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Chapter 519: The Critically Ill Saint Arnault

After walking forward for about 10 minutes, the coalition troops finally arrived near the Bulgarak River.

Looking at the endless river in front of them, the thirsty soldiers of Ying, Sa, and Tu had already forgotten about the so-called military discipline. The excited soldiers jumped into the river and let the cool river water soak into their bodies.

It even penetrates into the hot and unbearable soul.

The soldiers of the French Empire standing on the shore looked at the soldiers from other countries in the water with envy, and then looked at Marshal Saint-Arnaud who was riding a horse.

"Pass my order, all troops are strictly prohibited from entering the water to play and play! Those who disobey the order will have their monthly wages deducted." Marshal Saint-Arnault meticulously issued orders to Trochu and the cavalrymen who were beside him.

After receiving the order, the cavalrymen quickly detached a team and set off backwards to convey Marshal Saint-Arnaud's order to each division.

After that, Saint-Arnaud conveyed the requirements of his team's logistics troops to another team of messenger cavalry beside him. He required that the logistics troops must go to the upper reaches of the river to fetch water in the future, and they must also ensure that

The water provided to the French Imperial Army must have been boiled water.

The cavalrymen who heard the request also left Marshal Saint-Arnaud's side, and now he was the only one left beside Saint-Arnaud.

Just when Saint Arnaud was about to turn over and dismount, a sharp pain came from Marshal Saint Arnaud's abdomen. The pain made Marshal Saint Arnaud have to lie on the horse, and his legs could not help but

The clamp tightened the horse's belly.

"Marshal Saint-Arnaud, are you...are you okay?" Commander Raglan's concerned voice reached Marshal Saint-Arnaud's ears.

"I...it's fine," Marshal Saint-Arnaud responded to Commander Raglan with difficulty, and then he accidentally fell off his horse.

The sudden turn of events shocked everyone present. Commander Raglan quickly dismounted his horse, handed the bridle to the Duke of Cambridge, then came to the side of Marshal Saint-Arnaud, helped Marshal Saint-Arnaud up and shouted.

He shouted: "Doctor, go and call the doctor!"

The surrounding cavalry hurriedly took action after hearing Commander Raglan's order. Not long after, doctors from the British and French armies arrived one after another, accompanied by the commanders of the 1st, 23rd and 3rd divisions.

After hearing the news that Marshal Arnault was critically ill, he hurriedly handed over the work at hand to his chief of staff and rushed over.

The British and French military doctors carefully examined the body of Marshal Saint-Arnaud, then stood up and remained silent.

"Marshal, what disease does he have? Tell me something!" General Pellissier, the commander of the Guards Division with a slightly impatient personality, asked Marshal Saint-Arnault loudly.

"Please forgive me for my poor medical skills!" The French military doctor first apologized to the generals present, and then reported truthfully: "I did not find any external trauma on the marshal's body. There is a high probability that it is a condition that occurred inside the marshal's body!"

"I don't care if you are inside or outside your body, but you must save the Marshal for me!" General Canrobert, the commander of the First Division, said with emotion and reason: "Marshal Saint-Arnault is not just the French Empire.

The commander is also the commander of the entire coalition forces, and his safety is related to every member of the coalition forces!"

"What Canrobert said is right!" Commander Raglan also nodded in agreement with what Marshal Saint-Arnaud said. It is not easy to have a commander of the French Allied Forces who always thinks about Britain.

Ever since the British soldiers arrived in Varna, Marshal St. Arnaud has been accommodating the British Kingdom. If there is a new commander, I don’t know if the next commander can be as accommodating to the British army as Marshal St. Arnaud.

Furthermore, Commander Raglan has been working with Marshal Saint-Arnaud for a long time. The two finally reached a consensus through constant friction. Raglan does not want to waste any more time arguing with the next French Commander-in-Chief.


Of course, if Marshal Saint-Arnaud himself is terminally ill, Commander Raglan has nothing to do.

Thinking of this, Commander Raglan looked at the British doctor Thomas: "Thomas, tell me honestly what's going on with Marshal St. Arnaud?"

"Commander, I don't know for sure!" Dr. Thomas shook his head and said to Commander Raglan, and then added: "However, I still recommend that you prepare for the worst case scenario!

I once saw a case similar to that of Marshal Saint-Arnaud, and the patient also suffered from pain for no reason!"

"Then! What method did they use to overcome it?" Brigadier General Trochu asked Army Doctor Thomas impatiently.

While recalling the condition of the patient he had seen in the British Peninsula, Thomas told the commander, General, who was present: "At the beginning, the patient's pain was not too painful, so he drank to relieve the pain all day long.

After a few months, the patient's condition began to worsen, and he began to moan non-stop. In order to relieve the patient's pain, I specially prepared "Afurong" (opium) for the patient. A tube of "Afurong"

The patient stopped moaning after "Afurong" went down. However, the effect of "Afurong" has a time limit after all. After the hallucinogenic effect passed, the patient started moaning again. Because the patient had already experienced the pain-relieving effect of "Afurong"

, so after the patient falls into pain again, he will crave "Aphrodisiac" even more than the first time.

As time goes by, the efficacy of "Afurong" becomes worse and worse, and more and more doses are required.

At that stage, the patient's body will immediately lose weight, and the pain will make them unable to eat any food anymore, and they will think of smoking "Aphron" to numb themselves every minute and every second.

Eventually, the patient will die from the pain."

When Dr. Thomas finished telling the patient's story, the three major generals and a brigadier general who greeted him glared at him. Among them, Brigadier General Trochu's reaction was the most intense of all: "You fart! You quack, believe it or not."

I will kill you directly with my gun!"

After speaking, Brigadier General Trochu took out the revolver in his waist and pointed it at Dr. Thomas.

"Calm down!" Canrobert on the side quickly grabbed Brigadier Trochu's revolver and said to him.

"But, he..." Brigadier General Trochu pointed at Dr. Thomas.

"Brigadier General Trochu, this is just something I have experienced! If you don't want to believe it, then there is nothing I can do!" Dr. Thomas did not show any fear on his face.

"Doctor Thomas, please forgive Brigadier General Trochu's rudeness! Do you mean that we can only rely on "Aphrodisiac" to maintain the life of the Marshal?" Canrobel asked Dr. Thomas with a sincere face.

Dr. Thomas shook his head and responded to Canrobert: "I don't know which stage your lord, marshal, is at. Maybe your lord, marshal, is still in the early stages!"

"Thank you!" Conrobel expressed his thanks to Dr. Thomas, and then suggested to Commander Raglan: "Commander Raglan, I think we may have to live here for a while!"

"Hey!" Commander Raglan sighed: "That's all we can do!"

Due to the physical problems of Marshal Saint-Arnaud, the allied forces of Britain, France, Turkey and France had to station themselves on the river bank.

Under the orders of the commanders of the four countries, camps were dotted on the north bank of the Burganak River. The commanders of the four countries, Britain, France and Turkey, gathered in a tent that was somewhat similar to a yurt.

After the commanders of the four countries in the camp were silent for a moment, Raglan, the commander of the British Expeditionary Force, said: "An unfortunate thing just happened. Our ally, Marshal Saint-Arnaud, the commander-in-chief of the French Empire, suddenly fell from his horse. Now

He is still in a coma, please let us first pray for Saint Arnaud's health."

After saying this, Commander Raglan closed his eyes and prayed to God that Saint Arnaud would recover as soon as possible.

Everyone also prayed to God (although Omar was forced to believe in it, he was still an Orthodox Christian at heart).

After the prayer, Commander Raglan asked Canrobert again who was in charge of their French army.

"After discussions between our three division commanders, two regiment commanders and the chiefs of staff, we decided to let General Pellissier, the commander of the Guards Division, temporarily act as the commander of the French Imperial Expeditionary Force!" Canrobert's answer surprised everyone present.


In their opinion, Major General Canrobert, who was in charge of the 1st Division, was the most likely person to succeed Marshal Saint-Arnaud.

Because although the First Division under the control of Canrobert was not called a Guards Division, it was actually a Guards Corps.

If the First Division had not launched a military coup against Paris, the French Empire would not have entered the stage of history.

Not to mention, Canrobert himself was Jérôme Bonaparte’s confidant and accompanied him all the way to the throne. It was reasonable for him to take over the position of Marshal Saint-Arnaud.


However, what they did not expect was that Canrobert gave up taking over the position of Saint-Arnaud and supported Pellisier instead.

"General Pelissier... no, Commander Pelissier!" Commander Raglan said quickly after reacting.

"Commander Pelissier!" Minister La Maramore and Omar Pasha also echoed.

In this way, Pellissier, who was the commander of the Guards Division, temporarily took over the position of Marshal Saint-Arnaud and became the interim commander of France while being the commander of the single-person Guards Division.

Subsequently, the four commanders discussed the problems faced by the coalition forces.

In the end, it was decided that the large force would temporarily stop at the Bulganak River, and then the light cavalry troops would be sent to the south bank of the Bulganak River to survey.

The cavalry units sent out included a regiment of Bashbozuk cavalry and a regiment of British light cavalry.

This chapter has been completed!
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