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Chapter 676 The Olive Branch of Peace

"If we don't launch an attack, but instead put on a peace talk posture, then Alexander II will definitely be dragged here by us! By then, St. Petersburg will be faced with a leaderless situation. Isn't this more beneficial to us!"

Jérôme Bonaparte said to Marshal Pélissier with a hint of excitement.

"Your Majesty, your plan is so perfect..." Marshal Pellissier first praised Jérôme Bonaparte, and then hesitated to respond to Jérôme Bonaparte.


"But what?" Jérôme Bonaparte encouraged Pellissier: "You can say anything you want! There is nothing you can't say! The army is not someone's sole proprietor!"

Pelissier tactfully told Jérôme Bonaparte that if the events in St. Petersburg led to rapid peace talks in the Russian Empire, then they would have no more war to fight.

"No!" Jérôme Bonaparte shook his head and responded to Pelissier: "The troops of the Russian Empire on the southern front must stay here forever, otherwise the rebels in St. Petersburg are likely to

Be destroyed by them immediately!

Only when the rebels fight hard against them can we reap the benefits!

So there is no need to worry about no war, and even after our war in Crimea is over, it does not mean that our army can completely relax! There are still many places waiting for us to conquer!"

Marshal Pellissier said excitedly that he would follow Jérôme Bonaparte's footsteps to the death.

In the next few days, Jérôme Bonaparte ordered his troops to step up training, creating a feeling that a war was about to begin, forcing Alexander II to also step up preparations for war.

Bayou ordered his men to secretly release some of the officers captured on Inkerman Mountain, and told them that he did not want the relationship between the French Empire and the Russian Empire to continue to be in a stalemate. He hoped to start a second peace negotiation with Alexander II.

The time for peace talks was set by Alexander II.

The Russian officer who was secretly sent to Bakhchisaray by Jerome Bonaparte at night reported the news to the Russian headquarters in Bakhchisaray as soon as he returned.

The Russian command also reported the situation to Alexander II immediately. Alexander II, who was struggling with whether to stay or leave, showed a surprised expression on his face after hearing the news that Jerome Bonaparte wanted peace talks.


At this time, he was a little confused as to what Jérôme Bonaparte's purpose was.

It is clear that the Sevastopol coalition is still at an absolute advantage, while the Russian army is at a disadvantage.

Now, it is the French army who once again proposed peace talks.

Therefore, Crown Prince Alexander once again summoned Grand Duke Constantine, Marshal Jomini, Commander Gorchakov and Duke Orlov in the old palace in Bakhchisaray to discuss countermeasures.

As soon as the meeting began, Crown Prince Alexander asked: "Everyone, how sincere do you think this peace negotiation of the French Empire is?"

As soon as Crown Prince Alexander raised the topic, Grand Duke Constantine couldn't wait to say to Crown Prince Alexander: "Your Royal Highness, I think the French Empire's peace talks may not have much sincerity. Their purpose is probably just to delay time!"

"Constantine, why do you think France is delaying time?" Alexander II asked Grand Duke Constantine again, "Judging from the current situation, we need more time than France!"

"Because... because..." Grand Duke Constantine hesitated and was speechless. He knew that his point of view was not logically valid.

"There is indeed something fishy about the French Empire's sudden peace talks!" Upon seeing this, Marshal Jomini immediately spoke to save Archduke Constantine: "But I think even if he does have a conspiracy, we should try to communicate!"

"I agree with Marshal Jomini!" Gorchakov nodded and said: "Even if the peace talks fail, we will not have any losses. On the contrary, we can take advantage of the peace talks to replenish our troops and prepare for the next attack.


The failure of both the Inkerman Mountain and the Joyana River caused the Russian army to lose about 50,000 to 60,000 troops. Coupled with the non-combat attrition caused by the cold wave and logistical supply obstruction, the Russian army's losses have now reached

With about 70,000 troops (including Menshikov's previous loss, Russia lost about 130,000 troops), the Russian army on the Crimean Peninsula is now almost on par with the coalition forces.

With the huge difference in military strength, it is still impossible to draw a draw with the coalition forces. How can we dare to hope to win the battle when the military strength gap is not large?

After listening to the speeches of Commander Gorchakov and Marshal Jomini, Alexander II turned to Count Orlov beside him and asked: "Mr. Orlov, what do you think?"

"Your Highness, the success of the peace talks does not depend on the Crimean Peninsula, but on St. Petersburg and the Tuileries Palace!" Count Orlov reminded.

Everyone present immediately realized that the person in charge now was not Emperor Alexander but Emperor Nicholas I.

If Nicholas I was unwilling to agree to the conditions proposed by France, then no matter how hard they talked, it would have no effect.

"If the conditions of the French Emperor are really suitable, I will write to my father and ask them to send envoys over for peace talks!" Crown Prince Alexander said firmly to everyone present: "I believe that my father also does not want to see his loyal Russian army.

Death in Crimea!"

After the meeting, Alexander II personally wrote a letter to Jerome Bonaparte. In the letter, Crown Prince Alexander praised Jerome Bonaparte's peace talks and emphasized that the Russian Empire and the French Empire were mutually exclusive.

A meaningless one.

If France and Russia are allowed to suffer defeat on the Crimean Peninsula, Britain will definitely gain in the end.

Because there is no substantial conflict of interest between France and Russia, but there is a huge conflict of interest between Russia and Britain.

After Britain saw the threat the Russian Empire posed to them, it launched a severe attack on the Russian Empire.

In order to defend India, Britain desperately wanted to dismember the Russian Empire.

Overthrowing the Russian Empire would bring no benefit except to the British Kingdom.

Could it be that the French army said that the purpose of the British Kingdom's war was to consolidate the British Kingdom's hegemony?

After finishing the letter, Crown Prince Alexander handed the letter to Ivanov Gorchakov and ordered him to deliver the letter to the hands of the British Kingdom.

After receiving the letter, Ivanov Gorchakov immediately assured Crown Prince Alexander that he would deliver the letter safely to the headquarters of the French Expeditionary Force.

That night, Ivanov Gorchakov left Bakhchisaray in the dark, and then walked southwest. Soon he met the army stationed near the Vorontsov Trail.

This time the troops stationed on the Vorontsov Trail did not let Ivanov Gorchakov come up, but asked him to wait for a while.

After a while, General Bokes, commander of the Second Division, appeared in front of Ivanov Gorchakov.

"General, we meet again!" Ivanov Gorchakov said politely to General Bokes.

"You are..." After General Bokes thought for a moment, he responded to Ivanov Gorchakov: "I remembered! You were in that team last time!"

"I didn't expect you, General Boskai, would still remember me!" Ivanov Gorchakov responded to Boskai with a look of honor.

"Didn't your crown prince follow you this time?" Bosquet asked curiously?

Ivanov Gorchakov shook his head and replied to General Boskai: "The Crown Prince will not arrive in Sevastopol again before peace talks are truly finalized!"

"Then what is your purpose here?" General Boskai asked Ivanov Gorchakov.

"After receiving the olive branch of peace from your Majesty the Emperor, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince immediately wrote a letter to His Majesty Emperor Jérôme Bonaparte and ordered me to deliver the letter safely to Sevastopol!" Yin Wan

Nov. Gorchakov took out the enveloped letter from his arms.

With the help of kerosene light, Bosquet could clearly see the signature on the letter: "Yes, it is indeed a letter from Crown Prince Alexander!"

Then General Bosquet ordered people to deliver Ivanov Gorchakov safely to Sevastopol.

When Ivanov Gorchakov arrived in Sevastopol, it was already 1 o'clock in the morning.

Having just entered the expeditionary force headquarters, he was brought to Jerome Bonaparte before he could sit down and rest for a while.

At this time, Jerome Bonaparte was reading a telegram. The appearance of Ivanov Gorchakov made Jerome Bonaparte put down the telegram in his hand, put his hands together and said with a smile: "

sit down!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Ivanov Gorchakov hurriedly bowed his luggage to Jerome Bonaparte, and then handed the Alexander II letter to Jerome Bonaparte. "Your Majesty, this is

It was our Crown Prince who asked me to bring you this letter!”

"Thank you!" Jerome Bonaparte took the telegram and said to Ivanov Gorchakov.

Later, Jerome Bonaparte opened the envelope and read Alexander II's letter.

Ivanov Gorchakov, who was sitting opposite Jerome Bonaparte, subconsciously glanced at Jerome Bonaparte's telegram.

On the telegram, Ivanov Gorchakov saw an incredible piece of news.

This chapter has been completed!
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