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Chapter 704 The New Tsar

Facing Duke Golitsyn's order, Nikolai Orlov's face showed a look of intolerance.

Prince Golitsyn, who issued the work order, saw that Nikolai Orlov was resisting the order, so he asked unhurriedly: "What's wrong?"

"Mr. Golitsyn, I think as long as those nobles do not insist on opposing us, we do not need to take action against them!" Nikolai Orlov responded to Duke Golitsyn.

"Citizen Orlov!" Prince Golitsyn responded to Nikolai Orlov in a stern tone: "I ask you, why do we want to kill the tyrant Nikolai?"

"To build a new Russia!" Nikolai Orlov answered without thinking.

"Yes! Our purpose is to build a new Russia so that everyone can live in this land with dignity!" Duke Golitsyn nodded and continued to Nikolai Orlov: "

However, if you want to do these things, you must liberate the serfs who are bound to the land! Turn them into free people in the true sense. However, if you want to turn them into free people, you must abolish the birthright of the aristocracy in our country.

Come for the privilege!

Once we abolish these rights, we will inevitably encounter opposition from the nobles. Those nobles who oppose us will do everything possible to sabotage our strategies and prevent us from gaining a foothold in Petersburg and Moscow!

If we have any weakness, they will turn into evil wolves and bite us hard.

When the time comes, let’s not talk about preserving the achievements of the revolution. Even lives may not be saved.

Therefore, we must learn from the original Public Security Committee and make those who try to subvert the achievements of our revolution feel fear. Only in this way can they know how to be in awe!"

"But blind killing is not a long-term solution!" Nikolai Orlov reminded Duke Golitsyn.

"How long?" Duke Golitsyn shook his head with a wry smile and said: "We are trying a path that Russia has not tried for thousands of years. Instead of focusing on the long-term future, it is better to think about the current situation!

Think about the outcome of the First and Second French Republics?”

At this time, Duke Golitsyn's thinking was roughly the same as that of Lenin just after he seized power. Now he does not think about what he should do in the future at all, but does his best to maintain and extend the life of the regime.

As long as this regime can continue, it has unlimited possibilities.

On the other hand, if the continuity of this regime becomes a luxury, then there is no point in discussing the future and longevity.

[PS: One more comment here. When Ms. Luxemburg was debating with Lenin, Ms. Luxemburg pointed out the issue of corruption in the vanguard raised by Lenin.

Lenin did not directly refute this issue, because in Lenin's view, the vanguard must first be able to seize power before it can be corrupted.

A paper organization that cannot even seize political power is not worthy of discussing so-called corruption.

After the success of the October Revolution, Lenin always held the optimistic spirit of "surpassing the Paris Commune is considered a success" as to how long the new Soviet power could last.]

Nikolai Orlov thought of the First Republic and the Second Republic. One lasted for 7 years (ended by Napoleon's Coup of Brumaire), and the other lasted for less than 3 years (ended by the coup of 1851.)

Even if France wants to establish a republican regime, let alone the Russian Empire.

"I understand! I will do as you ask!" Nikolai Orlov nodded and responded to Duke Golitsyn.

"As long as you understand!" Prince Golitsyn nodded to Nikolai Orlov with a smile.

Later, Nikolai Orlov bid farewell to Prince Golitsyn.

Duke Golitsyn came to the gate of the Winter Palace from the Ministry of War. Upon seeing this, the guard responsible for guarding the Winter Palace quickly saluted Duke Golitsyn.

"What is the situation with Prince Dolgorukov and the Queen?" Prince Golitsyn asked the guard.

The guard told Duke Golitsyn that during this period, both Dolgorukov and the Queen's family had been very friendly. It seemed that they already understood their current situation!

"Very good, now I'm going to see them! Open the door!" Prince Golitsyn responded to the guard.

The guards quickly opened the door, and Prince Golitsyn was able to enter the Winter Palace.

Then Prince Golitsyn, led by the guards, came to the room where the Queen and her family were.

At this time, the Queen was sitting on the sofa, and Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich and Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich were sitting on the left and right sides of the Queen.

The arrival of Prince Golitsyn caused the three people present to stand up from the sofa in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, how are you feeling lately?" Although Duke Golitsyn no longer had any respect for Nicholas I's empress, he still politely called her empress.

"Prince Golitsyn!" Alexandra Feodorovna showed a bitter smile on her lips. She saluted the regicide in front of her who could decide their life and death and said: "In addition to not being able to go out,

Everything is fine!”

"That's good!" Duke Golitsyn nodded, then turned his gaze to Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich and said: "Your Royal Highness, please allow me to talk to Grand Duke Nikolayevich alone.

So good!"

Feodorovna panicked when she heard that Duke Golitsyn wanted to talk to her son alone. She was afraid that her son would be killed by Duke Golitsyn like his father.

"Golitsyn is in power, and now the entire Russian Empire is yours! Can you let my poor child go?" Feodorovna asked Duke Golitsyn in a pleading tone.

"Your Majesty the Queen, today's Russia is no longer the Russia of any one person, but the Russia of all Slavic nations!" Duke Golitsyn replied: "Furthermore, I am not trying to kill your son, but

Really want to have a conversation with him!

If the conversation between us goes well, you will be able to gain a certain degree of freedom!"

"Mother, I want to talk to Prince Golitsyn!" Nikolai Nikolayevich also said to Feodorovna.

"Then..." Feodorovna hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Then go ahead!"

Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich and Prince Golitsyn left Feodorovna's room and came to an empty guest room in the Winter Palace.

As soon as he entered the guest room, Grand Duke Nikolay Nikolayevich yelled at Duke Golitsyn with a sullen face: "Prince Golitsyn, what on earth is going on with you? Why haven't you declared me a member of the Russian Empire?"

Tsar? Don’t forget, you rely on me to succeed in everything you do now!”

"Citizen Nikolaevich!" Prince Golitsyn responded to Nikolaevich word for word: "Thank you very much for your contribution to the revolution! However, it is a pity that you cannot become the Tsar of the New Russian Empire.


"What???!!!!" Nikolayevich's face showed a trace of seriousness and annoyance after hearing the news. He grabbed Duke Golitsyn's collar and shouted: "Say it again!"

"Unfortunately, after careful consideration, you cannot become the Tsar of the New Russian Empire!" Duke Golitsyn responded lightly.

"I'm going to kill you!" Grand Duke Nikolayevich yelled at Prince Golitsyn through gritted teeth.

"Even if you kill me, you can't become the Tsar!" Duke Golitsyn showed no fear on his face. "And once I die, the entire Romanovs will be buried with me! Are you really willing to risk your own life and

Will I die together with the few years of my life left?"

Duke Golitsyn's words made Nikolayevich slowly lower his hand. He did not want to bury his precious life with an old man who had only a few years to live.

"Grand Duke Nikolaevich, you should feel lucky!" Duke Golitsyn said to Nikolaevich coldly: "I did not treat you like the Republic treated the Duke of Orleans!

Otherwise, the place for you and me to talk would not be here, but at the execution ground!"

"Are you planning to build a republic on Russian soil?" Grand Duke Nikolaevich asked Duke Golitsyn in frustration.

"No! There will still be a monarch in Russia!" Duke Golitsyn shook his head and responded to Nikolayevich: "The citizens of this land have not gotten used to the days without a monarch. I need to find a monarch for them!"

"My thoughts are the same as yours, and I can become the new monarch of the Russian Empire!" Grand Duke Nikolaevich tried to recommend himself.

"Your Majesty the Grand Duke, let me tell you again!" Duke Golitsyn emphasized: "You have lost the qualification to be chosen to become a monarch!"

"Besides me, who else are you going to choose? Mikhail?" Grand Duke Nikolayevich asked.

"Your Majesty the Grand Duke, we will inform you after the new Tsar is chosen!" Prince Golitsyn responded coldly, then turned and left the room.

"Asshole!" Grand Duke Nikolayevich couldn't help but yelled.

Subsequently, Prince Golitsyn left the Winter Palace and went to the residence of Crown Prince Alexander in Petersburg.

Here, he met Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Crown Prince Alexander.

At this time, Maria Alexandrovna was holding the future monarch Alexander III with one hand and Alexander III's brother with the other hand. She looked nervously at Duke Golitsyn in front of her.

I don’t understand why Prince Golitsyn is here.

"Your Highness, can we talk alone?" Prince Golitsyn bowed to Maria Alexander Theodovna.

"Of course!" Maria Alexandrovna nodded, and then ordered her servants to take the two princes away.

Later, Duke Golitsyn said to Maria Alexandrovna: "According to the unanimous consent of the Constitutional Committee, your son will be elected as the new Tsar of the Russian Empire."

This chapter has been completed!
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