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Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Seven The Defeated Russian Army

"It's not a naval gun? It's not much different in power? Has France developed a new type of artillery?"

Prince Menshikov frowned and muttered in a low voice. In his impression, French artillery has always been at the forefront of Europe. Some European countries, including the Russian Empire, relied on imitating French artillery and then gradually improved it to become their own.

It has its own artillery, so it is not surprising that the French Empire developed new artillery.

However, the French Empire put artillery into the battlefield at the same juncture. This was extremely bad news for Prince Menshikov.

Thinking of the upcoming battle of Sevastopol Fortress, Menshikov felt extremely uncomfortable when he was likely to face the French Empire's artillery.

"Your Excellency, Commander, Your Excellency!" The shouts from the messenger hussars brought Menshikov back to reality from his dream.

Only then did Menshikov remember that his current situation was no longer objective. The 36,000 soldiers of the Russian Imperial Army deployed around the Kurgan Mountains were now in an isolated and helpless state, and continued to stay here waiting for Menshikov.

There is only death.

The current plan is to withdraw the troops from the Kurgan Mountain in batches, return to the Sevastopol Fortress through the Sevastopol Trail, and rely on the fortress's bastion system to effectively attack the British and French coalition forces.

However, the premise of all this is that the Sevastopol Trail cannot be occupied by the coalition forces. Once the coalition forces occupy the Sevastopol Trail, the Russian Imperial Army can only consider abandoning the Sevastopol Fortress and divert to the other side.

Lekop, ensuring that the road between Crimea and the Russian mainland is not cut off, and waiting for reinforcements there.

As for climbing over the hills and returning to Sevastopol Fortress, it is even more impossible.

After all, not every general is called Suvorov, and not every tsar is called Empress Catherine.

Thinking of this, Menshikov turned his attention to the Puma Cavalry and said solemnly: "You should return to Lieutenant General Kiriaco immediately and tell Kiriaco to guard the road leading to Sevastopo.

As long as he can hold on until the large troops arrive, I can forget all his actions on Telegraph Hill! On the other hand, if Lieutenant General Kiriaco escapes without authorization, he will be sent to St. Petersburg to wait for His Majesty the Tsar.

Holy Inquisitor! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" the messenger hussar hurriedly assured Prince Menshikov that he would bring Prince Menshikov's words to Lieutenant General Kiriako exactly as they were said.

"Go!" Menshikov waved his hand and said to the hussar.

After receiving the order to return, the hussars ducked (to avoid the shells) out of Menshikov's sight and returned to the Sevastopol trail.

Watching the hussars leave, Prince Menshikov sighed for the ill-fated Russian Imperial Army, and then ordered his adjutant to call General Peter Gorchakov over.

This General Gorchakov is the elder brother of General Mikhail Gorchakov who is serving as the commander of the Danube Allied Forces. He was born in 1790 because he fought against the Ottoman Empire all year round and represented the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire.

The Treaty of Adrianople was signed in 1829, so after the start of Crimea (before Britain and France joined the war), Prince Peter Gorchakov was killed by Nicholas I at the age of 64 (

Prince Peter Gorchakov had retired in 1851) and was re-recruited into the army as commander of the Fourth Army (stationed in Kolya).

Prince Peter Gorchakov is currently serving as captain of the fire brigade on the front line, constantly reinforcing the defense lines that may be breached.

When Prince Menshikov's adjutant found Peter Gorchakov in the left mountainside bastion of Kurgan Mountain, General Peter Gorchakov was leading two battalions of soldiers to rush out of the trenches and attack the subordinates.

Soldiers from a battalion of the Scots Fusiliers of the 1st Division launched a bayonet charge.

Here, I would like to add that in this era, whether it is the British and French armies or the Russian Imperial Army, generals like to stand on the front line and charge with the soldiers. There are few generals who are as strategizing as Napoleon and Moltke. This has also led to the European

The attrition rate of generals in the army has remained high. It was not until the emergence of breech-loading guns and breech-loading cannons that the generals were freed from the fate of charging and instead focused on decision-making.

The soldiers of the Scottish Fusiliers, who were caught off guard, had no time to fire and joined the sudden Russian army.

In close-range hand-to-hand combat, the Slavs used their strong physique and favorable terrain to repel the soldiers of the Scottish Fusiliers Battalion, leaving more than a dozen corpses on the hillside.

Looking at the slowly retreating British Scots Musketeers, Prince Peter Gorchakov took a deep breath and led the remaining troops under his command to retreat into the trench.

Prince Peter Gorchakov, who returned to the trench, was about to lead his soldiers to support another battlefield when he was stopped by Prince Menshikov's adjutant.

Menshikov's adjutant informed Prince Peter Gorchakov that Prince Menshikov wanted to meet with him.

After Prince Peter Gorchakov thought for a moment, he ordered his adjutant to go to the next location for support. Peter Gorchakov himself followed Menshikov's adjutant to Prince Menshikov's house.


"General Peter, you are finally here!" Looking at Peter Gorchakov who was returning with his adjutant, Prince Menshikov came to him in three steps and held the prince's hand in his hand.

Hand said enthusiastically.

"Your Excellency, Commander, is there anything you need me to do?" Prince Peter Gorchakov asked Prince Menshikov directly.

"That's it..." Prince Menshikov told Prince Peter Gorchakov everything that happened on Telegraph Hill.

"That guy Kiriako! Damn it!" Prince Peter Gorchakov gritted his teeth and said to Menshikov with murderous intent.

As the main person in charge of a position, he abandoned the position so easily.

For someone like him to hold the position of lieutenant general is simply an insult to the army.

"I also know that Kiriaco deserves to die, but now is not the time to deal with him! He still has the armed forces of three regiments in his hands, and the Sevastopol Trail is also the only way for us to retreat."

Menshikov sighed, and then said to Prince Peter Gorchakov solemnly: "I hope you can lead your troops to support! Only by guarding the Sevastopol trail can we escape smoothly!"

"I know!" Prince Peter Gorchakov nodded and responded to Menshikov: "I will lead 8 battalions to support!"

"Okay! Our ability to escape here smoothly depends entirely on you!" Prince Menshikov let go of Peter Gorchakov's hand and watched Peter Gorchakov leave.

After Peter Gorchakov left Menshikov's sight, Menshikov put away his gaze and quickly returned towards the direction of the main battlefield.

At this time, Prince Menshikov did not know that after he left, the Kazan Infantry Brigade on the frontal battlefield would also face a precarious situation.

As a frontal force attacking the Russian Empire, the British Highland Brigade was dodging and advancing under the leadership of their brigade commander, Lord Campbell. The originally neat formation quickly became messy. Every British member was trying to avoid the Russian Empire as much as possible.

The army launched an attack on the Russian troops on the multi-faceted fort while firing musket bullets.

As the British army got closer to the multifaceted fort, the army became more and more scattered. Seeing that he could not reorganize the army, Sir Campbell fortunately chose not to reorganize the team. Sir Campbell, who was riding a horse, waved the command knife in his hand and shouted loudly.

Shout: "For Her Majesty the Queen, for victory! Charge!"

After hearing Sir Campbell's words, the officers in the Highland Brigade did not try to reorganize their troops, but charged towards the trench at the forefront.

The officers' desperate charge inspired the soldiers, and more and more soldiers began to charge against the Russian Imperial Army on the multi-faceted fort.

When two armies are fighting, the most important thing is the competition in morale.

The Kazan Infantry Brigade surrounding the Polyface Fort saw the British infantry rushing towards them despite the fierce attacks of the Russian Empire's artillery. The soldiers of the Kazan Infantry Brigade squatting in the trench were confused for a moment, and the Highland Brigade immediately caught

Taking advantage of this gap, they quickly rushed to the trench where the Russian Imperial Army was located.

When the soldiers of the Kazan Infantry Brigade reacted, nearly 2,000 British soldiers had already rushed into the trench.

The Kazan Infantry Brigade and the Highland Brigade, two elite troops belonging to different countries, were fighting in the trenches.

From bayonets, daggers, flintlock pistols, to fists, soles of feet, teeth, and even nails... In short, the two teams tried their best to cause harm to each other.

The death toll rose sharply after the British army entered the trench. In just 5 minutes, the casualties of the British and Russian armies had reached 600, of which 320 were contributed by the Russian Empire and 280 by the British Kingdom. Both sides

It was almost a one to one battle.

Just as the two sides were fighting for one thing, a cry came from somewhere: "France! The French army will support us soon!"

After hearing the news of "French support", the morale of the Highland Brigade was instantly boosted, while the morale of the members of the Kazan Infantry Brigade immediately fell to the bottom.

Some soldiers of the Kazan Infantry Brigade began to consciously retreat backwards, and the Russian Imperial Artillery Troops in the rear even pulled up their cannons and ran back.

Soon, the Fort was occupied by the soldiers of the Highland Brigade, and dozens of cannons became trophies in the hands of the Highland Brigade.

The flag symbolizing the British Army slowly rose over the multi-faceted fort.

This chapter has been completed!
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