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Chapter 400: The Vienna System Is About to Collapse

The old man and young man sitting on the train were none other than Prince Metternich, who had dominated Europe for more than thirty years, and his son Richard Metternich.

Why did he, who was supposed to serve as an advisor to Emperor Franz Joseph, appear here and stay with Richard Metternich? This involves the diplomatic differences in the Austrian Empire.

After Felix Schwarzenberg suffered a persistent stroke, the foreign minister of the Austrian Empire was changed from Felix Schwarzenberg to Count Bauer, and Austria's foreign policy changed accordingly.

During the period of Felix Schwarzenberg, the foreign policy of the Austrian Empire was based on the strategy of ensuring the security of the Austrian Empire and weakening Prussia. It also tried to win over France and Russia while suppressing them, so that

European power was able to maintain a balance.

This diplomatic strategy undoubtedly requires superb diplomatic skills. Looking at the entire Austrian diplomatic field, the only person who can control and grasp the proportions is Prince Metternich, except Felix Schwarzenberg.

However, after Felix Schwarzenberg suffered a stroke, Metternich, who was supposed to succeed Schwarzenberg as Foreign Minister, could still only participate in the empire's diplomacy in an advisory capacity.

The most fundamental reason is that Prince Metternich's political foundation has been completely destroyed in the storm of 1848. Now he has nothing but the treatment that some veterans should have. It can be said which faction of the Austrian Empire's political arena today

None of them wanted to see Metternich make a comeback.

In their opinion, Metternich's era had passed with the European revolution.

If Felix Schwarzenberg had not "protected" when he suffered a stroke, Metternich would not have been able to participate in any political activities.

Even though Felix Schwarzenberg insisted, Metternich only received the power of suggestion and implementation, and the specific policy-making power was not controlled by Metternich.

Of course, it was also not controlled by Count Bauer. In Metternich's view, Count Bauer was the emperor's echo man, and the emperor's diplomatic strategy was always swinging back and forth.

This vacillating diplomatic thinking caused the Austrian Empire to lose the opportunity for mediation.

It was only after the negotiations with the Ottoman Empire broke down and news of France's suspected mobilization came that Franz Joseph woke up from a dream and asked Metternich's strategy.

With the East-West camp almost taking shape, Metternich could only go to Paris to test the attitude of the French Emperor before making the next step.

In order to avoid overstimulating the Russian Empire, the Austrian Empire did not include Metternich in the list sent to France to mediate.

It was only when the train was about to depart that Prince Metternich entered the train bound for Lombardy.

On June 13, Metternich, Richard Metternich and others switched to the Sardinian train and headed for Nice.

Prince Metternich, who entered Sardinia, had been frowning after hearing the topics discussed by the guests coming and going at the Sardinian railway station.

Richard Metternich, who was sitting in the carriage, asked Metternich in a low voice why he was sad.

"I seem to have done something wrong!" Prince Metternich sighed and said to Richard Metternich beside him.

"What?" Richard Metternich asked curiously.

"I paid so much attention to France that I forgot about the Apennines! I should have thought that the Apennines would be the same as Germany..." Prince Metternich's "same as Germany" refers to the surging Italian nationalist movement.


In order to limit possible revolutionary problems in France, Metternich not only returned all the territory of the Sardinian Dynasty to Sardinia, but also handed over the Republic of Genoa to Sardinia, thus turning Sardinia into a medium-power country.

With the rise of Italian nationalism, the Kingdom of Sardinia becomes increasingly restless!

Sardinia, once a vassal of Austria, suddenly surrendered to France.

Not only Sardinia, but also the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies moved closer to France, not to mention the Papal States.

Today, the entire Apennine Peninsula is shrouded in the shadow of France and Austria.

As long as either one of these two giant beasts attacks the other, the entire Apennines will probably suffer catastrophe.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, a certain country in Italy uses the power of one of the giant beasts to unify the entire Apennine Peninsula.

In that case, the situation of the Austrian Empire would be even more difficult.

"Father, this is not your fault! At that time, no one would have imagined what would happen decades later!" Richard Metternich comforted his father, Prince Metternich.

"We go to France not only to shoulder the task of mediation, but also to make peace with France!" Prince Metternich said worriedly to Richard Metternich: "If Austria and France start fighting, Austria is likely to

Lose Lombardy and Venice, which we have worked so hard to obtain! By then, the fate of the entire Austrian Empire will be plunged into chaos."

"Yes!" Although Richard Metternich didn't understand what Metternich was worried about, it didn't stop him from obeying his father's orders.

Richard Metternich himself was far less accomplished in diplomacy than his father.

On the evening of June 14, the train arrived in Nice. Richard Metternich, Metternich and several members of the mission took a carriage and crossed the border to France.

Subsequently, Richard Metternich and others transferred to a carriage and arrived at Lyon, the southern transit center, on the afternoon of the 15th.

In Lyon, Prince Metternich made new discoveries. Many goods were unloaded in Lyon. The streets were full of patrolling National Guard troops, and pedestrians were walking hurriedly on the streets.

In Metternich's eyes, the entire Lyon had turned into a huge military camp.

Metternich, who was leaving Lyon by train, looked out of the carriage and subconsciously saw the soldiers at the Lyon Military Railway Station, as well as the wagons filled with supplies parked inside the military railway station.

Now, Prince Metternich was even less optimistic about the prospect of mediation.

How could France be willing to obey the Austrian Empire's request for mediation under such circumstances?

Now we can only take one step at a time!

On the afternoon of June 17, Richard Metternich and Metternich officially arrived in Paris.

The low-key father and son and the envoy quietly arrived at the Austrian Embassy in France.

After seeing Prince Metternich, the Austrian ambassador showed a surprised look, then held Prince Metternich's hand and said excitedly: "Your Excellency, why are you here!"

"I came here on your Majesty's order! To adjust the relationship between the Russian Empire and the French Empire. What is the situation in the French Empire now?" Prince Metternich, who had just entered the embassy, ​​turned to ask the Austrian ambassador about the recent trends in France.

The Austrian ambassador told Prince Metternich everything he knew.

Combining what he saw at the Lyon train station with the description of the Austrian ambassador, Prince Metternich came to a bold guess: France is fully prepared for war!

"Your Excellency, I don't think the empire can mediate the conflict between Russia and France! Maybe we should consider which side we are on!" The Austrian ambassador said to Metternich with a sad face: "If we don't consider it,

I am afraid……"

"I know!" Jerome Bonaparte raised his hand to stop what the Austrian ambassador wanted to say next: "Tomorrow, I will meet with De Luys!"

While Metternich and others were discussing the future of Austria, Jérôme Bonaparte of the Tuileries Palace also received intelligence from the National Intelligence Service.

The intelligence said that there was not only Richard Metternich in the Austrian mission, but also Prince Metternich.

"It seems that the person who came to mediate this time is not Richard Metternich, but Prince Metternich!" Jerome Bonaparte shook his head and said to Marcel Jerug beside him.

Marcel Jerug did not speak, but listened quietly to Jérôme Bonaparte's words.

"That's good! I just want to see what kind of surprises the outstanding figures of the previous era can bring me!" Jerome Bonaparte continued to talk to himself with a smile on his lips.

Then, he turned to Marcel Jerug and waved his hand: "Okay! You have worked hard too!"

"Yes!" Marcel Jerug left Jerome Bonaparte's study.

On June 18, when Richard Metternich and Prince Metternich went to the residence of Foreign Minister De Ruys to visit De Ruys, they were at De Ruys’s residence.

I met someone who shouldn't be here.

"Your Majesty!" Prince Metternich and Richard Metternich curtsied to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Mr. Metternich, Mr. Richard Metternich, please sit down!" Jerome Bonaparte invited Metternich and Richard Metternich to sit down.

When Metternich and his son sat down, Jerome Bonaparte went straight to the point and said: "Mr. Metternich, I know that your purpose is to mediate the conflict between Russia and France! I am very grateful to the Austrian Empire for what it has done for peace on the European continent.

contribution, but I can tell you with regret.

Your mediation actions are destined to be in vain. If the Russian Empire does not stop their aggressive ambitions against the Ottoman Empire, the French Empire will never stop the pace of war!

Together with the Kingdom of Britain, we will destroy the evil Russian Empire!"

Metternich, who heard Jérôme Bonaparte's declaration of war, grimaced and said coldly: "Your Majesty, you remind me of the man decades ago, who also rejected my suggestion like this.


As soon as Metternich finished speaking, De Ruys's expression also changed.

No one present knew that the "man" Metternich mentioned was the original Emperor Napoleon.

Metternich once suggested that Emperor Napoleon end the war in an honorable way, that is, withdraw from the lands conquered by France in a way that France recognizes the interests of other countries, in exchange for the rule of the Bonaparte family in France.

The then Emperor Napoleon rejected his suggestion and fought on his own, eventually ending up on an island.

This chapter has been completed!
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