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Chapter 915 Joint Offensive

"How can such a thing be written down in black and white? It's nothing more than a tacit understanding between our two countries!"

Jérôme Bonaparte shrugged his shoulders and responded with an indifferent expression.

"So, no one has seen or heard the way the agreement was reached between His Majesty and Britain! It only existed in verbal exchanges between the two parties?" Minister of State Guizo also asked Jérôme Bonaparte.


"Mr. Guizou, as a former prime minister, I think you should know something about this type of political negotiation (referring to backroom politics)!" Jérôme Bonaparte breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head.

The leader said: "No, it should be said that you should be very familiar with the operation process of this kind of political activities!"

"Your Majesty, I am indeed involved in this kind of political activities!" Keyzo replied tactfully to Jérôme Bonaparte.

I remember that when he was the Foreign Minister/Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Orleans, Keyzo often had private mediations with the British Ambassador.

Especially from 1841 to 1848, Key and Zuo relied on backroom politics to restore Thiers's completely destroyed relations with Britain.

If it hadn't been for the Great Revolution of 1948, the relationship between the Kingdom of Orleans and the Kingdom of Britain would probably have reached a higher level.

Therefore, Jizuo has some understanding of the operation process of secret room politics.

"I think you should know that the essence of this kind of politics lies in "secretness". The political transactions carried out in private by the two parties responsible for the meeting will not leave any traces on the surface. Everything only exists on the spot.

In the hearts of both parties!

"Jerome Bonaparte then said to Guizou, "In this case, we can only rely on the trust between the two parties!"

"Your Majesty, I think this is only a verbal acquiescence without a judgment of the agreement! We must be extremely careful!" De Luyins responded to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"You mean, the British Kingdom is very likely to stab us on this issue?" Jerome Bonaparte asked De Luyins bluntly.

"Although the current British Kingdom is asking for help from us, we do not rule out the possibility!" De Luyins answered cautiously, then glanced sideways at the Minister of State Jizuo on the other side and said: "Your Excellency Jizuo, I

I remember that during the Kingdom of Orleans, Britain used such means to force the Kingdom of Orleans into an isolated and helpless situation."

"That's right!" Ji Zuo sighed, then nodded.

Jerome Bonaparte also "remembered" the original situation, which was when the Kingdom of Orleans had just been established and when Palmerston became famous.

At that time, Louis Philippe, who had just assumed the throne of the Kingdom of Orleans, wanted to take advantage of the vacancy in the throne of the Kingdom of Belgium to promote his son, the Duke of Nemours, to succeed to the throne.

In accordance with orthodox principles and its own interests, the Russian Empire wanted to personally interfere with the independence of the Kingdom of Belgium and keep it within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The Kingdom of Britain neither wanted the Duke of Nemours to serve as the Kingdom of Belgium, nor did it want the Russian Empire to interfere with the Kingdom of Belgium.

Therefore, Palmerston first falsely told Louis Philippe that Britain supported the Duke of Nemours as King of Belgium, as long as the Kingdom of Orleans could get close to Britain.

Louis Philippe, who had the support of Britain, believed that it was certain that the Duke of Nemours would become king, so he began to follow the arrangements of the British Kingdom and alienate the Russian Empire.

It was not until the Russian Empire announced an expedition against the Kingdom of Belgium that Louis Philippe discovered that he had fallen into Palmerston's scheme.

Once the Russian Empire reaches the border of Inland, it will be impossible for them to suppress only the Kingdom of Belgium.

France was bound to become the prey of the Russian Empire. Louis Philippe was deceived and had no choice but to order Prince Talleyrand, the then Minister of Foreign Affairs, to negotiate with Britain.

When Palmerston was negotiating with Talleyrand, he made a high-profile statement that the British Kingdom did not agree to the Duke of Nemours becoming the Belgian Kingdom.

Between the two thrones of France and Belgium, Louis Philippe chose the French throne without hesitation.

The Belgian throne was reluctantly "ceded" by Louis Philippe to the son of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, the current Leopold.

Afterwards, Louis Philippe was inevitably criticized by French nationalists, and the kingdom he established showed a shaky appearance in the first year.

"We really need to be on guard against the British Kingdom!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to De Luyins with a solemn expression.

Later, Jérôme Bonaparte began to think about ways to break the situation.

At this moment, Wayan, the Minister of War who had been silent, said to Jérôme Bonaparte: "Your Majesty, I do have an immature idea!

I don’t know whether to talk about it or not!”

"Speak!" Jérôme Bonaparte raised his head and encouraged Minister Vaillant, "There is nothing that cannot be said! This meeting is meant for you to communicate with each other!"

"Your Majesty, since we are worried that annexing the Kingdom of Morocco alone will allow Britain to attack us like it did before, why don't we find more people to work together to carve it up!" Minister Vaillant said to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"If too many countries join, the area of ​​​​the territory we acquire will be greatly reduced!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to Minister Vaillant.

"The country does not need much, it only needs the Kingdom of Spain!" Minister Vaillant explained to Jérôme Bonaparte: "The Kingdom of Spain, like us and the Kingdom of Britain, has invested a large amount in the Kingdom of Morocco.


So they are most likely to oppose us, except for the British Kingdom, to monopolize the country!

We only need to involve them in the plan to annex the Kingdom of Morocco, and then it will be difficult for Britain to find other helpers on the issue of the Kingdom of Morocco."

Although the Kingdom of Spain during this period had gradually declined, the skinny camels were still larger than the horses.

The Kingdom of Spain's status in the entire Europe is still in the first echelon below the five countries of Britain, France, Russia, and Austria. Even the Kingdom of Britain cannot ignore the interests of the Kingdom of Spain.

Therefore, bringing the Kingdom of Spain in can effectively prevent the Kingdom of Spain from siding with Britain and causing trouble to the French Empire.

"I agree with Minister Wayan!" De Luyins also expressed support for Minister Wayan. "If the Kingdom of Spain is on our side, it will be difficult for the Kingdom of Britain to find other helpers!"

Jérôme Bonaparte turned his head and glanced at the Minister of State Guizot. He smiled and asked Guizot: "Mr. Guizot, what do you think?"

Upon seeing this, Guizou also spoke to Jerome Bonaparte and said: "Your Majesty, I also agree with Minister Vaillant's idea!

Ji Zuo swallowed and continued: "However, I still have some immature ideas! I don't know if you are willing to listen!"

"Of course I do!" Jérôme Bonaparte responded to Guizo.

Immediately afterwards, Quizuo suggested that the Kingdom of Spain should be included in this military operation. Only in this way can the Kingdom of Spain be more closely bound to France and jointly resist Britain.

Immediately, Quizo proposed to Jerome Bonaparte that it would be best for the Kingdom of Spain to attack from the north of the Kingdom of Morocco.

After occupying the Kingdom of Morocco, Jerome Bonaparte can hand over the northern territory of the Kingdom of Morocco to the Kingdom of Spain.

In this way, the colonies of the Kingdom of Spain will be bordering Gibraltar, and it will be difficult for both sides to confront each other.

"But, will the Kingdom of Spain really agree to attack from the northern part of the Kingdom of Morocco? They should know what they will face if they occupy the northern part of the Kingdom of Morocco!" Jérôme Bonaparte looked at Minister Keyzuo suspiciously.

"Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Spain is now in a state of civil strife at any time!

Nowadays, the best way to solve this problem is to turn the attention of the Kingdom of Spain from domestic to foreign countries. Only in this way can they continue to maintain stability!" Quizuo explained: "Just like the original Bourbon Dynasty conquered Algeria!

Although the Kingdom of Bourbon was overthrown before it was completely conquered, their method of deflecting conflicts is indeed worth learning. You only need to submit an invitation to the Kingdom of Spain to carve up the Kingdom of Morocco!

The rest of Spain will figure it out!"

"Okay!" Jérôme Bonaparte turned his attention to De Luyins, "I'll leave this matter to you, no problem! Minister Luyins!"

"I promise that I will complete the task!" De Luyins said quickly to Jerome Bonaparte.

Having solved the problem of the Kingdom of Morocco, Jérôme Bonaparte turned his attention to Minister of War Vaillant and Chief of General Staff Niel.

"What is the current situation of the army?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked Vaillant and Niel.

"Your Majesty, all the Algerian troops have been equipped with new rifles, but it may take two to three years for our troops in the country to completely change their equipment." Minister Vaillant replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.


"Chasebol machine gun, how is the situation now?" Jérôme Bonaparte then asked Wayan.

Guizot and De Luyins, who were sitting next to Jerome Bonaparte, both cast confused glances at Jerome Bonaparte. Jerome Bonaparte explained casually: "A

The emergence of the new weapon developed by Alfonso Xacepo can greatly enhance the firepower of our army."

De Luyins and Ji Zuo both showed a look of surprise.

"Okay, you have to complete the equipment installation as soon as possible!" Jérôme Bonaparte once again urged Minister Vaillant and Niel, "I must see the Xia Sebo machine gun by the end of this year.

Show up in the military!


"Your Majesty, please rest assured, we will not let you down!"

This chapter has been completed!
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