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Chapter 934: Vice King of India

After John Brown received US$50,000 in financial aid from French abolitionist "comrades", he was overjoyed and he quickly sent someone to contact the French "comrades".

The "comrade" from France met John Brown on a farm in Kansas. After the two briefly exchanged information, John Brown learned that the other party was a republican from France. The reason why he was willing to support

John Brown came from his own love for republicanism.

French "comrades" believe that the United States of America, which has republican ideas, should completely abolish slavery. Only in this way can the United States of America truly be called a republic.

"What you said is so good!" John Brown excitedly held the hand of the French "comrade", "Slavery should not exist in this sacred territory of the United States of America!"

Later, John Brown told the French "comrade" that his father was a resolute abolitionist and his home was a transfer station for the "Underground Railroad".

Under his influence, he also became a staunch abolitionist.

In John Brown's fifty-seven years, he has helped nearly a hundred black people escape from the control of slave owners and run toward "freedom."

[ps: The "freed" black slaves found themselves facing discrimination from hundreds of people and the pressure of unemployment after escaping from the slave states.

If they want to survive, they can only choose to do the work done by the lower class people, and at the same time, they have to endure the discrimination of white residents and the oppression of white police.

Such a life of fear was actually no different from what they lived in the slave states.

The only difference is that they are nominally free.】

John Brown had a proud expression on his face when he said this, and it could be seen that he very much recognized his act of "liberating" the slaves.

And John Brown firmly believed that he would completely end this evil slavery one day in the future.

The French "comrade" patiently listened to what John Brown said. He shook hands with John Brown again and told him that he was willing to support John Brown's action to overthrow slavery in the United States of America.

It's just that he himself is not as brave as John Brown, so he can only choose to donate to John Brown to express his support for John Brown.

John Brown said with a smile that the help provided by the French "comrades" far exceeded the charge.

50,000 US dollars is enough for John Brown to expand the current number of people 3-4 times. Under the economic crisis, the United States of America is in short supply of people who dare to risk their lives.

After John Brown and "Comrade" France chatted for a while, "Comrade France" left the farm under John Brown's farewell.

When the French "comrade" got on the carriage, the "republican" mask that had been covering his real face was completely torn off.

"I really don't know what Paris thinks!" the French "comrade" complained softly.

In fact, he is not a republican, but an agent affiliated with the National Intelligence Service's U.S. Intelligence Service.

The reason why he chose to support John Brown was entirely due to instructions from Paris.

If Paris had not specifically ordered them to contact those who took practical actions to oppose slavery and provide them with support, then he would never have contacted John Brown.

In his eyes, John Brown was just an ordinary person who opposed slavery.

Even if he declares an uprising, not many people will be willing to follow them.

Who makes the world as big as Paris is the biggest?

Then again, the economic crisis in the United States of America, after causing paralysis in the United States of America, has spread to Central and South America.

Perhaps because Central and South America are still in a state of preliminary industrialization, the damage they have suffered is not worth mentioning compared with the damage caused by the economic crisis in the United States of America.

Even so, South America as a whole still contributes nearly one million unemployed people.

After the economic crisis turned the entire America upside down, it traveled across the ocean and headed towards Britain.

In early December, after the British Kingdom received news of the economic crisis in the United States of America, the treasury bonds and stocks issued by the United States of America on the London Stock Exchange also began to plummet.

This caused the assets of many banks investing in the United States of America to begin to shrink sharply. Among them, the Bank of England, Barings Bank, and the British Rothschild Bank suffered the most serious declines.

These three banks invested the most in the United States of America.

After learning that banks in the United States of America were bankrupt on a large scale, the three banks no longer expected the United States of America to return to normal as soon as possible.

As a result, these three banks tried to package the bonds in their hands into bonds that were relatively easy to sell (such as U.S. Treasury bonds) and tricked retail investors in Britain and Germany into buying them.

Although retail investors in Britain and Germany bought some, they also knew that current American bonds and stocks were not trustworthy, so they did not buy much.

Basically all the promissory notes and bonds related to the United States of America on the books of these three banks were destroyed.

Their losses in the United States of America were as high as 10 million pounds (equivalent to 320 million pounds), of which the Bank of England and the British Rothschild Bank lost 2.5 million pounds and 3.5 million pounds respectively, and Barings Bank lost 4 million pounds.


These three banks can be said to have had a head-to-head collision in the United States of America.

Of course, these three banks are just the three banks with the highest investment losses. Other banks in the British Kingdom also suffered serious losses.

After many factories received news of the bankruptcy of American factories located downstream of them, they were also dragged into bankruptcy by downstream factories because they were unable to find suitable sales for their backlog of industrial products.

Although Britain was not the origin of the economic crisis, nearly 1,700 factories are still facing bankruptcy and nearly 400,000 workers have been forced to lose their jobs.

Workers who have not yet faced unemployment are also living in panic, fearing that the next "graduation notice" will come to them.

To make matters worse, Britain is currently engaged in a protracted war with India, and every month the war drags on, it will consume hundreds of thousands of pounds of supplies.

If this consumption continues, the economy of the British Kingdom will become worse and worse.

Of course, the only thing worth celebrating is that the East India Company has finally fallen into bankruptcy and liquidation under the impact of this economic crisis.

No one in either House of Representatives believed that the East India Company could rise again. Even the major shareholders of the East India Company were eagerly waiting for the government to relieve themselves.

Benjamin Disraeli came to the House of Commons again and reiterated to everyone present his views on the government's handling of the East India Company.

The government is prepared to spend 3 million pounds to take over the bankrupt East India Company.

As long as the House of Commons passes it by a majority vote, the East India Company will completely become history.

In the end, the House of Commons passed the proposal to dismember the East India Company by an absolute majority.

As for how the 3 million pounds should be distributed, you should know without thinking about it. Naturally, the rich and powerful will eat the meat, and the major shareholders of the East India Company (here refers to the major shareholders who do not have a title, or whose title is not good) will eat the soup.

Those poor retail investors, after being harvested by the East India Company, had to pay for the East India Company's wrong policies. They were really unlucky.

The moment the East India Company was announced to be dissolved in the House of Commons, the rule of the entire India naturally passed into the hands of Queen Victoria.

However, since Queen Victoria could not go to India to rule, the then Prime Minister Palmerston "suggested" that Queen Victoria could order the cabinet to appoint a capable man and give him the power of "Deputy King" of India.

The "Deputy King" who stayed in India instead of Queen Victoria has the right to command the government and military of the entire Indian region. He is the highest political and military governor of the entire Indian region. The "Deputy King" is at the same administrative level as the cabinet ministers.

This suggestion was quickly adopted by Queen Victoria, and then submitted to the upper and lower houses for review, and both houses also quickly passed it.

Immediately afterwards, everyone began to discuss the candidate for the "vice king".

After hearing the news, many generals in London tried to use their connections to get the position.

After two days of discussion, the cabinet decided to reduce the number of candidates for the "Deputy King" to active military personnel, which are currently in India.

Most of the generals were excluded from the family, leaving only a few. Then Palmerston eliminated them based on military merit, title and official position, and finally selected the Duke of Cambridge, who was rushing from Persia to India.


Regardless of his official position, title, or military merit, the Duke of Cambridge perfectly meets the standards of India's "Vice King".

However, the Duke of Cambridge has some minor flaws regarding his age.

Although the current Duke of Cambridge is already in his 40s, in the official circles of the British Kingdom, this age can be regarded as young and promising.

After all, few people can serve as the commander-in-chief of a region in their 40s, and it is difficult for even nobles to be promoted.

The higher you go up the ranks in the military, the more you turn into a carrot and a pit.

When the top has no intention of abdicating, it will be difficult for the bottom to squeeze in.

Of course, such a small flaw will not prevent the Duke of Cambridge from going to India to serve as the "Vice-President".

After the appointment of the "Deputy King" was confirmed, Palmerston once again ordered Benjamin Distry to go to the House of Commons and propose a motion to the House of Commons.

The content of the proposal is: the cabinet hopes that Britain can allow the Indian government to issue Indian public bonds in Britain (actually still issued by Britain, but in the name of India).

After this proposal was put forward, it immediately aroused a wave of heated discussions.

Among them, there were those who were in favor and those who were opposed. Those who supported India's issuance of public bonds simply saw that the war was still continuing and that India's issuance of public bonds could help the British army raise military expenditures.

The opposition believed that Benjamin Disraeli was trying to make India's fiscal revenue and expenditure opaque by issuing public bonds in India, so that British officials in India could operate in secret.

In the end, the proposal to establish an Indian bond in Britain was defeated by a relatively large majority.

Benjamin Disraeli was not angry when he saw this. He knew that sooner or later these people in the House of Commons would agree to his plan to issue Indian government bonds.

Just like the dissolution of the East India Company.
This chapter has been completed!
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