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Chapter 710: Ning and allies, not nobles

"The Russian Empire needs to compensate the coalition forces for part of the military expenses consumed by this operation!" Valevsky then put forward the final conditions to Ambassador Gorchakov.

Ambassador Gorchakov was completely stunned when he heard the conditions. At this time, he had some doubts about France's real purpose of letting them die!

"Minister Valevsky, we don't have much money in our hands right now! Not to mention compensating your country's losses, we may not even be able to raise the money to return to St. Petersburg!" Ambassador Gorchakov smiled bitterly at Valais.

Fsky responded, "We are simply not capable of fulfilling your country's conditions!"

"This is also within the scope of our consideration!" Walewski said to Ambassador Gorchakov with a smile, "Your country only needs to relax its restrictions on French businessmen and allow our businessmen to open businesses in your country.

Factories, railway construction, commercial institutions...the tax revenue generated in this way can not only be used to advance compensation, but your government can also make a surplus! Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

After listening to Valewski's speech, Ambassador Gorchakov showed a hesitant look on his face.

Although Valewski's method can promote the financial development of the Russian Empire in a short period of time, in the long run it will undoubtedly destroy Russia's local hematopoietic ability.

Once the French Empire takes control of the railways and mines in the Russian Empire, then the Russian Empire's diplomacy will probably be influenced by France to a certain extent.

Unless Russia can lose face and directly confiscate the capital of the French Empire in the Russian Empire, France will only need to make a slight move and the whole of Russia will face a turmoil.

[ps: This condition proposed by Jérôme Bonaparte is the trick used by the French Republic against the Russian Empire in the original historical line. However, the French Republic only injected capital into the Russian Empire, and France did not participate in the management. 】

"Ambassador Gorchakov, what are you hesitating about?" Minister Valevsky once again urged Ambassador Gorchakov to make a decision as soon as possible, "Do you think that the efforts of one person in the Russian Empire can lead

Is your country on the road to industrialization?

In the future, countries without industrialization will not be qualified to step onto the stage!"

Later, Jerome Bonaparte told Gorchakov in the same casual tone that the Austrian Empire had borrowed approximately 560 million francs from the French Empire for their industrialization, and they might also borrow money from France in the future.

Borrow money!

If the Russian Empire was willing to be left far behind by the Austrian Empire, then Jérôme Bonaparte also had nothing to say.

Ambassador Gorchakov gritted his teeth with hatred at the thought of the Austrian Empire's betrayal of the Russian Empire.

If there is a chance in the future, he will definitely make the Austrian Empire pay the price.

At present, the Austrian Empire has begun industrialization. If the Russian Empire does not take action, it may be difficult to defeat the Austrian Empire in the future.

After all, the battle between British and French troops in the Crimean Peninsula was visible to all.

"Okay! I promise you!" Ambassador Gorchakov nodded in response to Valewski, and then added: "However, I wonder if your country can lend us some loans!

If we, who have lost St. Petersburg, cannot get your help, it will be difficult for us to win!

Once we face failure, all the treaties we have signed will be invalid!"

"Loan!" Minister Walewski turned his attention to Jerome Bonaparte, and he wanted to seek Jerome Bonaparte's opinion.

"Tell me! How much do you need?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Minister Valewski.

"300 million francs!" Ambassador Gorchakov said directly.

"300 million francs?" Jérôme Bonaparte sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Are you going to give your army a makeover? Or do you think we are being taken advantage of?"

"We can repay it with interest at 6% per year!" Ambassador Gorchakov tried to attract Jerome Bonaparte with high interest rates.

However, Jerome Bonaparte did not care about interest rates. In his mind, high interest rates were not as valuable as plunging the Russian Empire into a bloody civil war.

300 million francs is a full year's military expenditure of 550,000 French army and part of the navy. With such a huge sum of money, the Russian Empire can completely defeat the St. Petersburg regime in a short time.

In this case, Jérôme Bonaparte's idea of ​​continuing to bleed Russia will become empty talk!

"Impossible!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Ambassador Gorchakov firmly: "We can lend you a maximum of 100 million francs, with an annual interest rate of 4.5%!"

"Okay!" Ambassador Gorchakov readily agreed to Jerome Bonaparte's conditions.

He had never asked for a loan of 300 million francs at all. Jerome Bonaparte was able to agree to their 100 million francs, which was an unexpected surprise.

The soldiers of the Russian Empire are different from the French Empire. With a little squeezing, they can still gather an army of 300,000 to 400,000.

Relying on this army, they can fight each other with the rebels in St. Petersburg.

(Duke Golitsyn already has nearly 200,000 Finnish Army and about 100,000 Petersburg Army in his hands. The total is also about 300,000.)

"By the way, we also hope to use this money to purchase a batch of rifles you are using now!" Ambassador Gorchakov then said to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Yes!" Jerome Bonaparte also readily agreed to Gorchakov's conditions.

Ambassador Gorchakov was slightly surprised that Jerome Bonaparte could agree so easily.

At this moment, he did not know that Duke Golitsyn, who was far away in Petersburg, had also sent batches of gold sealed in small Russian vaults to France in exchange for the Minie rifles and production lines in France's hands.

It won't be long before they can see two Russian Migne rifles shooting at each other at the same time!

"By the way, we also have a rifle production line and bullet production line in Rhode Island. I wonder if you are interested!" Jerome Bonaparte asked Ambassador Gorchakov.

"Yes! Of course!" Ambassador Gorchakov responded with a hurried nod.

"Okay! I will hand it over to you after the war is over!" Jerome Bonaparte responded to Ambassador Gorchakov.

Immediately afterwards, Jerome Bonaparte handed over the stage to Valewsky and Gorchakov.

"Your Excellency Ambassador, these are all our conditions! If you agree, then we have reached an agreement!" Walewski ordered his entourage to hand the document into the hands of Ambassador Gorchakov.

"Can I give this document to the Crown Prince for review?" Ambassador Gorchakov responded to Ambassador Valevsky.

Although he has been given the full right to represent Russia by the crown prince, the conditions put forward by France really make him afraid to make decisions alone!

After all, in the document, they want to cede Crimea, Finland, and Poland, and also compensate France for its economic losses!

"Of course!" Walewski nodded and said to Ambassador Gorchakov: "However, we hope you can give us an answer as soon as possible!"

"Definitely! Definitely!" Ambassador Gorchakov said to Valevsky.

After the negotiations ended, Ambassador Gorchakov said goodbye to Jerome Bonaparte!

Jerome Bonaparte and Valevsky warmly bid farewell to Gorchakov, the "traitor".

"Walewski, do you think they will agree to our terms?"

"Your Majesty, I don't think they have any choice at all!"

Ambassador Gorchakov returned to Simferopol and immediately handed the document to Alexander II. After reading the conditions, Alexander II also felt dizzy!

"That fellow Jérôme Bonaparte might as well destroy us!" Alexander II said self-deprecatingly, "If they sign these conditions, they will be regarded as traitors to the entire Russian Empire!"

"I heard that the traitor Golitsyn also signed a treaty with them similar to ours!" Ambassador Gorchakov quickly expressed relief.

In fact, he knew in his heart that Prince Golitsyn's treaty was definitely not as traitorous as theirs.

Now they can say that there is no other way but to betray the country.

But Golitsyn’s new government has more mediation possibilities!

"Do you think we should sign it?" Alexander II turned to Commander Gorchakov and Count Orlov.

"Sign it! Your Highness!" Commander Gorchakov said immediately, "In their (France) hearts, we still have this value!

If we are unwilling to sign, then they are likely to abandon us!

By then, our situation will only get worse!"

"Your Majesty, I agree too!" Count Orlov also said to him.

The support of the Gorchakov brothers and Orlov made Alexander II determined, and he ordered Ambassador Gorchakov to implement it as soon as possible!

Early the next morning, Ambassador Gorchakov ran to Bakhchisaray early and told Jerome Bonaparte that he was willing to sign the treaty on behalf of Crown Prince Alexander.

However, he hopes that the French Empire can uphold the concept of helping people to the end and prevent the Ottoman army in the Caucasus from pursuing them!

Similarly, Gorchakov also hopes to use France's influence to keep the Caucasus!

"I can promise you this!" Jerome Bonaparte said to Ambassador Gorchakov.

The exchange of the Crimean Peninsula to the Ottoman Empire was Jérôme Bonaparte's compensation for the invasion of Rhodes!

The Caucasus region should still be handed over to the Russian Empire. Its purpose was not to revive the Ottoman Empire.

This chapter has been completed!
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