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Chapter 713 The Age of Bonaparte

"elder sister!"

Lying on the bed, Augusta was stunned for a moment, and then asked Mathilde in a low voice what happened.

"See for yourself!" Princess Mathilde said after seeing the telegram in Queen Augusta's hand.

After receiving the telegram, Queen Augusta simply read it through and couldn't help shouting: "Oh my God!"

Because Queen Augusta shouted too loudly, she successfully woke up Crown Prince Friedrich who was sleeping in the crib next to Augusta.

"Bah, bah, bah!" Crown Prince Friedrich, who was forcibly awakened by his mother, immediately protested.

Princess Mathilde glanced at Augusta with a reproachful look, then came to Crown Prince Friedrich's crib and held Crown Prince Friedrich in her arms.

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!" Princess Mathilde hummed a nursery rhyme in a low voice while gently rocking Crown Prince Friedrich in her arms.

After a while, Frederick Bonaparte stopped crying and looked at Princess Mathilde with his big, lively eyes, giggling from time to time.

Looking at her nephew who looked like a porcelain doll in front of her, Princess Mathilde's heart was also filled with maternal love.

Queen Augusta, who was lying on the bed, looked at the scene in front of her and felt a little tasteful in her heart.

With the arrival of the "concubine", Princess Mathilde handed over Crown Prince Friedrich to her, and then sat on the bedside of Queen Augusta again.

"Sister, is the war really over? Did we really fight the Russian Empire?" Queen Augusta, who was lying on the bed, asked Princess Mathilde in confusion.

She really could not have imagined that her husband could actually fight against the Russian Empire in such a short period of time and force them to sign a treaty that was humiliating and depriving them of their rights.

A few years ago, she never imagined that she would become the queen of one of the most powerful countries in the world.

"Your Majesty the Queen!" Princess Mathilde responded to Queen Augusta solemnly: "You read that right! The war is over! My brother... (Princess Mathilde consciously broke her promise and quickly corrected it),

No, His Majesty Emperor Jerome Bonaparte has defeated the Russian Empire!"

To be honest, Princess Mathilde herself also felt a little dreamy.

In just a few years, they have brought such a big change to the world.

A few years ago, the Bonaparte family was still an upstart with only the surname Bonaparte (in fact, they didn't have much money).

In just a few years, they became the masters of France, and relying on the French army and money, they defeated an existence that even their uncle could not defeat at the beginning.

Mathilde believed that any bard with even the most imagination could imagine such a legendary experience. Her brother and the Bonaparte family might really be loved by God!

Thinking of this, Princess Mathilde showed a proud smile.

My younger brother has finally grown into a great man!

Just when Princess Mathilde was proud of her younger brother, Queen Augusta's voice reached Princess Mathilde's ears: "Sister, should we make this news public now?"

Princess Mathilde, who came back to her senses, nodded and responded to Queen Augusta: "I think your Majesty's purpose is to let us announce it!"

Later, Queen Augusta begged Princess Mathilde to come out of the palace on her behalf to announce the news!

"I know!" Princess Mathilde nodded and responded to Queen Augusta.

Then, after the two talked for a while, Princess Mathilde left Queen Augusta's room.

Mathilde left the room and immediately found Mokar and gave him an order.

"You go to the major newspapers now and tell them the news of France's victory! I need to see this news on the front page of tomorrow's newspapers!"

"Yes! Your Highness!" Mokar responded quickly, and then quickly drove a carriage to the major newspapers to notify them in person.

Early the next morning, the whole of Paris was awakened by the news of the victory of the French Empire.

"Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers!" Newsboys walking in the streets shouted vigorously, waving newspapers in their hands.

"Give me one!" the passing gentleman called to the newsboy.

The newsboy hurriedly handed the newspaper to the gentleman, who opened it and read it.

The first thing that caught my eye was the news that the Russian Empire had surrendered to the French Empire: "...the Russian Imperial Army on the Crimean Peninsula is expected to surrender within a week, and 500,000 troops may become prisoners of France..."

The gentleman who saw the news showed a proud expression on his face. It has only been more than a year since the war began, and the French army has already achieved a complete victory.

Now it seems that his original choice was not wrong. Only by supporting the Bonaparte regime can they succeed.

The gentleman at this time seemed to have long forgotten that he was originally a minority who opposed Jerome Bonaparte's coronation as emperor.

As soon as the news of the French Empire's victory over the Russian Empire came out, a handful of die-hard Orthodox and Republican members lurking in Paris felt desperate. Even those who were unwilling to accept Jerome Bonaparte also realized that they had

It is difficult to overthrow the rule of Jerome Bonaparte in a short time.

The victory in the Crimean War allowed Jérôme Bonaparte to completely consolidate the foundation of the empire (now the Paris newspaper only announced the surrender of the Russian army in the Crimean Peninsula, and the Republicans and Orthodox did not know yet.

The price paid by the Russian Empire in the Rimean War), nothing can convince the French people and army more than a series of victories.

Even if they use conspiracy to kill Jerome Bonaparte, as long as all members of the Bonaparte family are not dead, the army and citizens will still be loyal to the Bonaparte family that can bring them victory.

And if they are traced, the entire Orthodox/Republican faction will be buried with them.

Although the current French Empire openly does not allow orthodox and republican factions to participate in politics, it secretly allows republicans to participate in the management of the empire, and many moderate republican members have become part of the empire.

Members of the Orthodox Church also gathered around Queen Augusta and became an integral part of the imperial court.

Therefore, after seeing the news of the victory in Crimea, many members of the Orthodox and Republican factions immediately issued warnings to the extremists and ordered them to give up.

Among the people who warned was lawyer Belier, who was once the mainstay of the orthodox faction and the "great savior" of the republican faction, Cavaignac.

The next night, a grand banquet was about to be held at the Tuileries Palace.

The people responsible for organizing the banquet are the two current hostesses of the Tuileries Palace, Queen Augusta and Princess Mathilde. The people invited to the banquet include not only the Bonapartist orthodox, the Orleanist and the

There were celebrities from the Republican faction (the Montagnards and Blanquists were not included in the mainstream faction at all), as well as ambassadors and generals. It could be said that the house was full of distinguished guests.

Before all those who had received the invitation arrived at the Tuileries Palace, the Tuileries Palace was surrounded by splendor.

The gold and silverware under the candlelight gave off a dazzling light, as if silently showing off the empire's wealth, glory and power. After the news of the end of the Crimean War came out, no one despised this palace anymore.


Now the whole of Europe will lie under the control of the Bonaparte family, and the political center of Europe will return to the hands of Paris.

After everyone arrived at the Tuileries Palace, the banquet officially began.

Everyone at the banquet looked solemnly at Queen Augusta and Princess Mathilde, who were attending the ceremony, as well as the Crown Prince Friedrich Bonaparte, who was quietly being held in Princess Mathilde's arms.

"Thank you all for being able to..."

Before the banquet began, Queen Augusta expressed her customary thanks to the guests who were able to arrive at the Tuileries Palace.

Then, the banquet officially started with loud music.

Members of the Bonapartist, Orthodox and Orleans factions arrived in front of Queen Augusta one after another to extend their lofty blessings to Queen Augusta and Crown Prince Friedrich Bonaparte.

Queen Augusta expressed her gratitude to the celebrities who came to visit and praised them as the pillars of the empire.

Some members of the Orthodox sect (the Duke of Broglie) and the Orleans sect (Odilon Barto) even received an invitation from Queen Augusta in the hope that they could become the crown prince's teachers.

Faced with the naked wooing of Empress Augusta, many members of the Orthodox Church began to tend towards Friedrich Bonaparte (note that it was Friedrich Bonaparte, not Jerome Bonaparte).


The nobles, including the Duke of Broglie, began to consider whether to change the monarch they were loyal to.

Although Bonaparte did not have the blood of the Bourbon dynasty, his achievements are indeed obvious to all.

Compared with the Count of Chambord to whom they were loyal, what Jérôme Bonaparte lacked was the orthodox status.

The new Crown Prince Friedrich Bonaparte perfectly made up for the lack of legitimacy of the Bonaparte dynasty.

However, after thinking for a moment, Duke Broy still rejected Queen Augusta's invitation.

Although the Duke of Broglie rejected the invitation, he still recommended an orthodox nobleman to Queen Augusta who could be the teacher of the crown prince. He also hoped that the queen could reward his son with an official position.

The Duke of Broglie's behavior was undoubtedly a show of goodwill to Queen Augusta, who immediately decided to let the son of the Duke of Broglie serve as the attaché to the Crown Prince.

After the Duke of Broglie left, the Ambassador of the Papal State appeared in front of Emperor Augusta. He also released the blessing of Pope Pius IX to Queen Augusta and informed that Pius IX would be in the crown prince's presence.

When the moon is full, he will come in person to give blessings to the crown prince.

This chapter has been completed!
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