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Chapter 840: The Lyon Telegraph and the Mauser Rifle

After passing through the painful period of transformation in 1855, Jérôme Bonaparte's work became particularly easy.

In addition to receiving documents from the secretary's office every day, Jérôme Bonaparte spent the rest of his time holding salons and accompanying his wife and children on outings.

Under the instruction of Jérôme Bonaparte, some newspapers began to report the warm life and tidbits of Jérôme Bonaparte's family to the outside world.

The citizens of Paris saw a different emperor through newspapers than the emperor described in mainstream newspapers. This emperor was more down-to-earth than the emperor described in mainstream newspapers. When the people discovered that the emperor had nothing to do with their lifestyle and entertainment (fishing, horse riding, playing cards, picking up girls)

At this time, an invisible sense of intimacy arose spontaneously, and the public's support for the government of Jérôme Bonaparte gradually increased.

Of course, these tidbits will also bring some "negative" images to Jerome Bonaparte, that is, every time Jerome Bonaparte talks to passers-by on the street, there will always be passers-by laughing.

Jérôme Bonaparte then asked Jérôme Bonaparte, "How many girlfriends does the Emperor have?" and "Your Majesty, are you still in contact with xxx?" etc. Jérôme Bonaparte could only accept this.

An awkward yet polite smile.

In this way, time soon arrived in June, when a telegram from the Lyon Military District reached the Telegraph Office under the Ministry of War. The chief of the Telegraph Office quickly handed the telegram to the Minister of War Vaillant.

After receiving the telegram, Wayan glanced at the contents of the telegram, immediately called the State Secretary over, handed the telegram into his hand and said: "You should go to Tuyinleli Palace immediately with this telegram, and then send it to the palace."

Send the telegram to the Emperor!"

After receiving the telegram, the State Secretary folded it and stuffed it in his pocket without even looking at it. "Yes! Minister! (All departments have long been accustomed to the title of minister)"

Having said that, the State Secretary quickly left the Ministry of War and took a carriage to the Tuileries Palace.

When the carriage arrived at the entrance of the Tuileries Palace, the State Secretary of the Ministry of War got off the carriage, trotted into the Tuileries Palace and stepped up the steps.

Upon seeing this, the soldiers guarding both sides of Tuyinleli Palace immediately stopped the State Secretary halfway forward and asked the State Secretary: "What do you want to do?"

The Secretary of State took out the telegram from his pocket and responded to the soldiers: "I am here on the orders of the Minister of War Vayan to submit a telegram to His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, you are not at Tuyinleli Palace now!" the soldier quickly replied.

"Where is your Majesty now?" the State Secretary asked, looking at the soldier in surprise.

"Please wait a moment!" A soldier entered the interior of the Tuileries Palace.

After a while, the royal steward (nominally) Vernia appeared in front of the State Secretary with an expressionless face. The State Secretary quickly responded respectfully: "Steward Vernia!"

"Your Majesty, you are currently inspecting the industrial park of Norinco! If you are in a hurry, I can send someone to help you call him back!" Wilnia said in a calm tone.

"Thank you very much!" the State Secretary thanked Vernia, then turned and left the Tuileries Palace.

Before the State Secretary could walk down the steps, he was immediately stopped by Vernia behind him: "Wait a minute!"

"Director Vernia, do you have anything else to do?" the State Secretary asked Vernia with a hint of doubt.

After hesitating for a moment, Vernia asked the State Secretary: "Are you preparing to return to the Ministry of War?"

The State Secretary told Vernia that he would personally go to the Norinco Park to find Emperor Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Well, I understand!" Wilnia nodded and responded to the State Secretary.

He got on the carriage again and arrived at the State Secretary. He quickly arrived at the industrial park on the outskirts. After entering the park, he was led by soldiers to the shooting range inside the industrial park.

"What is your Majesty doing here?" the State Secretary muttered in a low voice.

After hearing what the State Secretary said, the soldiers next to him looked at the State Secretary in surprise and said, "Don't you know?"

"What do you know?" the State Secretary was stunned for a few seconds, and then asked.

The soldier immediately told the Secretary of State that the reason why His Majesty the Emperor was here was to test the performance of the new rifle.

"New rifle?" The State Secretary was stunned again. Having served as State Secretary for some time, he really didn't know about the new rifle.

However, he suddenly remembered that when he was sorting out documents for the Minister of War one day, he accidentally discovered that since the middle of last year, the empire's production of Minie rifles had been significantly reduced compared to before.

Originally, he thought it was because the empire had entered peace, so it stopped mass-producing Miné rifles.

Now it seems that the production reduction of Migne rifles is likely to have a lot to do with the new rifles.

"That's it!" the Secretary of State muttered to himself again.

At this time, Jérôme Bonaparte, who was at the shooting range inside the industrial park, was carefully looking at the breech-loading rifle in his hand. The Mauser father and son who were responsible for explaining to him and Jérôme Patterson, who was responsible for shooting, were standing in the hot shooting range.

Rome Bonaparte waited quietly beside him.

Immediately afterwards, Jérôme Bonaparte gently opened the magazine of the breech-loading gun with his hand, and there was a slight sound immediately inside the magazine.

Jérôme Bonaparte knew that the firing pin was already in place under the action of the internal spring.

"Bullet!" Jérôme Bonaparte stretched out his hand again and said to old Mauser.

Old Mauser quickly handed a brass fixed bullet with a diameter of about 11mm into the hands of Jérôme Bonaparte. Jérôme Bonaparte inserted the bullet into the gun body and then pulled the bolt back.


With the slight sound coming from inside the Mauser again, Jérôme Bonaparte raised the rifle in his hand, pointed it at the distant target, and then pulled the trigger.

Just a "bang" sound was heard, the bullet was fired from the muzzle, and shot towards the distant target at an extremely fast speed.

In about 1 second, the bullets focused on the target.

"Paterson, go over and take a look!" Jerome Bonaparte responded to Jerome Paterson.

"Yes!" Jerome Patterson hurried over.

Jérôme Bonaparte opened the bolt of the gun, and the cartridge case inside was smoothly pulled out as Jérôme Bonaparte pulled back.

It seems that the shell extraction mechanism has been completely conquered by old Mauser!

Jérôme Bonaparte touched the metal cartridge case that still had a trace of residual warmth, and couldn't help but thought to himself.

Old Mauser also gradually relaxed after seeing the metal cartridge case being successfully extracted.

"You did a good job!" Jerome Bonaparte praised the old Mauser.

"Your Majesty, you are flattered!" Old Mauser humbly responded to Jerome Bonaparte, and then responded to Jerome Bonaparte: "This design was proposed by you and completed by Paul.


"Oh?" Jerome Bonaparte glanced at Paul Mauser next to the old Mauser in surprise. He put the rifle in his hand on the ground and patted Paul Mauser on the shoulder and said seriously, "I

I believe your name will be sung by the whole world in the future, so don’t bury your talent!”

After hearing Jerome Bonaparte's praise, Paul Mauser also excitedly expressed that he would continue to design rifles for His Majesty the Emperor.

After hearing Paul Mauser's promise, the corners of Jerome Bonaparte's mouth slightly raised, and he couldn't help but think of the Kingdom of Prussia.

If they had not stopped halfway, William Mauser and Paul Mauser would have designed one excellent rifle after another for Prussia, just like history did.

Now that the Mauser family is serving France, it may be difficult for the Kingdom of Prussia to find another design master comparable to Mauser.

Top firearms design masters are as rare as scientists.

After all, talent is not something everyone can have.

Paul Mauser and Wilhelm Mauser happened to be such talented people.

"I hope you will not forget today's promise!" Jerome Bonaparte emphasized this sentence. He had already decided in his heart that once the Mauser brothers were out of his control, he would destroy them at all costs.

The Kingdom of Prussia does not want talents that Jerome Bonaparte could not obtain.

On the other hand, if William Mauser and Paul Mauser could design excellent works for France, Jerome Bonaparte would not mind giving them due honor.

Paul Mauser obviously did not understand the dark thoughts in Jerome Bonaparte's heart, and he promised Jerome Bonaparte that he would keep his promise.

Later, Jerome Patterson came to Jerome Bonaparte and informed Jerome Bonaparte that his score in the 100-meter shooting was 9 rings.

"Not bad!" Jerome Bonaparte nodded with satisfaction, and then handed the Mauser Rifle 2.0 to Jerome Patterson, "Come and try it too! But this time you have to lie down.

Shooting on the ground."

Jerome Patterson, who took over the rifle, found another target and started shooting according to Jerome Bonaparte's order.

After another gunshot, William Mauser ran to the target and announced that Jerome Patterson's shooting score was 8 rings.

"You are hiding your clumsiness! Patterson!" said Jerome Bonaparte, who knew Jerome Patterson's shooting talent.

"No! Your Majesty, I'm just not used to this kind of shooting!" Jerome Patterson quibbled.

"Compared with the previous version of the rifle, which one do you think is better?" Jerome Bonaparte asked Jerome Patterson again.

"Your Majesty, of course this version is better!" Jerome Patterson replied without thinking, "This design (referring to the shell extraction device) can save us a lot of time, but..."

"But what?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked.

"However, this rifle is likely to put a lot of pressure on our logistics!"

This chapter has been completed!
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