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Chapter 610 Open Sources, Reduce Costs and Industrial Upgrades

Under the careful guidance of Jérôme Bonaparte, Minister Dicko finally came to his senses.

Shortly after Jérôme Bonaparte left, Minister Duco contacted the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, hoping that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs could help the navy sell a batch of "expired" warships.

These so-called expired warships are nominally expired, but in fact they are only one generation younger than the ironclads.

No matter which country equips this warship, its maritime combat effectiveness can be significantly improved.

In order to successfully sell the warships, Minister Dick also "packaged" some naval officers together with the fleet and even created a "package".

At the same time, they spend a lot of money to promote in many countries that warships are the face of the country and that bigness is beauty. This has really deceived a large number of countries that have fallen into the trap of warships.

Therefore, many countries are willing to take out loans to buy a warship to show their face. The high naval expenditures have also been due to the French Navy's continuous sales of warships, which has barely stopped large-scale "losses".

Later generations of the French people would place titles such as "Father of Ironclads" and "Founder of the New Navy" on Minister Jean Dick.

No one knew that the reason Minister Jean Ducot came up with this method was all thanks to Emperor Jérôme Bonaparte.

Of course, these are all things in the future.

Now Minister Dico is still acting as a qualified listener. He doesn't understand why His Majesty the Emperor has so many strange ideas in his mind, which he has never heard of before.

However, after thinking about these methods carefully, they all seem to work.

"Your Majesty, I understand what you mean!" Minister Dico hurriedly said to Jérôme Bonaparte: "You want to use the method of selling warships and earning the difference in loan prices to provide disguised subsidies to domestic enterprises!"

Jérôme Bonaparte had a "cowardly" expression on his face. He nodded and said to Minister Dick: "That's right! We must take advantage of the fact that our economy has not yet entered a recession. A new way of making money is coming! Only in this way can we slow down the impact of the cessation of war on the entire society! Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" Minister Dicko nodded slightly and replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Of course, this method only allows us to breathe a little. The core of the empire lies in industrial upgrading and taxation!" Jérôme Bonaparte said casually.

"Your Majesty, what is industrial upgrading?" Minister Dico asked Jérôme Bonaparte curiously when he heard the term for the first time.

"Have there been any changes between the textile machines at the beginning of this century and the textile machines now? What are the differences between the two?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Minister Dicko.

"The textile machines at the beginning of the century could not produce as much cloth as they do now!" Minister Dico replied decisively.

"You see, this is industrial upgrading!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Minister Dico: "With the progress of the times, the speed at which we can manufacture things is also constantly accelerating. When the old technology cannot meet the current needs When society develops, new technologies will come out to replace them. Just like the railway replaced the horse-drawn carriage, and the telegraph replaced the inn!

I bet you that in less than ten years, a new era will come! And the first product of the new era is to replace kerosene lamps!"

Jerome Bonaparte's confident expression and speech actually made Minister Dico somewhat believe in Jérôme Bonaparte's speech.

Maybe His Majesty Bonaparte was like that! Minister Dicko thought to himself.

After finishing the explanation, Jerome Bonaparte and Dicko chatted for a while, and Dicko left the study.

When the first ray of morning light on the sea pierced the darkness, the cockcrow sounded, and the rising fog on the sea began to gradually dissipate.

The workers on the port dock dragged their tired bodies and got busy again. Boxes of strategic supplies were transported to the cargo ship through their hands, and then left the port dock for the Crimean Peninsula under the escort of warships.

Today is also the time when Jerome Bonaparte and Richard Metternich left Toulon for Constantinople.

Jerome Bonaparte, who got up early in the morning, was escorted by Minister Dick to the trestle. At this time, Richard Metternich had already been waiting on the trestle for some time.

When Richard Metternich saw Jerome Bonaparte, a smile appeared on his serious face.

"Monsieur Richard, let's go!" Jerome Bonaparte said to Richard Metternich.

The two of them moved forward and quickly arrived in front of the ironclad "Friendship".

After seeing Jérôme Bonaparte arriving at the military port, the captain in charge hurriedly greeted him personally.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to the captain with a smile.

"No! It's not hard!" the captain responded, shaking his head.

Jerome Bonaparte and Richard Metternich boarded the boat, and the boat carried Jerome Bonaparte and Richard Metternich to the ironclad "Friendship".

The two people who boarded the ironclad were immediately surrounded by the sailors in the ironclad (most importantly Jérôme Bonaparte). Many sailors rushed to shake hands with Jérôme Bonaparte. If it hadn't been for the captain's roar

If they were allowed to return to their respective posts, the sailors would probably keep surrounding Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Your Majesty, I..." The captain had a look of shame on his face.

"Isn't this great!" Jérôme Bonaparte had a smile on his face, and he responded to the captain unhurriedly: "I see from them their loyalty to the Bonaparte family.

This kind of loyalty deserves to be cherished!”

"Thank you for your magnanimity!" the captain said excitedly to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"By the way, how long until we can leave?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked when the warship would set off.

The captain told Jérôme Bonaparte that the armored ship needed to wait until all the cargo was loaded on board before leaving.

Of course, if Jérôme Bonaparte insists on leaving now, all members of the ironclad will resolutely carry out Jérôme Bonaparte's orders.

"It's better to wait!" Jérôme Bonaparte shook his head and refused: "I can't disrupt the entire transportation plan!"

Nearly two hours passed, and the sun in the sky gradually moved from east to south.

"Your Majesty, all the ammunition, artillery and supplies shipped to the Crimean Peninsula have been loaded! We can leave!" the captain reported to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Very good! Let's go then!" Jérôme Bonaparte nodded in response to the captain.

As the ironclad ship began to leave the military port under the dual action of steam engines and masts and sails, the figure on the shore became increasingly blurry. Jerome Bonaparte withdrew his gaze and looked at the rationale on the inside of the deck.

Chad Metternich.

Now Richard Metternich has long lived up to his previous calmness. His face turned pale as the ironclad ship continued to move, and his expression became miserable.

Seeing Richard Metternich's expression, Jerome Bonaparte subconsciously thought of seasickness. He quickly came to Richard Metternich's side and asked him: "How is it? Still there?"

Can you hold on?"

"Your Majesty, I'm not... fine!" Richard Metternich said intermittently, showing an expression that was even uglier than crying, "I may be a little uncomfortable being away from the land. This is the first time I've been away from the land...


Seeing Richard Metternich's expression as if he was about to die, Jérôme Bonaparte had no choice but to order the captain to send someone to help Richard Metternich into the warship, and then ordered the captain to call him

The doctor in the warship treated Richard Metternich, while he stood on the deck and looked into the distance.

After a while, the captain came to Jerome Bonaparte and reported to Jerome Bonaparte the situation of Richard Metternich: "Your Majesty, Ambassador Richard has taken the medicine provided by the doctor.

The potion has now fallen into a deep sleep."

"Is he seasick or has some other illness..." Jérôme Bonaparte asked the captain.

"Judging from the current situation, Mr. Richard Metternich should be dizzy because of his first seasickness! Many sailors who boarded a ship for the first time have experienced this similar situation! All you need to do is get over it.

Just a few days!" the captain replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

The captain's words made Jerome Bonaparte feel relieved. He did not want Richard Metternich to die on the ship.

Francophiles like Richard Metternich had better live a long life.

"Okay! As long as everything is fine!" Jérôme Bonaparte said lightly, "The food for Richard these days can be a little lighter!"

During the next period of wandering at sea, Richard Metternich ate the light food specially ordered by Jérôme Bonaparte for almost every meal, and his face gradually turned red.

During this period, the ironclads also kept advancing and soon arrived near Constantinople.

"Your Majesty, we will drop you and Ambassador Richard Metternich down at a suitable port in Constantinople! At that time, members of the French Embassy will be there to greet you!" the captain told Jerome Poe.

Nabahui report?

"Who said I had to disembark at Constantinople?" Jerome Bonaparte asked rhetorically.

"Didn't you say you want to be in Constantinople..." the captain asked with a confused look on his face.

"That was my idea a few days ago, and now I only have one idea!" Jérôme Bonaparte pointed to the direction of the Crimea Peninsula and responded to the captain: "That is to go to the Crimea Peninsula.


"Crimea Peninsula?" After the captain heard Jerome Bonaparte's words, he shook his head desperately and refused: "Your Majesty, for the sake of your safety! I must park the ship at Junshi


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