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Chapter 635: The Russian Army in Crisis

When Gorchakov and his adjutant arrived near the hotel, they immediately discovered two Imperial Guardsmen wearing green button-down military uniforms and green tall military caps standing at the door of the hotel.

Seeing Commander Gorchakov and his adjutant of the Guards dismounting, they walked to the door of the hotel on foot.

"No other guests are accepted here!" Because Commander Gorchakov was wearing an ordinary military uniform, the Guards soldiers subconsciously regarded him as a veteran with little power (a school-level officer in the Russian Empire in his sixties)

Although few, but not without), they responded to Gorchakov arrogantly with their heads held high.

"You..." The adjutant couldn't help but want to step forward to argue, but Gorchakov stopped him with his hand.

"I am Mikhail Gorchakov, who was appointed to the Crimean Peninsula by His Majesty Nicholas I as Commander-in-Chief of Crimea. Can you please go in and give me a briefing?" Gorchakov smiled at the two of them.

A Guardsman announced his home address and took out the medal in his pocket.

After listening to Gorchakov's self-introduction, the two Guards soldiers glanced at the medal in Gorchakov's hand. Their originally arrogant expressions turned into flattery in the next second.

Commander-in-Chief of Crimea! He is a being who can crush them to death with just a single move of his hands!

"I'll report it right away!" the Guards soldier guarding the left side of the door said hurriedly, then turned and entered the hotel.

The soldier on the right side of the gate still had a flattering smile on his face, and he explained in a low voice: "Your Excellency Commander, we really didn't know you were coming! Please stay here for a while, I believe His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will invite you over soon.


"I understand!" Gorchakov showed no sign of being angry at all, still smiling and nodding: "Thank you very much!"

"It is my honor to serve you!" the Guards soldier replied to Commander Gorchakov with a bow and a nod.

After a while, the Guards soldier guarding the gate on the left appeared in front of Gorchakov and reported: "General Gorchakov, His Highness invites you to enter!"

"Okay!" Gorchakov nodded slightly, then followed the soldier into the hotel and stopped on the second floor of the hotel.

"Your Excellency, Commander, His Highness is inside! I will send you here!" the Guards soldier pointed at the hotel and said to Gorchakov, then turned and left.

Gorchakov, who was standing at the door, knocked gently on the door of the room, and the voice of Crown Prince Alexander II came from the room: "Please come in!"

Gorchakov entered the room, and on the sofa near the window sill, he saw Crown Prince Alexander and the emperor's advisor Marshal Jomini (Marshal of the Russian Empire).

"Your Highness, Marshal!" Gorchakov responded to Alexander and Jomini while Alexander and Jomini saluted him.

"Commander Gorchakov, you are here!" Alexander II said in a kind tone. He stretched out his hand to invite Gorchakov: "Come and sit!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Gorchakov stood up straight and came to Alexander II with steady steps.

Sitting on the sofa, he still straightened his body and placed his hands flat on his thighs, looking forward with a serious look on his face.

"Commander Gorchakov, do you smoke?" Seeing that Gorchakov couldn't let go, Alexander II asked Gorchakov.

"Occasionally!" Gorchakov responded without any hesitation.

Alexander II immediately took out cigarettes and matches from his pocket, threw them to Gorchakov and said: "Smoke!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Gorchakov took out a cigarette from the box and lit it with a match.

White smoke floated out from Gorchakov's fingertips. Gorchakov's face showed a look of satisfaction, and then he respectfully handed the cigarette to Alexander II.

"All for you!" Alexander II waved his hand, then took out a box of cigarettes from an agent, took out two cigarettes, and handed one to Jomini.

After a while, the whole room was filled with smoke.

Alexander II, who had half a cigarette in his belly, also began to communicate with Gorchakov. He first briefly explained the purpose of his visit: "Commander Gorchakov, on behalf of Emperor Nicholas

Your Majesty’s order comes here to assist you in handling all matters in the army (to put it mildly). I hope the two of us can have a happy cooperation in the next period of time!”

After Gorchakov heard this sentence, he felt a trace of resentment in his heart.

Why did Menshikov not only have no constraints when he served as the commander-in-chief of Crimea, but he also had to wear two hats?

When it was his turn to serve as commander-in-chief, not only was the Caucasus no longer under his control, but the crown prince Alexander was also sent to him.

Of course, Gorchakov did not complain about Alexander, he just felt that Nicholas I really lacked trust in him.

Complaints are all, Gorchakov will not refuse to give him the face he deserves. If he doesn’t give Alexander II face, then it will be difficult for him to have any more face.

So, Gorchakov showed a warm smile on his face and said: "Your Highness, on behalf of the Russian Imperial Army in Crimea, I welcome your arrival! I believe that the army on the Crimean Peninsula will definitely fight for your peace treaty."

Under the command of His Excellency Marshal Mini, we defeated the coalition forces and liberated Sevastopol!"

"Gorchakov, you are still in command of the Crimean army! Marshal Jomini and I will also obey your command!" Alexander II quickly corrected: "The reason why I chose to meet you here in advance

, just to avoid any misunderstanding!”

Gorchakov nodded, and the traces of resentment he had originally had gradually dissipated under Alexander II's explanation.

Later, Alexander II asked Gorchakov about the true state of the Russian Imperial Army and whether it would be able to attack Sevastopol in late August.

"For now, the army should be able to attack, but it is best to wait for a while..." Gorchakov said euphemistically.

"So, it's just that I'm not ready yet!" Alexander II said bluntly to Gorchakov, and then said with relief: "Don't worry, I'm not here to urge you on behalf of His Majesty Nicholas.

I am willing to work with you to solve the problem! If it really doesn't work, I can write to St. Petersburg and ask His Majesty Nicholas to postpone the attack!"

"With your words, I feel relieved!" Gorchakov breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Alexander II with a wry smile: "Your Highness, in fact, what I just said were just stage words. Our

The army is not ready to attack immediately!"

"Not prepared at all?" Alexander II asked with a solemn expression: "I remember you have been preparing for two months, why are you not ready yet?"

"Your Highness, although His Majesty the Emperor has given us two months, there is still huge pressure on our supply of materials and personnel. Especially after the empire loses its sea transportation channels, we can only rely on land transportation! You should We know that the loss (euphemism) of land transportation is more expensive than that of sea transportation. There are currently 260,000 Russian Imperial troops on the entire Crimean Peninsula, but the amount of weapons, equipment, and food supplied is Even the army is not even half." Commander Gorchakov complained to Crown Prince Alexander II: "Even if I send my soldiers to search the Tatar villages in Crimea, the supplies I can get are far from enough. !”

"What about the Odessa area? I remember they should have several large granaries there! There should be enough food supply!" Alexander II asked Commander Gorchakov.

"Odessa said that they need to supply food from Bessarabia and the Caucasus, so there is no excess food to supply to us!" Gorchakov said to Alexander II.

"Bessarabia? Caucasus?" Alexander II frowned, "I remember when the Ministry of War allocated it, it should be..."

"Your Highness, distribution is distribution!" Marshal Jomini, who had been silent until now, reminded him.

Alexander II immediately understood what Jomini meant. After the Ministry of War's mission was issued, it did not mean that everything would be fine.

Bureaucrats in the Odessa area can also use their "subjective initiative" to embezzle part of the food in the name of loss. This is an unspoken rule within the Russian Imperial Army.

"What a bunch of moths! They don't even know what time it is?" Alexander II couldn't help but cursed.

As the crown prince, he wanted to go to Odessa and put all the bureaucrats who had enriched their own pockets in the war to the gallows, but reason told him that this method would not work at all.

The imperial government's control over the southern region was far inferior to that of St. Petersburg. If they were not careful, the Odessa bureaucrats would dare to burn the imperial envoys.

Furthermore, even if a group of people are killed, will the remaining people be able to recover after going up? I'm afraid it will be difficult!

"Your Highness, my army is now suffering from both hunger and disease, and the amount of training of the army is far from enough. On average, each person only has one bullet for live firing per day!" Gorchakov then said to Alexander II. : "If we attack rashly, we are likely to repeat the same mistakes we made before!"

"Okay! I understand!" Alexander II frowned and responded to Gorchakov, "I will truthfully report what you said to His Majesty Nicholas! By the way, can you tell me what you said? Write all of these down!”

"Of course!" Gorchakov nodded and said to Alexander II.

"Alas! I really didn't expect that the situation of the imperial army would be so bad!" Alexander II sighed, "Fortunately, Your Majesty did not force us to come, otherwise..."

Gorchakov quickly asked Alexander II if something had happened in St. Petersburg? Why did His Majesty come?

"Nothing happened in St. Petersburg, but something happened here in Crimea!"

This chapter has been completed!
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