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Chapter 708: The Subjugated Russian Empire

Therefore, Ambassador Gorchakov had to wait for another day in Bakhchisaray, and got up early the next morning to wait for the arrival of Jerome Bonaparte and Valewski.

Jérôme Bonaparte and Valewski obviously had no intention of negotiating in a hurry. They set off from Sevastopol slowly and did not arrive in Bakhchisaray until noon.

Then, after having a simple lunch at the military camp in Bakhchisaray, we arrived at the French headquarters to meet with Ambassador Gorchakov!

"Ambassador Gorchakov is really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long! If you could have told me earlier, I would have said nothing to make you wait here!" Jerome Bonaparte deliberately pretended.

He held Ambassador Gorchakov's hand and said to him with a very apologetic look.

Of course, Ambassador Gorchakov understood that Jerome Bonaparte's words were just polite words. The reason why Jerome Bonaparte kept them waiting for so long was just to kill him.

Their energy can make the negotiation more favorable to them.

So Gorchakov shook his head and said weakly to Jerome Bonaparte: "Nothing! In fact, we are the ones who should apologize the most!

If it weren't for us, His Majesty would still be enjoying life in Constantinople right now!"

"It's nothing. For the sake of peace in Europe, no matter how hard it is, it's worth it," Jerome Bonaparte responded to Ambassador Gorchakov with a smile.

"Your Majesty, what you said is really good!" Ambassador Gorchakov responded flatteringly.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Jerome Bonaparte and Ambassador Gorchakov... No, to be precise, it was Minister Valevsky who represented Jerome Bonaparte and Gorchakov who represented Alexander II.

Ambassador Chakov began to enter the negotiation stage.

"Your Excellency, you should know about a series of things that have happened in our country recently." Ambassador Gorchakov, who had been waiting for a long time, didn't want to go around any more and asked Valewski directly.

The minister said.

"I deeply sympathize with what happened to Crown Prince Alexander!" Valevsky responded to Ambassador Gorchakov.

After all, according to the policies released by the new St. Petersburg government, Alexander had been deprived of the right to inherit the Russian Tsar by the Russian Empire's Constitutional Committee.

The current new tsar of the Russian Empire is his underage child, and Prince Golitsyn was unanimously elected as the regent of the Russian Empire and the chairman of the First Council of the Russian Empire.

It can be said that he is now the first consul of the new Russian Empire.

If it were not cloaked under the cloak of a tsar, it could be called a complete republic.

Although Valevsky knew the state of the Russian Empire better than Ambassador Gorchakov, he still had to put on an uninformed expression on his face.

"However, I am a little curious! Why does your country's newly established State Duma have the right to depose a tsar's heir? Does it mean that your country has reached this level of democracy?"

Valevsky pointed at the monk and scolded the bald donkey with sarcastic remarks, which made Gorchakov look embarrassed.

Even if Gorchakov knew in his heart that Britain and France had an unclear relationship with the Petersburg rebel government (otherwise, why would the "Kingdom of Sweden" and the "Kingdom of Sardinia" send people there),

But he also still has to cooperate with Walewski's performance.

"Your Excellency, in fact, our crown prince not only does not recognize the verdict of the State Duma, but also will not recognize the State Duma established in Petersburg!"

"That's interesting!" Valevsky smiled with interest. "Since you don't recognize the rights of the State Duma, how did the State Duma appear?"

"In fact, the State Duma was a power institution established by traitors from the Petersburg area who kidnapped our monarch Nicholas and coerced him!" Commander Gorchakov responded to Valevsky, "Now our

The monarch is still in a state of uncertainty, and these guys who have stolen power through conspiracy are brazenly proclaiming the establishment of a new Russian Empire in Petersburg!"

"Ambassador Gorchakov, isn't that great?" Ambassador Valevs responded calmly: "The Russian Empire does need some changes!"

"Your Excellency, I also believe that the Russian Empire does need to change, but this change should not be made by a group of traitors!" Ambassador Gorchakov said with a look of sadness and indignation: "It should be done by His Majesty the Emperor or His Highness the Crown Prince himself.

promulgated and gradually changed the entire Russia.

Instead of using radical means to forcefully change the entire Russia."

"However, they did promulgate the bill in the name of the new emperor!" Valevsky responded eloquently, "If I guessed correctly, the current Emperor of the Russian Empire is the son of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander.

The right of succession lies only with Crown Prince Alexander."

"However, the new emperor does not have the ability to be independent!" Ambassador Gorchakov then responded to Valevsky: "All his bills were created by the traitor Golitsyn!"

Valevsky spread his hands and said to Ambassador Gorchakov: "Your Excellency, the issue of succession to the throne is just your family matter, and I don't want to discuss it too much with you.

Whether you like it or not is just your own subjective opinion!

In my case, the new tsar of the Russian Empire also has legal validity!

Sometimes the monarch’s rights do not necessarily come from God, but can also come from the subjects living in the land under his rule!”

Having said this, Valewski glanced at Jerome Bonaparte subconsciously.

Jérôme Bonaparte showed an approving smile on his lips.

Ambassador Gorchakov also realized that telling the monarch and his ministers about the divine right of kings would not be understood at all.

Because Jerome Bonaparte's throne was decided by a referendum, he could not deny the legitimacy brought by the referendum.

Ambassador Gorchakov had no choice but to change his mind and identify the rebels in the Petersburg area: "Does it mean that as the only legal government in France, your country wants to intercede for those rebels?"

"Rebels?" Minister Valewski still had a smile on his face, "If we classify him as a rebel in this way, then how do you compare your country's original gaze of Catherine with the Holy King?"

Ambassador Gorchakov's expression became condensed. He had indeed forgotten that coups were an old tradition in the Russian Empire. If rebellion were to be defined as rebellion, then there would be too many traitors in the Russian Empire.

"Your Excellency, the rebels in Petersburg are very different from the previous palace coups!" Ambassador Gorchakov replied to Valevsky: "The rebels this time are more revolutionary than before!

If this revolution succeeds in Russia, it will spread like a common plague.

At that time, the whole of Europe will have to face what happened a few years ago."

"So, what are you going to do?" Valewski asked Gorchakov.

"We hope that for the sake of being a monarchy, your country can help the Russian emperor!" Ambassador Gorchakov begged Valevsky in a low voice. "As a monarchy, the French Empire should

Together with Russia we will resist revolution! We warmly welcome the integration of the French Empire into the family of European monarchies!”

"Ambassador Gorchakov, it doesn't matter even if your country doesn't welcome us!" Jerome Bonaparte suddenly said to Ambassador Gorchakov: "After all, if you don't recognize our country as a monarchy, you still treat me as a monarchy.

The only enemy country is the Russian Empire.”

Faced with Jerome Bonaparte's answer, Ambassador Gorchakov hurriedly said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, all the previous misunderstandings were all misunderstandings! Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, we in the Russian Empire will be your best brothers.


"Brother Russia, I really have no luck!" Jérôme Bonaparte said mercilessly, "Who knows if you will stab me right after the crisis is resolved!"

"No! No!" Gorchakov shook his head desperately and replied sincerely: "We in the Russian Empire treat every friend very sincerely and will never do anything to harm our friends!"

After Jerome Bonaparte was silent for a moment, he spoke again: "Okay! I believe you for the time being. How are you going to end the battle?"

"Your Majesty, we hope to temporarily stop the war!" Ambassador Gorchakov responded hurriedly to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Ambassador Gorchakov, are you fooling me?" Jerome Bonaparte frowned and asked Ambassador Gorchakov.

"Of course not!" Ambassador Gorchakov responded quickly.

"Now that your 180,000 troops are surrounded by me, I don't know what reason you have to ask me to give up eating them!" Jerome Bonaparte snorted coldly, "If you want to stop the war now, you have to

Isn’t it a bit too whimsical!”

"Your Majesty, what do you want us to do?" Ambassador Gorchakov asked Jerome Bonaparte.

"You must formally surrender to us!" Jerome Bonaparte replied to Ambassador Gorchakov, "I can assure you that after you surrender, you will retain your organization and at the same time

I am returning some of the captured soldiers to you!"

"We are willing to surrender!" Ambassador Gorchakov responded quickly.

The Russian army is now at the end of its rope, and armistices and surrenders are nothing more than face battles.

It reflected that they had already lost face in the previous battles, and they didn’t care about losing any more!

This chapter has been completed!
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