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Chapter 669: Meeting Herzen

That night, an encrypted telegram was sent from the radio station of the Sevastopol Fortress. After a "long journey" of more than two hours, it arrived at the underground telegraph room of the National Intelligence Agency at 12 o'clock in the morning.

The intelligence officer who received the telegram listened to the acoustic signal from the radio station and used a pen to convert the acoustic signal into letters and record them on slightly yellowed paper.

After a while, the ticking of the radio station stopped, and the intelligence officer handed the copied telegram into the hands of Marcel Jerug.

After receiving the telegram, Marcel Jerug looked at the dense characters on the telegram and locked the door.

Then he came to the desk, took out a book that was almost identical to Jérôme Bonaparte's, and read page by page according to the characters on the telegram.

After a while, Marcel Jerug translated the contents of the telegram twice and wrote it on the back of the telegram newspaper.

Jérôme Bonaparte asked Marcel Jerug in an encrypted telegram whether the branch established by the National Intelligence Service in Russia was connected with some forces opposed to the Russian Empire.

If the Russian Intelligence Service really has contact with them, then ask Marcel Jerug to ask those guys on his behalf whether they are willing to overthrow the Tsar's rule.

If they are really willing to overthrow the Tsar's rule, then Marcel Jerug can tell them that the French Empire is willing to give them some help in overthrowing the Tsar.

However, at the end of the letter, Jerome Bonaparte specifically emphasized to Marcel Jerug that if those nobles really intended to rebel, the help the National Intelligence Service could provide was limited to providing weapons.

Even if it is really necessary to send someone to assist them in their subversion conspiracy, Marcel Jerug must still find some people who do not seem to have any connection with the French National Intelligence Service to carry out the task.

After all, although Britain and France openly attacked the Russian Empire, in the eyes of other monarchies, it was just an internal fight between monarchies and would not damage the foundation of the monarchy.

The National Intelligence Service's search for rebel forces plotting to subvert Russia is digging into the roots of the Russian Empire.

Once the National Intelligence Service's actions are discovered, they are likely to encounter hostility from monarchical forces across Europe.

Jérôme Bonaparte's reputation, already at risk, may also suffer a serious blow.

After reading the telegram, Marcel Jerug had a look of embarrassment on his face. The task assigned to him by the emperor was indeed difficult to handle.

If he were not careful, their entire National Intelligence Service would have to be reorganized, and he, the director of the National Intelligence Service, would be forced to step down.

After all, the crime of subverting the monarchy of a country is so serious that Marcel Jerug himself cannot bear the crime.

By then, the emperor will definitely be implicated by the National Intelligence Service.

However, since the emperor has asked him to do this, he must have considered the consequences.

Under this situation, Marcel Jerug thought that there was no possibility of him rejecting it.

So, Marcel Jerug opened the shade of the kerosene lamp, folded the telegram in his hand and placed it on the flame core of the kerosene lamp.

After the telegram was lit, Marcel Jerug put the burning telegram in the ashtray on the table until he watched the telegram completely burn out, leaving only a pile of black dust.

Then Marcel Jerug stood up and left the office.

After a while, Marcel Jerug's figure appeared at the door of the room marked with the logo of the Russian Intelligence Bureau (Division). He gently pushed open the door of the Russian Intelligence Bureau.

At this time, the lights in the Russian Intelligence Bureau were still bright, and the clerks in the Intelligence Bureau were constantly sorting out documents under the command of Director Andres de Abel.

The appearance of Marcel Jerug caused everyone in the Intelligence Bureau to turn their attention to him. Andres also put down his work and looked at Marcel Jerug standing at the door.

"Andrés, come out with me!" Marcel Jerug pointed at Andrés and said.

Andres had no choice but to put down what he was doing and leave with Marcel Jerug.

However, before Andres left the Intelligence Agency, he also asked his subordinates in the Intelligence Agency to continue working and not to slow down the progress because of his departure.

Marcel Jerug and Andres returned to Marcel Jerug's office together.

"Sit down!" Marcel Jerug, who was sitting on the sofa, stretched out his hand to invite Andres to sit down.

Andres stood upright and sat next to Marcel Jerug, with an expression of concentration on his face as well.

Looking at the meticulous subordinate in front of him, Marcel Jerug nodded with satisfaction.

After all, intelligence work is different from other jobs. You cannot be careless at any time. A little carelessness may lead to serious consequences.

Later, Marcel Jerug asked Andres if their intelligence agency had any contact with forces opposed to the Russian Empire!

"Yes!" Andres responded with great care.

"Did they come to the door on their own initiative or did you contact them?" Marcel Jerug asked further.

"They contacted us proactively!" Andres continued to answer.

"What is their power in Russia?" Marcel Jerug asked again.

Andres told Marcel Jerug that since the organization's actions were based on single-line contact and the scope of their activities was only in Russia, the Foreign Intelligence Service did not have much useful information.

Andres's answer made Marcel Jerug a little frustrated, and then he asked Andres if the Russia Intelligence Agency he led was in constant contact with them.

Andres nodded and told Marcel Jerug that the Russian Intelligence Agency not only maintained contact with Russia, but also had contacts in Paris. The organization's contact person in Paris was a man named Herzen.


"Herzen? That writer?" Marcel Jerug asked again.

"Yes!" Andres nodded, and then said to Marcel Jerug: "Herzen is also a member of that organization. He told me that the purpose of his organization is to overthrow the rule of Russia.

Establish a republican or constitutional monarchy of socialist Russia.”

"Constitutional monarchy? Socialist Russia?" Marcel Jerug had a look of surprise on his face. He really couldn't imagine that those guys in Russia could sew together like this.

Then, Marcel Jerug couldn't help but complain: "Don't they know that in a socialist country, there is no place for them and the monarch?"

Andres shrugged his shoulders and responded: "Your Excellency, the Slavic nation is the nation that is most likely to go from one extreme to the other.

When they believe that tsarist rule cannot make the Russian Empire strong, they will choose radical anarchism and republican systems.

If they can fulfill their dreams, then even their death will be worth it."

Marcel Jerug shook his head after hearing this. It was really difficult for him to understand this kind of behavior.

Even the most radical republicanism in France now believes that the existence of the empire is good for everyone.

To deny everything immaturely, like the revolutionaries of the Russian Empire, is doomed to failure.

Then Marcel Jerug asked Andres if he could help him contact Herzen. He wanted to know the power behind Herzen.

"Minister, please forgive me! Is there any big move in Crimea?" Andres asked Marcel Jerug.

Marcel Jerug nodded and then quietly told him the contents of the telegram.

"Don't worry, I will bring Herzen here! However, I don't think the place where you meet Herzen should be here!" Andres replied to Marcel Jerug.

"The meeting will be held in the Bois de Boulogne, tomorrow afternoon! It should be okay!" Marcel Jerug responded to Andres.

"Of course!" Andres nodded and replied.

On the afternoon of the next day, Marcel Jerug came to an inconspicuous cabin in the Bois de Boulogne early in casual clothes, and specially put on a mask.

After a while, there was a knock on the door outside the wooden house. Marcel Jerug slightly changed his usual tone of voice and said to the wooden house: "Please come in!"

Andres and Herzen appeared in the cabin. Marcel Jerug extended his hand to invite Herzen: "Please sit down, Mr. Herzen!"

After Herzen sat down, Marcel Jerug threatened Herzen, saying that he was very worried that a person as prestigious as Herzen, who was also associated with some extreme forces, would cause unexpected consequences to France.

Destruction, so Herzen was called over.

"Minister Marcel, you don't have to threaten me with these words! I think we can have a frank and open conversation!" Herzen said frankly to Marcel Jerug: "I know you

The purpose, I believe you should also know our purpose, I think we both have the same goal, and we can cooperate based on this!"

"Cooperation?" Marcel Jerug's face showed an interesting smile, "Then it depends on whether the organization you are in has such value! If the organization you are in is all a group of people like you who only know

If you are just talking, then there is no need for us to continue talking!"

"What kind of people do you want our organization to be like?" Herzen asked rhetorically.

"At least there must be a few big nobles! It is impossible to have any future relying on the power of the masses. Not to mention that it is still a nation like Russia that is still enslaved by the nobles! We French people at least know how to resist.

And your serfs don’t even have the courage to resist the nobles! Your people will only kneel down under the whips of the nobles and worship them! The more brutal the nobles are in Russia, the more likely they are to be supported by the serfs!” Masai

Er. Jerug sneered unceremoniously.

This chapter has been completed!
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