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Chapter 436 The annihilated navy

The Ottoman fleet, which burned for an hour, finally sank to the bottom of the sea, but the Russian Empire still did not stop bombarding the port of Sinop.

Under the powerful firepower of the Russian Empire, anyone who dared to go to the fort to counterattack the ship was blown to pieces. The morale of the Ottoman Empire was also hit one after another, showing a decline visible to the naked eye.

Two hours after the war started, the fort was already surrounded by broken arms and limbs, and the brains and blood mixed with the excrement in the large intestine gave off a fishy and unpleasant smell.

At this time, the Sinop Port fort was like a hell on earth, and no Ottoman soldier dared to march towards the fort anymore.

Fear was written on every soldier's face, and fear forced the group of soldiers to run towards the residential area.

The garrison commander responsible for guarding the port of Sinop could only watch his soldiers running like headless flies. Now he was unable to command any team.

Even the supervising team that belongs to him is now running with most of the chaos.

Fortunately, the bombardment ended after a quarter of an hour. Under the watchful eyes of the remaining Ottoman sailors, speedboats were lowered from the ship to the sea.

Each speedboat carried five sailors carrying rifles and one person in charge of the boat.

More than 200 small boats and speedboats approached the Sinop Port pier. The sailors around the pier knew the purpose of this group of Russian Imperial Navy, but no one dared to shoot.

The previous two hours and fifteen minutes of non-stop bombardment had frightened the Ottoman Empire. They were like a slaughtered lamb waiting for the judgment of the Russian Empire.

When the first batch of speedboats arrived at the Sinop port pier, a Russian officer who looked like an officer appeared in front of the Ottoman soldiers. He skillfully used Turkic to ask the group of Ottoman soldiers who had lost their courage: "

My name is Andrei Bolkonsky, a major in the Russian Empire! Which of you is the commander here?"

The Ottoman soldiers present looked at each other, and no one responded to Andrei Bolkonsky.

Seeing that the Ottoman soldiers did not respond, Andrei Bolkonski could only ask again. This time his tone was not as polite as the first time. He directly threatened: "I will ask you again.

Who is the commander here! You don’t have to answer my question. After we find him, you will have to bear all the consequences yourself!"

Andrei Bolkonski's threat obviously worked. The Ottoman soldiers, who were afraid of retaliation from the Russian Empire, whispered to Andrei Bolkonski that the garrison commander who had just been stationed at the port of Sinop

Escaped into the residential area of ​​Sinop port.

"Escape?" Andrei Bolkonsky sneered. He believed that this group of people would not be able to hide for long.

The warships in the Sinop port have been completely wiped out by them, and the morale of the entire port has completely fallen to the bottom. All military forces of the Ottoman Empire are concentrated in the Danube region and the Caucasus region.

Now they are fully capable of dealing with these guys.

Thinking of this, Andrei Bolkonsky immediately gave an order to the surrounding soldiers: "Take him down and keep him under strict supervision!"

Five Russian Imperial soldiers carrying rifles took more than 20 Ottoman soldiers into custody, but the more than 20 Ottoman soldiers did not resist the whole process.

When people are in extreme fear, they will lose all courage to resist.

Especially when the invaders didn't massacre wantonly from the beginning.

Andrei Bolkonsky, who was watching the Ottoman soldiers leave, called another flagman and said, "Tell Governor Menshikov that the target has escaped!"

The flagman nodded and jogged to the dock waving the flag in his hand.

After Menshikov, who was standing on the sailing battleship, saw the message from the semaphore through the lookout glass, he turned to Lieutenant General Kornilov behind him and said: "Get off the ship! I want to see if they can get there.


"Your Excellency, Governor, there is no need for it!" Kornilov frowned slightly and suggested to Prince Menshikov: "There are still broken troops at the port. It may be dangerous to go there rashly!"

"What are you afraid of?" Menshikov waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Since I joined the army, I have participated in hundreds of wars, large and small. I have encountered even the most dangerous situations, and I am still afraid.

Is this a small scene?"

Seeing that he could not dissuade Kornilov, he could only agree to Menshikov's request to disembark. A speedboat carried Menshikov and Kornilov down to the sea, and the speedboat boarded together with the surrounding small boats.

Arrive at the pier of Sinop Port.

When Menshikov and Kornilov arrived at the dock, more than 2,000 sailors had completely logged into the Sinop port, and they controlled the port pier and the port fort.

Then, under Menshikov's order, they began to advance towards the port residential area.

As time went by, Ottoman soldiers hiding in residential areas were arrested one after another. Some of the soldiers who had regained their morale wanted to resist, causing some damage to the Russian Imperial Army, but the vast majority of the soldiers did not.

There was no resistance and he surrendered on the spot.

The Russian Imperial Army searched the residential area for nearly four hours, and finally found the Sinop garrison commander in a private house.

The garrison commander curled up and looked at the Russian soldiers in horror. He shouted loudly in Russian that he was the garrison commander and should enjoy the treatment of noble prisoners of war.

The two Russian soldiers laughed loudly after seeing the garrison commander showing such embarrassment.

In this way, the commander of the Sinop port garrison was caught in front of Menshikov.

"You are the garrison here? You don't look very good at all!" Menshikov looked up and down at the trembling garrison commander in front of him and said contemptuously.

"Yes, yes! We are no match for the great Russian Empire! I am willing to surrender, I am willing to surrender!" Seeing this, the garrison commander hurriedly begged Menshikov for mercy in Russian.

Menshikov looked at the cowardly garrison commander in front of him with contempt, and cursed the ancestors of the Ottoman Empire. He had completely lost his face.

Facing Menshikov's scolding, the garrison commander shamelessly said that the defeat of the Ottoman Empire by the Russian Empire was God's will, and he must obey God's will.

"Go away!" Menshikov waved his hand with disgust and ordered the soldiers to take the garrison commander down.

Two Russians stood behind the garrison commander, one on the left and one on the right. The garrison commander left without any resistance.

When the garrison commander was about to leave, Menshikov's voice appeared in the garrison commander's ears: "Wait!"

The garrison commander hurriedly stopped and asked Menshikov with a flattering smile if there was anything else he needed to do.

Menshikov asked the garrison commander where the commander of the fleet was now. The garrison commander shook his head and responded to Menshikov that he had lost sight of Osman Pasha since an hour ago.

"Bah! Another coward!" Menshikov spat, and then rubbed his leather boots on the ground twice to show his dissatisfaction.

"Your Excellency, can I leave?" the garrison commander's disgusting voice came again.

"Get out! Get out!" Menshikov stretched out his hand and ordered the garrison commander to leave.

Time passed, and soon it was evening. Under the non-stop arrests of more than 3,000 Russian Imperial Navy troops, nearly 2,000 Ottoman Empire soldiers were captured.

Speedboats loaded with prisoners of war began to move towards the fleet. They wanted to send all the prisoners of war to Odessa. The prisoners of war would be put on display in Odessa to show the military power of the Russian Empire. Also,

It can effectively demoralize the Ottoman Empire.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, when the last batch of prisoners of war were transported to the ship, Menshikov issued an order to completely destroy the fort.

The forts scattered in the port of Sinop were blown up by Russian soldiers, and the sound of explosions resounded throughout Sinop.

After all the forts were destroyed, Menshikov nodded with satisfaction and gave the order for all soldiers to board the ship.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, under the starry sky, the last batch of soldiers boarded the Russian Imperial Fleet.

Menshikov, standing on the bow of the sailing battleship, gave the order to the battleships to leave, and a mighty fleet left the port of Sinop.

At this point, the naval battle that took place in the port of Sinop was completely over.

Throughout the battle, Menshikov wiped out 90% of the Ottoman Empire's navy at the cost of a single double-decker battleship.

In this battle, nearly 2,000 Ottoman navy soldiers were annihilated and more than 2,000 imperial soldiers were captured.

For the Russian Empire, the results of this battle were quite fruitful.

Every sailor on the ship looked at Menshikov with great admiration.

Kornilov, who was standing next to Menshikov, also said to Menshikov respectfully: "Your Majesty, Commander, the current Ottoman Navy no longer has the ability to compete with us! You have fulfilled your duty to Your Majesty.


"Yes!" Looking at the dark night scene in the distance, Menshikov took a long breath and showed a relieved smile: "We can finally relax a little!"

Then, Menshikov sighed again and said: "It's a pity that I failed to capture the commander of this fleet!"

Upon seeing this, Kornilov quickly comforted Menshikov and asked him not to take such a small problem to his heart.

Shortly after Menshikov and others left Sinop, Osman Pasha, whom Menshikov longed for, appeared at the port of Sinop.

Looking at the deserted port in front of him like a ghost prison, Osman Pasha's eyes widened, and he fell paralyzed on the ground again, muttering inaudibly: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty! I'm sorry, Marshal Mahmoud!"

After a while, with the dull sound of a flintlock pistol, Osman Pasha fell heavily to the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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