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Chapter 415: The dull secretary and the shrewd ambassador

Under the order of Jérôme Bonaparte, an exchange conference led by Finance Minister Magnet and involving bankers in France kicked off at the Elysee Palace.

In addition to Jérôme Bonaparte, Magnet, De Ruys, and Paris bankers, those who participated in the conference also included a delegation from the Ottoman Empire and the Austrian Ambassador to the French Empire, Rothschild (Austria Branch).

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador), and his secretary Richard Metternich, etc.

The main purpose of holding this exchange conference was to let Rifat Pasha see clearly that the French Empire was not only powerful in terms of military strength, but also second only to the Kingdom of Britain in terms of economy.

The second is to let the Austrian Empire know the French Empire's determination for the Crimean War.

Bringing a delegation from the Ottoman Empire, which was about to be at war, to such an economic exchange meeting was enough to demonstrate France's confidence in the Ottoman Empire.

To prevent Vienna from making wrong judgments, although Prince Metternich is the most outstanding diplomat in the Austrian Empire, he is not the person who really controls the policy of the Austrian Empire. On certain decisive issues, it is better not to place your hopes on him.

On Metternich.

At seven o'clock in the evening, night fell, and the cunning and bright moonlight illuminated the brightly lit Elysee Palace.

After the long and elegant symphony came to an abrupt end, the economic exchange party officially began.

At the same time, Jérôme Bonaparte, who was wearing a black corset dress and a Grand Cross of Medal on his chest, entered the living room of the Elysee Palace accompanied by Edgar Ney.

Everyone in the living room paid their respects to the imperial monarch almost at the same time.

"Welcome to the Elysée Palace! I hope you will have a pleasant evening here!" Jerome Bonaparte said to everyone present in a majestic yet kind tone.

Everyone present applauded this "great" French monarch almost at the same time.

Edgar Neiran, who was standing aside, said loudly: "I declare that the exchange meeting has officially begun!"

Later, Jérôme Bonaparte and Edgar Ney left the communication room.

The bankers at the exchange meeting became active. They toasted each other and tried to extract some useful news from each other.

As one of the protagonists of the exchange meeting, Rifat Pasha became the target of the banquet after the exchange meeting began.

One after another, bankers with strong capital came to Rifat Pasha to toast with Rifat Pasha, and on time Rifat Pasha and his bank were willing to provide the best services they could for the Ottoman Empire's national debt.


Facing the big bankers who came one after another, Rifat Pasha naturally did not dare to show any signs of neglect. He quickly assured each banker that the Ottoman Empire would give priority to their bank.

When Rifat Pasha was surrounded by French bankers, Ambassador Rothschild, who was sitting at the bar table in the corner of the living room (modified by Jerome Bonaparte's order), whispered to his secretary Richard next to him.

Metternich said: "I can bet you that France will definitely intervene in the Near East in the near future."

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Richard Metternich, who had just entered the diplomatic field, asked Ambassador Rothschild with a puzzled expression.

"Because I smell money!" Ambassador Rothschild said half-jokingly to Richard Metternich.

"Ambassador Rothschild, please don't make such a joke!" Richard Metternich showed displeasure on his face. He didn't understand why his father recommended such a man full of copper odor to serve as the diplomat in France.

Ambassador, there are obviously many people better than him.

After hearing Richard Metternich's uninteresting response, Rothschild put away his cynicism and explained to Richard Metternich that he speculated that the French Empire might expand in the Near East from the prices of the Paris Stock Exchange.

There are some small moves.

"Paris Stock Exchange?" Richard Metternich tilted his head, his eyes even more confused.

"That's right!" Ambassador Rothschild responded to Richard Metternich: "You haven't noticed that in recent times, arms-related stocks on the stock exchange have been continuously rising!"

"This doesn't seem to mean anything?" Richard Metternich shook his head and said to Rothschild.

"No, no, no!" Ambassador Rothschild shook his head and responded to Richard Metternich: "The stock price reflects the market, and the market just proves that the French Empire is carefully preparing for war!"

"That can only mean that the French Empire is fully preparing for war, and cannot explain anything else!" Richard Metternich replied to Rothschild.

"The increase in arms really means nothing!" Rothschild nodded empathetically, then pointed in the direction of Rifat Pasha and said: "But after the arrival of the Ottoman Empire, it was different! What the Ottoman Empire lacks most now

What is it? Is it money?”

Ambassador Rothschild paused, then said to himself: "No! What the Ottoman Empire lacks now is countries willing to lend them money! Now that the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire are in a state of preparation for war, who is willing to lend them money?"

What about giving money to the Ottoman Empire? What will happen after lending money to the Ottoman Empire?

As far as I know, the current British Kingdom has been shirking the Ottoman Empire’s request for loans!”

Richard Metternich looked at Ambassador Rothschild with wide eyes, and his tone couldn't help but become excited: "What the Ottoman Empire needs is an attitude of borrowing money, not real money?!"

"There is nothing wrong with you thinking so! After all, no matter how much money you give to the Ottoman Empire, they will not be able to defeat the Russian Empire!" Ambassador Rothschild nodded and said to Richard Metternich: "The French Empire

Being willing to lend money to the Ottoman Empire means that they are willing to take risks with the Ottoman Empire. The best way to maintain the Ottoman Empire's national debt is to help the Ottoman Empire defeat the Russian Empire! The French Empire's willingness to lend money to the Ottoman Empire is itself

Represents the intention to declare war.

Just watch! The Ambassador of the Russian Empire will definitely not give up!"

Although Richard Metternich did not want to believe Ambassador Rothschild's baseless inferences, he still asked Ambassador Rothschild what stance the Austrian Empire should take if that time came.

Ambassador Rothschild glanced at Richard Metternich, pointed at Richard Metternich in a free and easy tone and said: "This is what you have to consider! Don't forget that all diplomacy of the current embassy

It’s all your responsibility!”

Faced with Ambassador Rothschild's blame-shifting behavior, Richard Metternich showed a helpless expression.

When the banquet entered the middle stage, Edgar Ney appeared in front of Ambassador Rothschild and Richard Metternich in a low-key manner and said: "Mr. Ambassador, Mr. Richard, please come with me!


A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of Ambassador Rothschild and Richard Metternich, and then Ambassador Rothschild smiled and said: "Since it was summoned by His Majesty, there is no reason why we should not see him."

After speaking, Ambassador Rothschild and Secretary Richard Metternich stood up and followed Edgar Ney out of the living room.

A group of three people walked up the red-carpeted stairs to the study door of the Elysee Palace. Edgar Ney opened the study door and stretched out his hand to make an invitation gesture.

Ambassador Rothschild and Richard Metternich entered the study together.

"Ambassador Rothschild, Mr. Richard Metternich, please sit down!" Jérôme Bonaparte invited Ambassador Rothschild and Richard Metternich to sit down.

"Your Majesty, I didn't know you called us here..." Ambassador Rothschild asked respectfully.

"That's right! Just yesterday, I received a set of photos from the Near East! The content of the photos is really outrageous!" Jérôme Bonaparte said while turning the blurred black and white

The photo was handed over to them.

The first photo shows a young girl lying on the ground crying, and behind the little girl there is a row of burning houses.

The second photo shows a drunken Tsarist Russian soldier punching and kicking a mother and daughter.

The third photo is a "photo" of Russian soldiers abusing prisoners

Ambassador Rothschild and Richard Metternich looked at all the photos.

To be fair, what the "Russian troops" in the photo did did not exceed the tolerable moral bottom line of this era.

After all, the French burned, killed, and looted in Algeria, and the Austrian Empire bloodbathed Vienna. The impact was much more serious than what is shown in the photos.

However, the result of these photos being used by those who were interested was a large-scale war second only to the Napoleonic period.

"I never thought that the civilized Russian Empire would do such crazy things in Moldova and Wallachia! I thought that the Tsar of the Russian Empire would be much more civilized than the Ottoman Empire after entering the Danube River! But I was wrong.

, I misjudged the Russian Empire! They are just beasts and robbers. They invaded the land of the Danube Principality and used arrogant excuses to enslave the citizens of other countries!" Jerome Bonaparte showed a distressed expression, and he didn't know.

I thought the Russian Empire had committed some heinous crime.

"My kind Majesty, war has always been so inhumane! There is no need for you to be so sad!"

Although Ambassador Rothschild understood Jerome Bonaparte's purpose, he still actively cooperated with Jerome Bonaparte's acting.

"I think more and more people should see the true face of the Russian Empire clearly. Only in this way can more people be encouraged to resist the tyranny of the Russian Empire." Jérôme Bonaparte said while looking towards Li

Chad Metternich said: "The citizens of the Danube Principality should no longer be protected by the Russian Empire, but should be protected by a responsible country. The Austrian Empire is what I think is the most ideal protector of the Danube Principality!"

"Your Majesty, whether the Austrian Empire is willing to become the protector of the Danube depends on Vienna!" Richard Metternich responded cautiously.

This chapter has been completed!
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