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Chapter 970 Compromise and Toughness

After Jérôme Bonaparte said these words, Minister Vaillant was still somewhat resistant, and he immediately asked Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Your Majesty, how are we going to explain to them! That's the territory they worked so hard to conquer!"

"Wayan, stop saying these bastard words to me!" Jérôme Bonaparte criticized sternly, "What do you mean they have worked so hard to gain territory!

Do you think this is a bandit's den, or do you think this is a mafia lair?

For the territory they conquered, should I act like a medieval monarch and confer Wayan as Count of Rabat and entrust you with the management of Rabat? Then I canonize Montauban as Count of Tangier and let him manage the area around Tangier.

soil of!

If you want me to do this, you can tell me!

I promise to find you a fiefdom in Morocco and let you serve as the highest official there!"

Upon seeing this, Minister Wayang had no choice but to laugh and said that he didn't mean it that way.

As Minister of War, he didn't want to go to Morocco and serve as a so-called feudal noble. If he had that time, he might as well go to the financial market to study.

The money he made from one financial speculation was more than he made in half his life in the fiefdom.

"Then what did you mean just now? Did you mean to say that in the whole of France, only your army is working, and other departments are not working!" Jérôme Bonaparte was determined to give Vaillant a good beating.

"Your Majesty, that's not what I meant!" Minister Wayang denied again.

"Then what do you mean?" Jérôme Bonaparte continued to output with high intensity.

"I...I..." Minister Wayang didn't know what to say for a moment. He could only falter and was speechless.

"Your Majesty, I think Minister Wayan just wanted to say that the Kingdom of Morocco was a territory that was won by the concerted efforts of the army and various departments!

It's hard to explain if you just give up like this!" At this moment, De Ruys opened his mouth to help.

"Yes! That's what I mean!" Minister Vaillant nodded quickly, and then looked at De Ruys with grateful eyes.

If De Luys hadn't helped him just now, he might have really been at a loss.

"So that's it!" Jérôme Bonaparte's expression began to become kinder, and he slowly said, "Vailant, you would have said so earlier!"

After hearing these words, Wayan also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, "Your Majesty, your aura just now was so strong that it made me feel a little nervous, so much so that I forgot what I wanted to say!"

"So, it's my fault!" Jérôme Bonaparte smiled and said in a brisk tone.

"No, it's my own fault!" Minister Vaillant replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Okay! Let's not talk about this anymore!" Jérôme Bonaparte clasped his hands together and placed them on his thighs that were spread apart. He said with a serious expression, "Wayan, I know what your army means and I know how to do this.

There may be opposition from some Algerian soldiers and officers, but what I want to say is that the military should not only focus on immediate interests, we should focus on the broad future!

There are still many places in Africa that have not been discovered, and many territories have not been occupied!….

We have enough time and energy to complete the occupation of Africa. The Kingdom of Morocco is not the end, we still have a long way to go!

Only by uniting more countries can France truly secure its top spot in Europe!"

"Your Majesty, I understand!" Wayanda nodded and replied to Jérôme Bonaparte.

Jérôme Bonaparte glanced at Vaillant again. He didn't know whether Vaillant really understood, or whether he chose to obey because of his pressure.

However, Jérôme Bonaparte did not bother to care whether Vaillant was really obeying the arrangement or pretending to obey.

As long as he can move forward according to his own ideas, it is enough.

As Jérôme Bonaparte set the tone for the partition plan of the Kingdom of Morocco, which was mainly to win over the Kingdom of Spain,

Later, De Ruys and Vaillant began a new round of discussions.

In the end, Minister Wayan and De Ruys gave in. Wayan agreed that the area north of Uzan and Oujda should be handed over to Spain, while De Ruys also agreed that Tangier would not be handed over to Spain.


"Isn't that great!" Jérôme Bonaparte smiled and clapped his hands and said, "There is no problem that cannot be solved through communication!

Whether it is fighting a war or engaging in diplomacy, we should communicate with each other!

If you don’t communicate with others, how will others know what you think..."

"Yes!" Minister Vaillant and De Luys responded to Jérôme Bonaparte at the same time.

"Minister Wayan, after you return to the Ministry of War! Immediately, together with the Ministry of Colonies and the General Staff, issue an order to the Governor-General of Algeria, ordering them to evacuate the territory of the Kingdom of Spain that we have designated as soon as possible!" Jérôme Bonaparte first said to

Minister Wayang said something.

"Yes!" Minister Wayang replied with a sonorous tone.

Then, Jerome Bonaparte turned his attention to De Ruys, and he continued, "Minister Ruys, the issue of Tangier's ownership is the focus of your talks with the Kingdom of Spain. I believe that they will definitely treat it as before.

On the grounds of a verbal agreement, Tangier was occupied.

By that time, it will be time to see the capabilities of your Ministry of Foreign Affairs!

I hope you won’t let me down like before!”

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!" De Ruys responded confidently to Jérôme Bonaparte, "Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs will not let you down!"

"That's good!" Jérôme Bonaparte nodded twice with satisfaction, then turned his eyes to Vaillant again, and issued an expulsion order to Vaillant: "Minister Vaillant, I still have some things I want to share with you.

Let’s talk about De Luys!

You can go back and do your own things now!"

"It's your Majesty!" Although Minister Vaillant was a little curious about what Jérôme Bonaparte and De Ruys were going to talk about, since Jérôme Bonaparte let them leave, Vaillant naturally didn't either.

It was so hard to refuse, so he had no choice but to leave unwillingly.

After Minister Vaillant left, Jérôme Bonaparte said to De Ruys, "Ruys, the report on the assassination from the Ministry of the Interior will be out soon!

When the time comes, it will be up to you!"

"Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs will definitely go all out!" De Luys assured Jérôme Bonaparte, and then he politely asked which countries were involved in the assassination...

"This assassination case involves two countries in total, they are the Kingdom of Britain and the Kingdom of Sardinia!" Jerome Bonaparte spoke slowly and said to De Ruys in a calm tone.

After hearing this, De Luys showed a hint of surprise on his face. He could understand that it was related to the Kingdom of Sardinia.

After all, Jerome Bonaparte said at the meeting more than ten days ago that Orsini was employed by the Sardinian Carbonari.

When it was related to the Kingdom of Britain, this really surprised De Luys.

However, after thinking about it carefully, De Ruys feels that it still makes sense.

Because the government of the Kingdom of Britain is the country that hosts the largest number of European exiles.

Every exile will have some connection with the British government.

"Your Majesty, what role did the Kingdom of Britain play in this assassination?" De Luys asked quickly. He was eager to know whether the assassination would have any impact on the Anglo-French alliance itself.

"The Kingdom of Britain actually has no connection with Orsini, but I hope that your Ministry of Foreign Affairs can put pressure on the London government to extradite the Carbonari elements who have been exiled in London to France!" Jérôme Bonnard

Ba said something to De Luys.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the London government to agree to our conditions!" De Ruys said to Jerome Bonaparte tactfully.

In fact, according to De Ruys' understanding of the London government, the possibility of them agreeing to this condition is basically 0.

"You just put pressure on

That’s it!” Jérôme Bonaparte said to De Ruys with a slight smile.

His purpose was not to get Britain to agree!

His purpose was just to cause some trouble for the British Parliament and Cabinet, and at the same time provide a cover for Jérôme Bonaparte's next actions.

As long as Jérôme Bonaparte exerts enough pressure, Palmerston will definitely choose to fulfill his wish.

At that time, a Palmerston cabinet that is not trusted by the House will collapse and be replaced by a cabinet led by that fool at Derby.

[As for why it is Derby, it is because the Earl of Derby is the current leader of the Conservative Party!

After Palmerston stepped down, he and only he could serve as Prime Minister of the Cabinet.

As for Disraeli, although he was capable, he was not the leader of the Conservative Party.]

Faced with the Earl of Derby, who tried his best to avoid falling into a large-scale war, Jérôme Bonaparte only had to control his efforts and maintain superficial European coordination.

"After the report from the Ministry of the Interior comes out, let him seal the newspapers in Sardinia!

If they are unwilling to seize it, cut off contact with them immediately!" Jérôme Bonaparte went on to say to De Ruys.

Jérôme Bonaparte's decisive attitude made De Ruys feel a little confused.

In De Ruys' view, even if Sardinia did not choose to close down the newspaper, there was no need for them to offend an ally over this trivial matter.

So, De Luys gave a kind reminder, "Your Majesty, Sardinia is our most loyal ally! Isn't it inappropriate to treat them like this?"

"Ruys, don't you think that our ally is too ambitious!" Jérôme Bonaparte expressed his worries to De Ruys, "I'm really worried that one day, we will

They were tied to the chariot and headed for failure!

So we must give them some profound lessons!

First of all, I want to cut off some of their connections with the revolutionaries, tear off their veil of hypocrisy, and let their true appearance be completely exposed to everyone!

Just like the Kingdom of Prussia now!"

Ganges catfish

This chapter has been completed!
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