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Chapter 601: Infighting Illusion God Nikolai

Under the insistence of Nicholas I, Prince Dolgorukov had no choice but to express to Nicholas I that he would speed up the formulation of plans and strive to start the offensive around August.

"August!" Nicholas I shouted loudly. Now he didn't even want to wait for a quarter of an hour, but Dolgorukov actually told him that he would have to wait for another month!

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Prince Dolgorukov responded to Nicholas I in a neither humble nor condescending manner, and then told Nicholas I about the predicament the Russian Empire was currently facing.

The empire's military strength on the southern front has reached the point where it has demolished the eastern wall to make up for the western wall. From the province of Bessarabia to the Crimean Peninsula, and then to the Caucasus, it is necessary to guard against sneak attacks by British and French warships and small groups of troops.


[Here is a brief summary of the recent war situation in Crimea: Since Pelissier led the army to occupy Sevastopol, his prestige in the coalition forces has surpassed that of Commander Raglan. Therefore, he received Jérôme.

After Bonaparte received the order from Paris to reinforce Sevastopol and turn it into a giant fortress, he sent troops to strengthen the north and south banks of Sevastopol, especially to build bastions on the north bank, and to clear the blockage in Sevastopol.

While destroying the sunken ship at the entrance to Topol port, the fleet was dispatched to lead a small force to bombard the coastal cities of the Russian Empire, leaving them exhausted.

At the same time, he also wrote to the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, asking them to continue to increase their chips in the Caucasus.】

Therefore, the Russian Empire needs to retain a certain amount of troops in every city on the southern front. The more than 30,000 troops originally mobilized from the Caucasus region were also replaced by the new (actually still the old governor) Governor Vorontsov of the Caucasus region.

After pleading, he was forced to be transferred back to resist the offensive of the Ottoman Empire and maintain the logistics of the Caucasus region.

"Dolgorukov, tell me what have you done during this time?" Nicholas I pointed at Dolgorukov with a slightly trembling finger. He "didn't understand" this former "confidant"

Why does "Love General" want to oppose him everywhere now!

Is he really wrong? Should this war really continue?

Just at that moment, Nicholas I, who was upset, thought of ending the war.

However, this idea lasted in Nicholas I's mind for less than 2 seconds before being rejected by Nicholas I.

If he were to end the war now, wouldn't it prove to the outside world that he and his Russian Empire were nothing more than a paper tiger?

Now Nicholas I firmly believes that when the Russian Empire cannot make Europe fearful, it will be the time when the Russian Empire will be divided.

For the sake of the Russian Empire, he could not have any weak ideas.

Of course, Nicholas I's thoughts were nothing more than his own wishful thinking.

The whole of Europe except for Palmerston, a slightly evil man who was determined to destroy the Russian Empire in order to maintain the hegemony of the British Kingdom.

No mainstream European country wants Russia to die.

At best, all countries want to weaken the Russian Empire so that it cannot interfere in the entire Europe, thus leaving room for change in the entire European diplomacy.

If the Russian Empire is directly brain-dead, who can stop the French Empire?

Although everyone in Europe is now afraid of the just execution of the Russian Empire, when the Congress of Vienna just started, all countries were eager to find some opponents for the French Empire.

The transformation of European countries from being on guard against Russia to being on guard against Russia is only a recent matter.

Although European countries did not want the Russian Empire to fall apart, it did not mean that they wanted Nicholas I to continue to be in power.

Neither Nicholas I nor Alexander II could represent the entire Russian Empire.

"Your Majesty, I am guilty!" Faced with Nicholas I's questioning, Dolgorukov did not choose to defend what he had done. He frankly admitted his mistake to Nicholas I, "I may not be qualified to serve as Minister of War.

Please allow me to resign from the post of Minister of War and find someone else worthy of my post."

Dolgorukov's answer caught Nicholas I off guard.

He originally just wanted Dolgorukov to give him a suitable excuse. Then he scolded Dolgorukov a few times and then urged him to speed up his march to Sevastopol, preferably in mid-July.

Start attacking left and right. (It’s only about a week until mid-July)

Who would have thought that Dolgorukov would threaten him with resignation again.

Huh! Does he really think that without him, I won’t be able to find anyone? No matter what, I can just make it myself!

Nicholas I, who was thinking more and more radically, pointed at Dolgorukov and reprimanded him sternly: "Dolgorukov, you said you want to resign? Very good! I will satisfy you! From now on, you will not

Take up the post of Minister of War again!”

As soon as Nicholas I finished speaking, Crown Prince Alexander's expression changed drastically.

On behalf of the General Staff, he was in contact with Dolgorukov. He was very clear about the situation between the War Department and the Southern Front. The problems on the Southern Front were logistics, weapons, military pay, and soldiers. If these three

If this problem cannot be solved, what if the commander-in-chief is changed?

It is impossible for the commander-in-chief to create a bunch of supplies and weapons out of thin air, and now is a war period, so changing commanders on the spot may affect the operation of the entire system.

Dolgorukov has been in the Ministry of War for a long time, and he has almost single-handedly promoted the entire War Ministry. Although their abilities are far less than those of his teacher Jomini,

It can barely keep the military machine of the War Department running.

Once Dolgorukov leaves his post, those promoted by Dolgorukov will inevitably feel scared, and the entire department will be in panic.

By that time, it is still unknown whether the War Department machine can operate.

Not to mention, Dolgorukov himself did not suffer a major failure like Menshikov. He himself has been diligently maintaining the stability of the Russian imperial war machine.

If we deal with it rashly, I’m afraid it will be difficult to convince the public!

After weighing the pros and cons, Crown Prince Alexander decided to stand up and say a few words of justice for Dolgorukov in order to ease the atmosphere that was almost about to break.

Alexander II stretched out his hand to block Dolgorukov's way, and looked firmly at Nicholas I on the throne.

At this time, Alexander II "actually" discovered the wrinkles on Nicholas I's face.

My father is getting old after all!

Alexander II had the thought of being disrespectful in his heart and felt that his father was aging at an unprecedented speed. This aging was not only reflected in his age, but also in his character and style of dealing with things.

If it were Nicholas I a few years ago, he would never have used this method to remove Dolgorukov. He would have gradually weakened Dolgorukov's wings and removed him, and then kicked Dolgorukov away.


He is now...

"Alexander, let him go!" Nicholas I ordered Crown Prince Alexander with a hint of exhaustion in his majestic voice.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, please let me leave!" Prince Dolgorukov whispered to Alexander II.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I think you should not depose Prince Dolgorukov!" Crown Prince Alexander said to Nicholas I with a clanging weapon.

"Shouldn't he be dismissed? Shouldn't Dolgorukov be dismissed for disobeying the Tsar?" Nicholas I stood up from the throne and looked at Alexander II at the bottom of the steps, looking like a glaring King Kong.

"Your Majesty, Dolgorukov is not disobedient to you!" Crown Prince Alexander responded without any fear, and then explained to Nicholas I what Dolgorukov had done recently.

Including but not limited to rectifying the logistics of the southern front, recruiting new soldiers, formulating combat plans, strengthening the defense of key cities in the southern front area, preventing a recurrence of the past events in the Crimean Peninsula, etc...

"Prince Dolgorukov has been following your instructions and preparing for war in an orderly manner!" Alexander II said to Nicholas I in a sincere tone: "In order to complete the tasks assigned by you, Prince Dolgorukov has been

I haven’t had a good rest for several days!”

Hearing this, Nicholas I could not help but be moved. He asked with a serious expression: "Dolgorukov, is this true?"

"Your Majesty!" Dolgorukov turned around and bowed to Nicholas I, and the meaning was self-evident.

"I..." Nicholas I wanted to say something, but in the end he still couldn't say it. He just asked lightly: "How long will it take for our troops deployed on the southern front to take action at the earliest!"

"Around mid-August!" Dolgorukov once again said to Nicholas I: "According to the empire's intelligence on the Crimean Peninsula, the empire must use about 200,000 troops to take action. This

It will take a month just to prepare the logistics for a huge legion. It will also take time to mobilize people from all over the Russian Empire to the southern front to form a new legion."

Crown Prince Alexander also told Nicholas I that the plan to attack the Sevastopol Fortress formulated by the General Staff had actually been completed by the end of June. What they have to do by mid-August is two things. The first thing

After allocating troops from various places for reorganization, the second thing is to gather the logistics needed for the 200,000 troops.

"Okay! I can give you this time!" Nicholas I nodded and said to Alexander and Dolgorukov: "The attack time is set for late August. From now on to late August, I will again

I won’t even ask! Alexander!”

Alexander II, who heard Nicholas I's call, quickly responded: "Your Majesty!"

"You will be solely responsible for military issues from now on. I'm tired!"

This chapter has been completed!
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