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Chapter 983: The French City of Chambery

At this moment, Cavour did not know that after his departure, Victor Emmanuel II immediately accepted the appointment of his chief attendant, Marshal Ramamore of the Kingdom of Sardinia, to temporarily replace Cavour who left Turin.

The earl serves as interim Prime Minister.

It took more than ten hours to leave Turin and go to Cavour, a city in Chambéry, a subordinate city in the province of Savoy (which is currently the province of Savoie, and is still controlled by Sardinia) on the border between France and Sardinia.

After a long journey, we finally arrived here.

Chambery, as the former capital of the Principality of Savoy, is now one of the most populous cities in the Kingdom of Sardinia. The development of the entire city not only comes from the support of Turin, but is also closely related to France and Switzerland next door.

France's low-end textile industry and Switzerland's financial industry settled here, helping Chambery develop rapidly.

Today, Chambery has become the city with the most foreign capital. The spiritual outlook of the entire city is very different from that of people in other parts of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

In this city, the language you can hear the most is not Piedmontese, but French with a Sardinian flavor.

Everyone in the city regarded speaking French as the first honor, while the Piedmontese language became the object of contempt.

Only when you walk far away from the city can you hear the rich Piedmontese language.

Although the peasants in the Savoy countryside spoke the Piedmontese language, the last person they discussed was not the King of Sardinia, but Emperor Napoleon.

Especially after the death of the older generation who had personally experienced Napoleon's devastation, the younger generation's love for Emperor Napoleon grew stronger and stronger.

So much so that they often fantasize about the emergence of someone similar to Emperor Napoleon who can help them overthrow the tyranny that dominates them.

All in all, this city... no, it should be said that the entire province of Savoy is a complete "Italian-style French province".

However, the entire province was not under French control.

When Cavour stepped off the train, a strong French smell hit his face, which made Cavour feel uncomfortable.

Although he himself does not dislike French culture, it is not helpless for an entire city like Chambery to be Frenchized.

In particular, this city is also the place of Longxing of the Principality of Savoyin.

The land of Longxing, a family of Italian nationalists, is not so Italian.

It’s really a bit embarrassing to meet in Italy!

At this moment, French with a Sardinian flavor reached Prime Minister Cavour's ears, "Welcome to Chambery, Your Excellency Prime Minister!"

After regaining consciousness, Cavour quickly looked at the speaker. He was a middle-aged man with a somewhat muscular build. He was none other than Victor Camilo Varney, a high-ranking official in Chambery.

"Hello, Senior Official of Varney!" Cavour responded to the senior official in front of him in Piedmontese with a smile.

Upon seeing this, the senior official immediately realized that Prime Minister Cavour was a pure nationalist. He quickly apologized to Cavour in Piedmontese, "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I didn't change just now!"

"Nothing!" Cavour shook his head and responded to the senior official Varney, "Chambéry has a special geographical location, so it is deeply influenced by French culture!

I can understand this!”

(Lyon:??? My Italian is about to become the official language, what the hell is going on!)

Seeing that Cavour had no intention of blaming him, Varney immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then extended his hand to invite Cavour to attend the banquet with him, and said that many business owners, bank bosses and textile industry bosses could not wait to join him.

Meeting with Prime Minister Cavour.

"Yes!" Cavour did not choose to refuse, he nodded and agreed to the invitation of Varney's senior official.

Therefore, under the leadership of senior officials in Varney, Cavour first arrived at the provincial government of Savoy, had a brief meeting with officials at all levels of the provincial government, and encouraged them to work hard for the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Immediately afterwards, under the farewell of the officials of the provincial government, Prime Minister Cavour followed them to the next place - one of the palaces of the old Duke of Savoy, which was now bought by a wealthy French businessman.

Varney told Prime Minister Cavour that this meeting was organized by the wealthy French businessman.

Hearing this, Prime Minister Cavour could not help but frown slightly.

Seeing this, senior Varney officials cautiously asked Prime Minister Cavour if he was dissatisfied with this arrangement.

Cavour shook his head and said to the senior official in Varney that he just thought that there were still some things that had not been dealt with in the Turin Palace.

After hearing this, the senior official of Varney relaxed his tense expression again.

Soon, Cavour and Varney arrived here together, and the two soldiers wearing French imperial uniforms guarding the old palace quickly made way for them.

Cavour's brows furrowed again, and he once again asked Varney's senior officials why there were French soldiers in Chambery.

Varney's senior official responded to Cavour in a eloquent manner, saying that these soldiers were not regular French soldiers, but because the wealthy French businessmen loved the empire. The clothes those people wore were just French army clothes purchased by the wealthy businessmen out of their own pockets!

Situations like this are not very common in Chambery.

These "troops" wearing French military uniforms also participated in the formation of the National Guard in the Chambéry region...

After quietly listening to the response of the senior official of Varney, Cavour's face became increasingly ugly.

He used severe measures to tell senior officials in Varney that foreign friends must be prevented from joining the National Guard formed by the Kingdom of Savoy.

"This will affect the security of the entire city!" Varney's senior official retorted to Cavour.

"I would rather spend more money than let those people occupy the quota of the National Guard!" Count Cavour responded to the senior official of Varney without compromise.

Seeing this, senior Varney officials had no choice but to say on the surface that they would do what Prime Minister Cavour did.

Anyway, Cavour did not live in Chambery for long.

After he leaves, the whole of Chambery will still be decided by him.

Of course, the senior officials of Varney did not know that at this moment, Cavour was already considering replacing the senior officials of Varney.

For Cavour, although it is troublesome to replace a senior official, it can be done if he wants to.

With different thoughts, the two people soon arrived at the gate of a palace. The senior official of Varney opened the door and invited Cavour to get out of the car.

Cavour jumped off the carriage and followed Varnet into the palace.

As soon as Cavour entered the hall, he was immediately greeted by a middle-aged man wearing a simple black coat. He stretched out his hand and said to Cavour: "Prime Minister Cavour, welcome!"

Cavour looked at the man in front of him, and he always felt as if he had met him somewhere.

While shaking hands with the middle-aged man, Cavour asked, "Where have I seen you before?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said to Cavour, "Prime Minister Cavour, I'm afraid we met in Paris a few years ago!

At that time, I had the honor to attend the banquet hosted by our Emperor for you!

It’s just that I didn’t have enough funds at the time to shake hands with you directly!”

Cavour smiled at the middle-aged man, and then said with a hint of ridicule, "Now you are a big shot in the entire Chambery, and our senior officials have to give you this face!"

The middle-aged man responded humbly, "Thanks to the senior officials of Varney for giving me this opportunity, otherwise, I would only be an unknown person!"

"I would like to ask, what do you do?" Cavour curiously asked the middle-aged man in front of him again.

"Currently my main business is to provide support for high-quality enterprises in the Chambery region (that is, white papers)!" the middle-aged man responded to Prime Minister Cavour.

"Mr. Wilson's bank has provided sufficient loans to many enterprises in Chambell, and our railway is also thanks to the help of Wilson's bank!" Senior official Varney also gave a compliment.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I think Chambery is strategically located and has a lot of room for improvement..." Wilson gushed to Cavour, selling the idea of ​​expanding the urban area of ​​Chambery.

After listening to Wilson's words, Cavour took some actions.

However, he is somewhat worried about whether this will change the debt of the Chambery government.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, as far as I know, the Paris provincial government also borrowed a lot of money from abroad, but their current debt is still good!

So, we don't need to worry about this problem!" Wilson responded to Cavour confidently.

Of course, Wilson never mentioned the large amount of housing in the hands of the Seine provincial government.

If house prices in the Paris area rise too much, then Jérôme Bonaparte will naturally order the Seine department to release housing to meet market demand.

At the same time, we will continue to build a large number of low-rent housing to suppress rising rents.

After all, housing prices and demand complement each other.

As demand increases, housing prices will naturally increase.

Cavour, who didn’t know much about housing in Paris, believed Wilson’s words and nodded in agreement with Wilson’s idea, “Mr. Wilson, you can discuss this issue with Varnet!

As long as it benefits Chambery!”

Wilson and Varney's eyes flashed with joy, and their plan to expand Chambery could finally be implemented.

Of course, the two people have different purposes for expanding Chambery. One really wants to make Chambery an international city and attract more people, while the other wants to issue the Sava Bank in disguise through a real estate plan.

bank notes, thereby transferring the crisis of the French Industrial Bank to the Kingdom of Sardinia.

I forgot to mention that the Bank of Savoy, the only bank in the Savoy region with the right to issue bank notes, has been controlled by the Wilson Bank, and behind the Wilson Bank is the Industrie de Paris.


This chapter has been completed!
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