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Chapter 930: Ottoman Resigns

After Isaac Perel left the study, Jérôme Bonaparte once again picked up the report written by Achille Fuld and read on.

Ranked below Isaac Perel are the Paris City Bank and the Seine Construction Bank, which were founded by the Seine government with only more than 50 million francs from the municipal government.

Today, the two banks each have a debt of 100 million francs.

If the two banks merge, their liabilities will definitely be the first.

According to Achille Fuld's report, the debts of the City Bank and the Construction Bank continued to expand and were expected to reach 300 million francs in 1858.

Such a huge debt is equivalent to the fiscal revenue of the entire Seine department for nearly two years (if expenditures are excluded, it is equivalent to the fiscal balance of the entire Seine department for nearly 10 years).

The reason why these two banks are carrying huge debts is entirely to pay for George Haussmann's Paris renovation plan.

Most of the 200 million francs in debt already incurred have been used to expropriate houses in the old city.

The process of expropriation is for City Bank and China Construction Bank to negotiate with the Paris citizens on behalf of the Seine provincial government to reasonably acquire/replace the land in the hands of Paris citizens, and then resell it to those in need.

If this kind of land sale is planned properly, not only will the government not be burdened with foreign debt, but it will actually make a fortune.

It's just that in order to complete his grand blueprint as soon as possible, George Haussmann chose to enclose land in Paris and its suburbs. At the same time, he sold the land at a price that was 30% higher than the purchase price, and the money obtained from selling the land was lent to

A developer with strong qualifications, this caused the city bank to bear this huge debt.

Today, city banks and China Construction Bank only have debts from land and developers.

If the land cannot be realized or the developer goes bankrupt and runs away, then the two banks will have no choice but to go bankrupt.

If things go wrong, the finances of the entire Seine province will be implicated by George Haussmann.

After looking at the liabilities of these two banks, Jérôme Bonaparte suddenly felt a headache.

Although Jérôme Bonaparte had already had a psychological expectation regarding the cost of urban reconstruction of Paris, after seeing the huge debt, he still inevitably wanted to slow down a little.

Huge debt is not a good thing for a city at all. He is afraid that Paris has not become an international metropolis, but has become an internationally famous indebted metropolis.

As far as what Jérôme Bonaparte knows so far (not excluding situations like the Paris City Bank concealing liabilities), the entire city of Paris has cost nearly 1 billion francs.

Although the effect of urban transformation is indeed obvious, all the main roads in the main urban areas of Paris have been repaired, and department stores, hotels, and inns have also been upgraded. This has attracted a large number of people to Paris for consumption and boosted Paris' fiscal revenue.

But the cost of nearly 1 billion francs is really too much.

This is equivalent to nearly one-third of France's annual income being thrown into it, which is really scary.

At this point, Paris has only been renovated half way.

If you want the transformation to be completely successful, you will need to invest at least 1 billion yuan into it.

Not to mention, the maintenance after the construction is completed is also a large sum of money.

But to be fair, Georges Haussmann was indeed an outstanding Seine provincial policeman.

With a start-up capital of less than 200 million, he completed the construction that required 1 billion francs. To this day, the Seine Province is still able to operate smoothly. It is no exaggeration to say that Baron Haussmann is fully capable of serving as the finance minister of the empire.

Although Jerome Bonaparte still admires George Haussmann, this does not mean that Jerome Bonaparte agrees with George Haussmann's various practices.

Especially now that the economic crisis is approaching, Jérôme Bonaparte must give George Haussmann a proper pause.

The first thing is to give George Osman a period of vacation. Since George Osman became president, he rarely takes vacations.

, and the second is to give an explanation to Achille Fuld.

After all, I am also prepared to let the Bank of France properly relieve the Seine provincial government.

If Achille Fuld is not willing to cooperate, then Jérôme Bonaparte will still have to work hard.

So, Jérôme Bonaparte called Basilio over again and ordered him to rush to the Seine City Hall to call George Haussmann over.

Basilio followed Jerome Bonaparte's order and left. Twenty minutes later, George Osman appeared in front of Jerome Bonaparte and looked at Jerome Bonaparte slightly uneasily.

He responded with "Your Majesty!"

He also understood the purpose of Ajerome Bonaparte calling him here.

, "Baron Georges Haussmann!" Jerome Bonaparte did not address his position, but used his noble title to show his closeness, "How long have you stayed in the position of *** in the Seine department!"

"Your Majesty, it has been almost 7 years!" George Osman responded respectfully?

"Seven years! How fast!" Jérôme Bonaparte put his hand on his thigh and said with emotion: "Life can only last more than ten seven years!"

In the past seven years, you have dedicated all your energy to the Seine, which is really hard work!"

The more Baron George Osman listened, the more panicked he became.

The emperor's tone was like a farewell message. Could it be that the emperor wanted to depose him?

"Your Majesty, I am extremely honored to be able to serve you for the empire!" George Osman quickly expressed his loyalty. He did not want to move from his position as the leader of the Seine Province.

"George, there are only two of you here now, so there is no need to say flattering words!" Jerome Bonaparte said with a slight smile, and then his expression became extremely serious and asked George Haussmann, "Now I just

I would like to ask how much debt your Seine City Hall has hidden!"

George Haussmann truthfully told Jérôme Bonaparte that the only debts hidden by the agents were those of the City and Construction Bank.

"Really?" Jérôme Bonaparte asked George Haussmann in return.

"Your Majesty, I can assure you on the basis of my family's honor! Apart from the debts of the City Bank of Paris and the Construction Bank, I have no other debts to hide!" George Haussmann responded to Jérôme Bonaparte.


"Tell me, how do you, the Seine provincial government, plan to pay back the money?" Jérôme Bonaparte continued to ask George Haussmann.

Georges Haussmann told Jérôme Bonaparte that all the liabilities of the Seine provincial government would be repaid slowly by the municipal government.

"Repay slowly?" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Georges Haussmann slowly: "Even if all the annual finances of your city hall are taken out, it will still take several years to repay.

Tell me how to repay it! Are you going to ask all the officials of the Paris City Hall to live frugally to repay the debt?"

"Your Majesty, we can increase some taxes appropriately..." George Osman put forward his own idea.

He wants to increase the tax revenue of the city hall by raising taxes.

Jérôme Bonaparte stared at Georges Haussmann with wide eyes. For a moment, he suspected that the Georges Haussmann in front of him was a concubine hidden deep in the Second Empire.

However, it was soon vetoed by Jérôme Bonaparte himself.

After all, a shrewd housewife would never think of such a suicidal proposal as raising taxes on the people of Paris.

"George, you think the empire is too stable for your liking!" Jérôme Bonaparte said coldly to George Haussmann.

George Osman showed a panicked look on his face. He shook his head and responded to Jérôme Bonaparte: "Your Majesty, I am not..."

"Then you were talking about raising taxes just now!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to George Haussmann, "Don't you know what it means to raise taxes in Paris?"

Jerome Bonaparte paused and said to himself: "This means that a massacre may be staged in the Seine department!

When the time comes, you and I

And most of the ministers in the cabinet will be finished!

I remember that my uncle, Emperor Napoleon, once said that he would rather face the enemy's thousands of troops than raise taxes on the people of Paris!

Do you think you are braver than my uncle? Or do you think you know Paris better than those forefathers of the Revolution!"

"Don't dare!" George Osman lowered his head and responded to Jérôme Bonaparte. He did not dare to compare himself to Emperor Napoleon.

"Humph!" Jérôme Bonaparte snorted again, and then said to George Osman: "George, you have worked for too long, so that your mind is not clear! I think you should be at this time

Now that you have some rest, how about serving as a senator in the Senate!"

George Osman's brain instantly felt as if he had been hit hard by a hammer. At this moment, his mind went blank and his body was almost unable to stand.

Then, George Osman showed a sad smile on his lips, and still respectfully said to Jérôme Bonaparte: "As long as your Majesty gives you an order, I will execute it immediately!"

Seeing George Haussmann in front of him who was working hard to transform Paris, Jérôme Bonaparte could not help but feel sympathy. He spoke again to George Haussmann in a friendly tone: "George, you

It’s just a temporary break!

When the time comes, Seine Province will still belong to you.

While you are serving as a senator, the alternate minister of public transport and the council members of the Seine department will still be retained for you.

You still have the right to direct the Seine Department!"

After George Haussmann listened to Jérôme Bonaparte's arrangements, he felt better.

Immediately afterwards, George Haussmann left Jérôme Bonaparte's study.

To express his guilt, Jérôme Bonaparte personally sent George Haussmann to the Tuileries Palace.

Jérôme Bonaparte, who sent George Haussmann away, ordered Basilio to call Achille Fuld.

After Achille Fuld arrived, Jérôme Bonaparte told Achille Fuld that he hoped that the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of France could pay for the debts of the Seine City Hall.

Achille Fuld said that the Ministry of Finance will only be willing to take full responsibility if the Seine department first suspends some of the projects that are still planned.
This chapter has been completed!
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