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Chapter seven hundred and ninetieth Leopold takes the bait

"Okay! Marigot, my friend! The reason I'm looking for you this time is to ask you to contribute your strength to France!" Jerome Bonaparte paused and said to Marigot sincerely.


"Your Majesty, how can I help you?" Marigot asked Jérôme Bonaparte directly.

"Is such that……"

Jérôme Bonaparte told the story without reservation that he had brought Crown Prince Leopold there and that Crown Prince Leopold was obsessed with her.

"Your Majesty, do you hope that I can date that crown prince?" Marigot asked Jérôme Bonaparte with a serious expression.

"Yes!" Jérôme Bonaparte nodded and said: "We are currently signing an agreement with Belgium, and Crown Prince Leopold's attitude will become an important part of the implementation of this agreement.

So I came here specifically in my own name to ask you to consider this slightly special method to achieve cooperation between the two countries!"

"Your Majesty, is this agreement really important to us?" Marigot asked Jerome Bonaparte again.

Jerome Bonaparte hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and responded to Marigot: "Marigette, this agreement is really important for the future of France!"

"Okay!" A warm smile appeared on Marigot's lips. She nodded and replied to Jérôme Bonaparte: "Your Majesty, I agree to your conditions!"

"On behalf of France, I thank you for your efforts!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Marigot with a hint of guilt in his heart.

"However, Your Majesty! You also need to agree to a condition!" Marigot changed the subject and said to Jerome Bonaparte.

"What conditions! As long as they are within the scope of my authority, I will satisfy them!" The guilty Jérôme Bonaparte wanted to compensate Marigot.

"It's very simple!" Marigot stuck out her tongue playfully, and then responded to Jérôme Bonaparte: "I hope your Majesty can spare a day to spend my twentieth birthday with me!"

"Twenty years old!" A surprised expression appeared on Jerome Bonaparte's face. He asked in surprise: "Are you only twenty years old?"

"That's right!" Marigot nodded matter-of-factly and said, "And this is also my first year on stage!"

"Okay! I promise you!" Jérôme Bonaparte replied to Marigot: "I will give you a special birthday gift on your birthday!

By the way, when is your birthday!"

"The day after tomorrow is my birthday!" Marigot replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Okay!" Jérôme Bonaparte nodded and said to Marigot.

Then Marigot asked Jerome Bonaparte to go to her rented apartment alone on her birthday, and Jerome Bonaparte also agreed to Marigot's request.

After Jerome Bonaparte and Marigot discussed the conditions, Marigot immediately asked Jerome Bonaparte: "Your Majesty, when will you introduce me to him!"

"After all the plays are over, I will find a reason to ask him to come over! Then you can get to know each other!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Marigot.

"Then you have to hurry up! The play is about to end!" Marigot reminded Jérôme Bonaparte, pointing to the only grandfather clock in the corner of the backstage.

Jerome Bonaparte turned his head and glanced at the time on the grandfather clock. At this time, there was less than 20 minutes left before the end of the third play.

"I have to go! Marigot!" Jérôme Bonaparte said, then turned and left.

When Jerome Bonaparte walked out of the lounge, he saw the manager of the opera house who had been waiting at the door of the lounge.

At this time, Jerome Bonaparte immediately understood why he and Marigot were the only two people in the lounge. It turned out that everyone was stopped directly by the manager.

"You did a good job!" Jérôme Bonaparte encouraged the manager by patting him on the shoulder.

"Your Majesty, this is what I should do!" the manager responded to Jérôme Bonaparte with a flattering look.

"I will bring someone over later! During this period, I do not allow Marigot to see anyone, you understand!" Jérôme Bonaparte replied to the manager in a stern tone.

"I...I know!" the manager stammered in response to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Later, Jerome Bonaparte returned to the box.

When he entered the box, he found that Leopold and Ludwig I were drinking tea boredly in the box. It was obvious that they had no interest in the third play.

"Your Majesty!" The appearance of Jerome Bonaparte cheered up Leopold and Ludwig I.

"An urgent matter came to me just now, and I went over to take care of it!" Jerome Bonaparte said lightly, and then deliberately pretended to be confused and asked why Leopold and Ludwig I were listless.

Leopold and Ludwig I said that the third play was really a bit tired of aesthetics.

"Why didn't you get tired of aesthetics during the last play?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked in a joking tone: "'Romeo and Juliet' was a story hundreds of years ago!"

"Not the same!" Leopold replied to Jérôme Bonaparte, shaking his head.

"Yes! It's different!" Ludwig I also said in agreement.

"By the way, the manager just invited me to go backstage to meet the heroine of the last play, but I refused!" Jerome Bonaparte said to Leopold and Ludwig I in a casual tone.

"Your Majesty, your refusal is too hasty!" Ludwig I responded to Jérôme Bonaparte with a look of hatred.

"I think it's nothing!" Jerome Bonaparte shrugged his shoulders and responded to Ludwig I, then turned to Crown Prince Leopold and said: "Leopold, if you want, I

You can tell the manager to let you meet her!"

"This...is not good!" Leopold replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"What's wrong with this!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded indifferently: "The Opera House treats them as a cash cow, isn't it just to serve us!

Without our support, no one would watch the opera no matter how beautiful it is!

Mr. Ludwig (Ludwig I does not have the status of a king, so he is called Mr.), do you think I am right!"

"Your Majesty, what you said is absolutely correct!" Ludwig I nodded decisively, "If those actors didn't have the support of dignitaries like us, how could they make so much money!"

"Okay!" Crown Prince Leopold still had some thoughts of meeting Marigot, and he agreed to Jérôme Bonaparte's request to set up a bridge. "Will this cause you any problems?"

What trouble!"

"Of course not! What trouble can an opera house cause?" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to Crown Prince Leopold, shaking his head.

So, after the third play, Crown Prince Leopold, led by his manager, went backstage to "make friends" with Marigot Monroe.

Jerome Bonaparte and Ludwig I quietly looked at Leopold's retreating figure, and then they looked at each other and smiled.

Jérôme Bonaparte returned to the Tuileries Palace and saw Philippe, the Belgian Minister of Agriculture and Commerce in the hall. Philippe immediately asked Jérôme Bonaparte where Crown Prince Leopold was!

"Leopold may not come back tonight!" Jérôme Bonaparte smiled faintly, and then asked Mokar to prepare a suitable room for Minister Philip to stay in.

That evening, Jérôme Bonaparte discussed with Queen Augusta what had happened today at the Opera House.

"Would you be seen through by Leopold?" Augusta Guangyu was a little worried that after seeing through Jérôme Bonaparte's behavior, Leopold would make an irrational choice in anger.

"So what if you find out!" Jérôme Bonaparte replied to Queen Augusta without fear: "How can the Kingdom of Belgium be turned upside down? At worst, they will break up, not to mention the brother-in-law in the Netherlands.

Already drooling over the Kingdom of Belgium!

If that doesn't work, let the Kingdom of the Netherlands deal with the Kingdom of Belgium.

Anyway, their relationship with the Orleans family is still unclear!

Taking them down can be regarded as cutting off one of the Orleans family's tentacles extending to France! (In fact, when Jérôme Bonaparte said this, there was also an element of excitement in it.) "

"As long as you feel confident!" Queen Augusta nodded to Jérôme Bonaparte, "By the way, Vernia said she received another letter from Cavour!"

"Cavour!" Jérôme Bonaparte immediately became energetic, "Why did Cavour deceive Vernia in his letter!"

"Still encouraging Vernia and asking her not to give up her dream of unifying Italy!" Queen Augusta responded casually.

"This guy Cavour is really stubborn!" Jérôme Bonaparte couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes!" Queen Augusta also sighed with emotion, and then said impulsively, "Why don't you just help them!"

"Help! How can I help?" Jerome Bonaparte sighed softly, "The situation in the Apennine Peninsula involves most of Europe, so there is no possibility of a non-violent solution!

Once we choose a violent solution, we will have an Austrian Empire that hates the French Empire, a Papal State that hates us, and we will also have to face a new Italy that hates us!

This does us no good at all!”

"That's right!" Queen Augusta nodded and replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Immediately, Queen Augusta asked Jerome Bonaparte when he would leave for Poland.

Jerome Bonaparte told Augusta that he would leave for Vienna in late September and then pass through Vienna to Warsaw.

This chapter has been completed!
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