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Chapter Five Hundred and Five De. Ruiz's Trip to Austria

"France warmly welcomes the Austrian Empire to join the camp of maintaining peace in Europe and jointly fight against the hegemonic style of the Russian Empire."

Jérôme Bonaparte used an impassioned tone to praise Richard Metternich and the Austrian Empire behind him, without noticing Richard Metternich's embarrassed expression at all.

"Your Majesty, the Austrian Empire does not want to fight against the Russian Empire together with Britain and France. We hope that Britain, France and Russia can each take a step back on the issue of the Danube region! Work together to safeguard the hard-won peace!" Richard Metternich said sincerely

Said to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Although the Vienna government behind Richard Metternich had made up its mind to join the British and French camp, their monarch Franz Joseph still had a slight chance of successful peace talks, and there was still a trace of ambiguity on the issue of the Russian Empire.

Jérôme Bonaparte was extremely disdainful of the Vienna government's desire to have more, and he even felt as if the Second German Empire looked at the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Things have reached this point, and hesitation will only lead to missed opportunities.

If the person Franz Joseph met was his cousin, the Austrian Empire would have been covered with grass three feet high.

"We are willing to respect the will of the Austrian Empire... and negotiate with the Russian Empire on the Danube issue in an attitude of mutual tolerance and mutual cooperation!" Jérôme Bonaparte used standard official nonsense again to Richard

Metternich said.

Since the Vienna government was willing to do such useless work, Jérôme Bonaparte also naturally agreed to the Austrian Empire's request to serve as a communication bridge.

"As for the Kingdom of Sardinia..." Richard Metternich cautiously tried.

Jérôme Bonaparte told Richard Metternich that the originally planned military exchanges had to be postponed because the acting chief of the general staff, Major General Niel, accidentally caught wind and cold.

Hearing Jerome Bonaparte's assurance, Richard Metternich breathed a sigh of relief and responded: "What a pity!"

Then Richard Metternich and Jerome Bonaparte exchanged views on the problems existing in the Near East and the German region. Richard Metternich stood up and asked Jerome Bonaparte

Say goodbye.

Jérôme Bonaparte personally sent Richard Metternich out of the study, then called Mokar and ordered him to invite De Ruys here immediately.

About half an hour later, Mokar and De Luys appeared in the study.

Jérôme Bonaparte told De Ruys what Richard Metternich had told him, and then asked De Ruys to leave for Vienna immediately.

"Your Majesty! If the Russian Empire is really willing to give in, are we..." De Luys asked Jérôme Bonaparte if he was willing to stop the war.

"No! We can only make the Russian Empire calm down for a period of time by inflicting pain on it. Otherwise, the Russian Empire will make a comeback in a short time. By that time, the empire will probably fall into an endless war." Jérôme Bonnet

Ba gently knocked on the table and emphasized: "Since we have chosen war, we must fight to create ten years of peace and the prestige of France!"

"Yes!" Minister De Ruys nodded and replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

On April 1, the French Empire's Foreign Minister De Ruys took a train to the military port of Toulon, then transferred to a warship and arrived in Venice on the afternoon of April 2.

After Marshal Radeski, the supreme governor of Venice, heard that Minister De Ruys had arrived in Venice, he made the right decision to invite De Ruys to visit the Austrian Empire's army.

Regarding the invitation from the old Marshal Radetzky, Minister De Ruys knew very well that the old Marshal was using this to demonstrate to the French Empire.

De Ruys, knowing full well that old Marshal Radetzky had ill intentions, still accepted the invitation.

Accompanied by Marshal Radetzki and Venetian officials, De Luys inspected the troops of the Austrian Empire.

De Luys, who reviewed the quality of the Austrian troops deployed in the Venice area one by one, had to admit that the troops under Radetzky were not inferior to any army in the French Empire.

"Mr. De Ruys, I relied on this army to quell the rebellion in the Apennine Peninsula. I can assure you with all my heart that these soldiers under my command are no worse than the army of your French Empire!" Radez said.

Ji proudly said to De Luys.

Later, the old Marshal Radetzky told De Luys all kinds of strange and interesting things about the Napoleonic War. Every line of words revealed his nostalgia for the previous era and his criticism of this era.

After listening to Old Marshal Radetzki, De Ruys immediately realized that the old Marshal in front of him was just an "old antique" who was immersed in the previous era and had only a limited time left!

"Old Marshal, you are worthy of being the only remaining general from the previous era! From you, I see the epitome of the previous era." De Luys said with a hint of praise.

When the old Marshal Radetzky heard the insinuation of De Ruys, his face showed a little displeasure: "Mr. De Ruys, I am a rough man who only knows how to fight! You can say anything you want.

Just say it!"

"Old Marshal, if I remember correctly, you are now over 87 years old! How much time do you have left to continue serving this empire? Don't you think that your behavior just now is a deliberate attempt to drive a wedge between the French Empire and the Austrian Empire?

Is it a conflict between the two countries?" De Ruys labeled Radetzky as "disrespecting an friendly country" as soon as he came up.


Radetzky looked gloomy and did not speak. After a while, he apologized and said, "I'm deeply sorry for the inappropriate remarks I just made!"

"Nothing!" De Luys waved his hand magnanimously and continued: "I admit that this army under your command can indeed compete with the army of the French Empire, but have you ever thought about how many people there are in the Austrian Empire?

With an army like yours, the French Empire can definitely recruit a large number of troops to overwhelm your army with numbers like it did at the beginning. Our country's finances can fully support the formation of a large army! I don't know if the Austrian Empire can support it.

Always a huge force!"

De Ruys's words reminded Radetzky of the citizens' army during the First Republic, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"I'm afraid it's difficult!" Radetzky responded with difficulty.

"So Marshal Radetzky, in my opinion, your army is just an army that cannot be copied! Our army can lose 10 times, but your army will be completely defeated if it loses once!"


After saying that, De Luys turned and left.

"Marshal, he is too arrogant!"

"Yes! It's really too arrogant!"

The generals under Radetzki angrily rebuked De Ruys as he left, but no one dared to directly catch up with De Ruys and take action against him.

On April 4, De Ruys arrived in Vienna by train.

Austrian Foreign Minister Count Bauer and Austrian Imperial Political Advisor Prince Metternich personally welcomed De Ruys.

"Minister Ruiz, are you okay? Marshal Radetzki didn't give you any trouble, did he?" De Ruiz was asked with concern by Count Bauer as soon as he got off the train.

"It's nothing! The old marshal is very friendly to me!" De Luys did not want to pursue the old marshal's fault. He shook his head and said to Earl Bauer.

"That's good! That's good!" Count Bauer breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a little glad in his heart that De Luys held Old Marshal Radetzky accountable for his fault. Otherwise, Count Bauer really didn't know what to do.

The old marshal's disciples and former officials are all over the Austrian Empire's military circles. Dealing with the old marshal hastily may cause a backlash from the Austrian military.

"I can understand the mood of the old Marshal Radetzky!" De Ruys said to Count Bauer: "But I don't want people like the old Marshal to appear again in the next period of time!"

"Definitely! Definitely!" Earl Bauer nodded and responded to De Luys.

"Two gentlemen, this is not the time for small talk. His Majesty has been waiting at Schönbrunn Palace for a long time! We can't keep him waiting any longer!" Prince Metternich, standing aside, reminded Count Bauer and De Ruys.

Both of them pay attention to the time.

After being reminded, Count Bauer immediately responded and invited De Ruys to take a carriage to Schönbrunn Palace.

The carriage carried the three people to Schonbrunn Palace quickly, and the three people, who had their own thoughts, got off the car one after another at the reminder of the driver.

"You three, please come with me! His Majesty has been waiting for you for a long time!" The royal steward on the steps quickly walked down the steps and said to Earl Ball and others.

Earl Bauer and others entered the interior of Schonbrunn Palace under the leadership of the royal steward, and then passed through the luxurious corridors paved with bright red Persian carpets and arrived at the reception hall.

Emperor Franz Joseph of the Austrian Empire was standing in the center of the reception hall with a serious face. The person standing next to him was not Princess Sissi, but Princess Sissi's sister Helen.

At this time, Princess Helen, wearing a black palace dress, smiled and extended her left hand to greet the guests around her.

Under the leadership of the royal steward, De Ruys gradually got closer to Franz Joseph. When De Ruys was close enough to Franz Joseph for him to see clearly the appearance of Princess Helen, he began to feel some sympathy for Franz Joseph in his heart.

Lanz Joseph.

Because there is no trace of femininity in Princess Helen's face, it's like God forcibly placed a man's face on a female body.

De Luys could swear that if he had to face this face all day long, he would rather never get married.

"Your Majesty, this is the French Empire's Foreign Minister De Ruys!"

This chapter has been completed!
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