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Chapter 985: Cavour who hit the wall

After traveling from south to north for dozens of hours, the train carrying Cavour finally arrived in Paris, the capital of the French Empire.

When the steam train arrived at the Paris train station, it was already around 10 o'clock in the evening. Prime Minister Cavour left the train station with his suitcase and quickly changed to a carriage to go to the Sardinian Embassy in France.

The carriage sped along, passing through most of the city, and finally arrived at the gate of the Sardinian Embassy in France.

"Sir, we have arrived!" the driver driving the carriage shouted in French to Cavour in the carriage.

Cavour, who was sitting on the carriage and reminiscing about the feasting and feasting on the road, heard the driver's call and immediately came back to his senses and responded to the driver, "Yes! I understand!"

Cavour picked up the suitcase again, opened the door and came to the driver's side. Then, while handing a franc silver coin into the driver's hand, he sighed to the driver, "Paris has changed so much!

The last time I came to Paris, many streets and buildings had not yet been constructed!

No need to change the money!"

"Sir, I'm afraid you haven't been to Paris for a while!" The coachman who took the silver coins said to Cavour with a joyful smile after hearing that there was no need to give change.

"Indeed!" Cavour nodded and responded to the coachman, "I haven't been to Paris for a long time!"

"Then it's normal for you to express such emotion!" The coachman shrugged his shoulders and responded to Cavour, "Don't say it's you, even those of us who often spend time in the Paris area are sometimes surprised.

Paris is changing rapidly!

Many old buildings hidden in our memories have been demolished, and new buildings have been rebuilt on the ruins of the old buildings...

In short, according to His Majesty the Great Emperor, we are building a brand new Paris, a Paris for all Europe!"

Having said this, the driver's mouth revealed a proud smile.

Although it will take a long time for him to buy a house in Paris, he is still proud of the rapid development of Paris.

"Well! You are indeed building a brand new Paris!" Cavour also nodded in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, Cavour and the carriage driver chatted for a while before parting.

Cavour watched the carriage leave as soon as it was "escorted" by the gas street lamp in the middle of the night. He strode towards the embassy gate. When Cavour arrived at the embassy gate, he gently knocked on the embassy door twice with his hand.


After a while, a voice came from the door of the embassy asking, "Who is it?"

"I am Cavour, please open the door!" Prime Minister Cavour said calmly.

The people in the room hurriedly replied, "Prime Minister Cavour, please wait a moment! I will open the door for you right away!"


After Cavour stood at the door of the room and waited quietly for a moment, the door of the embassy opened, and the young gentleman appeared in front of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

"Who are you?" Cavour asked the gentleman in front of him curiously.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, I am the second secretary of the Sardinian Embassy in France!" The young man introduced himself to Fuld eagerly, and then he looked behind Cavour and asked curiously, "Are you yourself?"

Came to Paris alone?”….

"That's right!" Cavour nodded, and then continued to ask, "Is your ambassador really here?"

The second secretary pointed upstairs and replied to Cavour, "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, Ambassador Della Roca is still working upstairs?

If you need it, I can call you down!"

After hearing this, Cavour shook his head and replied to the second secretary, "No, please take me to find him!"

After hearing this, the second secretary nodded and said to Cavour, "Please follow me!"

Led by the second secretary, Cavour arrived at the door of the ambassador to France.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, the ambassador is inside!" the second secretary said to Cavour, pointing to the office.

Cavour smiled slightly when he saw this, nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"It's not hard! It's not hard!" the second secretary quickly replied humbly.

After the second secretary left, Cavour pushed the door open and entered.

At this moment, Ambassador Della Rocca seemed to have not heard anything, and still lowered his head to check the documents.

"Mr. Della Rocca!"

It wasn't until Cavour spoke his first words that Ambassador de la Rocca raised his head to look at Cavour, then hurriedly stood up and came to Cavour's side, and said respectfully, "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, what happened just now?"

I'm sorry, I thought it was my secretary just now..."

"Nothing!" Cavour said magnanimously, not caring about Ambassador Della Rocca's rudeness.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, when did you arrive in Paris?" Della Rocca continued to ask Ambassador Cavour.

"I have just arrived in Paris!" Count Cavour responded to Della Lola.

"Is this journey going smoothly?" Della Rocca continued to ask.

Cavour nodded again and replied to Della Rocca, "It's not bad! Although there was a little hiccup in the middle, overall it was pretty good.

By the way, Ambassador Della Rocca, how is the situation in Paris recently?"

"Nothing major happened in Paris, but two days ago, His Majesty Jérôme Bonaparte and Queen Augusta left Paris with their entourage!" Ambassador Dela Rocca told Cavour

Report the news.

"What? Neither the Emperor nor the Queen are in Paris!" After hearing this, Cavour showed a surprised look on his face. He didn't understand whether Emperor Jerome Bonaparte was deliberately avoiding him when he suddenly left Paris.


"That's right! Your Majesty the two went to inspect the countryside in the central region together!" Ambassador Della Rocca nodded matter-of-factly.

"Which minister is in control of the center of the empire now?" Cavour continued to ask.

"The current operation of the French Empire depends on the coordination of the Secretariat of the Tuileries Palace and the coordination of various departments of the Empire. There is no one substantial person who can control it!" Ambassador Della Rocca paused, then

replied Cavour.

"It's really bad!" Cavour muttered quietly.

Della Rocca immediately asked Cavour, "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking so sad!"

“The purpose of my visit this time is to discuss with His Majesty the Emperor whether we can let go of the liberals in our country!….

But if His Majesty the Emperor is not in the Tuileries Palace now, it will be difficult to start many conversations!" Cavour frowned and responded to Della Rocara.

After Della Roca thought for a moment, he said to Cavour sincerely, "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, can you listen to my suggestion?"

"Please speak!" Cavour said to Della Rocca.

"Since His Majesty Jérôme Bonaparte is not in Paris, Prime Minister, you'd better go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss it with Minister De Ruys and see if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can be accommodating!

If it doesn’t work, think of another way!

Meeting His Majesty the Emperor rashly is not a conscious decision!" Ambassador Della Rocca gave advice.

Cavour lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then said, "This is the only way!"

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, please forgive me for asking!" Della Rocca asked in a low voice, "What method are you going to use to solve the difficult problem that the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has raised for us!"

"I plan to use certain benefits to attract France so that they will not take action against us..." Cavour said half-seriously.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, let me remind you! If there are not enough benefits, France may...!" Della Rocca hesitated to say something.

"Don't worry! There is no problem!" Cavour said to Ambassador Della Rocca confidently.

Early the next morning, Prime Minister Cavour took a horse-drawn carriage to drive

A majestic fight towards the "Marine d'Orsay".

After entering the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cavour was quickly brought to De Ruys by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

De Ruys pretended not to know anything and asked Cavour what he was doing in France!

"I'm here for the previous assassination!" Cavour responded to De Ruys euphemistically.

"Assassination? The assassination is over!" De Ruys still refused to get to the point.

"I know that the assassination has ended, but the political turmoil caused by the assassination has not ended yet. Some time ago, your country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked our country to shut down domestic liberal newspapers and prohibit them from talking about politics... This is exactly what I am doing

Come!" Cavour replied to De Luys.

"So that's it!" De Luys showed a surprised expression, and then asked Cavour, "By the way! Since you have received the request from our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, why haven't you seen Operation Thunder Lion yet?


"Minister De Luys, the reason why I came here personally is to hope that you will no longer hold us responsible! In the final analysis, this matter is just the repeated actions of a few people! There is no need to extend it to all liberals!"

Cavour said sincerely.

After hearing this, De Ruys asked Cavour with a straight face, "Mr. Cavour, how do you know! This is the action of a small number of people. Orsini wrote clearly before his death that you are lying.

There are indeed a large number of radicals in the Kingdom of Dinnia!

Their purpose is to kill the monarch and achieve the conquest of the republic

We ask you to clean up the radical elements in the country not just for ourselves, but also for your sake and for the sake of the entire monarchy!"

De Ruy spoke righteously, making it difficult for Cavour to refute.

"Of course, you don't have to take any action!

The result is nothing more than cutting off the channels of communication between our two countries!" De Ruiz continued to threaten Cavour.

After hearing this, Cavour felt a little flustered. He quickly responded to De Ruys, "Mr. Ruys, such a trivial matter does not require the threat of breaking off diplomatic relations."

"Since Mr. Cavour has said so, this is a small matter, so I think your country will solve it soon."

Ganges catfish

This chapter has been completed!
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