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Chapter 873 New Technology and Manganese Ore

"Your Excellency Secretary General, have I passed it?"

The applicant was a young priest wearing a white robe. He looked eagerly at Rastignac, who was sitting in the seat of the presiding judge.

Rastignac smiled slightly, did not answer the young priest's question, and then responded vaguely: "Dear priest, I think you should devote all your energy to serving the Lord instead of

I’m here to ask if this matter has passed the higher authorities.”

The white-robed priest smiled bitterly and told Rastignac that he himself was actually exiled here by the church on the grounds of experience. Now he is tired of the priest's job, but he has not taken off his clothes because he has no suitable opportunity.


It happened that the Governor's Mansion was recruiting in Libreville this time, and he himself knew something about various minerals, so he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to work under the Governor's Mansion.

At the same time, the white-robed priest hinted to Rastignac that as long as he could enter the Governor's Palace, he would definitely obey Rastignac.

Faced with the white-robed priest's laziness, Rastignac smiled slightly. He had heard hints like this many times. In previous interviews, someone even told him nakedly that as long as Rastignac

If he could be allowed in, he would pay Rastignac a large sum of money.

However, Rastignac acted as if he had not heard such explicit/implied statements. In his opinion, since such a person could sell himself to him for such a small benefit, there is a high probability that he would betray him quickly if there were greater benefits in the future.

He, keeping such a person around is simply a bomb.

Furthermore, Rastignac's goal is not just to be the Secretary-General of the Governor's Palace. This position is just a stepping stone for him. Only Paris is his vast world.

If you want to return to Paris, you have to assist Governor Zorgerome Patterson in running Gabon well.

Otherwise, Rastignac will have to stay here for the rest of his life.

Therefore, when it comes to selecting bureaucrats for the Governor-General's Office, Rastignac recruited them with the same determination as Ning Que's mother.

"Mr. Father, you just need to return and wait for notification!" Rastignac responded dully, but in his heart, the white-robed priest had been completely passed.

After hearing Rastignac's reply, the white-robed priest couldn't help but show a hint of unwillingness on his face. However, the blatant trouble here was obviously a bit unseemly, so he had to force a smile and said to Rastignac: "Okay! Please, please

Notify me as soon as possible! I will definitely rush over as soon as possible!"

After the white-robed priest left, Rastignac continued the interview with his head down.

After interviewing several people in succession, Rastignac was never very satisfied with them.

So, Rastignac stopped the interview and said to himself: "Am I asking too much?"

After a while, Rastignac shook his head and said: "No! No! If they can't even pass my test, how can they be expected to explore for ores!"

Go ahead, Rastignac resumed the interview.

The interview lasted until 5 pm and then ended. Rastignac, who looked exhausted, packed up all the materials and arrived at the governor's office.

"How was the result today?" Jérôme Patterson raised his head when he heard the footsteps and asked Rastignac.

Rastignac shook his head and responded to Jérôme Patterson: "No!"

"Isn't it all right? Isn't there anyone who has seen it a little bit?" Jerome Patterson asked again.

"Everyone so far is not good!" Rastignac emphasized.

"Then..." Jerome Patterson put down the pen in his hand and showed a thoughtful expression. After a while, he responded to Rastignac: "Then we can only ask Paris for help?"

"I'll interview for a while longer! Maybe I can meet the right person!" Although Rastignac no longer had any hope for Libreville, he still responded to Jérôme Patterson.

"Okay!" Jerome Patterson nodded in agreement with Rastignac's request. He himself did not want to trouble Paris with anything.

In the next two days, Rastignac interviewed dozens of people non-stop.

However, no one passed Rastignac's interview, so Rastignac had to return to the governor's office again and tell the governor Jérôme Patterson the news.

"Okay!" Jerome, who was afraid of special training, spread his hands and responded to Rastignac: "Now we can only seek help from Paris!"

Immediately afterwards, Jerome Patterson called a messenger from the Governor's Palace, and then handed the letter from the drawer to the messenger under Rastignac's surprised eyes, and told him: "You will return by boat immediately.

Marseille, and then send this letter as a telegram to Paris!"

"Yes! Your Majesty the Governor!" The messenger saluted Jerome Patterson after taking the letter.

"Go!" Jerome Patterson waved his hand to the messenger.

After the messenger left, Jérôme Patterson apologized to Rastignac. He said that the letter was just to prepare things in advance in case a suitable candidate could not be found.

"Your Majesty the Governor, you did the right thing!" Rastignac responded bluntly to Jerome Patterson: "For anything, it is best to be prepared with both hands!"

After leaving the Governor's Palace, the courier set off on the cargo ship back to France that evening.

After about a week of sailing, the cargo ship arrived at the port of Marseille.

The courier got off the cargo ship and jogged all the way to the telegraph office in Marseille.

"Where do you want to send it? To me?" the dispatcher asked the messenger while tearing open the envelope.

"Sir, the Palace of Tuilleries! Leave it to His Majesty Emperor Jérôme Bonaparte!" the messenger said to the dispatcher without hesitation.

The operator's hand immediately stopped, his eyes widened with a look of astonishment and he asked: "I didn't hear you clearly just now, please say it again!"

"Sir, please send the content of the letter to His Majesty Emperor Jérôme Bonaparte at the Tuileries Palace!" the messenger responded to the dispatcher word for word.

"Oh God!" the dispatcher couldn't help but groaned. He handed the letter back to the messenger and told him that it would be best to have the letter delivered by the city hall.

The courier knew the reporter's concerns, so he quickly assured the reporter: "Don't worry! The content inside the envelope is not something shameful. You can send it with confidence!"

"Really?" the dispatcher asked the messenger with a worried look.

"Of course it's true!" the letter responded to the dispatcher in a confident tone: "How could I still lie to you!"

"Okay!" The dispatcher nodded, then opened the envelope, unfolded the folded letter paper, read it carefully, and then sent it.

At the same time, Tuyinleli Palace was hundreds of kilometers away.

Jérôme Bonaparte looked sadly at the documents submitted jointly by Eugene Schneider and Wilhelm Siemens.

It turns out that some time ago, William Siemens heard a rumor from somewhere that adding mirror iron (ferromanganese) to steel can effectively desulfurize.

So, with the help of Eugene Schneider, William Siemens began to conduct experiments.

After countless attempts and controlled experiments, Wilhelm Siemens successfully used ferromanganese to control the phosphorus and sulfur content in steel.

Wilhelm Siemens quickly applied for this patent in France, and then joined forces with Eugene Schneider to submit the documents to Jérôme Bonaparte.

[PS: This discovery was originally supposed to be discovered by Wilhelm Siemens in 1866.]

Looking at the plan in front of him, Jérôme Bonaparte was both happy and worried.

Fortunately, France's steel utilization rate will increase significantly, and some of the iron ore with excessive phosphorus content in the Lorraine area can also be effectively utilized.

The sad thing is that there are too few manganese ores in France.

At this time, not to mention France, there were not many manganese ores in the whole of Europe.

[Ukraine and Hungary had not yet been developed during this period, and manganese ore was scarce in Britain and France.]

Smelting steel requires manganese ore, which means France has to spend a lot of foreign exchange to import manganese ore. This will lead to the fact that the steel cost originally reduced by William Siemens has not been reduced at all.

This technology is simply useless to France. Unless France can find a cheap supply of manganese ore,

"Manganese ore...manganese ore...I wonder where there is manganese ore!" Jérôme Bonaparte closed his eyes and muttered silently.

After a while, there was a knock on the door. Jerome Bonaparte opened his eyes and asked: "Who?"

Basilio's voice came from outside the room, "Your Majesty, I am Basilio!"

"Please come in!" Jerome Bonaparte said calmly.

Basilio pushed the door open and Jérôme Bonaparte asked again: "What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty, here is a telegram for you!" Basilio said to Jerome Bonaparte.

"A telegram for me?" Jérôme Bonaparte stretched out his hand and responded to Basilio: "Bring it here!"

"Yes!" Basilio handed the telegram into the hands of Jerome Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte glanced at the contents of the telegram and said with a chuckle on his face: "What did I think it was! It turns out that they want me to send geologists to them!"

Suddenly, Jerome Bonaparte seemed to realize something. He turned around and asked Basilio: "Basilio! If I remember correctly, Jerome Patterson seems to be serving as the governor of Gabon.


Basilio, who was confused by Jerome Bonaparte's sudden inquiry, subconsciously thought for a moment and responded decisively to Jerome Bonaparte: "Your Majesty, Jerome Paterson is indeed

Sent by you to Libreville to serve as the governor of Gabon!"

"What a coincidence! What a coincidence!" Jérôme Bonaparte stood up and paced back and forth twice, then raised his head again and handed the telegram to Basilio: "Take a look at it too.


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