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Chapter 637 Negotiations

August 19, 1854, early morning.

Torrential heavy rain enveloped Simferopol, the capital of Crimea. In the southern region of Crimea under the influence of the Mediterranean climate, such thunderstorms are very rare.

It was in this kind of weather that a small team of only six people wearing simple raincoats set out from Simferopol on horseback and headed eastward along the official road paved with gravel.

, and then arrived near the Vorontsov Trail on the banks of the Kacha River.

After the team set foot on the Vorontsov Trail leading to Sevastopol, the rain began to gradually decrease, and the thick clouds shrouding the sky gradually became thinner as the team moved forward.

After walking for nearly an hour and a half, the sky began to clear.

Three hours later, when they arrived at the first line of defense of the coalition forces, near Feiduowu Jinling, they quickly raised the prepared white flag above their heads.

At this time, the French troops stationed in the highland fortifications on both sides of the Vorontsov Trail near Fedou's Golden Tomb saw this team with white flags. They were enjoying lunch and put down the bread in their hands, raised their guns and put their bodies

Stay close to the bunker and ask the team on the Vorontsov Trail: "What do you want to do?"

"Don't shoot, we are a team from Simferopol!" A man who looked like a leader waved a white flag in his hand and shouted in French to the French soldiers on the causeway heights: "We are from Crimea.

The Governor ordered us to negotiate with your Commander Pelissier!"

"How do you prove it!" the French soldiers on Causeway Heights also shouted loudly.

"I have a letter from our Commander Gorchakov to Commander Pelissier! If you don't believe it, you can send someone down! I won't lie to you!" the "leader" shouted loudly.

After hearing this, the French company commander on the causeway heights immediately had some exchanges with the veterans on the causeway and decided to send one person down and at the same time send a soldier on horseback to command the second division of Feiduo Jinling.

station, tell the division commander in the command post the news.

"Wait a minute!" the company commander on Causeway Heights shouted to the leader who was demobilized, and then three soldiers holding minie guns leveled ran down from Causeway Heights together with the company commander.

"Where is the letter?" The company commander pointed his flintlock pistol at them and asked, reaching out his hand.

The "leader" quickly took out the letter and handed it to the company commander. After the company commander glanced at the envelope and seal, he solemnly returned the letter to the "leader" and said, "Please wait here for a moment!"

"Okay! I hope you can hurry up!" The "leader" shrugged, turned around and ordered the others to dismount and rest.

After the crisis was over, the company commander enthusiastically asked them if they had had lunch, and if not, if they would be willing to dine with them.

"Thank you very much! Then we would rather obey orders than be respectful!" the "leader" responded with a smile.

At the invitation of the company commander, the "leader" and his party climbed up to the causeway high ground for a meal. After entering the high ground, the "leader" quickly showed his ability to dance and mingle with the soldiers.

He asked the soldiers in a kind tone what they thought about going to fight on the Crimean Peninsula. Except for a few soldiers who complained that the environment on the Crimean Peninsula was a little uncomfortable, the vast majority of the soldiers had no idea about fighting in the Crimean Peninsula with the Russian Empire.

Fighting is not exclusive.

"Don't you miss home?" the "leader" asked the soldiers in a friendly tone.

"Yes!" the soldier nodded and said, "However, we hope even more to go home with full honors!

And our commander told us that we can go back in the next spring!"

"That's right!" The "leader" had a thoughtful look on his face. He shook his head and said, "However, I don't think our Russian Empire's army will be defeated by you so quickly! Although your army is training and

The equipment is much stronger than ours, but the fighting will of our two armies is almost the same. We are all fighting for God and the monarch!"

"Sir, I'm afraid this is just your wishful thinking! We will definitely be able to defeat you as quickly as possible!" the soldiers retorted with high spirits.

"Friend, it seems that we two have different opinions!" "The leader" spread his hands and said helplessly, "So I suggest that we put aside our differences and discuss other things! I heard that your French food is very good.

Okay, is that really the case?"

The soldier who had no sense of counter-espionage immediately said proudly: "Really! Wait a moment, you will know!"

Afterwards, the soldiers prepared bread, biscuits and soaked vegetable soup for them, and then thoughtfully prepared coffee for them.

"Sir, this is our lunch meal!" the company commander introduced to the "leader": "If you think the taste is too bland, we also have a small piece of lard residue!"

There was a hint of worry on the face of the "leader" who looked at the food in front of him. It can be seen from the current food of the French army that their army is not affected by logistical factors like the Russian Empire. This also means that their army

There won't be any drop in morale in the short term.

It is too difficult to defeat an army with complete logistical support.

Not to mention, France is now on the offensive, while Russia is on the defensive.

"Sir, sir!" Just as the "leader" was thinking, the company commander's voice reached the leader's ears.

The "leader" who reacted quickly responded: "What's wrong?"

"Someone is coming from the division headquarters!" the company commander pointed to the people in the valley not far away and responded to the "leader".

Since there was still some distance between the valley and the causeway plateau, the company commander could not see clearly who was coming.

After a while, the figure gradually became clearer, and the company commander shouted: "It's Commander Bosquet! He actually came here in person!"

Bosquet? Commander of the French 2nd Division?!!!!

The "leader" couldn't help but be moved when he heard Bosquet's name. He had already heard about the extreme operations of the Second Division on the Alma Heights in the battle report.

So the headquarters of the second division should be nearby! The "leader" thought to himself.

"Are you the ones who came here on Gorchakov's order?" Bosquet looked at the "leader" in front of him curiously. He always felt that he had seen him there, but he couldn't figure it out.

"Yes!" "The leader" nodded and responded calmly.

"Where is the letter? Let me take a look!" Bosquet stretched out his hand and said to the "leader".

The "leader" took out the letter again and handed it to Bosquet. After carefully reading the envelope, Bosquet handed the letter back to the "leader".

"Don't you read the content of the letter?" the "leader" asked curiously.

"Since this letter is written by Gorchakov to Marshal Pelissier, how can I read it in advance!" Bosquet responded to the "leader" and then issued an order to the soldiers on the causeway heights.

The order was, "Since you discovered them, you will send a team of people to bring the mission to Sevastopol safely. Don't do anything unnecessary on the way!"

"Yes!" The company commander hurriedly replied to Bosquet after hearing this.

The "leader" understood that what Bosquet meant by "superfluous things" was not to let people like them see too much of the Sevastopol defense system.

Now that Bosquet has given a hint, the "leader" also knows what he should do.

He hurriedly bowed to General Bosquet and said: "General Bosquet, then we will go to Sevastopol first!!"

"Yes!" General Bosquet still had a smile on his face. He nodded and said to the "chief".

The "leader" and his party returned to the Vorontsov Trail from the causeway heights, and left the causeway heights under the escort of soldiers led by the company commander.

Looking at the "leader" and others fading away, General Bosquet's smile gradually faded, and a gloomy expression gradually appeared on his face.

"You idiots, who asked him to come up here!" General Bosquet cursed.

General Bosquet's sudden insults made the soldiers on the causeway heights show expressions of fear.

"Yes... it's the company commander!" the soldiers replied to General Bosquet in trembling voices.

"That idiot!" General Bosquet cursed again: "Don't he know that doing this will expose our defenses in advance? Fortunately, he did not lead them (referring to the "leader") to the division headquarters, otherwise

I have to destroy him directly!"

General Bosquet, who had vented his anger, felt that his anger was gradually subduing. He issued an order to the soldiers on the causeway heights, ordering them to rebuild the fortifications. At the same time, he also announced in public that the company commander had been dismissed.

The soldiers on the highlands listened to General Bosquet's verdict with fear, and no one dared to disobey General Bosquet's decision.

"Okay! I'm leaving first! I'll come back to check your progress in a few days! I hope you can take care of yourself!" General Bosquet turned and left the causeway heights, muttering to himself: "Who is that person?

Why do I always feel like I’ve seen him somewhere before!”

On the other hand, the company commander who did not know that he had been dismissed by General Bosquet accompanied the Russian delegation and continued along the Vorontsov Trail, and soon arrived near the Grand Prism Fort.

This is the last line of defense leading to Sevastopol. The French defenders responsible for guarding the Grand Prism asked them which army they belonged to.

The company commander hurriedly explained their origin to the envoy and told the garrison that General Bosquet had already met with them.

"Since General Bosquet has already inspected it, we don't need to do anything more. Let's go in!" The garrison troops removed the roadblock between the parapets.

The mission was able to enter the Sevastopol Fortress.

Here, I would like to add that when passing the roadblock, the "leader" took a special look at the roadblock. The roadblock was not a traditional horse-rejecting stake, but something made of barbed wire and wood.

This chapter has been completed!
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