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Chapter 835: Dicko, who was tragically deposed

At this time, Minister Dicko was not working day and night to supervise the construction of new ships as the Paris Admiralty thought. Instead, he was living in a castle on the outskirts of Toulon, enjoying the long-lost world of two people with his wife.


Of course, this situation was not something that Minister Dicko did on his own initiative, but was forced to do so.

Currently, Minister Dicko is under "house arrest" in the castle by his wife, enjoying a long-lost "vacation"

Although Minister Dicko is very reluctant to take time off, this holiday is not something he can decide.

Who made me angry with my wife because I stayed up all night some time ago?

As a result, his wife used the rights granted to her by the emperor and forced him to take a leave of absence.

Fortunately, his wife did not force him to take a vacation in front of the shipyard owners, but privately announced the emperor's order to force him to take a rest.

Otherwise, Dicko's old face may be lost in the shipyard.

Even so, many shipyard designers also vaguely guessed that Minister Dicko might not have come to work for a few days because of his wife.

However, everyone at the shipyard is happy to see Minister Dicko take a leave of absence.

After all, Dicko stayed up all night working at the Toulon shipyard, which is really worrying.

Even if it is a machine that makes it work completely without sleep all day long, it cannot withstand it.

What's more, he is a living person and an old man over fifty years old.

Many shipyard designers and workers can always hear the sound of coughing from time to time in the room when passing by Minister Dicko's independent office.

The most critical thing is that since no one in the entire shipyard has a higher official position than Minister Dicko, many of the designers' persuasion fell on deaf ears.

Now that Minister Dicko can be forced to take leave, the shipyard and design institute are very happy.

They also did not want the minister who thought he knew both naval construction and personnel management to die suddenly.

When the telegram from the Telegraph Office of the Admiralty in Paris was sent to Toulon, the first reaction of the Maritime Telegraph Office in Toulon was to delay it as long as possible to allow Minister Dicko to have enough rest.

However, because the content of this telegram was closely related to the emperor, the Toulon Maritime Telegraph Bureau did not dare to neglect it at all. They quickly sent someone to deliver the telegram to the castle on the outskirts of Toulon.

When members of the Maritime Telegraph Bureau arrived at the castle gate on horseback, the two Marines responsible for guarding the castle gate immediately came forward to ask.

"I have a telegram here from Paris that needs to be delivered to Minister Dicko!" the member of the telegraph office said to the two Marines while holding the folded telegram in his pocket.

"Give us the telegram, you can go!" the Marines said to the telegraph office member after taking away the telegram from his hands.

"Yes!" The telegraph office members saluted the Marines and left.

The Marine picked up the telegram and pushed open the castle door and entered the castle. At this time, Theodore Dicko, who was "imprisoned" in the castle, was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and pretending to read the newspaper, and his eyes were looking towards him from time to time.

He looked over at Mrs. Dicko, who was sitting on the other side of the sofa.

Mrs. Dicko, who was sitting next to Minister Dicko, was knitting a sweater with her heart and said to Minister Dicko: "Before you adjust your schedule, I will never let you die even if you step out of the castle.

Get this idea!"

After hearing his wife's reply, Minister Dick immediately put down the newspaper in his hand and "begged for mercy" to his wife: "Madam, please show mercy and lift my ban! Now the new ship is at its most critical stage.

Everything needs to be controlled by me personally.

If they make any mistake or an accident happens, I will still be responsible!

I can assure you that as soon as this ship is launched, I will definitely follow my schedule!"

"Let me ask you!" Mrs. Dicko stopped knitting her sweater, raised her head and asked Minister Dicko: "How long will it take for this ship to be launched?"

"One...ah no! Three months! It only takes three months to get into the water!" Minister Dicko quickly replied to Mrs. Dicko.

"You lied!" Mrs. Dicko frowned and said to Minister Dicko: "The workers at the shipyard told me that it will take at least half a year to launch this ship!"

"Look, I forgot that it's half a year!" Minister Diko pretended to be enlightened and said to Humanity Diko, "As long as it takes half a year, I will have a lot of time to accompany you! By then, you can do whatever you want.


Mrs. Dicko looked at Minister Dicko quietly, her eyes full of distrust.

"I can guarantee you!" Minister Dicko responded to Mrs. Dicko confidently.

At this moment, members of the Marine Corps appeared in front of Minister Dicko and Mrs. Dicko, "Your Excellency, here is a telegram from Paris, please check it!"

After that, the Marine Corps handed the telegram into the hands of Minister Dicko and left quickly.

After receiving the telegram, Minister Dick opened the telegram newspaper and read the contents of the telegram.

After a while, a smile appeared on Minister Dick's lips unconsciously. He handed the telegram to the lady sitting next to him and said with a hint of pride in his voice: "Your Majesty asked me to return to Paris next Monday.

, report to him the Navy’s expenditures throughout last year.”

Mrs. Dicko stopped what she was doing again, glanced at the contents of the telegram and responded to Minister Dicko: "Then you can return to Paris this Sunday!"

"This is not possible!" Minister Dicko said to Mrs. Dicko solemnly, "The report cannot be without materials! I have to return to Paris in advance to sort out the materials!"

"Then return to Paris tomorrow!" Mrs. Dicko responded to Minister Dicko: "But I have to return to Paris with you!"

Minister Dicko's expression froze slightly because of Mrs. Dicko's "return together", and then an awkward smile appeared on his face and said: "Of course!"

Later, Minister Dicko returned to the Toulon Shipbuilding Center again under the name of organizing documents.

The designers and workers of the shipbuilding center had expressions of surprise on their faces after seeing Minister Dicko return.

Minister Dicko entered the office and asked his designers whether the progress of the shipyard was proceeding as originally expected during the few days he had been away.

The designer told Minister Dicko that everything was being carried out according to Minister Dicko's schedule, and it was expected that the basic structure of the ironclad would be completed in about half a year.

"Very good!" Minister Dico nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered his designers to give him a copy of the estimated data of the new ship, and then ordered the designer to make another model of the ship.

"Your Majesty, what are you going to do?" the designer asked Minister Dico with a confused look on his face.

"Of course it is to welcome His Majesty the Emperor's inquiry!" Minister Dick said in a normal tone, "We have wasted a lot of money and time in building such a ship, and we are not allowed to let Paris take a look at our models and data!"

Speaking of this, Minister Dicko half-jokingly replied to the designer: "Otherwise, Your Majesty will have to give me a long vacation!"

"That's definitely not the case!" The designer responded to Minister Dicko with a firm tone, "Every one of us sees your contribution to the navy!

We all can clearly see your contribution to the navy, so naturally His Majesty the Emperor will also see it!"

"You are right!" Minister Dico nodded and responded to the designer: "However, now we must get the data as soon as possible!"


After a night of hard work by Minister Dico and the designers, they finally displayed the external structure of the ship in the form of wood carvings, and also roughly calculated the data of the new warship.

After getting these two things, Minister Dico suddenly raised his head and suddenly felt a dizzy feeling.

Minister Dico, who fell into a brief dizzy state, gritted his teeth and stood up unsteadily. Seeing this, the designer on the side quickly helped Minister Dico and said: "Your Excellency, let me help you go to the sofa to have a rest!"

Dico waved his hand and said to the designer, "No need! I still have to catch the train with my wife, but I can't stay here for too long!"

With the support of the designer, Minister Dico walked towards the door step by step. When he arrived at the door of the office, his dizziness symptoms finally eased slightly. Minister Dico broke away from the designer's hand and told him: "

Remember, you must not tell anyone what happened just now! Do you understand?"

"But, minister, your body!" The designer was a little worried that Minister Dico's body would collapse.

"It doesn't matter!" Minister Dico shook his head and said to the designer in a sparse and normal tone, "I know my body well, these are all old problems!

It won’t be a big deal if you take a little rest, you must not spread this matter to the outside world!”

"I understand!" The designer nodded and replied to Minister Dicko.

Minister Dicko left the shipbuilding center alone, and then took the train to Paris with his wife.

The train departed on time at 2 p.m. and arrived in Paris the next morning.

When Minister Dicko and his wife arrived at the Paris train station, they saw Lieutenant Colonel Jérôme Patterson, the emperor's aide-de-camp.

Obviously, Jerome Patterson was here to greet them.

"Hello, Mr. Patterson!" Minister Dicko greeted Jerome Patterson.

"Minister Dicko, the emperor sent me to greet you!" Jerome Patterson bowed to Dicko, and then guided the Dickos and his wife to two carriages.

Jérôme Patterson and Dicko's carriage will go to the Tuileries Palace, while Mrs. Dicko's carriage will return to their residence in Paris.

The carriage carried Dicko and Jérôme Patterson towards the Tuileries Palace, and soon arrived in the courtyard of the Tuileries Palace.

Dicko, who got off the carriage, arrived at Jérôme Bonaparte's study under the leadership of Basilio and met with him.

"Minister Dico, you are back!"

This chapter has been completed!
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