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Chapter 801: Guarantee Pakistan Independence

After Jerome Bonaparte and Maximilian arrived in a carriage at the palace hall in central Munich, the nobles waiting in the hall turned their solemn eyes to the two majesties who entered the hall.

At the same time, the band in the hall also began to play the French Empire's national anthem "Ode to the Expedition."

Amidst the high-pitched music, Jerome Bonaparte and Maximilian II shook hands in the presence of the nobles in the hall. After the "Ode to the Expedition" stopped, Jerome Bonaparte and Maximilian II

Only then did Shi let go.

Immediately afterwards, the band played the "Hymn of Bavaria" again, and Jerome Bonaparte still maintained a solemn expression until the song ended.

As the song ended, the band also invited the servants in the palace to go elsewhere.

Maximilian II expressed some thoughts on the arrival of Jerome Bonaparte and his wife in Munich: that is, he and the Bavarian government very much welcomed the arrival of Jerome Bonaparte and his wife... Although Jerome Bonaparte and his wife were able to arrive in Munich...

The Nabart couple's stay in Munich was short, but it was enough to show that the French Empire and the Kingdom of Bavaria still maintained good-neighborly and friendly relations... He himself also hoped that the Kingdom of Bavaria could cooperate more closely with the French Empire in the future.

As soon as Maximilian II finished speaking, Jerome Bonaparte took the lead in applauding Maximilian II, and then the nobles who reacted also cheered for Maximilian II's hometown.

After the applause ended, Maximilian II also invited Jerome Bonaparte to also say a few words. (Maximilian II thought that Jerome Bonaparte, like him, had already found someone.

I brought a pen. Who knew that Jérôme Bonaparte always gave impromptu speeches.)

Jerome Bonaparte had no choice but to once again use his ability to speak on the spot. He first started with the history of the Kingdom of Bavaria and the French Empire (during the Confederation of the Rhine, the Kingdom of Bavaria gained great benefits through the marriage with the stepson of Emperor Napoleon, so

The Kingdom of Bavaria's feelings towards the French Empire have always been in a friendly stage), and then moved from the past to the present and the future. (Jérôme Bonaparte hoped that the French Empire and the Kingdom of Bavaria could join hands again to defend Europe as before.


After the speech, Jerome Bonaparte showed a sincere smile to everyone present.

Later, Jerome Bonaparte and Maximilian II, surrounded by nobles in the hall, arrived at the main hall of the palace together, where the banquet to welcome Jerome Bonaparte will be held in the main hall.

The period before the banquet begins is everyone's "rest" time. During this period, everyone can do whatever they want, as long as this behavior does not infringe on the royal family.

The nobles gathered together in twos and threes and chatted with each other. Jérôme Bonaparte also came to an empty guest room with Maximilian II to talk.

Maximilian II first tentatively asked Jérôme Bonaparte about the attitude of the Austrian Empire in view of the current situation in Germany (Obviously, Germany was weak and Austria was strong).

"Maximilian!" Jerome Bonaparte said to Maximilian II with a solemn expression: "If I told you, the reason why I chose to hand over Poland and the Danube River to Austria! It was to maintain the relationship between Germany and Germany.

Do you want to believe in the balance of power?"

"Jerome, there is no balance in Germany now!" Maximilian II also replied, "The Austrian Empire is too powerful! The balance of power between Prussia and the Austrian Empire has been seriously out of balance.

We, small states sandwiched between Prussia and Austria, have almost lost the opportunity for change!"

"Haha!" Jerome Bonaparte couldn't help laughing, "Your Kingdom of Bavaria is the most powerful country after Prussia and Austria. Prussia and Austria don't need to look at your face! If you all call yourself

As for small states, how should states like Württemberg and Baden deal with themselves!"

"The Kingdom of Württemberg has the support of France! They don't have to worry about being threatened by the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire, and the Principality of Baden is too small to be eligible for selection!

On the contrary, we, the Kingdom of Bavaria, are most likely to be targeted if we are too high or too low!" Maximilian II once again complained to Jerome Bonaparte.

In fact, Maximilian's worry was not unreasonable. Generally speaking, before there is a conflict between the eldest brother and the second child, they usually knock down the third child first and then start a war.

Otherwise, the third child will be able to reap benefits in the middle.

However, the Austro-Prussian War cannot be inferred according to common sense. During the Austro-Prussian War, Prussia, the second in command, actually chose to single out the boss and the entire German princely states that were opposed to Prussia.

What is even more shocking is that Prussia not only won with this arrogant behavior, but also won beautifully.

Therefore, Jerome Bonaparte chose to strengthen the Austrian Empire to prevent it from being taken away by Prussia. In the eyes of Maximilian II, it became Jerome Bonaparte's decision to unite with Austria.

He will not hesitate to destroy the balance of the German region.

"Maximilian, you might as well explain it clearly! What do you want us to do?" Jerome Bonaparte asked Maximilian II.

"I just want to remind France not to let the Austrian Empire become the sole power!" Maximilian II tactfully persuaded Jerome Bonaparte to consider weakening the Austrian Empire.

"Don't worry about this!" Jerome Bonaparte assured Maximilian II: "It is the French Empire's obligation to maintain the independence of the states in Germany, especially the states of South Germany! We will never allow it.

Any country, under any banner, unscrupulously overrides the sovereignty of other countries!"

"Even the Austrian Empire?" Maximilian II asked back.

"Even the Austrian Empire!" Jerome Bonaparte responded firmly, "If the Kingdom of Bavaria is still worried, I can sign a secret agreement with Bavaria!

As long as any country in the German region (limited) dares to infringe on the interests of the Kingdom of Bavaria on the issue of sovereignty, the French Empire will firmly support Bavaria!

When necessary, the French Empire is willing to form an alliance with Bavaria to jointly safeguard the interests of the southern German vassal states!

We won’t hesitate to fight for this!”

After hearing Jerome Bonaparte's declaration that he would not hesitate to fight for Southern Germany, Maximilian II finally felt confident.

At least judging from Jérôme Bonaparte's stance, he himself was absolutely unwilling to let Prussia and Austria unify them.

Of course, there is a saying that there is no free lunch in the world, and Maximilian II knew that if he wanted Jerome Bonaparte to fulfill his promise, he would have to pay some price.

Without paying a price, Maximilian II would not believe that Jerome Bonaparte would really fulfill his promise.

"Jerome, I wonder what we can do for you!" Maximilian asked Jerome Bonaparte's conditions tactfully.

"We hope that your country can give us certain support on border issues in the future!" Jérôme Bonaparte also responded to Maximilian II reservedly, and then added, "Of course, I am not

Talking about the border issue between your country and us (the Lang of Bavaria), but about some historical issues!"

Maximilian II immediately understood that Jerome Bonaparte was interested in the Rhineland region under the Kingdom of Prussia.

Maximilian II, who upheld the style of a dead Taoist friend but not a poor Taoist, naturally did not care about the land of the Kingdom of Prussia. He immediately responded to Jerome Bonaparte: "As long as France has the ability to take over there, Bavaria will naturally be willing to do so."

Give His Majesty some support!"

"Then we have reached cooperation!" Jerome Bonaparte smiled and extended his hand in response to Maximilian II.

"Yes!!" Maximilian II held hands with Jerome Bonaparte.

The two parties who reached the cooperation once again shifted the topic to its direction. Jerome Bonaparte curiously asked Maximilian II where his son Ludwig was now!

"If you want, I can take you to see him!" Maximilian II said to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Of course!" Jerome Bonaparte nodded and replied to Maximilian II.

Led by Maximilian II, Jerome Bonaparte arrived at the room of Ludwig Otto Friedrich Wilhelm.

Looking at the "little gentleman" sitting on the sofa reading poetry, Maximilian II showed a happy smile on his face.

"Father!" Ludwig looked at his father in front of him and Jerome Bonaparte beside him. He put down the poetry collection in his hand and responded to Maximilian II politely, like a little adult.


"This is Jerome Bonaparte, the monarch of the French Empire!" Maximilian II hurriedly introduced his son.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for my rudeness just now!" Ludwig said politely to Jerome Bonaparte again.

"Nothing!" Jérôme Bonaparte said with a smile, "I should apologize for disturbing you!"

Ludwig smiled slightly and said nothing.

"Maximilian, I really envy you for having a smart son!" Jerome Bonaparte praised Maximilian II and said: "If my son can be as good as him in the future (without mental disorder)

, I am already very satisfied!”

"You are too modest! Your son will definitely be an excellent monarch in the future!" Maximilian II also said a compliment.

This chapter has been completed!
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