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Chapter 967 Announcement of List

Faced with Jerome Bonaparte's list of members of the Regency Council, Queen Augusta shook her head and responded to Jerome Bonaparte, "No, it's not enough! They alone are not enough to protect Frey.

Derich can successfully inherit the throne!

Furthermore, why are all the regency committee members filled with outsiders? Shouldn’t several of Bonaparte’s compatriots be appointed to assist the left?”

Jérôme Bonaparte became extremely angry when he thought of those crooked things in the Bonaparte family.

"Augusta, haven't I told you a long time ago that the current Bonaparte family are all useless trash. It would be great if they could recognize their abilities like my father did!

But they cannot recognize themselves at all, and their abilities do not match their ambitions!

Let them serve as the Regency Council, I am afraid that the empire will not survive for more than a year and will be destroyed by them!" Jerome Bonaparte said something fiercely.

In the mind of Jérôme Bonaparte, the Second Empire could collapse, but at least it would die in the hands of "Napoleon", or worse, in the hands of Moltke. If no one could be found, it would die in the hands of "Kremlin".

In Lensky's hands, it's not a bad idea.

If those members of the Bonaparte family whose abilities and ambitions do not match are allowed to serve as regents, the Second Empire is likely to be destroyed by a "drunkard" like the Soviet Union.

This is something that Jérôme Bonaparte will never allow. Only by excluding members of the Bonaparte family from the system can we ensure that they cannot cause too much damage.

"Sister Mathilde, right?" Augusta said to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jerome Bonaparte's expression paused, and after thinking for a moment, he shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Sister Mathilde is indeed a suitable candidate, but she is not suitable to join the Regency Council!"

"Why?" Queen Augusta asked back: "The last time you went to Crimea, sister Mathilde was able to help me deal with domestic problems!

It should be reasonable for her to serve as a member of the Regency Council!"

"If Sister Mathilde were a man, there would be no way for her to enter the Council of Regency!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Augusta slowly, "But Sister Mathilde is a woman, let her enter.

The Regency Committee may cause dissatisfaction among some people!

Furthermore, sister Mathilde herself does not work within the imperial system!

Letting her serve as a member of the Regency Council may break the hearts of some loyalists!"

After listening to Jerome Bonaparte's remarks, Augusta couldn't help but feel a little angry towards Mathilde Bonaparte.

In terms of ability, Mathilde's abilities are not inferior to those of the empire's officials.

Unfortunately, Mathilde's gender limited her development direction in the empire.

At this moment, Jérôme Bonaparte suddenly thought of a person. He patted his head and said to himself, "By the way! How could I forget him!"

"Your Majesty, who is this person you are talking about?" Queen Augusta asked curiously.

"Jerome Paterson!" Jerome Bonaparte said to Augusta, "You have forgotten that he is also a member of the Bonaparte family!"

"He..." Queen Augusta said with some concern, "Isn't he a little too young!"

"In the final analysis, the Regency Council is just an organization to prevent sudden accidents! As long as no accidents occur, the two of us are old enough to witness Friedrich grow up safely. The possibility of the Regency Council being activated is really slim!

Therefore, Jerome Patterson is just preventing accidents that may occur in the next five to ten years!

Jérôme Patterson will be a lot older five years later!” Jérôme Bonaparte explained to Queen Augusta.

Augusta reluctantly agreed with Jerome Bonaparte's statement, and then she continued: "But isn't he still in Senegal now?

Should we let him return to Paris?"

"My dear Augusta, you just hope that the two of us will die early and hand over all our rights to the Regent Council!" Jerome Bonaparte said in a dumbfounded voice.

"I just want to build a complete protection mechanism earlier!" Augusta responded to Jérôme Bonaparte.

This assassination made Augusta even more concerned about Frederick's future, so she was eager to establish a complete guarantee mechanism to ensure that Frederick grew up smoothly and succeeded to the throne.

"I understand your feelings Augusta, Frederick is not only your son, he is also our son!" Jerome Bonaparte said to Augusta in as calm a tone as possible,

"But we can't do this!

The Bonaparte family finally came up with such a potential seed, we can't just put him under our noses!

This will prevent him from moving forward!

Only when the eagle breaks away from the shackles of its nest and bravely soars into the sky can it truly grow!"

After listening to what Jérôme Bonaparte said, Queen Augusta had no choice but to sigh and respond to Jérôme Bonaparte, "You always have one set of great principles after another! Okay! Just do it.

Do as you say!"

Immediately afterwards, Jerome Bonaparte added Marshal Canrobert, commander of the Seine Military District, to address the problem of civil and military imbalance among the members of the Regency Council.

Although Marshal Canrobert is indeed somewhat unruly in terms of command, fortunately he is loyal to the empire.

Marshal Canrobert in history still considered himself a Bonapartist after the fall of the Second Empire.

Letting him serve as a member of the regency committee can be regarded as a disguised form of win-over.

In the end, Jérôme Bonaparte and Augusta determined the list of members of the entire regency committee. They were Jérôme Patterson, Nières, Rouet, Baros, Pio, and Pacey.

Ni, and Canrobert.

Of course, this list is just a preliminary list, and as time changes, the names on the list will also change.

After confirming the list of members of the Regency Council, Jérôme Bonaparte once again convened the Royal Council on February 3.

After all the officials of the Royal Council arrived, Jérôme Bonaparte spoke to everyone present, "Everyone, in view of this sudden assassination, the foundation of the empire has almost been shaken!

So Augusta and I both believe that it is time for the French Empire to establish an effective regency committee system.

This system will begin to operate after the unfortunate death of both Queen Augusta and I!"

As soon as Jérôme Bonaparte finished speaking, the expressions of the imperial ministers under the throne immediately became diverse.

When Guizo, the Minister of State, saw this scene, he immediately understood that it was time for him to say polite words. He hurriedly said to Jérôme Bonaparte, "Your Majesty was in the heyday of the Spring and Autumn Period, and that assassination was nothing more than

A sudden accident!

I personally think that the establishment of the regency committee system should be postponed!"

"Minister Guizou!" Jérôme Bonaparte said to Guizou with a smile, "Accidents are called accidents because they often happen beyond people's expectations!

Since we have no idea whether it will happen or not, why not be fully prepared in advance!

Only in this way can we be able to deal with accidents skillfully!

In the final analysis, this regency committee system is just a preventive mechanism. The purpose of setting it up is to maintain the stability of the empire as much as possible!

Just imagine, if something unexpected happens to Queen Augusta and I one day, how many of you here are willing to defend the empire, and how many of you want to welcome Henry V in Austria and the Earl of Paris in London again?


After speaking, Jérôme Bonaparte glanced at the imperial officials with aggressive eyes. A small number of imperial officials subconsciously curled up, while some still stood up straight.

The entire imperial meeting became extremely quiet. After a while, Jérôme Bonaparte spoke again and said to the people present in a calm tone, "Of course, what I just said is just a hypothesis. Don't be too cautious."

Care too much!

My purpose in establishing the regency is to make the Second Empire run smoothly without me and Augusta!"

Later, Jérôme Bonaparte then said to everyone present, "Wait for the person whose name I read, please reply to me!"

Everyone present raised their ears and listened carefully to Jérôme Bonaparte's next call.

To a certain extent, those who could be entrusted with important tasks by Jérôme Bonaparte were already regarded as the emperor's confidants.

"Chief of Staff Niel!"


"Minister Rue!"


"Minister Baros!"


"President Pio!"


"Minister Pesini!"


"Marshal Canrobert!"


Nières, Rouet, Baros, Pio, Pesini, and Canrobert responded to Jérôme Bonaparte one after another. Jérôme Bonaparte then said to them, "You guys and now

Jérôme Patterson, who also served as governor of Senegal, was a member of the appointed regency council!

If one day, Augusta and I unfortunately pass away from this world!

I hope you can help Friedrich as wholeheartedly as you have helped me!"

Niel and others quickly said yes, and then Jérôme Bonaparte said to them again, "I would like to remind you that this list of members of the Regency Council is not static, it is a fluid list."

Jérôme Bonaparte paused, looked at Niel and others and said: "If I feel that any of you are not doing well enough, I will kick you out of the regency committee.

On the contrary, those who are not members of the Regency Council.

If there is someone who can satisfy me, I will also include him on the regency committee!

Okay! Let’s stop here today!

Everyone except Pesini can leave!"

This chapter has been completed!
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