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Chapter five hundred and fiftieth IX Ambassador Cowley is deeply coerced

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for speaking out! Your actions towards the United States of America are pushing an originally neutral country into the arms of the Russian Empire!"

Ambassador Cowley's remarks aroused the sneer of Jérôme Bonaparte. He understood that the reason why Ambassador Cowley had such a big reaction was simply because he was worried that the Kingdom of Britain would be involved in the war with the New World by the French Empire.

After all, no matter how much the French Empire talks about it, the United States of America will not come across the ocean to attack it.

The French Empire had completely lost its interests in the New World as early as the First Empire, while the British Kingdom still had Canada (still called the Province of Canada at this time).

The original war between the United States and Britain was for the benefit of the Canadian province. Although the Kingdom of Britain defeated the United States of America with its strong national strength, the Kingdom of Britain itself also suffered.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Britain signed an armistice treaty with the United States of America in 1815 and was forced to recognize the independence of the United States of America.

Now Jérôme Bonaparte's act of setting fire to America is clearly putting Britain on the fire.

"Ambassador Cowley, Ambassador Mason is threatening me by joining the Russian Empire!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to Ambassador Cowley, then raised his head and said with the unique arrogance of a noble: "They are just a group of slaves.

The nouveau riche here have dared to issue war threats to us. I am afraid they have long forgotten that the reason why they were able to establish an independent country relied on our help! If it weren't for us..."

Having said this, Jerome Bonaparte paused and glanced gently at Ambassador Cowley.

At this time, Ambassador Cowley looked slightly embarrassed, because the victims of the independence of the thirteen North American states were their British kingdom.

I am afraid that Louis XVI never imagined that the United States of America, which he had sold out to aid, would smash the hegemony of Britain and the colonial empire of the French Republic more than two hundred years later.

It can be said that the United States of America indirectly avenged Louis XVI.

Since this period of history is not conducive to the "unity" of Britain and France, Jérôme Bonaparte shook his head and stopped abruptly: "Forget it! These are all rotten things! What I mean is: if

If the United States of America can ride on the head of the French Empire, then where is the majesty of the French Empire!

Ambassador Cowley, I think you should understand what the French nation longs for!"

Jerome Bonaparte asked himself and answered: "It is dignity! It is the most basic respect of a big country, so I must satisfy their small wish!"

"But! Your Majesty, you don't need to use such extreme methods!" Ambassador Cowley understood that Jerome Bonaparte, as a leader of a country who dared to guillotine the king, must create a man who satisfied his subjects.


If a character cannot be created that satisfies the citizens of Paris, the citizens of Paris will overthrow it without hesitation.

At the beginning, Louis Philippe created a "people-friendly" image, which allowed his kingdom to survive for eighteen years before being overthrown.

"Then what method should I use? Agree to the conditions of the United States of America and let the ships of the United States of America pass?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked himself and answered: "I'm afraid I just agreed to Ambassador Mason's conditions on the front foot, and the United States on the other hand.

The United States will go to great lengths to put prohibited items on the ship. At that time, how should I explain to the citizens of Paris and the frontline soldiers?"

"Your Majesty, in fact, we only need to order the United States of America not to send weapons. If that doesn't work, we will use delaying tactics against the United States! There is no need to make the relationship so tense! This is not good for us!" Ambassador Cowley continued to persuade with sincerity.

Jérôme Bonaparte.

"I'm sorry! Now that things have developed like this, there is no way I can take my life back!" Jérôme Bonaparte would not give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Anyway, France's interests in the United States of America have gradually been transferred to the country. Most of the companies remaining in the United States of America are shell companies. Even if they are confiscated by the United States, he will not feel bad at all.

Moreover, the current United States of America is not the relatively centralized country it will be in the future.

The system of the United States of America during this period was not so much a federal system as it was a slightly centralized and confederal system.

According to the Constitution of the United States of America, every state has the right to secede from the United States.

However, whether you will be beaten after withdrawing depends on Washington.

"Your Majesty, I urge you to talk to the Ambassador of the United States of America again! Don't let this trivial matter lead to a war between the two countries!" Ambassador Cowley continued to persuade Jérôme Bonaparte with all his heart.

"So Britain is not prepared to stand with us on this issue?" Jerome Bonaparte said to Ambassador Cowley with a feigned displeasure on his face.

"Your Majesty, we are not unwilling to stand with you!" Ambassador Cowley quickly responded to Jerome Bonaparte. He did not want to lose the French Empire at this time.

The strength shown by the French Empire in the Battle of Sevastopol was enough for the British Kingdom to try its best to win over.

As for the possibility that France's display of military power might threaten Britain, this only exists in the future.

Furthermore, it is impossible for the French Empire to cross the Strait of La Manche.

Therefore, the British Kingdom is not worried about the current threat from the French Empire at all.

Only by winning the current Crimean War can the British Kingdom be able to talk about its future.

"Then what do you want to do? Support the demands of the United States of America, or support our actions against the United States of America!" Jerome Bonaparte was determined to force Ambassador Cowley into a corner.

He didn't care whether the United States of America would join the Crimean War, as long as it could provoke conflicts between Britain and the United States and remind the British Kingdom of its original hatred.

After all, the United States of America still has to survive a "catastrophe."

This time, nothing Jérôme Bonaparte could say would allow the United States of America to survive safely.

"Of course we support you!" At present, the value of the united front of the French Empire is significantly higher than that of the United States of America. Ambassador Cowley can only choose to support the French Empire: "However, we still hope..."

"That's good!" Before Ambassador Cowley could finish his words, Jérôme Bonaparte interrupted directly: "Ambassador Cowley, I've finished my business, let's return to the hall together!"

Looking at the willful monarch in front of him, Ambassador Cowley smiled helplessly. He decided to spread the news to London immediately after returning to the ball.

(The telegraph line between the British Kingdom and the French Empire was now complete, and Ambassador Cowley no longer had to send someone to send letters back to London.)

Shortly after Jérôme Bonaparte and Ambassador Cowley returned to the ball, the ball disbanded, and envoys from various countries bid farewell to Jérôme Bonaparte one after another.

During the farewell period of the envoys from various countries, Ambassador Cowley carefully observed the ambassadors who came to the Tuileries Palace and found that the American ambassador was not among them.

When it was Ambassador Cowley's turn to say goodbye to Jerome Bonaparte with his dancing partner, Jerome Bonaparte lowered his voice and said to Ambassador Cowley: "Mr. Ambassador, I will be waiting here at the Tuileries Palace."

Your news!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Ambassador Cowley responded helplessly, and then left the Tuileries Palace with his dancing partner.

After all the guests had left, Jérôme Bonaparte called Mokar in front of him again and issued an order to Mokar: "You should immediately send a telegram to our "old friends" in London and tell them

It is very likely that the British Cabinet will compromise with the United States of America!"

The "old friends" in Jérôme Bonaparte's words were nothing more than newspapers that dared to expose British politics and had particularly good sales.

These influential newspapers can completely influence the political direction of Britain.

Jérôme Bonaparte believed that the "Wolf Warriors" of the British Kingdom would definitely give him a big surprise!

Of course, this may not be a surprise to the Palmerston government, but a shock.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Mokar responded quickly.

On the other hand, Ambassador Cowley, who had returned to the British Embassy, ​​went straight to the telegraph operator's bedroom.

After successfully knocking on the door of the telegraph operator's bedroom, he issued an order to the telegraph operator: "Send a telegram to London immediately, saying that the French Empire and the United States of America have not reached an agreement on trade issues, and are even slowly heading towards war.


"Yes! Ambassador!" the telegraph operator responded quickly, then brought the kerosene lamp in the room to the door of the telegraph room, took out the key and opened the door of the telegraph room.

The sound of "ticking" sounded from the telegraph room. After a while, the "ticking" sound stopped, and the telegraph operator came out of the room and replied to the ambassador: "Mr. Ambassador, I have translated what you said word for word.

Sent to Britain without landing!"

"Thank you for your hard work!" Ambassador Cowley nodded, then patted the telegraph operator on the shoulder and said.

"Nothing! This is what I should do!" the telegraph operator responded, "You should also rest early!"

After that, the telegraph operator returned to his bedroom, and Cowley, who watched the telegraph operator return to his bedroom, also returned to his room.

An hour later, the Telegraph Branch of the British Foreign Office.

The telegraph operator in charge of the night watch yawned and sat in front of the telegraph machine. Just when the telegraph operator was bored, the sound of "tick-tock-tock" sounded.

The telegraph operator who was about to fall asleep immediately became energetic after hearing such a familiar voice. He quickly picked up the bee in his hand and recorded all the sounds made by the telegraph machine.

After the telegraph machine stopped making sounds, the telegraph operator translated everything he had recorded according to the language instructions of the telegraph machine.

After reading it through, I handed it to my superior department.

This chapter has been completed!
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