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Chapter 477 The Battle of Tabia

After the Ottoman Empire crushed the Russian Empire's attempt to use civil excavation methods to approach the bastion, they turned around and returned to the bastion without any hesitation.

As the group of Ottoman soldiers turned back, the cannon on the island in the river made a loud noise, and the shells landed near the Russian trenches.

The huge roar made the Ottoman soldiers frightened. If they had not turned around and left the field immediately, they would have been blown into several pieces by now.

The explosion caused by the twenty-four-pound cannon shell blasted a small crater on the flat ground. The raised dust filled the trenches, leaving Musa Pasha waiting on the bastion under the night.

It is unclear whether there are still Russian regiments in the trenches.

"Presumably after these Russians have received such a lesson, they will not dare to do such a thing again!" Musa Pasha on the bastion put down the telescope and said in English briskly.

"Dear Pasha, I think it is very likely that they will take action again." Captain Bartlett said to Moussa Pasha in a very serious manner.

"Oh? What's the explanation for this?" Musa Pasha asked Captain Barratt humbly.

"Because of the frequency of attacks!" Captain Barratt replied, and then asked: "Musa Pasha, I wonder if you still remember the shelling a few months ago!"

"Are you talking about the first time the Russian Empire took action against us?" Musa Pasha responded.

"That's right!" Bart nodded, then pointed to the empty tunnel that was being bombarded and said: "Dear Pasha, do you see any difference between this bombardment and a few months ago?"

Musa Pasha once again picked up the telescope to check the situation in the open space. "The frequency of shelling seems to be more intensive than the first time!"

"Yes! You are right!" Captain Barratt's inner expectations for Musa Pasha have reached a higher level. At least this man is not a rookie who doesn't know anything: "With such a frequent bombardment frequency,

Presumably the Russian Empire has added some new cannons to its army!”

"Will this affect our defense of the city?" Musa Pasha asked anxiously. He was a little afraid that the bastion would be lost in his hands.

Although the loss of the bastion will not have a great impact on his career, it is still a bit unpleasant in terms of reputation.

After all, the bastion was lost in the blink of an eye just after it was handed over to him. No matter how you think about it, it was all his fault.

Captain Barrett glanced at Musa Pasha, and his inner evaluation of him dropped back to its original position. He shook his head and said to Musa Pasha: "It won't have much impact! Unless the Russian Empire takes them all

The artillery is arranged in rows under the bastion! Only in this way can it cause irreparable damage to our city wall. So we only need to harass them while they are digging in the trench.


"Okay!" Musa Pasha turned to smile. He patted Captain Barratt's shoulder and gave them the task of defending the bastion. He also promised them that after the war, he would work with them in private.

Give each of them £5,000 as a reward.

Looking at the wealthy pasha in front of him, Nesmith also made a suggestion that could boost the morale of the city defenders.

Musa Pasha could issue an obituary notice to the Ottoman residents in the bastion in the name of the government. Any resident who turned in cannon pellets could receive twenty pera (the currency of the Ottoman Empire) from Musa Pasha as a reward.

"What do I need the projectiles for?" Musa Pasha asked doubtfully.

"Musa Pasha, cannon pellets have no effect, but today they can help overcome the fear of cannon shells in the bastion." Captain Nesmith responded to Moussa Pasha: "I have seen many conquered bastions in the trees.

In the case of the bastion, in most cases the bastion is not breached from the outside, but from the inside. Once there is large-scale unrest in the bastion, the bastion will not be far from falling. The most important thing now is

It is to improve the morale in the bastion. As long as our army can support the coalition forces until they arrive here, then we can declare victory! The next thing can be left to the coalition forces with confidence!"

Hearing Captain Nesmith's words, Musa Pasha nodded as if understanding, and then asked Captain Barrett and Captain Nesmith if they knew when the British and French forces would arrive here.

Captain Barrett and Captain Nesmith shook their heads and said that they had been away from the army for a long time and did not know when the British and French troops would arrive.

"Alas! I hope they can hurry up!" Musa Pasha sighed.

On the other hand, in the Russian base camp on the other side of the river, the commander of the Guards Division and the commander of the Thirteenth Army Corps, who had failed both in attack and excavation, were seen in the camp by Paskevich and accepted criticism.

Paskevich first loudly asked the Guards Division commander why he had to retreat suddenly. Could it be that the Russian Imperial Army could not withstand even hundreds of casualties?

The commander of the Guards Division hurriedly explained that his army suddenly suffered a double attack, and the morale of the army was temporarily disturbed, which led to the current situation.

Later, Paskevich asked the commander of the 13th Army why he withdrew in the middle of the excavation. Lieutenant General Hilde also found a reason to withdraw. They said that their troops were luring the enemy deeper.

"Deeper? How far did they go?" Paskevich scolded fiercely.

"Those Turks are a bunch of cowards!" Hilde will eventually put the blame on the Turks again.


If Hilde knew that he was defeated by a British captain, then he would probably find a crack in the ground and crawl directly into it.

"I don't care what excuse you have! I just want it to be a bastion!" Paskevitch glanced around with stern eyes and emphasized again: "Listen clearly, I don't want to hear how many difficulties you have, as long as the results


"Yes!" All the generals present understood that Prince Paskevich was already angry, and it would obviously be unwise to try to get into trouble at this time.

In short, under Paskevich's forcible spurs, the Thirteenth Army carried out civil engineering operations against the Turkish light artillery on the city wall in the early morning. During this period, they also conducted field battles with the Turkish troops leaving the city twice.

In the open space under the dark night sky, the flash of ammunition and the dull sound of gunshots appeared from time to time.

On the first night, there was no clear winner between the two sides. The number of casualties was no less than 2,000, and the Russian Empire's trenches also moved forward about six meters.

Early the next morning, the sound of cannons once again awakened the Bulgarians and Albanians who were sleeping in the bastion and were loyal to the Ottoman Empire. Due to the advancement of the trench, the cannon shells transported to the front end of the trench could also be fired into the bastion.

The residents of the fortress walked in fear inside the fortress.

However, this fear was soon diluted by the obituary posted on the wall. The content of the obituary was exactly what Captain Nesmith had said to Musa Pasha the night before. Musa Pasha ordered it to be posted overnight.

Some brave children are looking forward to the reward of twenty pelas from the hands of Musa. Most adults are also looking forward to something in their hearts, but they are also afraid of cannon shells exploding around them.


At noon, a young child luckily picked up a cracked cannonball. After he brought the cannonball pellet to Musa Pasha, Musa Pasha rewarded him in front of everyone.

He has twenty pena.

The fear caused by the cannonballs was overshadowed by greed, and they all eagerly hoped to obtain the twenty pela in the hands of Musa Pasha.

For a time, the residents in the bastion became enthusiastic about picking up cannonballs.

The Russian Imperial Army outside the bastion continued to attack the main city wall outside the bastion.

But this time they didn't care whether the artillery would injure their own people.

With a pious shout, the Guards soldiers charged towards the Turkish army on the bastion with their own and the opposite artillery.

As usual, Captain Bartlett sent the Tunisian Legion out of the city to attack the Guards. This time the Guards did not collapse like last time, but divided their forces into two groups, one to continue climbing the city wall, and the other to resist the attack of the Tunisian Army.

Both sides immediately fell into a state of anxiety. People continued to die outside and on the bastion. The debate between the two sides around the bastion once again turned into a bloody meat grinder battle.

The battle lasted for nearly an hour, with both sides constantly adding "chips" to the meat grinder. In the end, the Bastion side won.

The Russian Imperial Army hurriedly abandoned the bodies of more than 1,000 Russian soldiers and then evacuated, while the Turkish army, which defended the city, also paid the price of nearly 700 deaths.

After the "long" meat grinder ended, the two sides once again entered the period of back-and-forth bombardment.

Neither side under the bombardment caused much damage to the other side, and few unlucky ones were killed by the shells.

At night, a new round of battle for position began again.

After dawn, hundreds of corpses once again appeared around the Russian trenches.

After receiving the Russian Empire's battle damage report on the second day, Prince Paskevich almost wanted to take out his pistol and kill the Guards Division Commander and Lieutenant General Hilde directly in the camp.

If General Gorchakov and the Tsar's envoy had not stopped him, the first and second general to die in the Danube region since Operation Danube would have perished in the hands of his own people.

When things got to this point, Paskiewicz had no choice but to go to the front line to supervise the battle.

This time even Gorchakov could not dissuade the stubborn prince.

On this new day, Musa Pasha was still praying that the coalition forces would arrive soon.

Musa Pasha did not know that the coalition troops living in the Varna area also faced an embarrassing problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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