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Chapter 490: Victory Reunion

After seeing such a large-scale army, the Turkish army subconsciously pushed the artillery out of the bastion. Many soldiers raised their rifles and pointed at the army in the distance. They only waited for the Russian army to approach.

, they will use bullets to let these Russian soldiers know how powerful they are.

As the army got closer and closer to Tarbia Fort, the garrison officer of Tarbia Fort saw the army's flag and national flag through binoculars.

The tricolor, symbolizing the French Empire, and the Union Jack, symbolizing the Kingdom of Britain, flutter in the wind.

"Wait a minute!" Officer Harvest had a cold and ordered his soldiers to put down their weapons. He knew that the army in front of him was here to help them.

"Sir, why didn't you fight? They killed so many of us!" The Egyptian soldier, who knew nothing about the national flag, shouted at the officer.

"Idiot, they are here to help me." the guard officer yelled.

"Hey! There are actually enemies willing to help us? Are they not a group of people?" The Egyptian soldier scratched his head and said to himself.

In the hearts of the vast majority of subjects of the Ottoman Empire, there were only the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire in the world, and the rest were either countries that opposed the Russian Empire or were lackeys of the Russian Empire.

Some even think that there are only the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire in the world, as well as the lackeys of the Russian Empire.

No matter what type of person you are, there are only two options for understanding international relations: permanent friends and permanent friends. Under diode thinking, a kind of extreme religion was born (the country that unifies the nation,

is fanatical nationalism).

"Idiot!" the officer once again cursed at the soldier in Arabic.

When the coalition troops arrived less than 500 meters away from Fort Tabia, the scene in front of them really surprised Major General Canrobert.

A trench parallel to the trench of Tabia Fort blocked the advance of the coalition troops. Looking forward along the parallel trench, the Z-shaped trench extended to the trench of Tabia Fort. This should be the Russian Imperial Army.

The tactics used to approach the bastion were basically not much different from those used by Marshal Vauban more than two hundred years ago. The only difference was that Marshal Vauban did not have the same accurate artillery force as in the 19th century.

Under such tactics, the Russian Imperial Army had not yet breached the bastion, and Major General Canrobert had a hint of admiration for the defending Turkish troops.

The road ahead was now covered with Z-shaped approach trenches, and Canrobert could only order the troops to enter the trenches and walk towards the fortress.

After entering the Z-shaped trench, the coalition troops were driven by the gunpowder and fishy smell in the trench, and quickly arrived at the trench below the Tarbia Bastion. Here the coalition troops saw an even more shocking scene.

In the ditch under the castle, behind the earthen breastwork, there were a large number of bloody corpses piled up. Most of the battlements and gun holes of the fortress had been destroyed, and the broken bricks and stones were scattered on the ground in disorder. Blood spilled on the city wall, turning the wall into a mess.

The bricks were dyed black and red, and a large intestine that had exploded from an unknown corpse was lying quietly in the corner of the fortress... The whole scene was like hell brought to the human world.

Even though he was a soldier who had experienced hundreds of battles, he couldn't help but want to spit out his breakfast after seeing the scene in front of him.

Under the dual stimulation of the strong fishy smell and the smell of gunpowder, Captain Jérôme Patterson, who had almost zero actual combat experience, finally couldn't help but vomited: "Ouch!"

Major General Canrobert looked at the scene in front of him with an indifferent expression. He had experienced hundreds of battles and had seen even bloodier scenes when he followed Marshal Biraud to encircle and suppress the Algiers rebels.

"My name is Canrobert, commander of the 1st French Division. I came here to support you under the orders of the Allied Forces Command!" Major General Canrobert raised his head and said in French to the Turkish soldiers on the fortress.

The translator standing next to Major General Canrobert quickly translated his words into Turkic and repeated them to the Turkish soldiers on the fortress.

After the Turkish officers on the fortress heard that Canrobert arrived here on behalf of the coalition headquarters, they hurriedly opened the gate of the fortress to welcome the arrival of this new force.

"Welcome! My friend! I am the acting garrison of Tarbia Bastion, Khadem!" The middle-aged man wearing a Turkish military cap and a big beard held Canrobel tightly.

to express welcome.

After months of fighting alone, they finally received new reinforcements, and Haddam immediately expressed his gratitude to General Canrobert.

Thanks to him for his selfless support during the most difficult time of Silistra Fortress.

Hadem knew that part of the reason for the settlement of Silistra Fortress was the arrival of Canrobert and others.


If the timely arrival of the coalition forces had not made the Russian Empire that was besieging Silistra Fortress feel like a thorn in its back, and thus gave up its intention to besiege Silistra Fortress, I am afraid that the Russian Empire would never have given up.

I am afraid that many more people will die in the Ottoman Empire's army.

"Your bravery and persistence are the people who saved you!" Major General Canrobel directly praised Hadem: "It is precisely because of your unremitting resistance that the Russian Imperial Army retreated despite the difficulties. You saved this edge.

Everyone in the fort has also saved the fortress and country behind you. I believe that your book list will definitely give you generous rewards and the medals you want!"

Conrobel's compliments brought a sheepish smile to Hadem's face.

After all, their own family knows their own affairs. If the coalition forces really do not arrive, they may not be able to resist for a few days before they fall. Even if this has become an occupied area, as long as the large forces of the coalition forces can arrive smoothly, then this battle will still be

Some fought. The Ottoman Empire was far from subjugated, but at that time, their role for the British and French coalition forces was probably much lower than it is now.

"Thank you to the British and French forces for their contribution to the Russian Empire. Everyone in the bastion will never forget it!" Haddam once again expressed his gratitude to General Canrobert.

At Hadem's invitation, Canrobert and others entered the interior of Tarbia Bastion.

Looking at the devastated ground inside the bastion, Canrobert sighed again.

After entering the bastion, Canrobert was informed by Khadem that Musa Pasha, who was originally stationed at Tarbia Bastion, was still at Silistra Fortress and had not returned. If Major General Canrobert is willing, he can lead Conrobel

Bell and others went to Silistra Fortress to meet with Omar Pasha, the commander of Silistra Fortress.

Major General Canrobert nodded and agreed to Khadem's suggestion. Khadem led Major General Canrobel to Silistra Fortress to meet with Omar Pasha of Silistra Fortress.

Major General Canrobert who entered Omar Pasha's residence was told that Omar Pasha had drank too much last night and needed some time to sober up.

"I can wait!" Conrobel nodded and responded to the servant.

"Please follow me!" Under the leadership of the servant, Major General Canrobert entered the living room.

About half an hour later, Omar Pasha, dressed in military uniform, appeared in front of Canrobel.

"General Canrobert, I have heard of you for a long time!" Omar Pasha extended his hand and said politely to Canrobert...

"Omar Pasha, you won the prize!" Major General Canrobert responded humbly, and then praised in a brisk tone: "With a 4 to 1 disadvantage, the Russian Empire was kept outside the country for several months (then

In the eyes of Europeans, the Danube Principalities are completely puppet states of the Russian Empire), your ability really makes me admire you!"

"Nothing!" Omar Pasha also humbly depreciated himself: "I'm just a mediocre person who only knows a little defensive skills! If General Canrobert were to defend you, I'm afraid you would be much better than me.


Major General Canrobel smiled noncommittally. Judging from his observation and comparison of the Russian Imperial Army and the soldiers in the Turkish bastion, if he were to command this battle, he would probably be much more aggressive than Omar Pasha.

Because the overall quality of the troops stationed in Turkey is greater than the serf army of the Russian Empire, blind defense will only lead to a passive situation everywhere.

After a brief mutual compliment, Omar Pasha and Major General Konrobel immediately got down to business. They discussed the current situation facing the Silistra Fortress.

Omar Pasha believed that the coalition forces should join forces with the Turkish forces to move north to expel the Russian Empire from the Danube Principality.

Major General Canrobert told Omar Pasha the strategy formulated by Marshal Saint Arnaud in detail, "According to our observation, Silistra Fortress and its surrounding areas are simply unable to support a large force.

, this means that all the equipment and supplies of our army must be transported from Varna, and we will have to experience various risks along the way! Our army believes that rushing northward is an extremely risky strategy, and we should use it to our full potential.

The superior navy landed at Sevastopol Fortress, and then annihilated the defenders of Sevastopol Fortress in one fell swoop, winning peace on the European continent!"

"Is this method really possible?" Omar Pasha asked in disbelief: "Will the Russian Empire really go all out for the Sevastopol Fortress?"

"Definitely!" Major General Canrobert responded to Omar Pasha with a firm tone: "The Fortress of Sevastopol itself entrusted all the dreams of the tyrant Nicholas I, and he will definitely not abandon this place!


"What should we do with Silistra Fortress? What should we do with the Russian Imperial Army on the north bank?" Omar Pasha then asked Major General Canrobert.

"The Russian Imperial Army on the north bank has made some big moves in a short period of time! After the troops attack Sevastopol, they are likely to be sent by the Tsar to fight there!"

This chapter has been completed!
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