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Chapter five hundred and eighty-four first rich and then rich

"An era called industrialization has arrived, and those who are unwilling to adapt to the times will be crushed by the times!"

After leaving the restaurant, Franz Joseph's mind still echoed what Jerome Bonaparte said in the restaurant. Although he was still a little confused, he was still able to use Jerome Bonaparte's words.

I felt a feeling of storm coming.

What should I do if the Austrian Empire really faces the dilemma mentioned by Jérôme Bonaparte?

Franz Joseph unknowingly brought himself into the world of the demise of the nobility described by Jerome Bonaparte. He found that he had no way to change it, and a sense of powerlessness poured into Franz Joseph's mind.


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Until Prince Metternich's voice reached Franz Joseph's ears, Franz Joseph came to his senses and found that he had reached the end of the corridor.

"Mr. Metternich, I..." Franz Joseph turned around. He wanted to say something to Prince Metternich, but in the end he just opened his mouth and said nothing.

"Your Majesty, are you still worried about His Majesty Jerome Bonaparte's "theory of the demise of the nobility"?" Prince Metternich could see Franz Joseph's worries at a glance.

After Franz Joseph hesitated for a moment, he nodded and admitted Prince Metternich's guess.

"Your Majesty, it seems to me that you don't need to be so worried! Some things will come when they are supposed to come! We can't worry about the future all day long!" Prince Metternich comforted Franz Joseph and said: "

Furthermore, what His Majesty Jérôme Bonaparte said may not necessarily be correct!”

Hearing Prince Metternich's comforting words, Franz Joseph felt a little comfort in his heart. He nodded and replied to Prince Metternich: "You are right!"

"However, I think His Majesty Jerome Bonaparte is right about something he said!" Metternich then responded to Franz Joseph.

"Which sentence?" Franz Joseph said curiously.

"The first-mover countries in industrialization have completed the transformation. If the Austrian Empire does not catch up, we may become the victims of the first-mover countries!" Prince Metternich responded to Franz Joseph.

"But will excessive development accelerate the demise of the aristocracy?" Franz Joseph was still worried about the demise of the aristocratic system.

"Your Majesty!" Prince Metternich's tone could not help but become stern, "If the Austrian Empire does not even exist, then how can the nobles attached to the empire's soil continue to survive!"

Franz Joseph immediately realized that he was putting the cart before the horse because he was overly worried about the demise of the aristocratic system.

The nobility is indeed the key to maintaining the empire, but the nobility is not the whole of the empire.

The destruction of the empire will inevitably lead to the demise of the nobility, but the demise of the nobility does not necessarily lead to the destruction of the empire.

If you are blindly worried that industrialization will lead to the demise of the nobility and are unwilling to develop, then the empire may perish under the influence of external forces.

After all, even if the Austrian Empire had good relations with the French Empire, it still had two enemies: the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia.

If the Austrian Empire had to rely on the French Empire for everything, then the Austrian Empire's independence would gradually disappear.

If the Austrian Empire wants to maintain its independent and self-reliant status in the system built by France (although this status is relative), it must have the strength to match its status.

Even if the Austrian Empire cannot defeat the Russian Empire, at least the Austrian Empire cannot have the ability to defeat the Kingdom of Prussia alone!

"It's up to you to worry about the industrialization of the empire!" Franz Joseph said to Prince Metternich.

In the entire Austrian Empire, the only person who truly understood the concept of industrialization was Prince Metternich, so Franz Joseph had to choose to reuse Prince Metternich.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Prince Metternich, who was entrusted by Franz Joseph, responded to Franz Joseph in a sonorous tone.

There was a premonition that told him that as long as he could do this well, he would be able to get rid of the title of consultant and be re-activated.

Therefore, Prince Metternich promised Franz Joseph that he would use this time in Paris to sort out a path for the Austrian Empire that belonged to the Austrian Empire.

However, Prince Metternich also hoped that his son Richard Metternich could help him write it because Richard Metternich not only stayed with him in Belgium and Britain, but also had a deep understanding of France.


Faced with Prince Metternich's request to push his son out, Franz Joseph did not object.

If Richard Metternich was a talent, Franz Joseph would certainly not mind letting him serve as Prime Minister.

For Franz Joseph, it was not important who became prime minister, but who could make the Austrian Empire stronger.

I think that when Prince Felix Schwarzenberg came to power, he did not meet all of Felix Schwarzenberg's conditions as much as possible!

"Mr. Metternich, I am looking forward to your official document!" Franz Joseph responded to Prince Metternich, and then went straight back to his room.

Prince Metternich, who watched Franz Joseph leave, immediately found the palace steward Mokar and asked Mokar if he could call his son Richard Metternich to the Tuileries Palace.

"Your Excellency, if it is someone else, I might consider it!" Mokar said to Prince Metternich: "But if it is Mr. Richard Metternich, then nothing will happen!"

"My son is very popular in the Tuileries Palace?" Prince Metternich asked Mokar curiously.

"Your Majesty is a person who likes to be a teacher!" Mokar lowered his voice and said Richard Metternich: "I once heard him say that two of the students he taught were one who was the crown prince of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and the other

He is your son!"

"We are deeply honored to be valued by His Majesty!" Prince Metternich said in a flattering tone.

"Okay! You must not tell others these words!" Mokar said to Metternich: "If your Majesty finds out, my sin will be great!"

"Definitely! Definitely!" Prince Metternich nodded.

After parting with Mokar, Prince Metternich returned to his room to wait for the arrival of Richard Metternich. After about half an hour, Richard Metternich pushed the door open and entered.

"Father, you called me?" Richard Metternich, who entered the room, asked Prince Metternich in a respectful tone.

"You have grown up!" Looking at his son in front of him, Prince Metternich recalled Richard Metternich when he was still an infant. How happy he was at the beginning. Twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Five years later, he couldn't help but sigh.

Richard Metternich also nodded, and then asked Prince Metternich why he called him over.

Prince Metternich told Richard Metternich that he asked Richard Metternich to come over and ask Richard to help him complete the formulation of the industrialization path of the empire.

"Father, if the empire wants to complete industrialization, I'm afraid it will require a lot of funds!" Richard Metternich said to Prince Metternich: "This is something that cannot be accomplished with millions or even tens of millions of florins!

It requires long-term investment of hundreds of millions, or even billions of florens, to develop!

As far as I know, France has invested no less than 1.5 billion francs in railways alone, and their bonds are used to finance almost all of Europe! Financing in other areas can be said to be much more!"

When Prince Metternich heard about the funds for French industrialization, he also doubled the industrialization figures in his mind.

"I know that the power of the Austrian Empire alone cannot accomplish this great feat, so I plan to invite France to help the Austrian Empire industrialize!" Prince Metternich responded to Richard Metternich: "The French Empire has

His financial resources are second only to those of the British Kingdom, and with his help our path will be much simpler."

"If your Majesty is really willing to let the French Empire finance, that would be great!" Richard Metternich told Prince Metternich, whom he discussed with Jerome Bonaparte at the train station.

Financing issues.

However, Richard Metternich did not tell Prince Metternich about the Hungarian problem.

"If it's just financing, then the Austrian Empire needs to bear a lot of interest!" Prince Metternich frowned and said to Richard Metternich: "Can you attract some companies and let them open branches in the Austrian Empire?

The Austrian Empire can offer cheaper prices than French workers!"

If Jerome Bonaparte were also in this room, he would definitely be surprised by Prince Metternich's "shocking" words.

Because Prince Metternich's thinking has completely "transcended" this era, he used cheap labor to attract foreign companies to invest, thereby achieving the goal of making the first pot of gold.

This is completely the idea of ​​industrial transfer in the 20th century. Developed countries transfer some low-value-added industries to the third world to reduce costs, and then use the costs earned abroad to buy off the domestic proletariat, causing internal differentiation of the proletariat.

"This is indeed a good idea!" Richard Metternich also nodded.

Even for a group like French workers who work hard all day long, their wages are among the best in Europe.

The factories in the Kingdom of Britain next door are said to replace one batch of people every three years. The factories in France are a bit tired, but at least they are not consumed as fast as Britain!

If the wages of workers in the Austrian Empire are really lower than those in France, then many entrepreneurs can be attracted to invest in Austria!

This chapter has been completed!
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