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Chapter 657: The Threat of War

"Your Highness the Regent, please forgive my ignorance! I don't understand which side you and your kingdom are on!"

De Luys looked at Prince Regent William with stern eyes, and his tone of voice became aggressive.

"Bold!" The military attache who followed Prince Regent William I scolded De Luys with a straight face: "Who allowed you to speak to His Highness in such a tone!"

"Please forgive me for my rash behavior just now!" De Ruys bowed to Prince Regent William I, seeming to be apologizing for what he just said.

However, it can be seen from De Luis' current unruly expression that his so-called apology just now was nothing more than a fart.

Looking at the unabashed former French Foreign Minister in front of him, the expression of Prince Regent William I also became uncertain.

De Ruys now felt like he was facing someone he had sent to the Frankfurt Parliament.

They are both equally abominable! The Prince Regent couldn't help but thought to himself.

Although Prince Regent William hated De Ruys's aggressive attitude, he still had to smile at De Ruys.

Who makes it possible that there is a French Emperor standing behind De Luys!

The current Kingdom of Prussia is temporarily unable to compete with the French Empire in terms of comprehensive national strength and military strength.

"The Kingdom of Prussia is of course on the side of fairness and justice!" William I did not directly say which side he was on, but responded with a vague attitude.

"Okay!" De Luys' tone was slightly gentler than before, but he still did not change his arrogant tone: "Since the Kingdom of Prussia thinks that it is on our side, then I would like to ask what happened to the Kingdom of Prussia from the beginning of the war to now.

What have you done to benefit us?"

"We helped France stop Russia's westward advance!" Prince Regent William said righteously.

"Your Highness!" De Luys said with a sarcastic expression on his face, "If the Russian Empire really wanted to advance westward, I am afraid that the legions of the Kingdom of Prussia would have been placed on the eastern border by you! Now the eastern border of the Kingdom of Prussia is

, Only 2 armies are stationed, but you can invest 3 armies in the Rhineland! Are you preparing for the Russian Empire to attack the Kingdom of Belgium from the sea, and then attack the Rhineland?"

The current army of the Kingdom of Prussia has a total of 9 corps with 180,000 people. In addition to a Guards Corps that is regularly stationed in Berlin to protect the safety of Berlin, a total of 5 corps are deployed in the eastern provinces and the Rhineland, and the remaining three

Individual armies were scattered throughout the Kingdom of Prussia in regiments.

Of course, the three armies deployed by the Kingdom of Prussia in the Rhineland were not intended to deter France.

It was an operation they had to carry out in order to prepare for possible unrest in the Rhineland.

After all, a few years ago, the Kingdom of Prussia had to "abandon its martial arts" to please the Russian Empire in order to escape the fate of being driven into Berlin by the Austrian Empire.

The price of dissolving the Prussian Parliament and implementing the dictatorship of the monarch (regent) was that Berlin and the Rhineland launched revolutions one after another. In order to suppress the revolution, the Kingdom of Prussia armed all the Junker nobles and carried out bloody suppression and exile in Berlin and the Rhineland.

That suppression directly led German nationalists in the Rhineland to regard the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire as one and the same.

In other words, the Kingdom of Prussia in this time and space was weaker in terms of overall national strength than the Kingdom of Prussia in history under the butterfly effect of Jérôme Bonaparte.

Of course, there are advantages as well as disadvantages. After getting rid of the Prussian bicameral system, the Kingdom of Prussia truly realized that the army owned the country.

After that suppression, the army no longer had to worry about being choked by the Parliament of the Kingdom of Prussia.

In terms of military strength, the current Kingdom of Prussia is slightly stronger than the Kingdom of Prussia at the same time in history. The second type of reserve soldiers originally did not receive shoes and clothes, but half of them can wear shoes and clothes.

After several years of unremitting efforts, Prince Regent William had far more supporters in the Prussian army than his brother.

Which soldier doesn't like the monarch giving them funds!

The topic went off topic. After hearing what De Ruys said, William I immediately told De Ruys that the reason why the Kingdom of Prussia wanted to put three armies in the Rhineland was to prevent the Rhinelanders from rebelling, not to fight against them.

Opinions exist in France.

De Ruys immediately stated that he understood the difficulties of the Kingdom of Prussia, but still hoped that the Kingdom of Prussia would put pressure on the Russian Empire on the Eastern Front.

"Mr. Ruys, you are pushing the Kingdom of Prussia into a pit of fire!" William I frowned and responded to De Ruys.

"Your Highness, we are seeking peace for Europe!" De Luys responded with a sincere face: "This Crimean War is what the French Empire had to do in order to prevent Europe from falling into the hands of the Russian Empire.

an anti-aggression war.

Every European country should provide some help within its capacity to this just war!

If every country wants to be like Prussia, how can we protect Europe with peace of mind!

My monarch once told me before I set off that if the Kingdom of Prussia is not willing to be friends with us, then it can become an enemy! France will never let an enemy be by its side!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present immediately changed. They clearly understood that becoming enemies of the French Empire meant the beginning of war.

"Is the French Empire going to declare war on the Kingdom of Prussia?" William I asked De Ruys, suppressing the anger in his heart.

"If, Your Highness, you think that the Kingdom of Prussia cannot be friends with the French Empire, then you can think that I am declaring war on the Kingdom of Prussia!" De Ruys nodded calmly, and then threatened William I.

William I had a gloomy face. After pondering for a moment, he smiled again and emphasized to De Ruys: "The Kingdom of Prussia will never become an enemy of the French Empire, never!"

"Then please, Your Highness, take some substantive actions!" De Luis replied to William I in an arrogant manner.

"Can you allow me to think about it?" William I's face showed an expression of disgust unconsciously, and he hated the guy in front of him even more who didn't know how to advance or retreat.

"Of course!" De Luys bowed to Prince Regent William, and then reminded him "kindly": "I forgot to mention that in the near future, the French Empire will hold a conference in Metz code-named "

I hope the Kingdom of Prussia can forgive me for the military exercise "Dong Lei"!"

After speaking, De Ruys bowed to William I again and left.

Looking at De Ruys's leaving figure, Prince Regent William I gritted his teeth and said: "I can't wait to cut him into pieces!"

"Your Highness, please don't be impulsive!"

"Yes! Your Highness!"

The military attachés who had originally criticized De Ruys angrily now tried to dissuade William I from acting out of emotion. They were afraid that the regent in front of him would act impulsively and physically disappear De Ruys.

In this case, the French Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia will really face a fight to the death.

Once the French Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia went to war alone, the German Confederation would not be a help to the Kingdom of Prussia at all, but would become an obstacle.

As for the group of bastards from South Germany and Central Germany (these are mainly Württemberg, Bavaria, and Saxony, except for Württemberg because of their relatives, Bavaria’s purpose is to conquer Prussia, Austria, and France)

, Saxony is the enemy of the lost territory of France) The enthusiasm for running to Paris every day is almost as strong as that of King Louis the Great (Louis XIV), and the current Austrian Empire, after receiving a large sum of money from the French Empire, they

His integrity is also open to question.

Don't look at the "German War Law" that stipulates that if any German country is invaded, other German kings must help.

In fact, the law is dead and people are alive. There are many ways to circumvent the laws of war.

Are the German princes really willing to fight with the French Empire to protect the Kingdom of Prussia? This may be difficult.

As for the Kingdom of Hanover, it is estimated that it will be difficult to help the Kingdom of Prussia.

Because the godfather behind the Kingdom of Hanover is the Kingdom of Britain. Although the godfather of the Kingdom of Britain has always wanted to get rid of Hanover, it does not mean that they will not take care of Hanover's affairs.

Now Britain still needs France.

If the French Empire is determined to go to war, the Kingdom of Prussia will be surrounded by either young men or bastards.

How can we be successful in Germany with these insects?

"I'm not dizzy yet!" William I gasped, and after calming down a little, he said to the surrounding military attachés: "Call Prime Minister Manteuffel, Minister Ron, and Moltke over here!"

"Yes!" The military attache who received the order immediately responded to William I, then turned and left.

"Hey!" William I sighed to himself, raised his head and looked at the portraits of previous kings hanging on the wall.

About half an hour later, Prime Minister Manteuffel of the Kingdom of Prussia, Minister of War Ron, and Chief of General Staff Moltke appeared in the hall.

"You are here!" Looking at the three pillars of the kingdom in front of him, William I showed a joyful smile on his face.

The three of them hurriedly curtsied to William I. William I first went to ask Ron about the current situation of the Prussian army.

Ron told William I that the Prussian army, under the leadership of Major General Moltke, had completely overcome its initial humiliation and gradually became stronger.

"Major General Moltke! If there is a war between Prussia and France, how sure are you of winning?" William I asked the old Moltke with earnest eyes.

"Your Majesty, I will try my best!" Old Moltke responded loudly.

"Okay! I understand!" William I instantly understood Moltke's subtext. The current Kingdom of Prussia was no match for the French Empire.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Manteuffel asked William I in a panic. He didn't understand why William I wanted to fight the French Empire.

William I remained silent, and the military attache standing aside told them exactly what happened in the hall just now.

There is a way of saying that the Lord humiliates his ministers and dies.

After hearing that their lord, William I, was "insulted" by De Luys, the three people all showed varying degrees of resentment on their faces.

However, they were angry, and the three of them were not carried away by anger, and still analyzed the situation calmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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