word by word, and then said calmly to De Luys, who was standing aside: "It seems that the Russian Empire and

The Ottoman Empire’s war is coming soon!”

De Ruys nodded to Jérôme Bonaparte and replied: "If Ottoman does not want to become a puppet of the Russian Empire, then it must launch a war."

"Now, call the cabinet members over immediately!"

This chapter has been completed!
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