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Chapter 438 Near East Synergy

Looking at the panic-stricken generalissimo in front of him, Abdulmecid I basically ruled out the possibility of committing suicide.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Mahmoud himself is an experienced actor. He deceived Abdul Meguid I with his acting skills.

"You really don't know?" Abdul Meguid I raised his eyebrows slightly and questioned.

"Your Majesty, do you think I should know?" Marshal Mahmoud responded to Abdul Meguid I.

Abdulmecid I was silent for a moment, and then while gently stroking the handle inlaid with gems, he said to Mahmoud: "I remember you once said that the empire should be based on..."

Abdulmecid I told Mahmoud what Mahmoud had hinted at him.

"Your Majesty, I have indeed thought about doing this!" Mahmoud said sincerely: "But I found that I could not integrate the ships and soldiers that I had worked so hard to build. The sinking of the Russian Empire was a matter of great concern in the Ottoman Empire.

Before leaving, I specifically told him to be careful!"

Later, Mahmud asked Osman where the Pasha was now.

"Othman (Pasha) is dead!" Abdulmecid I responded to Mahmoud.

"What?" Mahmoud showed a surprised expression, and then asked: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for asking, how did Osman die?"

"I don't know!" Abdul Meguid I shook his head and responded, "I also got this news from Advisor Slade!"

"What about the casualties at Sinop port?" Mahmoud asked Abdul Meguid I again.

"I don't know!" Abdul Meguid I shook his head and responded to Mahmoud: "According to Slade's description, the number of casualties should not be too small!"

"In that case, Your Majesty! I implore you to convene the Imperial Council again in the near future!" Mahmoud said decisively to Abdul Meguid I.

"Convene a grand council? Why is this?" Abdul Meguid I, who was immersed in sadness, immediately asked.

"Since our navy has been defeated, we can ask the Grand Council to hold a second vote on the conditions previously proposed by Russia!" Mahmoud said to Abdul Meguid I.

"Do you want the empire to perish?" Abdul Meguid I said to Mahmoud in a bad tone.

"Your Majesty, I do not want the empire to perish!" Marshal Mahmoud explained to Abdul Meguid I: "Only by using this method can we force Britain to participate in the war with Russia! Even if it is

We cannot force Britain to declare war on Russia, but we can also let the French Empire guarantee our security!"

Mahmud will use this golden opportunity to force Britain to provide protection for the Ottoman Empire. As long as Britain is unwilling to sit idly by and ignore the Ottoman Empire, then he will definitely join the fight.

There are currently 20,000 French soldiers stationed in Rhode Island. If Britain does not intentionally block it, they can join in the battle to support the Ottoman Empire at any time.

"I know!" Abdul Meguid I nodded after hearing Mahmoud's explanation, and then told Mahmoud that he asked Slade to write a naval battle report, and that Chiang Kai-shek sent the naval battle report to Kan

Ning this matter.

Mahmoud agreed with Abdul Meguid I's behavior.

Subsequently, Mahmud left the Ottoman palace, and Abdulmecid I also left the conference hall.

The next day, it rained lightly again in Constantinople, which was already early autumn, and the sky was also shrouded in gray.

In such weather, Canning, the British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, received a melancholy news.

"What? All the Ottoman Empire's warships have been defeated by the Russian Empire?" Canning asked Slade in a surprised tone.

"Your Excellency, Ambassador, this is to annihilate, not defeat!" Sly reminded Canning.

"Have all the fleets been wiped out?" Ambassador Canning asked Slade again for detailed information.

Slade shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly to Canning: "If we don't add the remaining fleet in Constantinople!" Slade paused and added: "Of course, now

These remaining fleets are no match for the Russian fleet!"

"What happened?" Canning asked Slade solemnly: "If I remember correctly, the strength of the Russian Navy and the Ottoman Navy in the Mediterranean is roughly the same! No matter what, the Russian Empire is impossible

It’s really easy to kill the Ottoman Empire!”

"Your Excellency Ambassador, although this battle of annihilation was a shame in my career as a naval officer, the Ottoman Empire was indeed defeated by the Russian fleet!" Slade emphasized again: "The Russian army used a

This type of ammunition is different from solid cannonballs. After hitting the wooden ship, the cannonball exploded inside the ship, causing secondary damage. The entire fleet was completely destroyed in only one and a half hours!"

"Do we have this kind of ammunition?" Canning blurted out.

After hearing about the new weapons, Canning immediately changed his focus from the Ottoman Empire to artillery shells. He was afraid that Russian artillery shells would pose a certain threat to Britain.

"Sir, don't worry! The British Kingdom has already developed this kind of artillery shell! It's just that our fleet has not experienced actual combat yet!" Slade said with relief.

"That's good!" Canning breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

"However, this kind of artillery shells are devastating to wooden ships! If two ships are equipped with the same type of artillery shells, there is a high probability that they will both perish together!" Before the dawn of the ironclad ship has come,

Explosive bombs were veritable killers of wooden battleships, so Slade couldn't help but worry about the future of the British Navy.

Canning didn't say much. He didn't know much more than an ordinary person about naval issues.

"If this is the case, we must consider the maritime security of the Ottoman Empire!" Canning frowned and said to Slade.

Slade spread his hands and said nonchalantly: "Your Excellency Ambassador, these are the issues that your diplomats need to be concerned about! I still have to write a naval battle report for His Majesty the Sultan, so I won't stay here any longer!"

Having achieved his goal, Slade left the British Embassy and returned to his rented hotel in Constantinople to write a report.

On the other hand, Canning, who was staying at the embassy, ​​couldn't help but fell into deep thought. After getting up and pacing three or four times, Canning decided to go to the French Embassy.

Canning walked alone through the streets that were deserted because of the rain and soon arrived at the gate of the French Embassy.

The person who greeted him was none other than Klein, the third secretary of the French Embassy.

"Klein, is Ambassador Walewski at home?" Canning asked Klein in a friendly manner.

"Your Excellency, Ambassador, you are still resting! What's the matter?" Klein, who was still half-body inside the door, asked.

"That's right! I have some important things that I want to communicate with Ambassador Walewski!" Canning was unwilling to tell Klein the specific things, instead using a vague concept.

"Then please come in!" Klein made way for Canning to enter the embassy.

After placing Canning on the embassy sofa, Klein headed to the bedroom on the second floor and opened the door to Walewski's bedroom.

At this time, Walewski was not resting, but was standing in front of the window lattice and looking into the distance.

After Klein entered the room, Walewski said, "Is Canning here?"

"Hmm!" Klein looked at Walewski with a little longing. He didn't understand why Walewski could "calculate" that Canning would come to the embassy.

"Then just wait a little longer!" Walewski continued to look into the distance with his hands behind his hands, turning his back to Klein and sighing: "The easier it is to negotiate, the harder it is to cherish sometimes!"

Klein smiled noncommittally.

The room fell into silence once again.

About ten minutes passed before Valewski straightened the folds of his lichen and said to Klein: "Let's go!"

Walewski and Klein walked downstairs together and met Canning on the floor of the embassy.

"Ambassador Canning!" Walewski shook hands with Canning warmly and said a little apologetically: "I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for so long!"

"Nothing!" Canning waved his hand and responded to Valewski.

Afterwards, the two people sat down and started chatting.

"Mr. Valewski, I wonder if you have heard such a rumor that all the Ottoman Navy warships have been annihilated by the Russian Empire!" Canning pretended to be casual and tested Valewski.

"Oh?" Walewski showed just the right amount of surprise, as if it was the first time he heard about it, "This is the first time I've heard of this. Where did you hear the rumor? It's really ridiculous.


"Is there a possibility that this rumor is not a setup, but a real situation!" Canning said in a calm tone.

"That's really too bad!" Walewski responded with an exaggerated expression: "If that's the case, the Ottoman Empire is like a prostitute who has always taken off her coat, allowing the Russian Empire to gallop!"

"Who says it's not the case!" Canning sighed, and his expression gradually turned serious: "So we must not let this happen!"

"Your Excellency Canning, can I understand that the Kingdom of Britain is willing to work with France to maintain peace on the Black Sea!" Walewski asked Canning straightforwardly, and he did not want to give Canning any room for change.

"From a general perspective, your statement...may not have any problems!" Canning still said to Walewski in a unique British diplomatic bureaucratic tone.

This chapter has been completed!
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