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Chapter 310 Diplomacy is the mainstay, and military is the supplement

In terms of diplomatic principles, De Luys does not agree with this kind of diplomatic method that uses military force as a threat. Excessive use of military force for blackmail can easily bring the country's diplomatic credibility to the brink of bankruptcy.

However, based on the principle of pragmatism, De Ruys had to admit that military threats are often a way to achieve the goal faster.

De Luys glanced at the three army managers present, weighed it a little and said tactfully: "Properly letting our allies know our strength will be more powerful for the future alliance!"

"Then it's settled!" Jérôme Bonaparte nodded to everyone present.

Then, assign them their individual tasks.

This temporary meeting lasted until 1 o'clock in the morning. After receiving their respective tasks from Jérôme Bonaparte, everyone also did not rest after leaving the Palace of Fontainebleau, and returned to their respective departments/armies to add another person.


That night, all middle- and high-level civil servants/soldiers in Paris did not have a peaceful sleep.

Early the next morning, with the full assistance of all departments, the military parade scheduled for tomorrow morning was prepared in an orderly manner.

When the Ottoman delegation arrived at the Paris train station at 8 o'clock that night, Rifat Pasha was warmly welcomed by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

When the train arrived at the train platform, the steam locomotive made a loud whistle, followed by a harsh brake sound.

The speed of the train began to slow down. Rifat Pasha, who was staying in the carriage, saw the soldiers standing on both sides of the train station. They were wearing uniforms with uniform sky blue button-down military uniforms, tall leather military caps on their heads, and backpacks behind them.

Armed with a Migne rifle, what is even more surprising is that every soldier's face is full of vigor and confidence, which is completely different from the muddle-headed soldiers Rifat Pasha saw in the Ottomans, Russia and even Britain.

The train stopped slowly, Fleury came to Rifat Pasha and said: "Mr. Rifat, we are here!"

"Oh! Oh!" Rifat Pasha nodded quickly to Fleury, then stood up and left his seat.

When Rifat Pasha came to the train station, a group of children holding flowers blocked his way. They handed the flowers one by one to Rifat Pasha's hands.

Rifat handed the words in the hands of all the children to his delegation, and each delegation received more than two bouquets of flowers.

The young child left under the guidance of the soldiers, and French Foreign Minister De Ruys appeared in front of Rifat Pasha.

"Hello, Mr. Rifat! Welcome to France!" De Luys said when he came to Rifat Pasha and opened his arms to hug Rifat Pasha.

"Hello!" Rifat Pasha had some surprise on his face, and then he also opened his arms to hug De Ruiz and immediately let go. He said half-jokingly: "The etiquette of your country just now really shocked me!"

"We in France are a warm and hospitable country! Especially when it comes to treating friends, we treat them with a frank heart! Exchange sincerity for sincerity, and exchange friendship for friendship!" For these smooth diplomatic words, De Ruys has completely

It can be done "at your fingertips".

"I believe that the Ottoman Empire will definitely become the best friend of the French Empire! I am here precisely to promote the friendship between the Ottoman Empire and the French Empire!" Rifat Pasha also responded to De Ruys.

One sentence.

The first phase of the conversation ended in a few words. De Luys asked Rifat Pasha if he would like to accompany him to a meal.

"It is an honor for me to have dinner with the diplomatic leader of a country!" Rifat Pasha readily agreed to De Luys' invitation.

The two people who left the train station took a carriage to the Louvre Hotel. On the way to the Louvre Hotel, Rifat Pasha once again refreshed his understanding of Paris.

Especially when the carriage was walking along the Rivol Street, Rifat Pasha felt for the first time what a gap was. Compared with Paris, which was full of modern life, Constantinople looked more like the Middle Ages.

The gap between two countries living in the same world is really too big.

When the carriage passed a construction site where a road was being expanded, Rifat Pasha pointed at the construction site that was still working and was speechless: "This..."

"Paris will be renovated in accordance with His Majesty's orders, and this is only a small part of the project!" De Luys said to Rifat Pasha in a plain tone, with Paris in this plain tone.

Deep-rooted arrogance: "Paris will be built into a global metropolis. I hope Mr. Rifat can come here again by then!"

"Definitely! Definitely!" Rifat Pasha nodded in response.

When the carriage arrived at the Louvre Hotel, Rifat Pasha was once again shocked by the scene he saw.

No one could have imagined that this magnificent palace-like building would be a private hotel.

After Rifat Pasha and De Luys got off the bus, they found that the general manager of the Louvre Hotel and the managers of various departments had been waiting at the front door of the hotel for a long time.

A banner "Welcome to the Ottoman Empire delegation to France" was held above the head of the general manager of the Louvre Hotel.

"It is our honor to welcome Your Excellency Pasha and Your Excellency the Minister to our hotel!" the general manager of the Louvre Hotel said to Rifat Pasha and De Ruys.

"Lead the way!" De Ruys said calmly to the general manager of the Louvre Hotel.

The general manager of the Louvre Hotel put the two people and the delegation members into a private room of the Louvre Hotel.

De Ruys, Rifat Pasha and others sat down one after another, and De Ruys spoke again: "You can stay here for the rest of your stay in France! I can assure you, absolutely

You won’t be charged any fees!”

After hearing what De Ruys said, Rifat Pasha said: "We are very grateful to the French Empire for its love for us! However, I think it is better for us to live in the embassy!"

After Rifat Pasha finished speaking these words, several members of the mission showed disappointment on their faces.

Indeed, the comfort level of living in the Louvre Hotel is far beyond what the embassy can compare with.

"That's such a pity!" De Luys said regretfully.

After a while, the dishes were served. In order to take care of the Ottoman delegation who came from afar, De Ruyster specially chose a feast based on Turkish cuisine and supplemented by French cuisine.

"Everyone, feel free to eat as much as you want!" De Ruys extended his hand to invite the delegation members to have a meal.

The members of the delegation glanced at Rifat Pasha, and after receiving a slight nod from Rifat, the members of the delegation began to eat with confidence.

Seeing the devouring delegation members, De Ruys gently stirred the milky white mushroom soup on the plate with a spoon, then took a spoonful and put it into his mouth to savor it.

Rifat Pasha, who was sitting next to De Ruys, also cut a piece of steak and put it in his mouth to chew.

The whole dinner lasted for nearly an hour. When the dinner came to an end, Rifat Pasha asked De Ruys when he could see the French Emperor. He hoped to see Jerome as soon as possible.


"Don't worry! Our Emperor will meet with you tomorrow!" De Luys said to Rifat Pasha.

"That's great!" Rifat Pasha said overjoyed.

"However, the meeting place is Chateaurie!" De Ruys emphasized again.

"Sattori?" Rifat was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Is His Majesty not in the Tuileries Palace now?"

"No, no, no!" De Luys shook his head and replied to Rifat: "There will be a military parade in the Sartory area tomorrow, and His Majesty will appear there!"

"Military parade?!!!" Rifat Pasha looked at De Ruys in shock.

"That's right! Military parade!" De Luys nodded slowly and said firmly.

"I wonder if I will be lucky enough to visit your country's military parade!" Rifat asked De Ruys out of curiosity.

"Of course!" De Ruys agreed to Rifat's request without hesitation.

This military parade was originally prepared for him. Even if Rifat didn't say anything, De Luys would ask him if he was willing to participate in the military parade.

"When the time comes, I will have someone come and call you!"


After the dinner, De Ruys sent someone to take the Rifat delegation back to the embassy, ​​and then De Ruys returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Early the next morning after Rifat Pasha arrived in Paris, a group of dragoons in formal uniforms appeared at the gate of the Ottoman Embassy.

After the dragoons entered the gate and explained their intention, Rifat Pasha and the dragoons took a carriage to the Paris train station, took the train through Versailles, and arrived at Chateaurie, the military parade venue.

Here, Rifat Pasha met Jerome Bonaparte.

At this time, Jerome Bonaparte was wearing a Lev uniform that his uncle had worn back then, riding a white horse through the square.

Everywhere Jérôme Bonaparte went, he always attracted cheers from the soldiers in the phalanx.

From a distance, the current Jerome Bonaparte looks somewhat similar to the original Emperor Napoleon.

Led by the dragoons, Rifat went to the viewing platform. After completing his inspection, Jerome Bonaparte would stand on the viewing platform to accept the cheers of the army again.

Jérôme Bonaparte, who had been patrolling the phalanxes on horseback for more than an hour, finally inspected all the phalanxes and returned to the viewing platform.

When Jérôme Bonaparte stood on the viewing platform, bursts of cheers erupted from the audience.

"Long live the Empire! Long live Bonaparte!"

"Long live the Empire! Long live Bonaparte!"

The sound came and went like waves, and Rifat, who was experiencing the military parade up close for the first time, almost fell down.

After three cheers, French Chief of General Staff Saint-Arnault, wearing the uniform of an Imperial Marshal, rode a brown-red horse to the viewing platform. He first saluted Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte returned the gift to Saint Arnaud with a serious expression.

"Your Majesty, on behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the First Military District of the Seine Department, I would like to salute you! Please review it!" Saint Arnaud said to Jérôme Bonaparte with great enthusiasm.

Jérôme Bonaparte nodded expressionlessly to Saint Arnaud again, and Saint Arnaud rode away. Following Saint Arnaud, there were also the messenger troops responsible for conveying the order.

Troop formations began to enter in an orderly manner, and the review was about to officially begin!

This chapter has been completed!
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