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Chapter 880 As long as you don't write about slaves, you are not slaves!

"Your Majesty the Governor, why don't we just forget about it!"

Rastignac carefully persuaded Jérôme Patterson to give up reporting the arrogant and domineering behavior of Paris-Nord Industry to the emperor, "Any company with some power behind it, their behavior is not much different from that of Paris-Nord Industry"


There are even some companies with even worse attitudes than Paris-Nord Industries!

Your Majesty has so many things to do every day, why should we report such a trivial matter to His Majesty!"

"Rastignac!" Jerome Patterson glanced at Rastignac and said in a calm tone: "Are you afraid of Paris-Nord Industrial Group, that's why you persuaded me to leave them alone?"

"No!" Rastignac shook his head and said frankly to Jerome Patterson: "I just think there is no need for you to offend them. There are many companies that are worse than them."

"I don't have to care about other companies!" Jérôme Patterson hesitated and then raised his voice, and he said decisively: "But Paris-Nord Industrial Group is different! It is a group established by His Majesty the Emperor himself, so

It is said that every move he makes represents the will of His Majesty the Emperor!

I will never allow anyone to discredit His Majesty the Emperor in the name of the Emperor!"

Jérôme Patterson's speech left Rastignac speechless.

After a while, Rastignac smiled bitterly and said to Jerome Patterson, "Your Majesty the Governor, since you have decided to do this, then as your subordinate, I can only support all your decisions.

Got it!"

"Thank you for your support! Rastignac!" Jérôme Patterson smiled and stretched out his hand to Rastignac, holding the two hands tightly together.

Early the next morning, accompanied by Jérôme Patterson and Rastignac, Paris-Nord representative Eugène Gallin took a boat to visit the mine.

Looking at the large-scale mine in front of him, Eugene Galilin showed a satisfied smile on his face.

On the way back, everyone met the old chief of the Ntuya tribe again.

The old chief, Bongo Ntua and the tribesmen blocked Jérôme Patterson's way, scaring Eugene Garlin to the point where he almost thought that these "chimpanzees" were preparing to kill them all.

So, Eugene Gallian took out his revolver first and aimed it at the old chief and others.

Jérôme Patterson, who was standing aside, held down Eugene Gallio's revolver and shook his head.

Then Jerome Patterson turned around and asked the old chief: "Mr. Chief, what are you doing!


"Your Majesty the Governor, we have no ill intentions!" The old chief raised his hands and hurriedly said to Jerome Patterson, "I just want to invite you to go to the Ntuya tribe and have a seat!"

"Just sitting for a while?" Jerome Patterson asked.

"Actually, I have a little thing to trouble you with! I hope you can shine a bright light!" the old chief said after gesturing with his hand.

Jérôme Patterson glanced at Rastignac beside him, asking for Rastignac's opinion with his eyes.

After all, it was his first time meeting the old chief of the Ntua tribe, and he didn’t know the old chief very well.

Rastignac nodded slightly, and Jérôme Patterson responded to Rastignac in a calm mood: "Okay! I'll go with you!"


Under the leadership of the old chief, Jerome Patterson and others arrived at the tribe. Then the old chief ordered his men to sound the horn during the attack and summoned a large number of tribesmen and slaves.

After a while, all the young men of the tribe came to Jerome Patterson.

"What are you going to do?" Although Jerome Patterson had a gun in his hand, he did not dare to shoot at will in such an environment.

Later, the old chief told Jérôme Bonaparte with tears and runny noses that the reason why he called all the young men of the tribe over was because he wanted the Governor to introduce a job to them.

"What do you think we are here for!" Jerome Patterson said to the old chief with a straight face: "Are we here to help the poor?"

"Your Majesty the Governor, we really just want a job!" the old chief continued to plead to Jerome Patterson.

Jérôme Patterson turned his attention to Eugène Garilin, and then said to Eugène Garilin: "Mr. Garilin, come and tell them!"

Eugene Galilin took a step forward and said, "I'm sorry, our Paris Norte Group does not sign agreements with a single individual, we only sign agreements with companies!"

"Company! We can build it!" the old chief said to Eugene Gallin impatiently.

"Mr. Chief, do you know how to register and establish a company?" Eugene Galilin asked the old chief.

"No...I don't know!" the old chief shook his head and responded to Eugene Galilin.

"Actually, it's very simple. You just need to..." Eugene Galilin told the old chief the simplest method.

After hearing this, the old chief nodded repeatedly and said: "Okay! I understand! I will go to Libreville to register in a while!"

"By the way! And our company does not recruit slaves!" Eugene Galilin reminded him again.

"Ah!" The old chief was stunned for a few seconds, and then shouted.

"Our contract does not allow the word slave in it! As for what you do, we don't care!" Eugene Galilin spread his hands and said to the old chief.

"I understand!" The shrewd old chief didn't understand what they meant. All they needed to do was not write slaves in the so-called contract.

Anyway, it is not up to the Ntua tribe to decide whether they are slaves or not.

"Okay! This problem has been solved!" Jerome Patterson smiled and clapped his hands: "We applaud the upcoming cooperation between the Ntua tribe and Norinco!"

Immediately afterwards, Eugène Gallin announced in public that Paris-Nord Industrial Group would fund the construction of a church for the Ntua tribe in recognition of the Ntua tribe's piety.

After hearing this, the old chief once again expressed his gratitude to Eugene Galilin.

That night, a grand bonfire party was held in the Ntua tribe, which ended at about 10 p.m.

At noon on the third day, Jerome Patterson and others woke up from their sleep, and after having lunch, bid farewell to the old chief and others.

"Your Excellency, Governor, can you promise me one more thing?" the old chief begged Jerome Patterson again.

"What's the matter?" Jerome Patterson asked the old chief with a slight frown.

The old chief called Bongo Ntua in front of him, "This is my grandson Bongo Ntua. I hope he can follow you to Libreville!"

"Yes!" Jerome Patterson decisively agreed to the old chief's conditions, "I will arrange a good job for him in the Governor's Mansion!"

"Governor's Palace? No, no, no!" The old chief shook his head and replied to Jerome Patterson: "I hope he can study in Libreville and broaden his horizons!

Don’t be like me and just wander around this land all your life.”

"Okay!" Jerome Patterson nodded and said to the old chief.

It just so happened that he could take this opportunity to instill some ideas into Bongo Ntua, so that he could feel more at ease as a puppet under the rule of France.

In this way, Jerome Patterson and his party set out to return to Libreville.

In the next few days, Jérôme Patterson not only opened the door for Paris Norte to open a factory in Gabon, but also sent Bongo Ntua to the only school in Libreville.

, and also wrote a letter to Jerome Bonaparte.

When Jerome Patterson finished writing the letter, it was already the end of November. Jerome Patterson once again handed the letter to the previous courier. This time he asked the courier to deliver the letter in person.

To send it to Tuyinleli Palace, telegraph is not allowed.

"I understand! Please don't worry!" The messenger immediately assured Jerome Patterson after receiving the letter.

"Then leave it to you!" Jerome Patterson shook hands with the messenger.

That evening, the courier took a boat back to Marseille, and the cargo ship returned to Marseille after a week.

When the messenger disembarked from Marseille, he immediately felt a long-lost chill.

Even in Marseille, which is deep in the Mediterranean Sea, the temperature in December is still lower than that in Gabon.

"No! I have to buy a set of clothes!" The trembling courier muttered in a low voice, and then used the money in his hand to buy a set of velvet clothes.

The messenger who put on the clothes suddenly felt a warmth, and a happy smile also appeared on his face.

Subsequently, the courier purchased a train ticket from Marseille to Paris.

The train departed at 8 a.m. the next day, and the courier went to a hotel next to the train station to sleep.

At 6:30 the next morning, the courier climbed out of bed early, packed up quickly, packed a bag full of food and left the hotel.

When the courier arrived at the hotel, it was already 7:45.

He stood on the crowded platform and waited quietly for 10 minutes for the train to arrive.

The messenger was pushed into the carriage by the crowd, and he would spend the next ten hours or so in the carriage.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the train started on time.

After a journey of more than ten hours, the train finally arrived at the Paris train station in the evening.

The courier who came down from the train station felt the chill again. Paris in December was even colder than Marseille. There was no cloud in the sky in the evening. Under the stars in the sky, the cold wind blew mercilessly on everyone's face.

Cheeks, making people unconsciously speed up their faces.

The courier who walked out of the train station did not rush to the Tuileries Palace, but looked for a hotel to rest.

After sitting on the train for a day, he was so exhausted physically and mentally that he fell asleep within less than 10 minutes of lying on the hotel bed.

On the other hand, in the Tuileries Palace at the western end of the Champs Elysees in the center of Paris, the study of Emperor Jérôme Bonaparte is still brightly lit at this moment.

In the room, Emperor Jerome Patterson and Imperial Foreign Minister De Luyins were sitting on the sofa next to the burning fireplace, preparing to discuss an unexpected diplomatic incident.

This chapter has been completed!
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