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Chapter 536 Unexpected Victory

Under the command of Lieutenant General Kornilov, the Russian Imperial Army, which was bombarded by the fleet at Karatina Port, lay on the ground to avoid the artillery attacks.

The British and French light infantry under the protection of the naval guns at Karayana Port, under the orders of Brigadier General Trochu, were either in skirmish line mode (to be precise, the Zuav regiment mode skirmish line), or in column mode (the British inherited it from Napoleon)

Queues to be shot during the war) moved slowly in the direction of the incoming Russian Empire troops.

The vast majority of the Russian Imperial Army, which was suppressed by naval guns, could only watch helplessly as the British and French troops moved towards them. A few vigorous young Slavic soldiers stood up to fight back, never thinking that the muskets in their hands were incapable of supporting him.

To counterattack, not to mention that the current Russian Imperial Army is still within the coverage of naval guns.

Even if one or two Russian soldiers ignored the order and rushed in the direction of the British and French allied forces, the outcome they would face would be to become dead souls under the gunfire.

Fortunately, the location where Lieutenant General Kornilov was located was a hilly area, and most of the shells could only hit Kornilov's surroundings, and the damage caused was the impact damage caused by the shell explosion.

If Lieutenant General Kornilov is on a plain, the naval guns on Karatina Port can defeat Kornilov's troops immediately.

Nearly 500 naval guns aimed at the troops led by Lieutenant General Kornilov and bombarded them for more than half an hour. During this half hour, wailing sounds could be heard from Lieutenant General Kornilov's troops from time to time.

If you are lucky, you may even see severed limbs falling from the sky.

These scenes are simply like a nightmare for the militiamen who participated in the battle for the first time.

After the artillery stopped, Lieutenant General Kornilov patted the dust on his body and shouted at the Russian Imperial soldiers: "Line up! Hurry!"

After hearing Lieutenant General Kornilov's order, the Russian soldiers quickly stood up and lined up to face the British and French forces.

It is a pity that the distance between the British and French coalition forces and them has already entered the effective range of 550 meters.

At a distance of about 550 meters, the British and French forces could hit the Russian Imperial Army, but the Russian Imperial Army had no way of hitting the British and French forces.

If Lieutenant General Kornilov had participated in the Battle of Armagh, then he would not have led his troops to easily fight against the British and French forces rashly.

When there is a large difference in weapon generation, defense is the most effective method.

Of course, the culprit behind all this was Prince Menshikov and Lieutenant General Kiriako.

If Prince Menshikov chose to forcibly return to the Sevastopol Fortress after his defeat in the Battle of Alma, then Lieutenant General Kornilov would be able to know the range of the rifles of the British and French forces.

If Lieutenant General Chiriaco had not revealed a lot of internal information about Sevastopol after being captured, Marshal St. Arnaud would not have made up his mind to capture Sevastopol.

Of course, Jérôme Bonaparte, who was far away in Paris, also contributed to the failure of Sevastopol.

If it hadn't been for his telegram, Marshal Saint-Arnaud would have had to wait for some time before making up his mind to attack.

Lieutenant General Kornilov did not know at this time that he had already lost the time and the people before the Sevastopol offensive began.

There is no way to defeat the coalition forces based on geographical location alone.

When the British and French forces raised their Miner guns and Lee-Enfield rifles levelly, a laugh came from the Russian Imperial Army camp.

How could they, who had not been severely beaten by Minie rifles, know how terrifying the Minie rifles were? This group of ignorant Slavic barbarians regarded the actions of the British and French coalition forces as fear. In their view, the British and French coalition forces were a group of cowards. They only dared to shoot from a distance.


The soldiers of the two battalions at the forefront pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew out of the gun barrel and hit the Russian Empire's vanguard troops at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye.

The unprepared vanguard troops fell to the ground the next second they heard the gunfire. The Russian Imperial Army had just hit them face to face and injured dozens of people.

This does not include the Russian Imperial soldiers who were killed and wounded just after being hit by the naval gunfire.

The Russian Imperial Army, which had never encountered such a situation, was stunned. They first glanced at the fallen Russian Imperial soldiers. Most of the Russian Imperial soldiers who were hit by the minie bombs did not die immediately.

, they fell to the ground and desperately stretched out their hands to the compatriots around them, begging for their help. The blood spurting out from the wounds dyed the gray military uniforms red.

"Help me... please..." The fallen Slavic soldier showed a painful expression and intermittently called for help to the surrounding soldiers.

After seeing the tragic situation of their fallen comrades, the surrounding soldiers began to feel fear in their hearts.

They recalled some rumors in the military camp, and they became even more afraid of the British and French forces.

"Come on! You are all warriors who have been baptized by Christ. The evil power borrowed from hell by the British and French forces will have no effect on you! I will stand with you in this battle!"

Just as the Russian Imperial soldiers were thinking wildly, the voice of Lieutenant General Kornilov appeared in the ears of the Russian Imperial soldiers.

Lieutenant General Kornilov's voice gave the Russian Imperial Army renewed courage, and they remembered what the Shepherd of God (priest) had said to them an hour ago.

The priest told them that they were all warriors chosen by the Lord. The reason why the Lord chose them was to protect Sevastopol and His Majesty the Tsar!

Therefore, their every move is under the gaze of the Lord, and all their actions are secretly promoted by the Lord. All the soldiers who are loyal to Sevastopol will roar and be led by the Lord to heaven to enjoy worship... Anyone who does not obey

The soul of a person commanded by the Lord will not be able to go to heaven after his death...

Thinking of this, the simple soldiers of the Russian Empire were both excited and frightened.

They were afraid of death, but they wanted to win glory for God and the Czar.

This ambivalent mentality will make them not afraid of death in a short period of time, but once the number of deaths exceeds a certain number, their team will face the risk of collapse.

Examples of small units collapsing, leading to the collapse of large units, have been common on battlefields throughout the ages.

Especially an army like the Russian Empire that relies entirely on faith to survive.

"For His Majesty the Tsar!" Lieutenant General Kornilov held a flintlock pistol in his left hand, and with his right hand drew out the command knife hanging from his waist and gave the order to charge to the troops.

The Russian army under the influence of Lieutenant General Kornilov followed Lieutenant General Kornilov and charged towards the location of the British and French allied forces.

"It's this move again!" Lieutenant General Trochu looked at this group of Russian Imperial troops who were looking forward to death. He couldn't help but shook his head and gave an order to the chief of staff of the regiment who was temporarily acting as adjutant next to him: "Pass my order.

British and French troops are free to fire! But be sure not to let them get close!"

"Yes!" the regiment chief of staff responded quickly, and then rode on horseback to convey Brigadier General Trochu's order to the front-line troops.

After receiving the order from Brigadier General Trochu, the front-line troops retreated in an orderly manner while constantly attacking the Russian Imperial Army.

After the third round of shooting, nearly 100 Russian Imperial soldiers fell on the path of the charge.

The morale of the vanguard troops began to gradually decline. Just when Lieutenant General Kornilov was preparing to let the next group of soldiers take over their charge forward, a man from the French camp about 700 meters away from Lieutenant General Kornilov

A soldier holding a minie gun is aiming the minie gun at Lieutenant General Kornilov.

Although the maximum range of the Miné rifle is 914 meters, the accuracy of the Miné rifle drops a lot after it exceeds 550 meters. It takes a certain amount of luck to hit Kornilov at a distance of 700 meters.


Sergeant Baptiste (a battalion detached from Zhuav), who silently calculated the distance and wind direction in his mind, pulled the trigger, and the Minie bullet was fired from the muzzle.

A few seconds later, he successfully hit Lieutenant General Kornilov's chest, and blood flowed from Lieutenant General Kornilov's chest.

Kornilov, who was shot, lowered his head in shock and glanced at the gunshot wound on his chest, and then murmured: "Escape quickly!"

After saying that, Lieutenant General Kornilov fell to the ground.

The killing of Lieutenant General Kornilov was an unexpected event for the three armies of Britain, France and Russia. Lieutenant General Trochu, who was in charge of the French army, discovered through his telescope that Lieutenant General Kornilov had fallen.

Overjoyed, he hurriedly issued an order to the regiment chief of staff: "Quick! Order the troops to attack immediately! Attack immediately!"

The regimental chief of staff left quickly and conveyed his orders to the two battalion commanders in the van.

The two battalion commanders also launched a bayonet charge against the Russian Imperial Army, which had lost its supreme leader, without any hesitation.

Before the Russian Imperial Army could wake up from the sadness of losing Lieutenant General Kornilov, the British and French armies arrived in front of them.

A trial of blood and iron officially began. The agile Zhuav soldiers became a sharp knife on the battlefield. Other British and French soldiers followed the steps of the Zhuav regiment and joined the Russian army.

Facing the British and French allied forces that were like tigers descending from the mountain, the Russian Imperial Army, whose morale had dropped to the bottom, was retreating steadily.

A small rout led to a big rout once again.

"Your Excellency, Brigadier General, should we pursue him?" the regiment chief of staff asked Brigadier General Trochu.

After Brigadier General Trochu thought for a moment, he made a bold decision and said: "Pursue!"

Under the orders of Brigadier General Trochu, the British and French troops pursued the enemy for a long distance.

After arriving at a bastion near the south bank of Sevastopol, Brigadier General Trochu, who felt that he was too deep, ordered his soldiers to capture the bastion, and at the same time sent infantry to seek help from the British and French forces on the north bank!

This chapter has been completed!
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