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Chapter 474: The Defeatist Strategist Paskevich

In fact, as Lieutenant General Dundas said, the coastal defense artillery on the fort was unable to cause any damage to the coalition fleet due to its range. The outgoing coastal defense artillery shells flew toward the sea area where the coalition forces were located.

It passed by, but fell down less than 20 meters away from the front fleet.

The explosion came from the bottom of the sea, causing large splashes of water, but the combined fleet did not suffer any damage.

Moreover, because the combined fleet attacked suddenly, the ships docked in the port were also not prepared for the battle.

When the British and French combined fleet suddenly appeared in the port, the Russian Imperial Fleet showed its poor adaptability. The Russian Fleet, which had not been coordinated and dispatched, was already in chaos before it actually entered the battle. Part of the Russian Imperial Fleet

They collided with each other, and the situation was a little out of control for a time.

The chaos of the Russian Imperial Fleet further inspired the confidence of the British and French combined fleets to annihilate the Russian fleet. The sailors on each ship desperately loaded spherical explosive bombs into the breech of the front-loading cannon, and then pushed the cannon through the slide rail to the ready position.

muzzle, waiting for orders from the main fleet.

After the artillery on both sides of the British and French fleets were all loaded, Major General Edmund immediately ran to Lieutenant General Dundas and General Bruat and asked them whether they should attack Odessa.

"Attack!" General Bruard responded lightly, and Lieutenant General Dundas also nodded and asked Major General Edmund to attack the fleet.

The flag carriers standing on the observation deck waved the two flags in their hands and gave the order to attack to the surrounding fleets.

All the gunboats, armored gunboats, and steam sailing ships turned their sides in the same direction at the same time, aiming the dark muzzles on one side of the ship at the fort and the Russian fleet.

Then, under the flag of the command fleet, the artillery of the British and French forces seemed to shoot all the shells out of the barrel in an instant. A huge roar and white gunpowder smoke filled the sea appeared on the sea at the same time. After dozens of artillery were fired at the same time,

The violent vibrations caused made those who stayed on the boat feel some shaking.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A loud noise later appeared in the fleet in the port of Odessa, followed by a raging fire burning in the port fleet. The Russian Navy, which once used explosive bombs to destroy the Ottoman Empire Navy, now also wants to try explosive bombs.

The taste of.

After the wooden sailing ship was hit by the explosive bomb for the first time, the shells were fiercely embedded in the interior of the wooden ship. While killing several navy bears inside the cabin, another explosion occurred. The explosion caused by

The secondary injury caused a large number of sailors in the warehouse to be reimbursed on the spot. The few "sailors" who were not taken away by the explosion were also lying on the ground groaning in pain. The entire Odessa port turned into a purgatory on earth in an instant.

, after the first round of bombardment, only a small number of Russian Imperial ships survived.

Even those ships that were lucky enough to escape inevitably attracted a second blow. After two strikes, the Russian fleet docked at the port of Odessa completely lost its combat capabilities. The burning flames of the wooden ships engulfed the entire Odessa.

The port of Desa was brightly lit.

This was not over yet. When the British and French forces saw that all the ships docked in the port were annihilated, they immediately aimed their guns at the coastal defense forts.

Soon, these coastal defense forts were heavily attacked by the British and French fleets and lost the ability to fight back. Although there were many brave and fearless gunners around the forts who wanted to control the forts to fight back, after the saturation bombardment of the British and French combined fleets,

, it was blown to pieces.

The port of Odessa, which has lost any ability to counterattack, is like a lamb waiting for the butcher to be slaughtered. After the British and French fleets broke into the port, the warehouses, granaries, residential areas and the governor's palace in the port were all destroyed by the guns of the British and French companies.


"Report! Lieutenant General Dundas, Admiral Brua! Our fleet has completed a comprehensive cleanup of the Odessa port fleet and coastal defense batteries! Do you need to go deep into the port?" Major General Edmund asked Dundas loudly

The two generals Si and Brua reported.

"Since we are already here, why don't we leave a deep impression on them!" General Brua apparently agreed to go deep into the port.

After all, the port of Odessa has lost all ability to fight back.

Even if there are indeed 60,000 Russian army troops lurking in this city, as long as the naval force does not choose to log in to fight, then these 60,000 army troops will be nothing more than decoration.

"General Bruard is right! Let the arrogant Russian Empire people see how powerful we are!" Lieutenant General Dundas nodded and responded to Edmund.

After receiving the order from the top commander of the British and French combined navies, Rear Admiral Edmund quickly issued instructions to the surrounding fleets to enter the port of Odessa.

After receiving the order, the gunboats rushed into the Odessa port at full power.

Launched an attack on the residential areas of the port of Odessa, the weapons depot, and the Governor's Palace.

The shells hit the Odessa port like raindrops, and then there was a deafening explosion near the weapons storage warehouse of the Odessa port. The billowing black smoke caused by the explosion excited most of the sailors on the fleet.

, a few sailors with conscience closed their eyes and prayed with guilt.

After the British and French fleets took out one of the Russian Empire's weapons warehouses in Odessa, they shot at another weapons warehouse non-stop.

Gu Zhuo

The attack on the port of Odessa lasted for nearly six hours with sufficient ammunition from the British and French fleets.

The Tsar's Pearl under the vast stars is crying and wailing, and the Russian wailings coming from the residential areas seem to be accusing the British and French invaders.

The British and French fleets, whose shells had been exhausted, turned around and left the port of Odessa without any hesitation.

The Russian army lurking in residential areas waiting for the British and French fleets to land and counterattack, always looked at the British and French fleets drifting away with hateful eyes.

Subsequently, these Russian troops scattered in the city began to assemble under the orders of their commanders. Putting out the flames in residential areas became the main task of the Russian troops this time.

In this battle, the British and French fleets undoubtedly demonstrated the majesty of the world's first and second navies. The poor Russian fleet and coastal defense batteries did not cause much damage to the British and French fleets from beginning to end.

Every inch of the coastline of the Odessa port was ravaged by the New French fleet. Nearly 30% of the residential areas were damaged, five layers of weapons and 40% of the food were destroyed. Even the statue of the first governor, Duke Richelieu, and the governor's palace were destroyed.

It was smashed to pieces, and the property damage was beyond statistics.

Every resident and nobleman living in the port of Odessa hated the British and French forces from the bottom of their hearts.

So a few months later, in the social fund-raising held by the Ministry of Finance, the number of donations raised by Odessa port residents was second only to Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The British and French forces, which had run out of ammunition, finally returned to the Varna port base at around 7 a.m. after several more hours of sailing.

Immediately, Lieutenant General Dundas and Admiral Bruard reported all the situation at the port of Odessa to Marshal St. Arnaud and Commander Raglan.

Although the two commanders had already prepared in their hearts, they still felt a little regretful after receiving the information.

After all, the plan to attack and capture the port of Odessa is easier than capturing the fortress of Sevastopol.

Since the first plan has faced failure, the two commanders can only start the second plan.

However, before proceeding with the second option, they still need to send a team to Silistra.

In the following period, the top leaders of the coalition forces were reorganizing their troops and waiting for reinforcements from the Kingdom of Sardinia and the Ottoman Empire.

Launch a fierce attack.

On the other hand, the Russian Empire stationed in the northeast of Silistra Fortress received information that the Odessa port was attacked on the morning of the third day after the Odessa port was attacked.

As the commander of the Danube Allied Forces, Paskiewicz immediately realized that Britain and France had begun to take action.

Paskiewicz, who had not been very interested in capturing the Silistra Fortress, had no intention of spending time with Omar Pasha in the Silistra Fortress. Paskievitch, who was possessed by defeatism, could only

Wanted to withdraw from the Danube Principality in exchange for Britain and France to stop attacking the Russian Empire.

This war should not have started at this time. Ending it as soon as possible is the best result for the Russian Empire.

So in the next few days, Paskevich even more unscrupulously badmouthed the Russian Imperial Army. There were even several military meetings that he needed to attend, but Paskevich couldn't excuse himself because of his illness.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Paskevich was unwilling to continue fighting after all, and his subordinates secretly conveyed Paskevich's current situation to Nicholas I in Moscow behind his back.

General Gorchakov, who was far away in the Ruse Fortress, rushed from the Ruse Fortress to the Silistra Fortress overnight after hearing about Commander Paskevich's recent situation.

After entering the camp, General Gorchakov looked at Paskevich who was lying on the bed pretending to be sick, and asked in a helpless tone: "Your Excellency, what exactly do you want to do?"

Prince Paskevich, who was lying on the bed, had no intention of moving. He told Mikhail Gorchakov that the Russian Empire's current battle in the Danube region was a wrong battle from the beginning.

There was no chance of capturing Constantinople.

In Paskevich's words, so what if the Russian army has fallen? As long as the fleet of the Russian Empire cannot defeat the British and French fleets, all their victories will be nothing more than a mirror in the mirror!

The British and French forces with sea control can log in to every logged-in location at any time to launch an attack on the Russian Empire, while the Russian Empire can only passively engage in battle.

This chapter has been completed!
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