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Chapter Nine Hundred and Ninety Five

"Dear Your Majesty the King! France deeply sympathizes with your country's suffering!"

The French ambassador first answered Victor Immanuel II in a standard diplomatic tone, and then told the Kingdom of Sardinia "candidly".

The French Empire is not only a mutually beneficial and friendly country with the Kingdom of Sardinia, but also with the Austrian Empire.

Therefore, the French Empire is not prepared to maintain a neutral attitude in this battle for the time being.

After hearing the French ambassador's answer, Victor Immanuel II felt as if he had fallen into an abyss.

If the French Empire is unwilling to help them, then the Kingdom of Sardinia will be unable to resist the Austrian Empire's attack.

The country's demise can be said to have entered a countdown!

"Your Excellency, Ambassador!" Victor Immanuel II said with a miserable heart and a hint of despair in his eyes, "Does your country really want to sit back and watch us be wiped out by the Austrian Empire?"

"Your Majesty Victor!" the French Ambassador repeated to Victor Immanuel II unhurriedly, "The French Empire deeply sympathizes with the Kingdom of Sardinia, and I am willing to do my best.

Work hard to mediate the conflicts between you and the Austrian Empire!

Of course, mediating conflicts must be based on the premise that both you and the Austrian Empire agree!

If either of you is unwilling to accept mediation, then there is nothing the French Empire can do!"

After hearing the nonsense that the French Empire was like a wheel, Victor Emmanuel II no longer had any hope for the French Ambassador. Wrapped in loss and despair, he could only barely maintain himself as a monarch.

With a dignified manner, he said to the French Ambassador calmly, "I understand! Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Ambassador!"

"Your Majesty the King, I hope what I just said can be helpful to you!

"The French Ambassador also respectfully said a polite word to Victor Immanuel II. He knew that he was about to leave the Turin Palace.

"I'm tired! I won't leave you here!" Victor Immanuel II stiffly issued an expulsion order to the French Ambassador.

The French ambassador bowed politely to Victor Immanuel II, and then slowly left the Turin Palace.

After the French ambassador left, Victor Immanuel II sat alone in his chair in a daze for a long time.

After a while, Victor Immanuel II, who came back to his senses, picked up the bell on the desk and shook it gently.

The copper bell made a clear and sweet sound, and the next moment Victor Immanuel II's chief attendant entered the room.

"Your Majesty!" the chief chamberlain said to Victor Immanuel II in a high-pitched voice.

"Go to the Prime Minister's Office immediately and call Prime Minister Ramamore!" Victor Immanuel II said with a slightly dejected expression.

"Yes!" The chief attendant did not hesitate, raised his head, saluted Victor Immanuel II and left.

About half an hour later, there was a knock on the door. Victor Immanuel II raised his head and said toward the door, "Please come in!"

Ramamore, who entered the room, first straightened his body and faced Victor Immanuel II, and then noticed that Victor Immanuel II in the distance seemed to have a trace of depression in his brows.

He immediately thought of what the chief attendant had just told him. King Victor Emmanuel II had already summoned the French and British ambassadors before ordering the chief attendant to summon him.

Could it be said that His Majesty's exchanges with France and Britain were not pleasant?

Ramamore couldn't help but secretly thought.

Just when Ramamore was guessing why Victor Immanuel II showed such an expression, Victor Immanuel II reluctantly cheered up and said to Ramamore in a low voice.

Said, "Prime Minister Ramamore!"

"I'm here!" Lamarmore responded loudly and hastily.

Victor Immanuel II glanced at the distance between him and Ramamore, sighed softly, then waved and said, "You came here first!"

Ramamore strode to the opposite side of Victor Immanuel II. Victor Immanuel II once again stretched out his hand to invite Ramamore and said, "Sit down!"

Ramamore obeyed Victor Immanuel II's order and sat upright, waiting for Victor Immanuel II to speak again.

After a while, Victor Immanuel II continued to use a low tone and slowly asked Ramamore, "What is the current situation of those liberals?"

"Your Majesty, I have followed your instructions to expel all the rioters who attempted to overthrow the Kingdom of Sardinia!" Ramamore, who had achieved his wish, suppressed the excitement and excitement in his heart and spoke in a calm tone.

Report on Victor Yin-Manuel II.

Victor Immanuel II frowned slightly, and then asked, "Did those people not behave excessively while being imprisoned?"

"No!" Ramamore replied to Victor Immanuel II.

"You did a great job!" Victor Immanuel II gave a simple encouragement, and then changed the subject and asked, "What is the current situation of the army?"

"The overall morale of the army is quite high!" Ramamore replied to Victor Immanuel II, and then added, "Especially when His Majesty uses thunderous means to deal with it.

After getting rid of those cancers that are trying to harm the parliament and the army!"

Victor Immanuel II frowned again. He felt that he had been a little too hasty in dealing with those liberals, so that the nobles under him seemed to be acting recklessly.

However, there was no time for Victor Immanuel II to regret it at all. He once again asked Lamarmore how sure he was of guarding Turin.

"Although I really want to hold Turin, Your Majesty, I have to tell you one thing, it will be difficult for us to hold it!" Lamarmore did not dare to hide anything about the upcoming war.

"Then what are we going to do?" Victor Immanuel II asked again.

"Your Majesty, my suggestion is to abandon Turin! Use all the troops to defend Chambery!" Ramamore emphasized to Victor Immanuel II again, "As long as we can hold out until the British and French

With the intervention of the two countries, we can usher in a counterattack! Our strength alone cannot protect the Kingdom of Sardinia from the Austrian Empire!"

"However, the French Ambassador does not seem to be willing to be an enemy of the Austrian Empire for our sake!" Victor Immanuel II replied to Ramamore with a wry smile, "He told me that the French Empire will be with us.

During the Austrian Empire, strict neutrality was maintained!

As for the Kingdom of Britain, they did promise that we would consider it!

However, by the time they think about it, the war may be over!"

After listening to Victor Immanuel II's speech, Ramamore was also stunned for a moment, and then comforted Victor Immanuel II, "Your Majesty, the attitude of the French Ambassador is not the same.

Represents the true attitude of the entire French Empire!

The only one who can represent the attitude of the French Empire is His Majesty the Emperor. The only plan now is to place all our hopes on Cavour!"

"You're right!" Victor Emmanuel II suddenly realized, "The French Ambassador cannot indeed represent the attitude of the French Empire. As long as Cavour can succeed in Paris, then we still have a chance!"

"Your Majesty, I think we should not only have a dialogue with Britain and France, but also with the Austrian Empire!" Lamarmore continued.

"Conduct dialogue with the Austrian Empire? Is the Austrian Empire still willing to talk to us now?" Victor Immanuel II frowned and asked.

"Your Majesty, we must give it a try!" Ramamore encouraged Victor Immanuel II, "If the Austrian Empire is willing to open a window of dialogue with us, there will be no harm to us whether it succeeds or not.


Ramamore's words made Victor Immanuel II enlightened.

For the current Kingdom of Sardinia, there is no harm in dialogue with the Austrian Empire.

If negotiated well, a war can be effectively avoided.

If the talks collapse, it can also delay the attack of the Kingdom of Sardinia, allowing the Kingdom of Sardinia to be fully prepared.

"You are right!" Victor Immanuel II's eyes lit up and he said to himself excitedly, "Talk! You can talk about anything! There is nothing that cannot be discussed!"

Ramamore smiled slightly and said nothing.

After a while, Ramamore suggested to Victor Immanuel II that the national army of the Kingdom of Sardinia should also be integrated into the regular army.

Once the war begins, the National Army and the regular army hope to join the fight.

Victor Immanuel II agreed with Ramamore's opinion, and then Ramamore left the Turin Palace.

Victor Immanuel II called the chief chamberlain again and ordered him to go to the Austrian embassy and call the Austrian ambassador over.

Half an hour later, the Austrian ambassador arrived at Victor Immanuel II's room.

Victor Immanuel II told the Austrian ambassador that the Kingdom of Sardinia had expelled liberals and nationalists and disbanded domestic extremist organizations, so that the Austrian Empire could stop its offensive.

The Austrian ambassador shook his head and told Victor Immanuel II that whether the Kingdom of Sardinia can truly disband the ultra-nationalist forces is not the decision of the Kingdom of Sardinia itself, but Austria.

The empire has the final say.

In other words, the Kingdom of Sardinia still needs to accept cooperation with the relevant departments of the Austrian Empire. Both parties will jointly conduct a second investigation and acceptance of whether there are still extremist forces in the Kingdom of Sardinia.

This chapter has been completed!
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