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Chapter 427 Crimea I Commander-in-Chief

Looking at the radiant Prince in front of him, a flash of surprise flashed across the face of the Attendant Military Attaché. He was curious about what kind of magic Prince Menshikov and his wife used to make Prince Menshikov achieve an earth-shaking transformation in a short period of time.

The change.

However, now was not the time to be curious, so the military attache could only suppress his curiosity and lead Prince Menshikov back to Tsarskoye Selo from St. Petersburg.

Prince Menshikov and the military attache who walked out of the castle came to the carriage with the Romanov family logo. The coachman guarding the carriage immediately cheered up and pulled the carriage after seeing the arrival of Menshikov and the military attaché.

The white horses also cheered up with their keepers' cheers, and a stream of heat spurted out from the horses' white nostrils.

"Your Excellency, please!" The military attache extended his hand to invite Prince Menshikov to ride in the carriage.

Naturally, Prince Menshikov also sat in the carriage without hesitation, and then the military attaché and the carriage driver sat on the driver's seat of the carriage.

The carriage slowly began to accelerate through the streets of St. Petersburg. After driving for nearly five minutes, it left the city of St. Petersburg and passed through the paved roads in the suburbs. On both sides of the road were endless grasslands. If you stood on the side of the carriage,

If you look far into the distance from the roof, you can see the forest located on the outskirts of St. Petersburg.

The carriage drove on the outskirts of St. Petersburg for more than an hour, and a large palace complex loomed. Menshikov and his attendants finally arrived at Tsarskoye Selo, located on the outskirts of St. Petersburg.

After Menshikov and his attendants entered Tsarskoye Selo unimpeded, they soon arrived at the gate of the Catherine Palace.

Menshikov, who got off the carriage on the steps of the Catherine Palace and walked slowly down, raised his head and looked at the sacred palace sitting on the steps, and couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions in his heart.

Just a few months ago, he was still the most trusted general under the Tsar. However, who could have imagined that in just six months, he would become what he is now.

If it weren't for the Ottoman Empire, I wouldn't be like this!

Thinking of this, Prince Menshikov clenched his fists involuntarily.

If it weren't for his failed and almost embarrassing diplomatic action in the Ottoman Empire, Menshikov would not have become a laughing stock in the Russian Empire's diplomatic circles, and His Majesty Tsar Nicholas I would not have become a fool because of Menshikov's failure.

Alien Menshikov.

In the final analysis, everything is the fault of the Ottoman Empire! Why didn't they surrender honestly? Why did they resist the great Russian Empire!

After several months of neglect, Menshikov resented the Ottoman Empire even more. He vowed that he would destroy that hateful heretical empire in his lifetime... He believed that he would be able to realize this wish soon!

Menshikov, full of resentment, stepped up the steps leading to the Catherine Palace step by step. After entering the Catherine Palace, Menshikov was led by the military attaché to one of the rooms.


When the attendant military attache opened the door, Prince Menshikov saw Nicholas I and others.

Menshikov quickened his pace and came to the room. He first curtsied to Nicholas I. After obtaining Nicholas I's permission, Menshikov approached Nicholas I.

"Tell me about your original plan!" Nicholas I first explained to Menshikov the purpose of calling him here, and then pointed to the map of the Near East and asked Menshikov.

Menshikov looked at War Minister Dolgoruko with gratitude. He knew that without Dolgoruko's help, his plan would never have reached the ears of the tsar.

Standing aside, Dolgoruko accepted Menshikov's gratitude calmly, pointed at the map and reminded Menshikov: "Prince Menshikov, don't keep the Tsar waiting too long!"

"Yes!" Menshikov responded sonorously.

Later, Menshikov once again told Nicholas I about his plan to attack the Ottoman Empire's ports in Constantinople and Sipno.

After Nicholas I heard Menshikov's plan, he immediately asked Menshikov: "Menshikov, if I put all the empire's warships in the Black Sea under your command, can you guarantee

Completely annihilate all the Ottoman ships in the Black Sea within a month! Remember, it’s all the ships!”

Facing Nicholas I's meticulous face, Menshikov hesitated for a moment, then saluted Nicholas I with a military salute and responded unswervingly: "I can assure you that I will annihilate everyone within a month.

The Ottoman fleet!"

"Okay!" Nicholas I smiled again. He turned to look at Dolgoruko and said, "You heard it! Prince Menshikov said that he would annihilate all Ottoman ships within a month.


"Understood!" Dolgoruko quickly responded to Nicholas I.

Nicholas I once again turned to look at Prince Menshikov and gave Prince Menshikov his latest appointment.

From this moment on, Menshikov has been appointed governor of Crimea and the Caucasus, responsible for commanding the Russian Empire's Black Sea Fleet, as well as all military and political affairs of the Russian Empire in the Caucasus and Crimea.

This appointment by Tsar Nicholas I can be said to have created a Turkish emperor in charge of the Caucasus and Crimea.

During Menshikov's tenure as governor, no one except Nicholas I could interfere too much with Menshikov. Even Dolgoruko, as the Minister of War, could only give suggestions rather than orders.

attitude to convey military instructions to Menshikov.

Nicholas I's appointment not only surprised Menshikov, but also made War Minister Dolgoruk feel a little troublesome. His original intention was to allow Menshikov to act under the control of the Ministry of War, but instead

I didn't expect that I would create a governor who I couldn't control. It was like shooting myself in the foot.

However, Nicholas I's appointment of Menshikov also made Dolgoruk understand that their Tsar Majesty was really determined to dismember the Ottoman Empire.

After a brief surprise, Menshikov's face was filled with excitement. He immediately thanked Nicholas I and said that he would destroy the Ottoman Navy as soon as possible.

"I only give you one day. After one day, you should go to Sevastopol immediately to take office!" Nicholas I, who did not want to delay for a moment, ordered Menshikov.

"Your Majesty, your subordinates can set off now!" Menshikov responded immediately.

"Let's set off now?" Nicholas I glanced at Menshikov, nodded and said, "Then let's set off as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Menshikov, who accepted the appointment, saluted Nicholas I decisively.

After Prince Menshikov left the room, the foreign minister Karl Neserrodie, who had been silent all the time, adhered to the concept of sound diplomacy and carefully asked Nicholas I whether he should inform the Russian Empire of the next actions.

The Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia, so that these two countries could help the Russian Empire at critical times.

"This is unnecessary!" Nicholas I rejected Karl Neserrodie's suggestion and said confidently: "I just want them to witness our conquest of the monarchs before they can react.

The success of the great cause of Tantinople. Only in this way will they be more respectful to the Russian Empire and not dare to have any other thoughts."

Regarding Nicholas I's idea of ​​regarding the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia as "son states", Karl Neserrodie could only remain silent.

As a German, he sometimes couldn't understand the genes of extreme arrogance and extreme inferiority carried in Russian bones. It was incredible to him that such contradictory personalities could be perfectly integrated in a Slavic man.

It is precisely because of these two personality problems that Karl Nesserrodie's diplomatic strategy has been criticized. Many people in the Russian Empire believe that Karl Nesserrodie is a despicable German and a harm to the Russian Empire.

A national traitor who stole the interests of the Russian Empire.

Since Nicholas I was confident that he could cope with the current situation, Karl Neserrode was naturally not willing to ruin Nicholas I's mood.

Karl Nesserrode, who had many ups and downs in his career, gained the trust of Tsar Nicholas I by single-handedly following the general line.

Subsequently, Nicholas I issued an order to Minister of War Dolgoruko, asking him to issue marching orders to Paskevich stationed in the Danube Principality through the Ministry of War.

Try to seize the passage to Silistra before Menshikov annihilates the Ottoman warships, then divide the troops into two groups, attack Varna all the way to obtain supplies for sea transportation, attack Erdine all the way, and open up the way to attack Junshi.

The passage to Fort Tantino.

After receiving the order, Dolgoruko immediately assured Nicholas I that the War Ministry would rush to send the Tsar's order to the army.

Later, Nicholas I ordered Orbov to control speech within the Russian Empire. Anyone who made any disloyal remarks to the Russian Empire would be arrested. Even nobles were no exception!

No one understood better than Nicholas I that there were still many Decembrist sympathizers hidden under the sacred Romanov eagle flag.

Once the Russian Empire relaxes its domestic regulations, those rats lurking in the shadows will crawl out again.

"Understood!" Count Orlov, who agreed without hesitation on the surface, was dissatisfied with Nicholas I's order.

Having been in charge of the "Third Section" for many years, he also knows a little about the surging undercurrents below St. Petersburg, including some who want to overthrow the empire.

However, Count Orlov did not dare to arrest them. In the intricate network of forces in St. Petersburg, the nobles and nobles had formed a silent tacit understanding. As long as no one did anything to upset the balance, all forces would

can tolerate their development.

This strange political balance is the characteristic politics of St. Petersburg.

This chapter has been completed!
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