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Chapter 430 Wolf Pack Tactics

The first Black Sea detachment, which sailed from the Odessa military port in a line of formation, finally arrived in the waters near the Sevastopol Fortress in Crimea after nearly three hours of sailing.

At this time, on the observation deck on the hillside of the Sevastopol Fortress, the reconnaissance sailors without night blindness were observing the situation on the sea through binoculars. Once any foreign ships were discovered, they would be reported to Sevastopol by the sailors on the observation deck.

The defenders in the fortress, as well as the navy in the port of Sevastopol, so that they can enter a state of war as soon as possible.

When the first Black Sea detachment approached the waters of Sevastopol Fortress in a mighty manner, they were immediately discovered by the reconnaissance sailors on the observation deck.

Upon seeing this, the sailor immediately informed the major of his own unit about the fleet's approach to the Sevastopol Fortress. After hearing the sailor's report, the major immediately frowned and asked: "You mean there is a coming force?"

An unknown fleet is heading towards Sevastopol Fortress?"

"That's right! I saw it with my own eyes!" the sailor responded to the major confidently.

"Have you seen the flag hung by the fleet?" the major asked the sailor again.

After recalling it for a moment, the sailor shook his head and said to the major: "No! The light on the sea is too dark, and I can only vaguely see the approaching warship through the lookout glass!"

"Okay!" The major regretted that the sailors did not find the flag flying on the warship, and then immediately informed the top commander of Sevastopol Nakhimov of the news.

"What? A fleet is approaching?" Nakhimov asked him, kicking away the vodka bottle on the ground.

"According to reports from my soldiers..." the major could only tell Nakhimov what the sailors had just told him.

"Okay! I understand!" Nakhimov nodded and said nonchalantly: "If there is nothing else, you can leave!"

"But, those fleets..." The major was still a little worried that those fleets might be enemies.

"I have my own way!"

Subsequently, Nakhimov called one of his subordinate captains and gave him an order to immediately take a steam clipper to investigate the situation.

"Yes!" The captain responded quickly after hearing this and left the office.

"I wonder who is so bold and dares to invade here!" Nakhimov laughed angrily after explaining all this, then hung his legs on the table and assumed a relaxed posture with his eyes closed to meditate.

No one knew the defensive capabilities of the Sevastopol Fortress better than him. Even if the Ottoman Empire really invaded, it would be impossible to attack the fortress with the tools in the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

Nakhimov was not worried about the enemy fleet at all. He was only worried about the superiors sent from St. Petersburg.

After all, as the commander of the Eastern Command Fleet of the Black Sea Fleet, he should have been monitoring and hunting the Ottoman Empire at sea in the fleet, but now he is hiding in the Sevastopol Fortress for pleasure. It is really unworthy of a soldier.

identity of.

However, Nakhimov did not believe that St. Petersburg would send a superior in such a short time, and it happened to be during his busy schedule.

On the other hand, the captain who was driven by Nakhimov immediately rushed to the Sevastopol Fortress military port without stopping after leaving the naval barracks.

At this time, a large number of ships were docked in the military port, and their number was comparable to that of the fleet led by Kornilov.

The captain who arrived at the military port quickly jumped on a steam speedboat and rushed to the steam engine ship under his control at an extremely fast speed.

The captain who entered the deck of the steam engine ship immediately ordered the soldiers to start the steam engine and raise the sails without saying a word.

The sailors on the steam ship began to take action after hearing the captain's order. Under the clear moonlight, the steam ship gradually drove away from the Sevastopol military fortress from slow to fast.

The steam ship that left the Sevastopol Fortress traveled for nearly 10 minutes and soon arrived in front of the fleet group.

Through the clear moonlight, the captain saw clearly the sign hanging on the top of the mast. This was not another fleet responsible for patrolling the eastern part of the Black Sea.

Aren't they supposed to be patrolling the east coast of the Black Sea? Why did they appear here?

With doubts, the captain ordered his semaphore soldiers to ask for some information through semaphores.

The semaphore soldiers used semaphore to ask questions to the opposite ship. After a while, the semaphore soldiers on the other side's ship immediately responded to them in semaphore language.

The semaphore informed the captain of the situation, and the captain immediately said to the semaphore: "Let them follow us into the port!"

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the semaphore soldier immediately left and delivered a simple message to the first Black Sea detachment.

The other party also used semaphores to express understanding.

The steam clipper started up again, and behind him were the troops of the First Black Sea Detachment.

Under the guidance of the steam clipper, the fleet soon sailed to another military port southwest of Sevastopol.

The steam clippers and all the ships of the First Black Sea Branch are anchored in the crescent-shaped port.

Manned speedboats were placed on the sea one after another. Under Menshikov's order, except for the necessary personnel of the entire fleet, the remaining personnel could take the speedboats to Sevastopol for rest.

Prince Menshikov and Lieutenant General Kornilov were naturally among them. The speedboat drove slowly to the dock. The captain who had just been responsible for guiding them stood at the dock early waiting for the arrival of Lieutenant General Kornilov.

.(The captain did not know that Prince Menshikov was also on board)

When Menshikov and Kornilov set foot on Sevastopol, the captain immediately greeted Kornilov and another guy he did not know (Menshikov).

"Where is your commander? Where is he now?" Faced with the captain's overtures, Menshikov did not give him any face. He angrily asked the captain about the location of Vice Admiral Nakhimov.

The captain looked at the 70-year-old man in front of him with an unkind expression, and then at Lieutenant General Kornilov.

"This is the commander-in-chief of Crimea and the Caucasus. From now on, all navy and army dispatches will be under his control!" Kornilov said to the captain.

After hearing that Menshikov was coming to directly manage them, the captain immediately changed his attitude and told Prince Menshikov the location of Vice Admiral Nakhimov.

Menshikov immediately ordered the captain to lead the way. Since the warship's berth was on the other side, the road this time was far more rugged than when the captain left.

Menshikov, Kornilov, and the captain passed through a ravine called the Navy Pier, arrived at the outskirts of the Sevastopol Fortress, and then passed through the bastions and barracks forts, and finally

Arrive at the core area of ​​Sevastopol Fortress.

Subsequently, Menshikov and Kornilov, led by the captain, quickly arrived at the naval barracks and arrived at the location of Lieutenant General Nakhimov.

When the captain brought Menshikov and Kornilov in front of Nakhimov, Nakhimov, who looked at ease, was shocked.

Nakhimov quickly stood up and said loudly to Prince Menshikov: "Your Excellency, Prince Menshikov, why are you here!"

"Huh!" Prince Menshikov said with a cold face and said nothing.

Lieutenant General Nakhimov looked at Lieutenant General Kornilov with an embarrassed look. He didn't understand how he had offended the stubborn old man in front of him.

"Lieutenant General Nakhimov, this is a military camp and you should call him Commander!" Kornilov, who was standing aside, reminded him in a low voice.

After hearing Kornilov's hint, Nakhimov was startled at first. Now he finally understood why Menshikov showed off to him as soon as he came.

At this time, he should be patrolling the eastern part of the Black Sea, instead of appearing here.

Menshikov, who came to supervise and direct the progress of the fleet on the order of "Chairman" Nicholas I, was naturally not happy to see him still in Sevastopol.

"Your Excellency, I..." Nakhimov wanted to explain to Menshikov.

Menshikov raised one and interrupted Nakhimov's speech: "Lieutenant General Nakhimov, I don't care what you have done before, but from now on, from the moment I come here, you

You must carry out every order of mine carefully. Otherwise, you must go home immediately. Do you understand?"

"I understand!" Nakhimov immediately assured Menshikov.

While Nakhimov was willing to obey his command and respect his authority, Menshikov did not want to care about all his previous mistakes, as long as he did not affect the next plan.

On the contrary, once Nakhimov affects his plan, or if he is willing to implement the plan he made, Menshikov will not hesitate to replace him.

After all the previous mistakes were over, Menshikov asked: "Tell me, did anything happen in the western part of the Black Sea that you inspected?"

Nakhimov told Prince Menshikov everything, including information about troop transport ships traveling to and from the Caucasus and Constantinople.

However, Nakhimov was more courageous than Kornilov. Even before the Ottoman Empire formally declared war on the Russian Empire, Nakhimov had already begun to secretly attack these supply ships.

The supply ships transported from Constantinople to the Caucasus were sunk several times by Nakhimov in the form of steam clipper sieges.

After the supply ships were sunk, these steam clippers left the range of the Ottoman Empire's main fleet at extremely fast speeds, making it impossible for the main fleet to catch them.

"You did a good job!" Menshikov praised Nakhimov without hesitation, and then changed the subject and said to Nakhimov: "However, such words are not enough! We must

Only by destroying the entire navy of the Ottoman Empire!"

"The entire navy?!" A surprised expression appeared on Nakhimov's face, "The Ottoman Empire's naval fleet is only a few ships smaller than the combined fleet of Lieutenant General Kornilov and I. I'm afraid it's a little bit longing to wipe them all out.


"Since I have promised His Majesty that I will eliminate them within a month, I will never break my promise! Lieutenant General Nakhimov, starting from tomorrow, you will lead all the steam clippers to search in the Black Sea! Once you encounter them

The sparse escort fleet is immediately impressed, and it would be great if you can kill the opponent. If you can't kill it, don't get into a bitter battle! Maximize the results as much as possible before the enemy's main fleet arrives, and then withdraw immediately after arrival!"

This chapter has been completed!
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