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Chapter 990 Deserter Education

The Austrian ambassador to Sardinia, who received the ultimatum from Prince Metternich, quickly set off for the Turin Palace. Before he could take a few steps towards the embassy gate, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at the station.

The Austrian imperial officer who was at the scene asked him whether he wanted to stay at the embassy or return to Milan.

Faced with the sudden inquiry from the Ambassador of the Austrian Empire, the Austrian Imperial Minister should not have responded for a while.

After all, Prince Metternich only asked him to deliver the ultimatum to the Austrian ambassador in Turin, but did not tell him whether he wanted to return quickly.

However, considering that war was coming, the Austrian imperial officer was silent for only a few seconds and quickly gave the ambassador an answer, saying that he would return to Milan as quickly as possible.

"Well then! I wish you a safe journey!" The Austrian ambassador politely sent his blessing to the officer.

Subsequently, the Ambassador of the Austrian Empire and the officer left the embassy together, but the two people went to very different places. One was going to the Turin Palace, while the other was going to take the last train back to the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia.


The Austrian ambassador, who set off from the embassy in a carriage, finally arrived near the Royal Palace of Turin after walking through the streets of Turin for about ten minutes.

When the soldiers guarding the gate of the Turin Palace saw him approaching the Turin Palace, they stepped forward to stop him. The officer on the side held down the soldier's body with his hands to prevent the soldiers from stepping forward to block him.

In the soldier's confused eyes, the officer said, "This carriage is the Austrian Embassy carriage, there is no need to inspect them!"

"Ah!" The soldier looked at the officer in surprise, and then the carriage flashed past the soldier, and the soldier was able to see clearly the people sitting in the carriage.

That's right, it's the Austrian ambassador!

The soldier was even more surprised now. He asked curiously, "How did you know?"

The officer smiled slightly, then stretched out his index and middle fingers to hold a cigarette.

The soldier took out the cigarette from his pocket and lit it for the officer.

After the officer took a sip, he responded to the soldier with an intoxicated look on his face, "It's very simple! As long as you can remember the style and type of carriage that every nobleman often rides when going out to the palace, then you can quickly judge

Who is that person who got out of the carriage?"

"Sir, have you written it all down?" the soldier asked with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Of course..." the officer said in a long voice and shook his head under the soldier's eager eyes, "Of course not! It's impossible to remember so many carriages. I only remembered some of them! (As the officer spoke, he pointed with his fingers.

Pointing to his head)

The Austrian ambassador's carriage happened to be among these people!

"That's it!" the soldier murmured softly. In his opinion, being able to remember part of the carriage could save a lot of trouble.

"Boy, you still have to learn one more thing!" the officer patted the soldier on the shoulder and said earnestly, "There is nothing wrong with learning more!

I think back then, I just learned a few more words of German before I could crawl out of the pile of dead people.

Otherwise, I would have become a dead soul of the Austrian army long ago!”….

"You just said it was the war in 1848?" the soldier asked the officer curiously.

"If it wasn't that one, then which one!" The officer spat, with a hint of complaint in his tone, "That war was really useless. More than 100,000 troops passed by, and they were defeated before even a few blows.

People are playing around!

I really don’t want to fight them anymore!”

"If we don't fight them, won't we be able to unify Italy?" the soldier said unwillingly.

"Unify Italy!" the officer laughed loudly after hearing the soldiers' thoughts. "When did you have such extravagant ideas? How can we defeat them with only our own strength!"

"But we can't do nothing!" the soldier replied with some dissatisfaction, "General Garibaldi said that as long as we work together, we will definitely be able to defeat the Austrians!"

"Work together?!" the officer couldn't help but sneer, "Garibaldi, the defeated general, can only lie to you, hot-blooded little guys like you!

Wasn't he also beaten like us in that war? Then he felt that he couldn't beat him, so he went to the Papal State to establish an unknown so-called Roman Republic!

In the end, they were not wiped out by the French army!"

The officer's contempt for Garibaldi made the soldiers dissatisfied. If it weren't for the relationship between superiors and subordinates, the soldiers would have punched him twice.

Of course, whether we can win or not is another matter later.

"Young man, the most important thing is to think about how to save your life after the war!" The officer patted the soldier's shoulder again and said seriously, "I have seen too many passionate people like you, but when it comes to the battlefield,

By the time, they all turned into soft-footed shrimps!

What kind of nation, ideals, and future, these things are nothing on the battlefield, everything is just to survive!"

"Sir, I think what you said is wrong!" the soldier mustered up the courage to respond to the officer.

After hearing the soldier's rebuttal, the officer responded to him with a stern face, "It doesn't matter whether what I said is right or not, all you have to do now is obey!"

The soldier had no choice but to stand at attention and respond to the officer, "Yes!"

Looking at the young-looking soldier in front of him, the officer sighed and said to him, "Forget it, I'll tell you a few common German words!"

To prevent you from being killed when you go to the battlefield!"

"Sir, are we going to fight?" the soldier asked the officer curiously.

"I don't know!" the officer replied to the soldier, stroking his stubbled chin, "but it never hurts to learn a little more!

Just in case it comes in handy!"

On the other hand, the carriage carrying the Austrian ambassador traveled smoothly. When it was about 50 meters away from the Palace of Turin, the carriage began to slow down and finally stopped completely at the gate of the Palace of Turin.

Looking at the entrance to the Turin Palace on the steps outside the window, the Austrian ambassador sitting in the carriage opened the door and stepped onto the steps to enter the Turin Palace.

In the hall of the Royal Palace in Turin, the Austrian ambassador met Vidocchus, the aide-de-camp of King Manuel II.

The adjutant looked at the Austrian Ambassador with confusion and asked, "Mr. Ambassador, what can I do for you?"...

The Austrian ambassador responded to the adjutant with a serious expression, "I have here a letter from His Majesty Emperor Franz Joseph of our country to His Majesty King Victor Immanuel II of your country, and I would like to pass it on to Victor.

His Majesty Yin Manuel II!"

After hearing what the Austrian Ambassador said, the adjutant immediately said to the Austrian Ambassador, "Mr. Ambassador, please come with me!"

The Austrian ambassador followed the adjutant to an empty reception room, and then said to the Austrian ambassador, "Mr. Ambassador, please wait patiently for a moment! Our king is chatting with the French ambassador, and it may take a while before he can talk to you.


The Austrian ambassador's expression paused, and after a few seconds, he resumed, "Nothing! I'm not in a hurry!"

"Then I won't disturb you!" The adjutant bowed to the Austrian ambassador and left the room.

The Austrian ambassador was alone in the room, waiting for the arrival of Victor Immanuel II. Another half hour passed before Victor Immanuel II came to the Austrian ambassador's room.

"I'm sorry! I kept you waiting for so long!" Victor Immanuel II said to the Austrian ambassador.

"Nothing!" The Austrian ambassador shook his head, and then handed the ultimatum from Vienna into the hands of Victor Immanuel II, "Your Majesty the King, this is the ultimatum from the Austrian Empire. Please check it.


"What? An ultimatum?" After hearing the ultimatum, Victor Manuel II's hand holding the "letter" trembled slightly.

"Your Majesty, this is an ultimatum from the Austrian Empire to the Kingdom of Sardinia. We hope that Sardinia can give us an answer as soon as possible.


Otherwise, we will not rule out using force to solve the problem!" the Austrian ambassador said to Victor Immanuel II.

"Answer? What's the reply?" Victor Immanuel II asked excitedly.

"All the contents are inside!" the Austrian ambassador replied to Victor Immanuel II, pointing to the "letter".

Victor Immanuel II opened the "letter". The first paragraph of the "letter" was to condemn the Kingdom of Sardinia's recent actions in the Principality of Tuscany, the Principality of Modena, the Kingdom of Lombardy and Venice, and some time ago.

Subversion in Naples!

The Austrian Empire hopes that the Kingdom of Sardinia can draw a clear line with them as soon as possible.

The next paragraph is the conditions proposed by the Austrian Empire to the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Seize all liberal and nationalist newspapers and periodicals in the country;

Immediately ban national self-defense organizations and other anti-Austrian Empire organizations;

The removal of officials from the military or administrative staff who are accused of carrying out propaganda against the Austrian Empire, the lists of such officials being provided by the Austrian Empire;

During the investigation, disarm the Kingdom of Sardinia;

If the Kingdom of Sardinia is unwilling to fulfill any of the requirements, the Austrian Empire will launch an attack on the Kingdom of Sardinia.

When Victor Immanuel II read all the conditions, an unknown fire burned in his chest.

If the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs' request to the Kingdom of Sardinia to shut down domestic nationalist newspapers is counted as 1, then the above five items can be regarded as 100.

As long as Victor Emmanuel II agrees to the conditions of the Austrian Empire, the entire Kingdom of Sardinia can immediately go to sleep.

These conditions are simply treating the Kingdom of Sardinia as a footcloth... No, in the Austrian Empire's concept, there may be no such thing as the Kingdom of Sardinia!

"Your country's conditions!" Victor Immanuel II said to the Austrian ambassador in a gentle yet tough tone, "Please forgive me for not agreeing!"


Ganges catfish

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