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Nine hundred and twenty sixth business contraction

Alphonse Rothschild, who was riding a carriage back to the mansion, kept thinking about what Jerome Bonaparte said at the dinner table, and felt an inexplicable panic in his heart.

When the wife sitting next to Alphonse Rothschild saw Alphonse Rothschild's distraught appearance, she asked Alphonse Rothschild: "What's wrong with you?"

"No...nothing!" Alphonse Rothschild responded to his wife beside him with a forced smile. He didn't want his wife to worry.

Looking at Alphonse Rothschild's haunted expression, Mary Rothschild knew that her husband (or cousin) must be hiding something from her.

Since Alphonse Rothschild was unwilling to tell her, Mary Rothschild did not delve too deeply into it.

She gently placed her hand on the back of Alphonse Rothschild's hand and said thoughtfully: "No matter what happens, I will face it with you!"

Alphonse Rothschild looked at Mary Rothschild and couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, "Thank you!"

Mary Rothschild smiled slightly and said nothing.

After a while, Mary Rothschild spoke to Alphonse Rothschild about Queen Augusta again.

Alphonse Rothschild also asked Marie Rothschild whether the Queen and her discussed any political topics!

"No!" Mary Rothschild shook her head and responded to Alphonse Rothschild, "Her Majesty the Queen did not discuss such topics throughout the whole process!

We sat together and talked about some topics related to literature and parenting!"

Mary Rothschild paused and continued: "By the way! Her Majesty the Queen told me to let me go to the Tuileries Palace more often when I have time!

Alphonse, tell me whether I should go there or not!"

"Of course!" Alphonse Rothschild responded without hesitation, "This is our opportunity to get close to the Tuileries Palace!"

"But, didn't my father (Baron James Rothschild) always warn us to keep distance from the Tuileries Palace!" Mary Rothschild said with some concern.

"That was before!" Alphonse Rothschild said to Marie Rothschild, "Now, we must maintain a good relationship with the Tuileries Palace!

Judging from Her Majesty Queen Augusta's attitude towards you, the Tuileries Palace is also willing to accept us!"

Then Mary Rothschild told Alphonse Rothschild that Queen Augusta invited her to attend the literary salon three days later.

"Then I will send someone to tell the Queen tomorrow!" Mary Rothschild said to Alphonse Rothschild.

"Yes!" Alphonse Rothschild nodded.

At this moment, the driver's voice came from outside the carriage, "Mr. Alphonse, we are already home!"

Alphonse Rothschild then turned his gaze to the car window, where the mansion was standing outside.

Alphonse Rothschild and Marie Rothschild quickly opened the door, stepped out of the carriage one by one, and slowly entered the hall of the mansion.

After seeing the arrival of Alphonse Rothschild and his wife, the housekeeper who stayed at the mansion hurriedly ran to Alphonse Rothschild and said respectfully: "Mr. Alphonse, Mrs. Mary, welcome home."


Alphonse Rothschild nodded slightly, and then asked the butler as usual if there were any other guests coming.

This time the butler shook his head and said no one else came.

"Yeah!" Alphonse Rothschild nodded again, then yawned and said to Mary Rothschild beside him: "It's getting late, let's go to bed early!"

Marie Rothschild and Alphonse Rothschild went to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening, and did not really go to bed until 10 o'clock.

4:50 am the next day.

As soon as a glimmer of light appeared in the Paris sky, Alphonse Rothschild climbed out of bed early.

After washing and eating, Alphonse Rothschild took a carriage to the Rothschild Bank at 6 o'clock in the morning.

When Alphonse Rothschild entered the Rothschild Bank, he greeted everyone present with a smile and made a few witty remarks from time to time.

When Alphonse Rothschild arrived in his own independent office, his expression immediately became particularly stern.

After a while, the secretary brought Alphonse Rothschild the bills and contracts that required his signature and authorization. Looking at the things held in the secretary's arms, Alphonse Rothschild expressed his sincere words.


Each of these papers in front of me is worth millions of francs.

If there is a problem with any one of them, many people will use up their life savings and all their life savings will be wiped out.

"Mr. Alphonse, this is the business you need to handle today! I have sorted them out from easy to difficult!" The secretary placed the documents in front of Alphonse Rothschild and said to Alphonse.

Rothschild said.

"Thank you very much!" Alphonse Rothschild expressed his gratitude politely.

"These are all things I should do!" the secretary responded in a nonchalant manner.

"By the way, can I ask you a favor?" Alphonse Rothschild changed the topic and said to his secretary.

"You said it!" the secretary responded briefly.

"Can you please help me compile and summarize the import and trade data of the United States of America in the recent period!" Alphonse Rothschild said to his secretary.

"This will take a while!" the secretary responded to Alphonse Rothschild.

"I can wait!" Alphonse Rothschild responded to his secretary with a slight smile, and then added: "But you'd better be a little faster!"

"I will definitely finish it as soon as possible!" the secretary also replied.

In the next few days, Alphonse Rothschild followed his agreement with Jérôme Bonaparte and frequently summoned the banks who were also on the board of directors in the name of Baron James Rothschild.

The bankers entered the Rothschild mansion to discuss. After seeing signs that Rothschild was "returning to the world", many bankers moved closer to the banner of Rothschild, striving to establish a relationship with the wealthy in Bellera.

In order not to be expelled from the board of directors under the German Alliance, he patiently waited for the secretary's data.

Finally, on the fifth day of handing over the task, the secretary prepared all the information he wanted for Alphonse Rothschild.

Looking at the import trade balance of the United States of America, Alphonse Rothschild frowned.

According to the information collected by the secretary for him, the scale of the United States' exports to Europe is gradually increasing compared with the scale of its imports from Europe.

Among them, the United States of America mainly exports cotton and wheat to Europe, while it imports a lot more from Europe, including textiles, steel, and precision parts.

Even though Europe's grain harvests were poor the year before last and the year before last, the trade deficit of the United States of America is still rising.

Looking at the data in his hand, Alphonse Rothschild keenly smelled a smile.

So, he asked the secretary next to him again: "What are our businesses in the United States of America?"

The secretary told Alphonse Rothschild that the Rothschild family’s investment in the United States of America is mainly concentrated in four aspects: railroad bonds, gold mines, investment in railroad companies, and national debt!

At present, it may be difficult for gold mining projects to make any progress in a short period of time, and investment in railway enterprises is also at a suspended stage.

(The United States of America has built all the main railways, and the remaining branch railways are very profitable, so not many people are willing to invest.)

Therefore, the main profits of the Rothschild family were railroad bonds and the Treasury bonds of the United States of America.

These two aspects are key to Rothschild's growth.

"By the way, we have also invested in wheat futures in the United States of America!" The secretary reported to Alphonse Rothschild again, and he said with confidence: "As long as India is not stable for a day, then grain futures will be a sure profit without loss.

The deal!"

"Order our companies in the United States of America to gradually divest themselves of wheat futures and railroad bonds! Only keep the treasury bonds issued by the United States of America!" Alphonse Rothschild issued an order to his secretary.

After hearing what Alphonse Rothschild said, the secretary had a look of astonishment on his face. He didn't understand why Alphonse Rothschild wanted to withdraw his investment.

"Mr. Alphonse, if we recycle it now! We will probably lose some money!" the secretary warned carefully.

Alphonse Rothschild remained unmoved and responded categorically to his secretary: "Listen to me! Sell all railway bonds and futures!"

Unable to resist Alphonse Rothschild's secretary, he had no choice but to agree to Alphonse Rothschild's suggestion.

Meanwhile, in a mansion just a few blocks away from the Rothschild Bank.

Achille Fuld and Berera were having a conversation in the Fuld mansion.

"What do you want your Majesty to do! We are obviously going to defeat that Rothschild guy, but your Majesty insists on intervening!" Berera, the president of the Bank of France, who was sitting on the sofa in the mansion, said to Achille Rich in an annoyed tone.

De complained: "Your Majesty hated the Rothschilds before, why did you choose to help them now!"

"Your Majesty is not helping them, he just wants Rothschild to stand up and fight against us!" Achille Fuld said calmly.

"Ha! This is His Majesty's way of checks and balances!"
This chapter has been completed!
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