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Chapter Nine Hundred and Twenty Eight Ministers with Both Public and Private

Jérôme Bonaparte's attitude towards Achill Fuld surprised Marcel Jerug.

Marcel Jerug, who originally thought that Emperor Jerome Bonaparte would be furious after hearing about Aschfulfuld's conspiracy, did not expect that it would end so lightly.

Since His Majesty the Emperor has decided that it is not conducive to further investigation, there is no need for Marcel Jerug to pursue it.

There was no deep grudge between him and Achille Fuld.

In the final analysis, he is just a sharp knife in the emperor's hand.

He will kill whomever His Majesty needs him to kill.

Of course, if the sharp blade is not exposed to blood, it will rust sooner or later.

Therefore, Marcel Jerug believes that if the National Intelligence Service wants to have a strong deterrent effect, it must see blood at all times!

There is nothing more suitable to nourish this sharp blade than the blood of the minister.

At the moment, Emperor Jerome Bonaparte seemed unwilling to take action against Achille Fuld. Marcel Jerug felt a little disappointed and had to leave the study under the order of Jerome Bonaparte.


Looking at Marcel Jerug's leaving figure, Jérôme Bonaparte muttered in a low voice: "You all really don't make people worry!"

Having said that, Jérôme Bonaparte continued to work with his head down.

Time flies and it’s mid-August in the blink of an eye, and the temperature in Paris is getting hotter and hotter.

In such weather, even if residents living in Paris open all their windows, they cannot resist the scorching heat.

Not to mention Jérôme Bonaparte, who was sitting in his room working, the sweat on his forehead was already dripping on the document before he finished reading it.

If you put your hand on the document for a while and then pick it up, you will see a more obvious mark.

At this time, he was already considering whether to go to the south to escape the scorching heat and wait until the heat wave was over before returning to the Tuileries Palace.

After all, in such hot weather, it was difficult for Jérôme Bonaparte to concentrate on his work.

Just when he was thinking about whether to go south to escape the scorching heat, Basilio appeared in Jérôme Bonaparte's study and reported to him the news that Finance Minister Achille Fuld had requested an audience.

"Invite him in quickly!" Jerome Bonaparte ordered Basilio.

"Yes!" Basilio turned around and went downstairs to invite Achille Fuld upstairs.

After a while, Finance Minister Achille Fuld stood at the door of Jerome Bonaparte's study and said: "Your Majesty!"

"Come in quickly!" Jérôme Bonaparte waved his hand and asked Achille Fuld to sit opposite him, and then asked Achille Fuld what he wanted to do at the Tuileries Palace.


Achille Fuld told Jerome Bonaparte that the purpose of his coming here was to inform Jerome Bonaparte that the Ministry of Finance had written a proposal to "thoroughly investigate the debt problem of large and medium-sized banks".

And the Banque de France has received the support of an "overwhelming majority" of its board of directors.

Now the legislative group only needs to pass the proposal, and the Ministry of Finance can work with the Bank of France to conduct random inspections and assessments of the liabilities of large and medium-sized banks.

If His Majesty the Emperor needs it, they can also write a report and give it to Jérôme Bonaparte after the inspection.

"Let me see!" Jérôme Bonaparte stretched out his hand and said to Finance Minister Fuld.

Fuld handed the proposal document into the hands of Jerome Bonaparte, who looked at the content submitted by Achille Fuld page by page.

After reading Achille Fuld's report, Jérôme Bonaparte praised Achille Fuld: "Minister Fuld, you wrote very well!

However, I hope that the contents of the proposal can be implemented!”

Jérôme Bonaparte had seen too many examples of well-written proposals, but the actual implementation was more perfunctory than the last.

Take Britain next door as an example. They have clearly stipulated a ten-hour working day and the prohibition of child labor in their constitution.

However, when it comes to actual operation, let alone 10 hours, 13 or 4 hours are common.

If the technology tree of the Electric Age hadn't been announced yet, British capitalists would definitely increase the job market to 15,6 hours.

This is especially true for child labor, which can be avoided as long as the employees do not admit that they are child laborers.

Moreover, as soon as the ban on child labor was introduced, the monthly wages of British child workers were further reduced.

Britain's policy not only failed to produce results, but had counterproductive effects.

The law is dead, but people are alive!

Of course, the situation in France is not much better, and in some places it is even worse than in Britain.

It’s not that Jerome Bonaparte never thought about improvement, but sometimes the more he wants to improve, the more counterproductive it is.

If France legislates the use of child labor, it will strangle the lives of child laborers.

Because the salary of an ordinary French worker and a family of three can barely sustain living expenses.

If the share of child labor was eliminated, it would be difficult for an ordinary working-class family to continue living.

When life cannot be maintained, French workers will give priority to independent birth control.

Countless child laborers died as a result. This result was the outcome that Jérôme Bonaparte wanted to see anyway.

The topic has gone off topic. Jérôme Bonaparte hopes that Achille Fuld can strictly implement it after the approval of the previous legislative group.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured! I will definitely check it myself!" Achille Fuld replied to Jerome Bonaparte.

"That's good!" Jérôme Bonaparte took out the pen from the pen holder, signed his name, and handed it to Achille Fuld again: "You can take this document to the legislators

Team up!"

After Ashil Fuld took the document, he stood up and left.

At noon on the third day, Achille Fuld appeared at the Bourbon Palace on behalf of the Ministry of Finance.

At the main podium of the Bourbon Palace, Achill Fuld reported to the legislative group in a calm but firm tone on the need for the Ministry of Finance to inspect the debts of large and medium-sized domestic banks (to prevent blind speculation and deformation of the French market).

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After hearing the reasons given by Finance Minister Achil Faure, the representatives of the legislative group expressed their agreement.

Only a few representatives of the legislative group questioned Achille Fuld, but the direction of their questioning was not the proposal itself, but whether Achille Fuld could really investigate the debts of the French Grand Central Bank.


Achill Fuld replied firmly that as long as the legislative group is willing to give them time, they will be able to find out all the problems.

In the end, the legislative group approved Achille Fuld's debt review of China Bank by a relative majority (many representatives abstained from voting).

Achille Fuld, who was authorized by Jérôme Bonaparte and the Legislative Council, immediately began to dispatch the most professional accounting and financial practitioners from the Ministry of Finance to review the debts of large and medium-sized banks in Paris.

And the first target they want to target is Rothschild Bank.

When Alphonse Rothschild heard that Achille Fuld's proposal had been approved, he knew that Achille Fuld would not give up this opportunity.

Therefore, Alphonse Rothschild ordered his men to speed up the sale of the remaining railway bonds and futures on hand, and use the money sold to fill the shortfalls in certain projects.

After all, not every project is a guaranteed profit.

At the same time, he borrowed some money from the Rothschild Bank in Frankfurt to prepare for emergencies.

After some operations, Rothschild Company did not have any major problems.

Achille Fuld naturally let go of the Rothschild Bank and moved on to the next target.

Just when Alphonse Rothschild was secretly rejoicing, some bankers who were originally affiliated with Rothschild asked Alphonse Rothschild for help.

They told Rothschild their troubles and hoped that Alphonse Rothschild could help them tide over the difficulties.

Looking at the group of bankers seeking help from him, Alphonse Rothschild frowned and asked them what was going on.

After asking, I found out that all their banks are in debt crisis to some extent.

(If a bank does not have bad debts, it would not be called a bank!)

Although these crises cannot affect the bank's crisis, they are still afraid that Achille Fuld will use his power to bankrupt them.

Achille Fuld didn't even need to do anything, he just needed to find out their debt and make it public.

At that time, countless savings users will ask for redemption, and their banks will face the risk of bankruptcy due to capital turnover problems.

A large bank often goes bankrupt within a day, or even an hour.

Until a bank actually faces bankruptcy, no one will know how much available capital their bank has.

Therefore, they hope to borrow money from Rothschild Bank.

Faced with the help from these bankers, Alphonse Rothschild had no idea, but he had no solution.

Although Rothschild Bank has escaped scrutiny, their crisis is not over yet.

If he really lent the bank's money to these bankers, then Asher Fuld's review team would come again.

When he chooses not to lend it to them, resentment will inevitably arise in the hearts of these bankers.

In this case, it will be difficult to lead the team.

Perhaps Achille Fuld just wanted to see them in a dilemma.

What's more important is that such matters cannot be brought to the attention of His Majesty the Emperor.

Because the emperor himself supports the review of bank debts, if they go to the emperor, they are admitting in disguise that their debt problem is serious.

Alphonse Rothschild rejected their request, and the banker left the Rothschild mansion full of disappointment.

In the next month, the Ministry of Finance review team visited many banks, but they found no serious problems.

Those bankers who sought help from the Rothschild family complained about Alphonse Rothschild in their hearts, while at the same time showing favor to Achille Faure.

This caused Rothschild to fall into a passive situation again.
This chapter has been completed!
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