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Chapter 687 Deterrence of the God of War

Faced with Jerome Bonaparte's inquiry, Richard Metternich fell into a brief silence.

From a perceptual point of view, Richard Metternich still hoped that the Russian Empire would resume relations with the Austrian Empire after the war.

Because what the Austrian Empire needs is not a Russian Empire that is always in a hostile relationship, but a weak Russian Empire that maintains friendly relations with the Austrian Empire.

However, from a rational point of view, his idea is too naive.

Not to mention that the Austrian Empire's behavior of siding with Britain and France in the Crimean War was seriously equivalent to betrayal by two generations of czars. Even if the Russian Empire was willing to repair relations with the Austrian Empire for various reasons, the Austrian Empire also had to carefully consider the French Empire.


After all, the French Empire's initial investment in the Austrian Empire had already reached several hundred million francs.

Once the French Empire was offended, what would the Austrian Empire rely on to complete its industrialization.

How could the Austrian Empire without industrialization stop the invasion of the Russian Empire?

Peace cannot be achieved by relying on a piece of waste paper. Behind any treaty, there must be corresponding strength.

A treaty without strength has no binding force at all.

And from Jérôme Bonaparte's perspective, it would be best for the Austrian Empire and the Russian Empire to remain in a relatively hostile but mutually restrained relationship.

Because only in this way can the interests of the French Empire be maximized.

"Your Majesty, there are indeed some people who think like this in our country!" Richard Metternich, who pondered for a moment, calmly responded to Jerome Bonaparte, "But isn't this also because you asked me to follow you?

What is your purpose for coming here together?"

"Yes!" Jerome Bonaparte nodded, then stretched out his hand and waved to Alexander II.

Upon seeing this, Alexander II and others quickly came to Jerome Bonaparte's side.

"This is Richard Metternich, the Austrian ambassador to France!" Jerome Bonaparte introduced Richard Metternich to Alexander II, and then specifically added: "At the same time, he is also my most important person.

Good friends!"

Alexander II still had a smile on his face. He stretched out his hand and said to Richard Metternich: "Ambassador Richard, I have long admired your name!"

"Your Highness, you are exaggerating!" Richard Metternich held Alexander II's hand and said humbly.

After greeting each other politely, the two people, who had their own secrets, quickly let go of each other's hands.

Later, Alexander II asked Richard Metternich in a casual tone when he arrived in Sevastopol.

Richard Metternich told Alexander II that he himself had arrived in Sevastopol with Emperor Jerome Bonaparte and had been staying in the French military camp these days.

Hearing Richard Metternich's words, Alexander II, Gorchakov and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Richard Metternich said that he arrived in the Crimean Peninsula with Jerome Bonaparte, it means that Richard Metternich did not appear here specifically for peace talks.

The previous speculations about the Austrian Empire were naturally invalidated.

Just when Alexander II was thinking, Jerome Bonaparte's voice reached Alexander II's ears: "Okay, my two friends, let me lead you to visit here today!"

Seeing this, Alexander II quickly nodded to Jerome Bonaparte.

Under the leadership of Jerome Bonaparte, Alexander II and Richard Metternich came to the site where heavy artillery was piled.

However, there was not a single artillery piece in the field at this time, only rows of wooden boxes stacked up.

"Where is this?" Alexander II looked curiously at the rows of boxes in front of him.

"Wait a minute, you will know!" Jerome Bonaparte immediately waved to the officers in the venue. Seeing this, the officers hurriedly came to Jerome Bonaparte and asked Jerome Bonaparte.

What orders does Ba have?

"Open it!" Jerome Bonaparte knocked on the wooden box and ordered to the officer.

The officer quickly summoned the soldiers in the field to take action, and the wooden box was opened with the combined efforts of the soldiers.

The large-caliber gun barrel with a bronze luster appeared in front of Alexander II. In front of him was the God of War lying quietly in the wooden box. Alexander II couldn't help but tremble slightly in his heart.

If all the wooden boxes in the venue were artillery pieces like this, it would be really scary!

Alexander II couldn't help but think to himself.

Unexpectedly, Jérôme Bonaparte's next words made Alexander II's thoughts come true: "All the wooden boxes contain artillery of this type!"

"Ah!" Alexander II couldn't help shouting softly.

"There are probably more than 400 artillery pieces stored here!" Jérôme Bonaparte continued to attack Alexander II. "It is expected that nearly 300 more artillery pieces will be transported here!"

"Your Majesty, are you preparing to destroy Bakhchisarai?" Alexander II couldn't help but asked Jerome Bonaparte loudly.

"No, no, no! Alexander!" Jerome Bonaparte shook his head and responded to Alexander II: "My intention was not to destroy Bakhchisarai! I just want to sit down and have a good talk with the Russian Empire.

Let’s talk!”

"Your Majesty, I have never seen an exchange of cannons on someone's doorstep!" Alexander II continued to respond to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Then what can I do?" Jerome Bonaparte spread his hands and responded to Alexander II: "When I wanted to talk to you calmly, you chose war!

When I set up my cannon, you accuse me of barbarism.

I really don't understand how you Russians want me to talk to you.

You can’t let me tie my hands and communicate with you!”

"Your Majesty, my father has sent an envoy for peace talks! Please wait patiently for a while for the sake of the French Empire and the Russian Empire!" Alexander II begged Jerome Bonaparte.

"Alexander, I can wait!" Jerome Bonaparte smiled and said to Alexander II: "But my army seems to be impatient to fight in the next battle!"

"Are you ready to give up the peace talks?" Alexander II responded to Jerome Bonaparte with a gloomy face.

"Abandon the peace talks?" Jerome Bonaparte shook his head and said to Alexander II: "No, no, no! I am very willing to have in-depth exchanges with you, but I do not want you to regard the olive branch I extended to you as an

Your negotiating capital.

If we talk, our door is open! If we fight, we will stay with you until the end!"

Jerome Bonaparte's attitude made Alexander II, who originally had great hopes for the peace talks, couldn't help but wonder how sincere Jerome Bonaparte was about the peace talks.

However, Gorchakov and Neserrode are about to arrive in the Crimean Peninsula.

Starting a war hastily will only make all previous efforts in vain.

"Your Majesty, please believe in our sincerity! We really want to end this war!" Alexander II responded to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Alexander, I believe in your sincerity! It's a pity that you are not the Tsar!" Jerome Bonaparte said with emotion: "If you were the Tsar, then this would probably not happen between our two countries.


Alexander II had a stiff smile on his face. He did not dare to respond directly to Jerome Bonaparte's words.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this! The purpose of calling you here is not to talk about this!" Jerome Bonaparte quickly changed the subject, and then invited Alexander II and Richard Metternich to go to the train together

Stand on the platform.

Witnessed by Alexander II and Richard Metternich, Jérôme Bonaparte completed the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the completion ceremony.

After the ribbon-cutting session was over, Alexander II bid farewell to Jerome Bonaparte.

Looking at the leaving figure of Alexander II, Jerome Bonaparte showed a gloating expression on his lips and said to Richard Metternich beside him: "Believe me, Alexander will never be able to sleep peacefully tonight!"

In fact, just as Jerome Bonaparte said, that night, Alexander II, whose mind was full of heavy artillery, could not sleep.

Falling into insomnia, he climbed out of bed and walked alone in the corridors of the old palace.

When Alexander II came to the corner at the end of the corridor, Commander Gorchakov's figure appeared in front of him.

"Gorchakov, you haven't slept either!" Looking at Gorchakov who was still paying no attention, Alexander II showed a bitter smile on his lips.

"Your Highness, you must also be unable to sleep because of France's problems, right?" Gorchakov also responded.

"Yes!" Alexander II nodded, and then suggested to Gorchakov: "I can't sleep anyway, how about we go out for a walk?"

"Okay!" Commander Gorchakov replied.

Alexander II and Commander Gorchakov left the Old Palace and walked in the garden outside the Old Palace.

It was undoubtedly extremely cold in Bakhchisarai during the winter night. The bleak cold wind penetrated Alexander II's body through his collar, making Alexander II feel a frightening chill.

However, this chill was obviously insignificant compared to the "chill" that France brought to him.

Alexander II, who was walking in the garden, slowly asked: "Commander Gorchakov, tell me honestly whether our army can withstand the French attack in Bakhchisaray if the peace talks fail."

Gorchakov tactfully told Alexander II that the Russian army did not have enough artillery to withstand the French artillery, and their rifles were far inferior to the opponent's!

In short, the Russian Empire had better not hope to fend off France's next wave of attacks.

This chapter has been completed!
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